VVAM Newsletter 49 – 1993
Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ OOSTERBEEK, the Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr.E.E.Shaw, 298 Totnes Road, Paignton,Devon TQ4 7HD Tel.:0803 553616
Editor: Dr s.- R. P. G. A.Voskuil
Important renovation plans for the Museum.
During a press conference at Oosterbeek on February 1st,plans were revealed for a large renovation of the Airborne Museum. If-the Museum wants to go on keeping alive in an up-to-date way the events which took place in September 1944, these renovations are necessary. Moreover,the Museum should not only be absorbing to the older visitors,but also to the younger generation.
It is therefore necessary to improve the exposition rooms and the expositions themselves.
The plans include among other things:
1. The renewal of photo’s and texts.
2. The repainting of the walls on which material is exposed.
3. The installation of audio-visual apparatus for the showing of film- and video pictures.
4. The renewal of the lighting,in connection with the installation of audio-visual apparatus.
5. The addition of sound-effects to the four diorama’s,thereby improving considerably the impact of the diorama’s.Where possible,historic sound fragments will be used.
6. The building of a fifth diorama,showing the environs of the Old Church at Oosterbeek-Laag.
7. The building of a new exposition room underneath the verandah of Hartenstein House. This new room will, among other things.be used for temporary exhibitions.
8. The improvement of the lift for handicapped visitors.
This entire project,the cost of which will be about £ 130,000 .should be ready before September 1994,the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem.
Various ways have been proposed to obtain the necessary money.Members of the Society of Friends can also play an important part in this project.In the letter you will find with this Newsletter, you will find that the Society has “adopted” the building of the fifth diorama.lt also tells you how you can help with this proj ect.
Let us try together to make this “facelift” a success,thereby enabling the Museum to remain into the 21st century a witness of one of the important chapters in our history:the Battle of Arnhem.
13th Annual General Meeting.
You are invited to attend the 13th Annual General Meeting of the Society on SATURDAY,APRIL 3rd, 1993,in the Concerthall,Benedendorpsweg,at Oosterbeek (.opposite the Old Church). TIME: 14.00 hrs. Telephone: 085-332046.
The AGENDA is as follows:
1. Opening address by the chairman.
2. Reading of the minutes of the 12th AGM of March 21st,1992.
3. Annual Review 1992.
4. Financial Report 1992.
5. Report Auditing Committee.
6. Budget 1993.
7. Renovation Airborne Museum.
8. Election of Committee member.
9. Appointment of reserve member Auditing Committee.
10. Questions before closure of meeting.
11. Closure.
Ad pt.8: Mr.K.Fennema is due to retire from the Committee,but is eligible for re¬election. According to article 8 of the regulations,members can propose other candidates.Proposals should be sent in writing to the Secretary of the Society, ten days before the date of the meeting.They must be signed by at least ten members, and be accompanied by a written statement of the proposed candidates that they are willing to undertake the function.Proposed candidates must be of age and be members of the Society.
The financial papers are sent to you with this Newsletter.
The report of the Auditing Committee will be available for inspection by the members half an hour before the start of the meeting.
After the official part of the meeting,and after the tea-break,a film will be shownF “By Air to Battle,the Story of the Parachute Regiment”.The film lasts 30 minutes.
Note from Fred Shaw, U.K.Representative.
Dear Friends, I trust that you have all had a happy Christmas,and I wish you a happy,healthy New Year.
I have,to date,sent out 189 membership cards for 1993,and I thank you for all your generosity.The inclusion of postage stamps with your subscriptions has been a great help to me,and of course a financial help.
To those who have not yet subscribed,there is still time,and I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you again for you continued support.
New edition of booklet by Kate ter Horst.
This story was published in 1945 by Wolters of Groningen as a brochure called “A Regimental Aid Post” and was included in the collection of stories called “Not In Vain”.An English translation appeared in 1959,called “Cloud over Arnhem”. These books have been sold out for a long time now and have also disappeared from the second¬hand market.As there is still much interest in these booklets,both in Great-Britain and in Holland,the Society has decided,in consultation with the Ter Horst family to re-issue both an English and a Dutch edition.These new editons will also contain’ many hitherto unknown photographs .They will contain also an article by Mr J ter Horst and an extensive foreword by General Sir Frank King,who himself ended un in’Kate’s house as a wounded captain.

The Airborne Museum.housed in the former Hartenstein Hotel since 1978,will be undergoing important renovations in the near future.
Annual Review 1992, by J.M.de Langen.
The number of members of our Society went up from 1007 to 1014,in spite of the fact —that 15 members ended their membership,26 members had -to-be expelled -because-of- non¬payment of their subscription,and the loss of 8 members who died during the year. We remember those 8 members who died: Mrs.Kate ter Horst-Arriens ,and Messrs. H.Smeenk.D.Schippers,A.Bosman,H.C.Pons,D.Colls, R.Hamilton and G.Hill.
