Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ OOSTERBEEK, the Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr.E.E.Shaw, 298 Totnes Road, Paignton,Devon TQ4 7HD Tel.:0803 553616
Editor: Dr s.- R. P. G. A.Voskuil

Important renovation plans for the Museum.
During a press conference at Oosterbeek on February 1st,plans were revealed for a large renovation of the Airborne Museum. If-the Museum wants to go on keeping alive in an up-to-date way the events which took place in September 1944, these renovations are necessary. Moreover,the Museum should not only be absorbing to the older visitors,but also to the younger generation.
It is therefore necessary to improve the exposition rooms and the expositions themselves.

The plans include among other things:
1. The renewal of photo’s and texts.
2. The repainting of the walls on which material is exposed.
3. The installation of audio-visual apparatus for the showing of film- and video pictures.
4. The renewal of the lighting,in connection with the installation of audio-visual apparatus.
5. The addition of sound-effects to the four diorama’s,thereby improving considerably the impact of the diorama’s.Where possible,historic sound fragments will be used.
6. The building of a fifth diorama,showing the environs of the Old Church at Oosterbeek-Laag.
7. The building of a new exposition room underneath the verandah of Hartenstein House. This new room will, among other used for temporary exhibitions.
8. The improvement of the lift for handicapped visitors.
This entire project,the cost of which will be about £ 130,000 .should be ready before September 1994,the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem.
Various ways have been proposed to obtain the necessary money.Members of the Society of Friends can also play an important part in this project.In the letter you will find with this Newsletter, you will find that the Society has “adopted” the building of the fifth also tells you how you can help with this proj ect.
Let us try together to make this “facelift” a success,thereby enabling the Museum to remain into the 21st century a witness of one of the important chapters in our history:the Battle of Arnhem.

13th Annual General Meeting.
You are invited to attend the 13th Annual General Meeting of the Society on SATURDAY,APRIL 3rd, 1993,in the Concerthall,Benedendorpsweg,at Oosterbeek (.opposite the Old Church). TIME: 14.00 hrs. Telephone: 085-332046.
The AGENDA is as follows:
1. Opening address by the chairman.
2. Reading of the minutes of the 12th AGM of March 21st,1992.
3. Annual Review 1992.
4. Financial Report 1992.
5. Report Auditing Committee.
6. Budget 1993.
7. Renovation Airborne Museum.
8. Election of Committee member.
9. Appointment of reserve member Auditing Committee.
10. Questions before closure of meeting.
11. Closure.
Ad pt.8: Mr.K.Fennema is due to retire from the Committee,but is eligible for re¬election. According to article 8 of the regulations,members can propose other candidates.Proposals should be sent in writing to the Secretary of the Society, ten days before the date of the meeting.They must be signed by at least ten members, and be accompanied by a written statement of the proposed candidates that they are willing to undertake the function.Proposed candidates must be of age and be members of the Society.
The financial papers are sent to you with this Newsletter.
The report of the Auditing Committee will be available for inspection by the members half an hour before the start of the meeting.
After the official part of the meeting,and after the tea-break,a film will be shownF “By Air to Battle,the Story of the Parachute Regiment”.The film lasts 30 minutes.

Note from Fred Shaw, U.K.Representative.
Dear Friends, I trust that you have all had a happy Christmas,and I wish you a happy,healthy New Year.
I have,to date,sent out 189 membership cards for 1993,and I thank you for all your generosity.The inclusion of postage stamps with your subscriptions has been a great help to me,and of course a financial help.
To those who have not yet subscribed,there is still time,and I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you again for you continued support.

New edition of booklet by Kate ter Horst.
This story was published in 1945 by Wolters of Groningen as a brochure called “A Regimental Aid Post” and was included in the collection of stories called “Not In Vain”.An English translation appeared in 1959,called “Cloud over Arnhem”. These books have been sold out for a long time now and have also disappeared from the second¬hand market.As there is still much interest in these booklets,both in Great-Britain and in Holland,the Society has decided,in consultation with the Ter Horst family to re-issue both an English and a Dutch edition.These new editons will also contain’ many hitherto unknown photographs .They will contain also an article by Mr J ter Horst and an extensive foreword by General Sir Frank King,who himself ended un in’Kate’s house as a wounded captain.

The Airborne Museum.housed in the former Hartenstein Hotel since 1978,will be undergoing important renovations in the near future.

