Online Battlefield Tour / Joel Stoppels en Arno Baltussen: The Poles of Driel – Operation Market Garden

On September 21, 1944, the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade landed during operation Market Garden near the village of Driel. The consequences were great, both for the civilian population of Driel and for the Polish paratroopers. The Poles were wrongly blamed for the failure of the battle . For the inhabitants of Driel, however, the Poles are their liberators who have been honored and commemorated with great affection since 1946. Under the inspiring leadership of Cora Baltussen and with the help of Prince Bernhard, the Poles were rehabilitated in 2006 and received the Military Order of William, while Major Sosabowski, who has since passed away, was posthumously awarded the bronze lion. During this guided tour with Arno Baltussen from the foundation Driel-Poland, we follow the footsteps of the Polish paratroopers during operation Market Garden.

4 antwoorden
  1. Rob Meeuwisz
    Rob Meeuwisz zegt:

    Goed gedaan ondanks het steenkolen engels van Joey.
    Hij geeft op het eind aan dat hij de website van Driel vermeld in de aftiteling ,helaas staat daar alleen een vemelding van zijn website??
    Kunt u mij de link doorgeven svp.


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