Four Newsletters were sent to our members,both in Dutch and in English.
The excursion on June 27th,1992,to hospitals,emergency hospitals and dressing stations at Arnhem,Oosterbeek.Wolfheze and Apeldoorn.was a great success and had to be repeated on October 3rd.
Mr.Maassen’s theme-lecture about the German use of French Renault tanks during the Battle of Arnhem was attended by about 175 persons.
The Health Insurance Company “Het Zilveren Kruis” again invited and assisted a number of handicapped veterans to attend the commemorations in September 1992.
The school-project remains a success.The working-papers have now been translated into English,so that British pupils can also take part in the project.A German text is now being prepared.
Members of the Committee were present at the opening of the exhibition about the medical care during the Battle of Arnhem,which was held in the Museum.They were also present at the presentation of the 75mm Pach Howitser and at the presentation of the
floodlight for the Airborne Museum
The tanks and guns around the Museum were again spruced up,thanks to the work of some of our members.
Messrs.J.Smits and R.Fennema again organized the tour of the battlefields for the British and Polish veterans.
Two joint meetings were held with the Trustees of the Museum,the committee of the society met once every month.
Souvenires and other articles were sold for the sum total of f 3.500,-. The Carnival society “De Dwarsliggers” donated a sum of money to be used for the purchase of souvenir Tea-spoons which will be given to the schoolchildren who yearly lay flowers on the graves in the Airborne Cemetery.
The Societv donated the following items to the Museum: a show-case, a figure representing a soldier of No.2 (Dutch) Troop of No.10 (Interallied)Commando and a uniform and equipment as used by the 21st Independent Parachute Company.
From the Editor
The editorial committee has been enlarged,to start with this Newsletter. Apart from
Messrs Voskuil and van Roekel.Mr.Geert Maassen has now also become a member. Mr Maassen is the archivist of Renkum Municipality.His telephone numbers are.085 348303 (office hours) and 085 337515 (evenings).
Information day about articles from the Second World War.
On Saturday,April 3rd,the Trustees of the Airborne Museum will organize a special day,called “UNKNOWN-KNOWN”. Many people still do possess documents and articles relating to the Second World War,the meaning and/or use of which is unknown to them. A team of experts will be in the Museum between 11.00 and 16.00 hrs,they will try to give information about these articles.They will not talk about their value,if any. The team will consist of the following persons:
– Mr.J.Zwaan,former archivist of the State Institute for War Documentation: for general documents,newspapers and photographs .
-Mr.A.Groeneweg,former director of the Arnhem public library:for books about the Battle of Arnhem and the Second World War.
-Mr. J. de Groot:for all sorts of pamphlets which were delivered by aeroplanes. -Mr. F.Smits,deputy curator of the Royal Netherlands Army and Weaponry Museum: for Dutch and general militairy articles and documents.
-Mr.W.Boersma , member of the Board of Trustees of the Airborne Museum:for civilian material about the 2nd World War and for military objects of British/American origin. -Mr.A.Beuker:for German military material,emblems and documents.
-Mr.J.P.Bodifee:for military radio’s and other communications material.
You might combine a visit to the Museum with attending the AGM in the afternoon!
Bookfair in the Airborne Museum.
A bookfair of second-hand books about the Second World War will be held again in the Airborne Museum on SATURDAY,MAY 1st. Last year’s bookfair was visited by 400 people and more than 2.000 books were on offer.
Special attention will be paid to books relating to the Battle of Arnhem.During the 48 years since the Battle,hundreds of books have appeared,but most of them have been sold out and are difficult to find.The Museum hopes to help those people who are still looking for some specific book.
Assistence will be given by,among others,the Society of Friends and the Group Documentation 1940-1945.
The fair is open to all visitors of the Museum.
Discovery of bodies of two British soldiers.
On Friday.January 22nd,members of a team of the Royal Netherlands Army have recovered the bodies of two British soldiers from a garden at Oosterbeek. Apart from the remains of the bodies, Lt.H.Jongen and his team have found rests of clothing,a beret emblem of The Border Regiment,a signet ring and two purses. They have also found two para helmets,munition for small arms and a British hand-grenade.
These objects did not contain enough information to enable a direct identification. People are now trying to find out more via medical dossiers in England and papers in the Airborne Museum.
“Seaborne Echelon”:attention,please!
The Ministory with this newsletter tells about the “Seaborne Echelon” of the 1st British Airborne Division during Operation Market Garden.The author of this Ministory, Mr.Bob Gerritsen.has been studying this subject for some years.He would like very much to come into contact with as many veterans as possible who belonged to this Echelon in September 1944. His address is:Kennedystraat 4a,6921 CW Duiven, Holland.
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