Annual Review 1992, by Langen.
The number of members of our Society went up from 1007 to 1014,in spite of the fact —that 15 members ended their membership,26 members had -to-be expelled -because-of- non¬payment of their subscription,and the loss of 8 members who died during the year. We remember those 8 members who died: Mrs.Kate ter Horst-Arriens ,and Messrs. H.Smeenk.D.Schippers,A.Bosman,H.C.Pons,D.Colls, R.Hamilton and G.Hill.
Four Newsletters were sent to our members,both in Dutch and in English.
The excursion on June 27th,1992,to hospitals,emergency hospitals and dressing stations at Arnhem,Oosterbeek.Wolfheze and Apeldoorn.was a great success and had to be repeated on October 3rd.
Mr.Maassen’s theme-lecture about the German use of French Renault tanks during the Battle of Arnhem was attended by about 175 persons.
The Health Insurance Company “Het Zilveren Kruis” again invited and assisted a number of handicapped veterans to attend the commemorations in September 1992.
The school-project remains a success.The working-papers have now been translated into English,so that British pupils can also take part in the project.A German text is now being prepared.
Members of the Committee were present at the opening of the exhibition about the medical care during the Battle of Arnhem,which was held in the Museum.They were also present at the presentation of the 75mm Pach Howitser and at the presentation of the

floodlight for the Airborne Museum
The tanks and guns around the Museum were again spruced up,thanks to the work of some of our members.
Messrs.J.Smits and R.Fennema again organized the tour of the battlefields for the British and Polish veterans.
Two joint meetings were held with the Trustees of the Museum,the committee of the society met once every month.
Souvenires and other articles were sold for the sum total of f 3.500,-. The Carnival society “De Dwarsliggers” donated a sum of money to be used for the purchase of souvenir Tea-spoons which will be given to the schoolchildren who yearly lay flowers on the graves in the Airborne Cemetery.
The Societv donated the following items to the Museum: a show-case, a figure representing a soldier of No.2 (Dutch) Troop of No.10 (Interallied)Commando and a uniform and equipment as used by the 21st Independent Parachute Company.
From the Editor
The editorial committee has been enlarged,to start with this Newsletter. Apart from
Messrs Voskuil and van Roekel.Mr.Geert Maassen has now also become a member. Mr Maassen is the archivist of Renkum Municipality.His telephone numbers are.085 348303 (office hours) and 085 337515 (evenings).

Information day about articles from the Second World War.

On Saturday,April 3rd,the Trustees of the Airborne Museum will organize a special day,called “UNKNOWN-KNOWN”. Many people still do possess documents and articles relating to the Second World War,the meaning and/or use of which is unknown to them. A team of experts will be in the Museum between 11.00 and 16.00 hrs,they will try to give information about these articles.They will not talk about their value,if any. The team will consist of the following persons:
– Mr.J.Zwaan,former archivist of the State Institute for War Documentation: for general documents,newspapers and photographs .
-Mr.A.Groeneweg,former director of the Arnhem public library:for books about the Battle of Arnhem and the Second World War.
-Mr. J. de Groot:for all sorts of pamphlets which were delivered by aeroplanes. -Mr. F.Smits,deputy curator of the Royal Netherlands Army and Weaponry Museum: for Dutch and general militairy articles and documents.
-Mr.W.Boersma , member of the Board of Trustees of the Airborne Museum:for civilian material about the 2nd World War and for military objects of British/American origin. -Mr.A.Beuker:for German military material,emblems and documents.
-Mr.J.P.Bodifee:for military radio’s and other communications material.
You might combine a visit to the Museum with attending the AGM in the afternoon!

Bookfair in the Airborne Museum.
A bookfair of second-hand books about the Second World War will be held again in the Airborne Museum on SATURDAY,MAY 1st. Last year’s bookfair was visited by 400 people and more than 2.000 books were on offer.
Special attention will be paid to books relating to the Battle of Arnhem.During the 48 years since the Battle,hundreds of books have appeared,but most of them have been sold out and are difficult to find.The Museum hopes to help those people who are still looking for some specific book.
Assistence will be given by,among others,the Society of Friends and the Group Documentation 1940-1945.
The fair is open to all visitors of the Museum.

Discovery of bodies of two British soldiers.
On Friday.January 22nd,members of a team of the Royal Netherlands Army have recovered the bodies of two British soldiers from a garden at Oosterbeek. Apart from the remains of the bodies, Lt.H.Jongen and his team have found rests of clothing,a beret emblem of The Border Regiment,a signet ring and two purses. They have also found two para helmets,munition for small arms and a British hand-grenade.
These objects did not contain enough information to enable a direct identification. People are now trying to find out more via medical dossiers in England and papers in the Airborne Museum.

