VVAM Newsletter 14 – 1984

Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A. Voskuil

“Special Subject”-day, Saturday,July 7th.
On Saturday July 7th a “special Subject”-day will be organised for our members. During this day special attention will be given to the actions which took place in the South- West sector of the Perimeter, in September 1944. The programme is as follows:
09-30 hrs: We meet at the “Westerbouwing” restaurant at the Oude Oosterbeekseweg in Oosterbeek.(From Arnhem station the restaurant can be reached by a Nr.6 bus)
09.50 hrs: Preliminary talk about the morning-excursion.
10.30 hrs: Walk along the former German and British positions in the area West and North
of the “Westerbouwing”.
12.30 hrs: Lunch at the “Westerbouwing” restaurant.
13-30 hrs: Preliminary talk about the afternoon-excursion.
14.00 hrs: Walk through the area between the “Westerbouwing” and the Old Church in Oosterbeek. We will visit the Driel Ferry, the place of the crossing of the Dorsets and the Poles, the retreat-route of September 25th, 26th,1944, positions of the guns of the Royal Artillery Light Regiment, Old Church. The Old Church will be open this afternoon especially for participants of the walk.
16.30 hrs: Return at the “Westerbouwing” restaurant.
The cost for this day will be f 17,50 per person and will include: coffee, lunch and the excursion-guide. Closing-date: June 22nd.
The two walks of this day will together have a length of about 6 kilometres. Stout walking¬shoes are advised as the walks will cover a considerable woodland area. In case of rain the walks will still take place! Mr. van Roekel and Mr. Voskuil will organise this day.

Host-families wanted for British and Polish pilgrims during the September commemoration.
If you are willing to act as hosts for veterans and/or their families, will you please contact Mrs. A.W. Winkler-Koert, van Borsselenweg 13, 6862 BG, at Oosterbeek?

Blue Delft ware commemorative plate.
On the envelope in wich you receive this Newsletter, you will notice a small picture of a blue Delft ware plate that has been designed to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem. This plate has a diameter of about 25 cm. It can be bought at the Airborne Museum, it costs f 69, —.

Signpost at the Airborne Cemetery.
A signpost has been placed near the Airborne Cemetery at Oosterbeek which gives a schematic indication how to reach the Airborne Museum.

The new book about the war years in the municipality of Renkum. . ,  , and. civilians before ,
Preparations for the new book about the lives of resistance-fighters during and after the Battle of Arnhem, are making a steady progress, n orm have been gathered by Mr.G.A. Versteegh. Mr. H. Erkens, a former journals , See the diaries, reports and other information into a book which hopefully wi ^pea tember and will be published by the publishing firm of LINDERS-ADREMO at os overwhelming amount of information has already been received and will be type y
Truus Oosterhaar.

“Facets of the Battle of Arnhem”
On April 25th, at Schaarsbergen near Arnhem, a new book was presented: Facets of the Battle of Arnhem” by W.H. Tiemens.
After a short intoduction about “Operation Market Garden”, the author gives a survey of the air defence organisation built by the Germans during the occupation of the Netherlands. In this organisation a central role was played by the radio- and navigation stations “Teerose” I and II near Terlet and the Rozendaalse veld, and by the underground command bunker “Diogenes” at Schaarsbergen. An important source for this part of the book is the diary of a German NCO who worked with this organisation.
The chapter about the “mysterious B-17” tells about the flight of a B-17 bomber and the connecting large fighter-activity on September 16th, 1944. According to the author this flight can have been an indication to the Germans of some special Allied activity that was shortly to happen.
Other chapters deal with the role of the German fighters of the Third Fighter-Division during the Battle of Arnhem and the escape of Brigadier-General Gerald Lathbury and Private John Hogg after the actions at Arnhem.
The most remarkable part of the book deals with the traitor Lindemans (“KING-KONG”) and with the mysterious disappearance of this notorious character.
The book is illustrated with pictures and maps and published by the Gooise Uitgeverij . It costs f 24,90.

“Operation Market-Garden” in photo’s.
In June a book will be published called “SEPTEMBER 191*4”. By means of a large number of photo’s one gets an impression about the landings and actions in the Eindhoven, Nijmegen and Arnhem area’s, about the activities of the Second Army, the air activities during the actions and of the fate of the civilian population. The texts will be bilingual: English and Dutch. The book will be compiled by: A. Korthals Aites, G.J.C.D. Thuring, K.G.J. Margry and R.P.G.A. Voskuil. It will be published by UNIEBOOK at Weesp.

