VVAM Newsletter 46 – 1992
Utrechtseweg 232, 6962 AZ OOSTERBEEK, The Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr. E.E.Shaw, 1.Willow Close.Stilton,Peterborough,Cambridgeshere. tel. 0773-245420.
In Memoriam Mrs.Kate ter Horst-Arriens.
On February 21st of this year, Mrs.Kate ter Horst sadly died because of a tragic accident. She was 85 years old.
Some days earlier,I had visited her and her husband in the old vicarage to talk about the plans for organizing an exhibition about the Airborne commemorations. Mr.and Mrs. ter Horst did both show much interest in this initiative,which was to be expected as both of them always felt intensely involved in everything concerning the yearly commemorations.
They always kept open house during the yearly Pilgrimage in September and more than once I have had the privilege to be present at a meeting between Mrs.ter Horst and veterans who had stayed in or near her house in September 1944.She was a warm-hearted and trustful woman and to’ see the way she welcomed old friends was a moving experience.
During the Battle of Arnhem,her house was turned into an emergency dressing station. After the war she wrote about her experiences in a story called A Regimental Aid – post ” which was included in a Dutch book of short stories,called Niet tevergeefs (Not in vain.)In 1959 het story was published in English under the title Cloud over Arnhem”. T1
She became best known,however,for her part in the film “Theirs is the glory ,in which she read from the Bible to the wounded men around her in her house. In 1977 her story was told again,this time in “A Bridge Too Far.”
To the British she became the symbol of the willingness to give help to the Polish and British troops by the Netherlands civilians during the Battle of Arnhem.
She was a modest woman and,in spite of all the publicity,she preferred to remain in the background.
Her sudden death has made a deep impression on many of us. Our thoughts of warmest sympathy go to Mr.Jan ter Horst,who himself was seriously hurt by the accident, and to the other members of her family. We hope that they may receive the strength to bear this great loss.
Robert Voskuil, editor.

After the funeral service,all flowers and wreaths were taken to the garden of Mrs.ter Horst’s home and placed around the statuette of the “Falling Pegasus”,which is mirrorred in the dark waters of the small pond.
The Society’s yearly excursion will take place on SATURDAY,JUNE 27th.This year the theme of the excursion will be the aspects of the medical aid during the Battle of Arnhem and after it. This excursion is therefore a continuation of Mr.van den Breemen’s lecture in November of last year and of this year’ sexhibition in the Airborne Museum in March/April.
The provisional programme is as follows:
09.30-10.00 hrs : arrival at the Museum, coffee.
10.00-12.00 hrs : excursion by coach to a number of (former) hospitals and dressing¬stations at Wolfheze.Oosterbeek and Arnhem :the Wolfheze psychiatric hospital.Schoonoord.Tafelberg,the Pietersberg,the old vicarage,St.Elisabeth’s hospital and the site near the bridge of the former Water-Board building.
12.00-12.30 hrs : to Apeldoorn via Deelen.Lunch at Motel-Restaurant “De Cantharel” at Ugchelen.
12.30-14.00 hrs : LUNCH
14.00-16.30 hrs : visit to a number of places at Apeldoorn where wounded soldiers were received and taken care of after the Battle: the site of the former St.Liduina hospital,the railway station (from where many wounded soldiers were sent to Germany),the St.Joseph hospi¬tal, the Royal Palace “Het Loo” and the site of the former Juliana hospital.
We will end our tour in the Koning Willem III barracks which was known as the “Airborne Military Hospital”. It was here that Doctor Warrack hid himself and from this place that he later managed to escape.
16.00-17.00 hrs : return to Oosterbeek. End of excursion.
The excursion is organized by Robert Voskuil from Oosterbeek and Ruud Kreling from Apeldoorn. ”
You can book for this excursion by paying f 37,50 per person by giro no. 4403641 or bank no. of the “Vereniging van Vrienden Airborne Museum” at Oos¬terbeek.State “Excursion.” The sum of f 37,30 includes the excursion,coffee lunch and the excursion-guide.The maximum number of participants is 50.Bookings will be handled in order of receipt of payment,and should reach the treasurer before June 7th.You will be informed by our treasurer,Mr.Fennema,whether you are included in the excursion,or not!
After the opening of the exposition “Wounded soldiers,civilians and occupiers”, Dr.Jan Terlouw talks to the British doctors Derrick Randall and David Wright. (Photo:B.de Reus)
The exposition ” Wounded liberators,civilians and occupiers” in the Museum,was opened on March 4th,1992,by the Queen’s Commissioner for Guelderland,Dr.Jan Terlouw. The opening was also attended by two medical doctors who took part in the Battle of Arnhem and belonged tot the Royal Army Medical Corps.Dr.Derrick Randall took care of the wounded in the cellars of the Hartenstein Hotel and Dr.David Wright had a dressing-station in the cellars of the former Water-Board building near the bridge at Arnhem.
Another visitor during the opening was the glider—pilot who had flown Dr.Randall to Arnhem:- John McGeogh.
The British guests were very impressed by the wealth of material shown at the exhibition.The exhibition drew a very large number of visitors and was closed on April 12th.
75mm Pack Howitzer for the Airborne Museum.
The Museum*s latest acquisition is a 75mm Pack Howitzer of the type which was used in September 1944 by the 1st Airlanding Light Regiment,Royal Artillery.
The gun was donated by the United States Navy.Our next Newsletter will give the full story about the presentation of this gun.
The last sentence of the article in our last Newsletter about Major Digby Tatham Warters book “Dutch Courage and Pegasus” contains a mistake.Orders from outside Holland should contain a Eurocheque with the amount stated in DFL:DFL 20,- and not the amount of £ 4.50.
“Who was Who”, a handy reference book.
Friday,March 20th,saw the presentation of the book “Who was Who during the Battle of Arnhem”. As the sub-title :”The Order of Battle of Airborne officers who fought at Arnhem in 1944″ suggests,the book gives a survey of all British and Polish units which landed at Arnhem,with their officers. It also mentioned the functions of the officers within their units.
The book also contains a register of names,a very handy help to locate a specific person speedily. It contains many photographs.wellknown and less wellknown.of both groups of soldiers and of single persons.
It was compiled by our member Mr.Chris van Roekel,who received much help from many sides.
The first copy of the book,which has been published by our Society,was presentented to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Airborne Museum, Drs.J.W.Verlinden, during an informal meeting at the Museum.
The book contains about 90 pages and costs f 20,-.If you want a copy sent to you by post,please pay f 23,- by giro to the treasurer of the Society,stating “Order of Battle.”
Reminder to”Friends of the Society in Great Britain”.
A kindly reminder that subscriptions for 1992 were due in January,but it is not too late for those who have forgotten.
Thanks. Ted. U.K.Rep.
Our Chairman,Mr.Smits,presents the first CODV of “Who was Who” the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the’Airborne Museum Drs J W Verlinden,who is also Burgomaster of the Renkum Municipality’To the left of Mr.Smits is Mr.C.van Roekel.the author o? ^’book To the far left is Mr.Siegers of the publishing firm Meiier & Siegers at Oosterbeek.
(Photo:B.de Reus)
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