“Seaborne Echelon”:attention,please!
The Ministory with this newsletter tells about the “Seaborne Echelon” of the 1st British Airborne Division during Operation Market Garden.The author of this Ministory, Mr.Bob Gerritsen.has been studying this subject for some years.He would like very much to come into contact with as many veterans as possible who belonged to this Echelon in September 1944. His address is:Kennedystraat 4a,6921 CW Duiven, Holland.

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Utrechtseweg 232,6962 AZ OOSTERBEEK, the Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr.E.E.Shaw, 298,Totnes Road, PAIGNTON,
Devon TQ4 7HD Tel. 0803 – 553616
NEWSLETTER No.48 Editor:Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil
OCTOBER 1992 Translation:Mrs.A.Meeuwsen

Burgomaster Scholten.Major Bush,Burgomaster Verlinden and Father Wissing having coffee and a chat on one of the benches donated by the Dinner Club of the 3rd Parachute Battalion (1941- 1945)( Reus.)

Special Subject Afternoon.
Our next Special Subject Afternoon will be held on Saturday.December 12th,1992.
This time we will meet in the Concerthall.Benedendorpsweg (opposite the Old Church) at Oosterbeek.Tel. 085-332046.

The programme is as follows:
13.30-14.00 hrs : arrival of members.
14.00-14.45 hrs : short lecture by Mr.G.H.Maassen,called “Some aspects of the
German use of French RENAULT tanks during the Battle of Arnhem

In 1945,six of these tanks were found on the West side of the perimeter,they had been put out of action by the British in September 1944.
Mr.Maassen has been studying the history of these tanks for some time,he will report on his findings up till now.
14.45-15.15 hrs : tea break.
15.15-16.45 hrs : showing of the video-film Arnhem,the story of an escape . This film,which was made in 1976,has been based on the book by Graeme Warrack,called “Travel by Dark .In Holland,this book is called “Tocht door het duister.

Commemorative envelope.
This year’s commemorative envelope issued by the Airborne Museum,had been dedi cated to No.2 (Dutch) Troop of No.10 (Interallied) Commando.Ten members of this Commando-unit fought in the Battle of Arnhem.One of them,Mr.A.F.M.Bakhuys Rooze- boom.was killed.
The envelope shows the coloured sleeve—emblem of the Commando’s.All envelopes have been numbered,from 001 till 750, and have been stamped on September 17th, 1992.They cost f 5,— when bought at the Museum.The envelope can also be ordered by paying f 6,— by giro,no. 4184300 of the Airborne Museum “Hartenstein’ at Oosterbeek,mention “envelope 1992″.

Book :”We will remember them”.
During the month of September,an exhibition was held in the Municipal building at Oosterbeek,showing the photographs made by the Arnhem photographer Herman Truin of the commemorative meetings of the first 25 years after the Battle of Arnhem.
At the same time a book was published which contains all photographs of the exhibition.The book is called “We will remember them” and was presented to the burgomasters of Arnhem,Renkum and Heteren on August 26th.
The book contains 128 pages and 165 photo’s.The texts with the photo’s are both in Dutch and in English. The Truin working group which is responsible for the appearance of the book,did not want to give a complete history of those first 25 years of remembrance. The photo’s are meant to tell the story and recall the atmosphere of those early years.The texts with the photo’s have therefore been kept short and concise.
Mr.J.Vogel of the advertising agency 3A-Design at Oosterbeek is responsible for the beautiful design.
The book costs f 27,50 and can be bought at the Museum and in bookshops in the can be ordered by giro from the Museum,the price is then f 35,— , In England the book can be obtained from the Airborne Forces Museum at Aldershot.

Diary “Oosterbeek 1944”.
As we wrote in our last newsletter.Hendrika van der Vlist’s book “Die dag in September”,has now been translated into English,to the author’s great satis¬faction. For years there has been much demand for an English translation of this diary which describes the events in the emergency hospital in the Schoonoord Hotel at Oosterbeek.
The Society has undertaken the publication of this English edition.On August 28th, the first copy of the book was presented to the author by the Society’s chair¬man, drs .J .Smits during a meeting at the Museum.
This booklet,of which 750 copies have been printed,has been illustrated with many photographs,many of which have not been published before.The introduction has been written by Dr.T.F.Redman,Captain with the 133rd Parachute Field Ambulance RAMC in 1944.

Mrs.Hendrika van der Vlist signs Che first copies of her book “Ooscerbeek 1944”. Looking on—are Mrs.Eleonore van der VIist,Mr.R.Fennema,treasurer of the Society, and Mr.R.Voskuil.editor of the Newsletter.
(Photo Reus.)

