VVAM Newsletter 37 – 1990

Utrechtseweg 232,6862 AZ OOSTERBEEK, The Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain:Mr.F.M.Young, 6,Kildown Gardens,Cliftonville, Kent CT 9 3EG
Editor:Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil Translation:Mrs.A.Meeuwsen

Excursion in June will include boat-trip.
This year’s excursion will take place on Sunday.June IQth and preparations have been under way since October of last year.
As there are many members who can not take part in an excursion on Saturday, because of work or otherwise,we have had many requests to organize an excursion on a Sunday.
Our lOth anniversary in 1990 justifies an extra special kind of excursion.
In the morning there will be a walk around the Northern ascent of the John Frost bridge at Arnhem,with detailed explanations about the actions that took place in that region between September 17th and 21st,1944.
After this walk lunch will follow on an excursion boat which will be moored near the bridge.
At two o’clock the boat will leave in the direction of Wageningen.During the boat-trip you will be able to observe a large number of points along the river which have played an important part during the Battle of Arnhem and shortly afterwards.You will receive an extensive excursion guide,illustrated with many maps and photographs.Some of the most important parts to observe are:Onderlangs near Arnhem,the railway bridge near Oosterbeek,the crossingpoints of the Poles and the Dorsets,the place where the survivors of the Ist Airborne Division crossed the river and the Crossing point of “Operation Pegasus I”.
The boat will be back at Arnhem at five o’clock.
The organization is in the hands of Mr.C.van Roekel, more details will follow in the next Newsletter.
Although the excursion will not take place till June,it is already possible to book for it now.The costs per person will be ƒ 37,50, these include the excursion,the lunch and the excursion guide.
With regard to the special character of this day,it has been decided to allow members to invite a (limited) number of guests.These guests will pay ƒ 42,50. However, members will take priority if the number of participants will become too large.
Payments can be made by giro;no. 4403641 of the Vereniging Vrienden van het Airborne Museum,mention “Rijnexcursie”.The bank number is 53 66 21 128.
The closing date for booking is May 20th.

10th General Annual Meeting.
You are invited to attend the lOth General Annual Meeting of the Society on SATURDAY,MARCH 24th,199O, in the Concerthall,Benedendorpsweg at Oosterbeek (opposite the Old Church),telephone 085-332046). TIME: 14.00 hrs.
The AGENDA of the meeting is as follows:
1. Opening address by the chairman.
2. Reading of the minutes of the 9th General Annual Meeting of March llth,1989.
3. Annual Review 1989.
4. Financial Report 1989 and budget 1990.
5. Report Auditing Committee.
6. Election of Committee members
7. Appointment of reserve member auditing committee.
8. Questions before closure of meeting.
9. Closure.

Ad pt.6 : Mrs.J.M.de Langen and Mr. W.T.de Ruyter are due to retire from the committee, both are eligible for re-election. According to article 8 of the regulations,members can propose other candidates. Proposals should be sent in writing to the Secretary of the Society,ten days before the day of the meeting. They must be signed by at least ten members and be accompanied by a written agreement of the proposed members,who must be of age and members of the Society. Thirty minutes before the start of the meeting,the financial papers and the report of the Auditing Committee will be available for inspection by the members. The financial report 1989 and the budget 1990 will be sent to our members with the next Newsletter.
Presentation of the book about the Polish Brigade.
After the official part of the lOth Annual Meeting,the presentation will take place of the book “De Polen van Driel” (The Poles of Driel),written by the American author George Cholwczynsky.Members who want to buy this book after the presentation will be able to obtain a copy which has been provided with a signed and numbered book-plate.
The next Newsletter will give a review of this book.
In connection with this presentation,Mr,G.H.Maassen will round off his talk about the Polish Para Brigade,which he presented during the Special Subject Afternoon of November 25th,1989.
Special meeting for “specialists”.
Some years ago a special meeting was organized for members who want to talk”shop” about their specific interests with like-minded fellow members.
Following several requests to repeat this event.it has been decided to organize a second meeting on Saturday morning,March 24th,preceding the General Annual Meeting in the afternoon.
The meeting will be held in the Airborne Museum,which will open at 10 o’clock. Members will be invited to have a look “behind the scenes” of the Museum and to visit.for instance, the library.
Members are encouraged to bring material relating to their special subjects. The book-service will also be present with an extensive collection.
Coffee will be ready and waiting for you!
Special-subject afternoon very well attended!
More than 200 members of our Society attended the special-subject afternoon on Saturday,November 25th,1989,in the ELEKTRUM at Arnhem
Mr. G.H.Maassen from Oosterbeek talked about the First Polish Independent Para Brigade and the role it played during the Battle of Arnhem.
After the interval members watched the video-film “Forever in our Memory”

