VVAM Newsletter 44 – 1991

Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ Oosterbeek, the Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain : Mr.E.E.Shaw,1 Willow Close,Stilton, Peterborough,Cams. PE7 3RZ England. Tel.0733-245420

Special Subject Afternoon on Saturday.November 23rd.
A special subject afternoon will again be held for our members on Saturday,November 23rd. We will meet for the seventh time at the ELEKTRUM near Arnhem.
The programme is as follows:
13.30-14.00 hrs: arrival of members.
14.00-14.15 hrs: short introduction by our chairman,Mr.J.Smits,about the medical aspects of the Battle of Arnhem.
14.15-15.15 hrs: talk by Mr.H.van Breemen about the work of the medical units of the First British Airborne Division during the Battle of Arnhem,especially about the activities of the Field Ambulances and the sections of the Royal Army Medical Corps.He will compare the original planning with the way the work had eventually to be done.
Mr.van Breemen has been studying this subject for many years. He is also the author of the mini-story you will find with this Newsletter.

Some of the historic military vehicles which were used during our excursion in August. (Photo:C.van Roekel.)

hrs: tea-break
hrs* continuation of talk by Mr.van Breemen.
hrs’: showing of the film “Arnhem”. This film about the ruined town of Arnhem was made in 1945 by Paul Schuitema and Herman van der Horst. Its aim was to show the Netherlands population how the town and its inhabitants had suffered from the war.
The ELEKTRUM is situated at the Klingelbeekseweg near Arnhem,a small distance West of the road-junction Onderlangs/Bovenover. Tel. 085-568020.


Champagne from Luuk Buist for Jan van Os and Brigadier Mike Dauncy after a successful glider landing. (Photo:B.de Reus)

Successful second glider landing near Wolfheze.
On Friday,September 20th,another glider landing took place in the afternoon,West of Wolfheze.Fortunately,the weather was excellent.Each cockpit was manned by one Dutch pilot and one (former) British glider pilot.The British pilots were:M.Dauncy,J.Edwards and J Bonome.who all took part as glider pilots in the Battle of Arnhem in 1944,when they landed their heavy HORSA and HAMILCAR gliders at the same spot,which was then indicated as Zone LZ Z .
A small working-group,led by Luuk Buist from Oosterbeek,had again organized this event By doing so they hope to give extra emphasis to the role played by the Glider Pilot Regiment. The landings were watched by a group of ex-glider pilots and a number of other guests.

Rules for the use of the archive and library of the Airborne Museum.
Till now not enough staff and time were available to pay proper attention to those visitors wanting to make use of the archive and library of the Airborne Museum. Partly as a result of this,it now appears that books and papers have been lent to people who did not return them.At this moment the library is being added to where possible and the archive is being enlarged with many articles from various sources. One of the Museum’s aims is to be an information centre for serious researchers.In order to keep the collection complete,the following conditions have now been drawn up for people making use of the archive and the library:
1. Access to the library and the archive can only be allowed after making an appoint¬ment with Messrs.Boersma,Groeneweg or De Reus.
2. Papers and books can be studied in the presence of one of the gentlemen mentioned above.Material will not be lent out. Copies cannot be made from papers to which the copyright act applies.This also applies to photographs.
Notes can be made of papers and/or names of holders of copyrights,so that papers can be requested and consent asked for the making of copies.
Copies of papers to which,in the opinion of the gentlemen mentioned above,copyright does not apply,can be provided by the Museum at a reasonable price.
3. Authors of books or articles who use material belonging to the Museum,will donate a copy of their work to the Museum after publication.They will also mention their source.
4. Visitors of the library and the archive will fill in and sign a form,by doing so
they will agree with the conditions mentioned above. (A.Groeneweg)

Illumination of the Airborne Monument at Oosterbeek.
The Airborne Monument has now been provided with permanent illumination.lt was the Lions Club Ostrabeke which took the initiative for this project,and thanks to the gratuitous contribution of the firm of Mr.Tesink,electricians, and the financial help of a large number of catering establishments,the project could be realised.
The illumination was officially put into use on the night of Friday,September 20th at 20.00 hrs. This was done by the burgomaster of Renkum Municipality,Drs.J.W.A.M. Verlinden,together with the leader of the Pilgrimage,General Sir Frank King GCB.MBE, and the Polish representative,Captain Z.R.Gasowski.

Donation of emblems.
The Museum has received a number of emblems which were worn on his uniform by Major Robert Cain,2nd Battalion The South Staffordshire Regiment,during the Battle of Arnhem.Major Cain was awarded the Victoria Cross for his courage and bravery during the Battle.He was the only soldier who did not receive the V.C.posthumously.Major Cain died on May 2nd,1974.
The Museum received the emblems,together with Major Cain’s whistle and pistol holster,from Mr.and Mrs.Orrell from England.

“Lonsdale pew” for the Old Church at Oosterbeek.
A memorial pew was unveiled in the Old Church at Oosterbeek on Friday,September 20th. It has been dedicated to the memory of the members of the “Lonsdale Force” who fought and held out near the church in 1944. Representatives were present of each of the units which made up the “Lonsdale Force” :the Glider Pilot Regiment,the Parachute Regiment, 7 KOSB 2nd South Staffords,Royal Artillery and the Reconaissance Squadron. Together they unveiled the pew by removing a large British flag.
This beautiful teak pew carries the inscription “In Memory of the Lonsdale Force and the emblems of the units mentioned above. . .
Part of the funds which were originally designated for a memorial Lonsdale window in the church,has now been used for this pew.

To all U.K,Friends of the Airborne Museum.(F.O.A.M.)
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued generosity and to remind you that subscriptions will be due from January 1st,1992.
It has been a privilege and pleasure to be the representative in the U.K.,following on from my good friend Frank Young,who for the past five years did Stirling work for the cause.
May I also take the opportunity to wish you and your families a very happy Christmas and New Year. God bless you all.
Kind regards, Ted Shaw. U.K.Rep.
Airborne Memorial Bench for Wolfheze.
We told you before that there were plans to erect an Airborne memorial at Wolfheze. We are pleased that we can now report that a very stylish stone memorial bench has been placed in the centre of the village.lt was unveiled in the presence of a number of veterans and other guests on Saturday.September 21st.
The committee which took the initiative to the building of the seat,consisted of Ulbe Anema.Hans van Dugteren,Paul Hendriks and the designer.constructural engineer Dick van Stuijvenberg.

Our Secretary,Mieke de Langen,selling articles for the Society during the Airborne one day walking-tour. (Photo:C.van Roekel)

Commemorative envelope.
The 14th commemorative envelope,issued by the Airborne Museum,pays attention to the war correspondents who accompanied the troops during the Battle of Arnhem.lt shows a picture of the BBC correspondent Stanley Maxted.
The envelopes are numbered and provided with a special postmark,dated September 17th 1991. Price:f 5,- . ’

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