Special Polish stamps for sale.
The Society has managed to obtain a number of Polish stamps showing the generals SOSABOWSKI, ANDERS and MACZEK.A set consists of four stamps of each general(=!2 stamps) and costs f8,-,posCage included.
There is also a very small number of sheets containing 50 stamps of general SOSABOWSKI,at the price of f30,-
For method of payment we refer to diary “Ooscerbeek 1944.”
Lions Club donation.
The Oosterbeek Lions Club has donated a floodlight installation for the Airborne Museum.The new installation was put into use by the chairman of the Museum,drs.J.W.A.M.Verlinden,and the Lions Club president,Mr.Bernard Enklaar, on Thursday,September 17th,at 20.30 hrs. In 1991,the Lions Club also donated the floodlight installation for the Airborne Monument.
The money for this year’s donation was raised during a very successful Music Night on September 4th.Thanks to this spontaneous initiative,the Museum’s striking front is now illuminated at night.
Reprint of “Oosterbeek destroyed.”
The photo-booklet “Oosterbeek verwoest/Oosterbeek destroyed,1944-1945” by G.H.Maassen,was published in 1980. As this edition,as well as the second edition of 1981,had been sold out for was decided to publish a reprint. This third,amended,edition can now be bought at the Museum and in bookshops in the costs f 20, .

Message from your U.K.Rep.
Thank you for your support of the Friends and your generosity- A Kindly reminder that subscriptions are due January 1st 1993. Donations are always welcome!
Ted Shaw,U.K.Rep.
Donation of benches.
The Dinner Club of the 3rd Parachute Battalion (1941-1945) has donated two beautiful wooden benches to the municipalities of Arnhem and Oosterbeek.They were presented to the burgomasters of Arnhem and Renkum by Major A.Bush MC on the terrace of the Museum,on Friday,September 18th.They were then blessed by Father A.Wissing of the Oosterbeek parish of St.Bernulphus.The benches will be provided with a plaquette and placed in the Market-Garden park at Arnhem and along the cycle-path of the Ginkelseweg towards Renkum Heath.
New figures in Diorama.
The other day,two new figures were placed in the Museum’s diorama’s.
In the so-called German show-case,a figure has been added wearing the uniform of a German tank unit. This uniform was given to the Museum some time ago.
In the diorama of the “Street scene at Oosterbeek”,the figure of a Commando has been added.This on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Royal Netherlands Commando’s.The uniform belongs to Mr.Beekmeijer who fought with the 7th Battalion, The Kings Own Scottish Borderers during the Battle of Arnhem.He was taken prisoner of war and on his return in England he was given a new is this uniform which is now shown.

Attention! Who can help?
The Airborne Museum needs some voluntary helpers for work to be done during the winter period.
1) A team of volunteers has been busy for a year now with the Museum’s photo – archive.These 1500 photo’s must be ordened and put into the computer.At the same time,the Museum has also an archive with copies of every photo.These must also be re-organized and the Museum is looking for somebody willing to help with this job,it will take one morning or afternoon a week.
2) Every article and photograph in the Museum has been provided with a text. The Museum is planning to put all these texts into the computer.The texts are both in English and in Dutch,there are plans to translate them also into German.Some¬body is needed to type these texts into the computer.The work must be done in the Museum.
3) The material in and around the Museum needs constant maintenance and care. There is a need for somebody who will assist the curator doing not too difficult repair- and maintenance jobs,one morning or afternoon a week.
If you are interested,please contact the Museum or Mr.W.Boersma.Binnenhof 38, 6715 DP.EDe. Tel. 08380-39633.
Lieutenant Len Wright belonged to C Company of the 3rd Para Battalion,which,un¬der the command of Major Lewis,managed to reach the bridge at Arnhem.
He has informed me that in the book “”The Harvest of Ten Years”, the sequence of some photo’s is not correct.The text with the photo’s showing 3 platoons of C Company should read: top : No 8 Platoon, second: No.7 Platoon.
Mr.Wright has promised to send me in due course the names of the men in the photographs,as far as he will be able to remember them. In the mean time, possessors of the book can now correct the relevant text.