The Polish Para Brigade also.made use of the type of small handcart which was bought and donated to the Airborne Museum.
(Photo: Collection Airborne Museum)

Acquisition of British handcart.
Some time ago, a small British handcart was dug up in a wood near Oosterbeek. During the Battle of Arnhem,these handcarts were used to transport equipment and ammunition.The cart could either be drawn by hand or coupled to a jeep. The finders restored it as far as possible to its original state and afterwards offered it for sale. This rare cart was then bought by the Society and given to the Museum.
Part of the money which was donated by the 7th Battalion,the King’s Own Scottish Borderers (see newsletter no.36),was used to buy the handcart.This fact will be stated on a small plate attached to the cart.
The handcart has been given a place in the large diorama in the basement of the Museum.
The Polish Para Brigade : Exposition.
On the occasion of the appearance of the book “The Poles of Driel”,the Airborne Museum will organize an exposition about the Polish Para Brigade. A large part of the original photographs which appear in the book will also be exhibited. The exposition will last from 24ch of March until the end of April.
Special gift.
The other day.the Airborne Museum received a very special little girl’s dress, made of white’parachute silk: it is a First Communion dress and was donated by Mrs.Sophie Davies Coolegem from Eindhoven.

Annual Report 1989.
In spite of the fact that 30 members had to be expelled from the Society because of non-payment of their subscription,the number of members of the Society did increase to 967,compared to 937 in 1988.
Sadly.eight members died in 1989: Messrs. J.H.T.Kilian,Jhr.W.L.A.van Panhuys, H.Tolman,H.van Medenbach de Rooy,S.D.Schager,A.J.Hollingdale,A.Turner and N.F.Dellar.
Four Newsletters were published in 1989,the last Newsletter contained a photo- coverage in colour of the 45th Commemorations in September 1989.
The sale of articles and souvenirs went very well.thanks also to the five new articles which arrived in time to be sold in September.
Also in September,the Society received considerable gifts of money from the 7th Battalion,the King’s Own Scottish Borderers,from the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME),and from the Thanet Branch.
The Society also offered assistance regarding the visit on ten handicapped veterans,by courtesy of the “Zilveren Kruis” Health Insurance Company.
The special-subject days and the excursions were very well attended.So many people wanted to join the excursion in May that it had to be repeated in September. The schools-project was also very succesful in 1989.
Gifts to the Museum included a British flame-thrower,a window dummy playing the part of a handler of the flame-thrower, and a new show-case. (M.de Langen)
The schools-project.
In the past,visits from schools mostly happened in the quiet period: winter and early spring.In the past year,however,there were many visits all through the year.even during the busy September days. Thus it happened that there were meetings between the schoolchildren and visiting veterans: both parties enjoyed the lively exchanges of thoughts and ideas.
About 1800 pupils from primary and secondary schools took part in the project and it is remarkable that a large number of schools are situated outside the region.
“The Devil’s Birthday” translated into Dutch.
Six years after Geoffry Powell’s book “The Devil’s Birthday” was published, a Dutch translation has appeared, called “De verloren Slag”.
It is the first book by a British author to give a complete story of the entire operation. The author,who is an Arnhem veteran,emphasizes the role played by the American 82nd and lOlst Airborne Divisions.XXX Corps,the Dutch, the German defenders.the British Ist Airborne Division and the Polish Para Brigade.
His book had been based on a thorough study of military and political archives, on his own experiences,on eye witness accounts and on correspondence with many survivors.
The book has been translated by Drs.A.Groeneweg and contains many photographs and maps.The publisher is Gysbers & van Loon at Arnhem,the price is ƒ 58 .
Reprint of the book “De zwarte herfst” (“The Black Autumn”.)
This book.written by C.A.Dekkers and L.P.J.Vroemen.was first published in 1984 The reprint contains a supplement and is published by Gysbers & van Loon at Arnhem. Price:ƒ 44,75.
Request from the treasurer:Members who have not yet paid their for their subscription for 1990 ,are kindly requested to do so as soon as possible!

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