Reprint of “The liberation of Eindhoven”.
This book, written by our member Mr. Karel Margry, has now reached its 5th edition.
Mr. Margry, who studied history at Utrecht University, in this book deals with the landings of the 101st American Airborne Division North of Eindhoven, the actions of the advancing British Second Army and the efforts of the Germans to cut off the “corridor”. He also gives an extensive description of the role of the resistance movement and of the fate of the Brabant civilian population during the dramatic weeks of September 1944. The book contains more than 180 photo’s and a number of excellent maps. It is published by Drukkerii Uitgeversbedrijf LECTURIS BV at Eindhoven and it costs f 19,50. d

Summons by Dr. Melsom of Ede.
In September 1944, many people were involved in the treatment and care, under verv aifW i + circumstances, of the many wounded. Plans are now being made to hold a meoti ■ medical aspects of the Battle of Arnhem will play a central role. If von ln? ln w^lc^ please contact Dr. M.A. Melsom (ex R.A.M.C.), or Dr. H.H.J. Wegdam eithJ^ 1“’t®fested> telephone. The address: c/o Juliana Ziekenhuis, 6711 PV Ede Telenhono. letter or by
The meeting will take place round September 1984. ‘ 380-19107,ext.119

The exhibition “The Battle of Arnhem in paintings and drawings” was opened officially by Mr. Charles L.J.F. Douw van der Krap. (photo de Reus)

Exhibition of paintings and drawings: very successful.
On Friday, March 23rd, the exhibition “The Battle of Arnhem in paintings and drawings” was officially opened by Mr. Charles L.J.F. Douw van der Krap. During the Battle of Arnhem Mr. Douw van der Krap commanded the so-called Orange Battalion which consisted of Dutch resistance fighters. The most important paintings at the exhibition were: “Arnhem Bridge, 5 pm, the Second Day” and “Oosterbeek Crossroads” by David Sheppard, and “Baskeyfield’s VC” by Terence Cuneo. These three pictures were flown from England especial¬ly for this exhibition.
Furthermore there were paintings and drawings by the ex-glider pilot Alan Richards, by Bryan de Grineau, Elisabeth Roest van Limburg en Mr. G.E.M. Smulders, one of our members. There was also a number of photo’s showing the places depicted by the paintings as they were before, during and after the Battle.
The exhibition has drawn very many visitors.

“Arnhem Evacuation. September 22nd, 1944
On September 22nd, 1984, it will be 40 years ago that the Arnhem population was ordered by the German commander to leave, the town within three days. Thus began a dismal, massive, exodus of beggarly people who had to walk all the way to Apeldoorn, as there was no trans¬port apart from some bicycles, push-carts and ancient flat waggons.
It is remarkable that relatively little has been written about this evacuation. This is a notable gap in the histeriography of the occupation of the Netherlands. However, there are now plans to try and publish a book about these events next year. Everybody who can tell a story or who still possesses material about this exodus is asked to contact Mr. W.P.J. Looijs, Warmelolaan 29, 6825 BN Arnhem.
Furthermore, there are also plans to organise an “evacuation walk” from Arnhem to Apeldoorn. It is hoped that many young people will also take part. Older people who will not be able to walk the distance, can obtain a seat on the well-remembered flat waggons. This evacua¬tion walk may also appeal to the many other Dutch people who were evacuated during the war: thev are all very welcome. The only definite information about this walk we have at this moment is the dX: Saturday September 22nd, 1984. Local newspapers will give more details in the months to come. Information can also be obtained from Mr. Looijs, at the address mentioned above. The costs will be f 3,— and can be sent to Mr. Looijs, giro nr 52661+31. Please state “Wandeltocht Arnhem-Apeldoorn”.

Introduction to MINI-story V.
Every time we publish a mini-story, we are bombarded with questions! One of the most frequent questions is: “What is the origin of such a story? Are they really true stories?
Yes, dear readers, these are true stories. Some facts may become accentuated in a different way, as everybody puts a different interpretation on the things they experience, but the compilers are honest enough to admit this.
“Mini-story — Maxi Truth!” That is the device of the compilers.
Why this intoduction? Because of the fact that this mini-story, apart from being a good story, also gives a very good idea of the method we use to put them together.

Map of the Benedendorp at Oosterbeek. The shaded parts are buildings which were destroyed or heavely damaged during or after the Battle.
1. The German tank “Konigstiger” in the Beneden Weverstraat. 2. The Old School.
3. Van Hofwegen Laundry. l(. Battery of 75mm howitzers. 5. Van Dolderen Laundry.

The next newsletter will appear in July.

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