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Utrechtseweg 232,6962 AZ OOSTERBEEK, the Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr. E.E.Shaw, 298 Totnes Road,PAIGNTON
Devon TQ4 7HD Tel. 0803 – 553616
JULY 1992

The arrival of the 75mm Pack Howitser.
In our last Newsletter we told you that at last the Airborne Museum has managed to obtain a 75mm Pack Howitser,the gun that was used in September 1944 by the 1st Airlanding Light Regiment,Royal Artillery.commanded by lieutenant-colonel W.F.K. Thompson.During the greater part of the Battle of Arnhem the guns of this unit stood around the area of the Old Church at Oosterbeek.
Only two of these guns did survive and these are in England.One of them is in the Airborne Forces Museum at Aidershot,the other in the Royal Artillery Museum

Mayor Dr.Verlinden thanks Commander Moore for the gift of the 75 mm Pack Howitzer. To the left: Sgt-Major Meijers of the Royal the left: Sgt.1st Class Stauber. ( Reus.)

at Woolwich.Some years after the war.these guns were transported from Oosterbeek back to England.The Museum has been trying to find such a gun for many long years. Some years ago,the Museum’s curator, Reus,met with Sergeant-Major Antoon Meijers of the Explosives Clearance Squad of the Netherlands Royal Army and Sergeant Rick Stauber of the American Navy.Among other things,they talked about the Museum’s search for a 75mm Pack Howitser.
Then it appeared that there was a gun of this type at the US Navy base at Indian- head, Mary land , USA. The gun was a very much neglected piece,but it was hoped that it could be restored into its original state. Then there came a period of intensive contact by letters and phonecalls and in March of this year the gun arrived in a US Navy ship at Antwerp harbour.Mr.Maurits Vogelpoel,director of the Arnhem firm of Raket Nederland bv, did generously offer the use of one of his large vans, and in this van,Mr.Jan van Steen went to Antwerp on March 30th to fetch the gun and to take it to Oosterbeek. The gun weighed 700 kilogrammes and was packed in wooden crate.
With the help of a crane,kindly lent for the occasion by Mr.Eric Bouwman of the Doorwerth firm of Bouwman Transport Service,the gun was lifted from the van.Some members of the Society then dismounted the gun,took the parts into the Museum and put it together again.
There are plans to use the gun in a diorama which will show the gun positions near the Old Church at Oosterbeek during the Battle of Arnhem.
British representative.:change of address.
Please note that Mr.E.E.Shaw has a new address: 298 Totnes Road.Paignton.
Devon TQ4 7HD tel. 0803-553616.

Hendrika van der Vlist’s diary now also in English.
Hendrika van der Vlist’s diary “Die dag in September” ( That day in September), was published in 1975. A large part of the book describes the events in and around the Schoonoord Hotel,which was used as an emergency hospital during the Battle of Arnhem.Hendrika helped to care for the wounded and,later.accompanied them to Apel- doorn,where the British wounded were taken to the Willem III Barracks, the “Air¬borne Military Hospital”.
There have been many requests for an English version of this impressive and moving diary and it will now be published in English with the title “Oosterbeek 1944”.
It is published by the Society and will appear at the end of August or the beginning of September.This English edition is illustrated by twenty.mostly hitherto unknown,photographs of Oosterbeek before,during and after the Battle. The price of the book is f 25,- .

Death of “Jock” Walker.
Gordon Johnston Walker sadly died on July 13th of this year.During the Battle of Arnhem he was a cameraman with the-Army Film and Photographic Unit.
Together with his colleagues Mike Lewis and Dennis Smith he belonged to the British Public Relations Team,which had to record the Battle on photo,film,paper and gramophone records.
“Jock” Walker returned to Arnhem and Oosterbeek in 1988 for the recording of the video documentary “Forever in our Memory.” He reached the age of 76.
Martin Middlebrook writes book about the Battle of Arnhem.
The British author Martin Middlebrook has for the last three years been collecting information for a new book about the Battle of Arnhem. Martin Middlebrook has already written some ten books about the First and Second World Wars and will write his new book on the basis of stories of soldiers and civilians who lived through the Battle. He has already interviewed hundreds of veterans in and has stayed in Holland for a week to record the stories of a number of civilians.The book is planned to appear in 1994,on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem.

After its arrival, the Howitzer is unpacked. ( Reus.)

New book about the Glider Pilot Regiment.
A new book about the history of the Glider Pilot Regiment has appeared as a tribute to this Regiment on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its foundation.
It is called “The History of the Glider Pilot Regiment” and written by Claude Smith,an ex glider-pilot who took part in air-landing operations in Normandy and at Arnhem.
The Glider Pilot Regiment.which was founded in 1942 and dissolved in 1957, is probably the smallest regiment with the shortest history of the British Army. During the short period of its existence,the regiment has.however,taken part in a number of very important military operations.
Mr.Smith begins his book with two chapters about the previous history and the establishing of the regiment.Then he deals with all operations in which the regiment took part,like Operation Freshman (Norway),the landings on Sicily and in the South of France,and the airlanding operations in Normandy,at Arnhem and during the Rhine Crossing. In his chapter about Arnhem he writes extensively about the experiences of Lieutenant “Mike” Dauncy (now Brigadier M.D.K.Dauncy DSO Retd.)who was the only glider pilot to receive the Distinguished Service Order for his courage and initiative during the actions at Oosterbeek.
There is also a chapter about a lesser known part of the regiment’s history:the training of glider pilots in India. In the last chapter he writes about the post-war period in which the role of the glider was gradually taken over by other means of warfare. The book ends with a Roll of Honour,a list of glider pilots who were awarded a medal,and a list of all the officers.
The book has been written in a clear and bussiness-like way.It has been illustrated with maps,with about thirty.partly unknown,photographs,and with a number of drawings by Alan Richards,another ex glider pilot. The book can be bought at the Museum and costs f 66,50. Price in England: £ 18.95 .
As has already been mentioned in the Ministory with our last Newsletter,an exhibition will be held at Oosterbeek with regard to the first 25 commemorations of the Battle of Arnhem. . .
The exhibition will be held in the Municipal building at Oosterbeek.from August 27th till October 2nd included .Opening times are from 9 till 5 on working days (Monday-Friday).The exhibition is based on the pictures by the Arnhem photographer Herman Truin.There will also be other material concerning the commemorations: programmes,souvenirs,etc. A videofilm will be shown continuously on September 16th, 17th,18th,21st and 22nd,showing pictures of the commemorations in 1945,1946,1947, 1954 and 1955. The film showing pictures of the 1945 commemoration comes from the Imperial War Museum in London.
Apart from the exhibition,a book will also be published with pictures by Herman Truin from the years 1945-1969,called “We Will Remember Them.” The text with the photographs is in both English and Dutch.
As copies of the pictures by Herman Truin can no longer be ordered,the most important of them have been collected in this book.
Further information about the exhibition and the book can be obtained from Mr. G.H.Maassen,archivist of Renkum Municipality. Tel.: 085-348303.

Cleaning up operation.
In April of this year,an activity took place around the Museum during which the SHERMAN tank and the 17 pounder guns were thoroughly cleaned up.The tank and the guns were made clean of rust and re-painted.Two firms,from Valburg and Arnhem, offered to do this work free of charge and thanks, to this spontaneous action,the tank and the guns look again as new!

New “member for life”.
Mr. George F.Cholewczynski,one of our American members,has become “member for life” of our Society. Mr. Cholewczynski is the author of the book “The Poles of Driel” which was published in 1990.
Texts in two languages on memorial pillars.
There are five stone memorial pillars in Oosterbeek marking places which played an important part during the Battle of Arnhem.Till now the texts on these pillars were only in English.As a result of requests by the Society and by Mr.Kardol from Oosterbeek to the Municipality of Renkum,this authority now has placed new texts on these pillars,both in Dutch and in English.
In its letter, the Society did point out that not all Dutch people can read English and that especially the youngest generation must be enabled to read for themselves about what happened in their village in 1944.

Some time ago,the editor received a letter from Mr.R.W.Peatling,Public Relations Officer of “Parachute 2 Club,1941-1945”.This letter proves that even old Ministories are still read with a critical eye.
In his letter,Mr.Peatling refers to Ministory IV “The Artillery support by the 2nd Army to the 1st British Airborne Division during the Battle of Arnhem” by Mr.J.ter Horst. In this Ministory,Mr.ter Horst also writes about the radio – communication between the Light Regiment Royal Artillery near the Old Church at Oosterbeek and the British troops near the Rhine Bridge at Arnhem.
Mr.ter Horst says,”By means of this radio-communication,Frost was able to tell how matters stood at the bridge.However, the last message,about his surrender did not reach Oosterbeek and only became known later. ‘
Mr. Peatling states that there has never been talk of “surrender”. The last order to the troops near the bridge was “Every man for himself”.

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Utrechtseweg 232, 6962 AZ OOSTERBEEK, The Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr. E.E.Shaw, 1.Willow Close.Stilton,Peterborough,Cambridgeshere. tel. 0773-245420.

In Memoriam Mrs.Kate ter Horst-Arriens.
On February 21st of this year, Mrs.Kate ter Horst sadly died because of a tragic accident. She was 85 years old.
Some days earlier,I had visited her and her husband in the old vicarage to talk about the plans for organizing an exhibition about the Airborne commemorations. Mr.and Mrs. ter Horst did both show much interest in this initiative,which was to be expected as both of them always felt intensely involved in everything concerning the yearly commemorations.
They always kept open house during the yearly Pilgrimage in September and more than once I have had the privilege to be present at a meeting between Mrs.ter Horst and veterans who had stayed in or near her house in September 1944.She was a warm-hearted and trustful woman and to’ see the way she welcomed old friends was a moving experience.
During the Battle of Arnhem,her house was turned into an emergency dressing station. After the war she wrote about her experiences in a story called A Regimental Aid – post ” which was included in a Dutch book of short stories,called Niet tevergeefs (Not in vain.)In 1959 het story was published in English under the title Cloud over Arnhem”. T1
She became best known,however,for her part in the film “Theirs is the glory ,in which she read from the Bible to the wounded men around her in her house. In 1977 her story was told again,this time in “A Bridge Too Far.”
To the British she became the symbol of the willingness to give help to the Polish and British troops by the Netherlands civilians during the Battle of Arnhem.
She was a modest woman and,in spite of all the publicity,she preferred to remain in the background.
Her sudden death has made a deep impression on many of us. Our thoughts of warmest sympathy go to Mr.Jan ter Horst,who himself was seriously hurt by the accident, and to the other members of her family. We hope that they may receive the strength to bear this great loss.
Robert Voskuil, editor.

After the funeral service,all flowers and wreaths were taken to the garden of Mrs.ter Horst’s home and placed around the statuette of the “Falling Pegasus”,which is mirrorred in the dark waters of the small pond.

The Society’s yearly excursion will take place on SATURDAY,JUNE 27th.This year the theme of the excursion will be the aspects of the medical aid during the Battle of Arnhem and after it. This excursion is therefore a continuation of Mr.van den Breemen’s lecture in November of last year and of this year’ sexhibition in the Airborne Museum in March/April.
The provisional programme is as follows:
09.30-10.00 hrs : arrival at the Museum, coffee.
10.00-12.00 hrs : excursion by coach to a number of (former) hospitals and dressing¬stations at Wolfheze.Oosterbeek and Arnhem :the Wolfheze psychiatric hospital.Schoonoord.Tafelberg,the Pietersberg,the old vicarage,St.Elisabeth’s hospital and the site near the bridge of the former Water-Board building.
12.00-12.30 hrs : to Apeldoorn via Deelen.Lunch at Motel-Restaurant “De Cantharel” at Ugchelen.
12.30-14.00 hrs : LUNCH
14.00-16.30 hrs : visit to a number of places at Apeldoorn where wounded soldiers were received and taken care of after the Battle: the site of the former St.Liduina hospital,the railway station (from where many wounded soldiers were sent to Germany),the St.Joseph hospi¬tal, the Royal Palace “Het Loo” and the site of the former Juliana hospital.
We will end our tour in the Koning Willem III barracks which was known as the “Airborne Military Hospital”. It was here that Doctor Warrack hid himself and from this place that he later managed to escape.
16.00-17.00 hrs : return to Oosterbeek. End of excursion.
The excursion is organized by Robert Voskuil from Oosterbeek and Ruud Kreling from Apeldoorn. ”
You can book for this excursion by paying f 37,50 per person by giro no. 4403641 or bank no. of the “Vereniging van Vrienden Airborne Museum” at Oos¬terbeek.State “Excursion.” The sum of f 37,30 includes the excursion,coffee lunch and the excursion-guide.The maximum number of participants is 50.Bookings will be handled in order of receipt of payment,and should reach the treasurer before June 7th.You will be informed by our treasurer,Mr.Fennema,whether you are included in the excursion,or not!

After the opening of the exposition “Wounded soldiers,civilians and occupiers”, Dr.Jan Terlouw talks to the British doctors Derrick Randall and David Wright. ( Reus)
The exposition ” Wounded liberators,civilians and occupiers” in the Museum,was opened on March 4th,1992,by the Queen’s Commissioner for Guelderland,Dr.Jan Terlouw. The opening was also attended by two medical doctors who took part in the Battle of Arnhem and belonged tot the Royal Army Medical Corps.Dr.Derrick Randall took care of the wounded in the cellars of the Hartenstein Hotel and Dr.David Wright had a dressing-station in the cellars of the former Water-Board building near the bridge at Arnhem.
Another visitor during the opening was the glider—pilot who had flown Dr.Randall to Arnhem:- John McGeogh.
The British guests were very impressed by the wealth of material shown at the exhibition.The exhibition drew a very large number of visitors and was closed on April 12th.
75mm Pack Howitzer for the Airborne Museum.
The Museum*s latest acquisition is a 75mm Pack Howitzer of the type which was used in September 1944 by the 1st Airlanding Light Regiment,Royal Artillery.
The gun was donated by the United States Navy.Our next Newsletter will give the full story about the presentation of this gun.
The last sentence of the article in our last Newsletter about Major Digby Tatham Warters book “Dutch Courage and Pegasus” contains a mistake.Orders from outside Holland should contain a Eurocheque with the amount stated in DFL:DFL 20,- and not the amount of £ 4.50.

“Who was Who”, a handy reference book.
Friday,March 20th,saw the presentation of the book “Who was Who during the Battle of Arnhem”. As the sub-title :”The Order of Battle of Airborne officers who fought at Arnhem in 1944″ suggests,the book gives a survey of all British and Polish units which landed at Arnhem,with their officers. It also mentioned the functions of the officers within their units.
The book also contains a register of names,a very handy help to locate a specific person speedily. It contains many photographs.wellknown and less wellknown.of both groups of soldiers and of single persons.
It was compiled by our member Mr.Chris van Roekel,who received much help from many sides.
The first copy of the book,which has been published by our Society,was presentented to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Airborne Museum, Drs.J.W.Verlinden, during an informal meeting at the Museum.
The book contains about 90 pages and costs f 20,-.If you want a copy sent to you by post,please pay f 23,- by giro to the treasurer of the Society,stating “Order of Battle.”
Reminder to”Friends of the Society in Great Britain”.
A kindly reminder that subscriptions for 1992 were due in January,but it is not too late for those who have forgotten.
Thanks. Ted. U.K.Rep.

Our Chairman,Mr.Smits,presents the first CODV of “Who was Who” the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the’Airborne Museum Drs J W Verlinden,who is also Burgomaster of the Renkum Municipality’To the left of Mr.Smits is Mr.C.van Roekel.the author o? ^’book To the far left is Mr.Siegers of the publishing firm Meiier & Siegers at Oosterbeek.

( Reus)
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Utrechtseweg 232,6862 AZ Oosterbeek,the Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain:Mr.E.E.Shaw,298 Totnes Road,Paignton, Devon TQ4 7HD Tel:0803 553616.


Donation of filmcamera to Museum.
During the Battle of Arnhem,two types of filmcamera were used,the BELL & HOWELL and the 35mm DE VRY camera.
When in 1986 the Airborne Museum organized the exhibition “Photography during the Battle of Arnhem”, only the BELL & HOWELL camera could be shown as the Museum did not then possess a DE VRY camera. It took a long time and much searching,but in the end a DE VRY camera could be obtained,thanks to funds donated by the Society. During a special meeting on December 10th,our chairman,Mr.J.Smits,handed over the camera to the Trustees of the Museum.
A figure representing Sergeant cameraman Mike Lewis,carrying the DE VRY camera,has now been placed in one of the diorama’s,joining that of the ARPU cameraman “Jock”Walker.

The chairman of our Society,Mr.J.Smits,presents the DE VRY filmcamera to the vice-chairman of the Trustees of the Airborne Museum,Mr.A.Groeneweg.
( Reus.)

12th General Annual Meeting.
You are invited to attend the 12th General Annual Meeting of the Society^ SATURDAY,MARCH 21st,1992,in the Concerthall.Benedendorpsweg, at Oosterbeek (opposite the Old Church).Telephone 085-332046.TIME: 14.00 hrs.

The AGENDA is as follows:
1.Opening address by the chairman.
2. Reading of the minutes of the 11th General Annual Meeting on ,
3. Annual Review 1991.
4. Financial Report 1991 and budget 1992.
5 Report Auditing Committee.
6. Election of Committee Members.
7. Appointment of reserve member auditing committee.
8. Questions before closure of meeting.
9. Closure.
Ad pt.6:Messrs.J.Smits and R.P.G.A.Voskuil are due to retire from the committee, both are eligible for re-election.According to article 8 of the regulation,members can propose other candidates.Proposals should be sent in writing to the Secretary of the Society,ten days before the date of the meeting.They must be signed by at least ten members,and be accompanied by a written statement of the proposed candidates,who must be of age and members of the Society.
The financial papers will be sent to you shortly.
The report of the Auditing Committee will be available for inspection by the members half an hour before the start of the meeting.
After the official part of the meeting,a film will be shown :”0peration Varsity”, see the announcement on page 3.

“Operation Varsity”.
The film documentary which will be shown after the General Annual Meeting is called “Operation Varsity”. It shows the attack across the river Rhine on March24th,1945, and the role played by the 6th British Airborne Division during this operation .
The film also shows pictures of the training and of the equipment used during the attack.This official English documentary was made in 1945 and lasts about 20 minutes.

“Who was Who”.
In our last Newsletter we announced the appearance of the “Order of Battle” called “Who was Who”. We now hope to be able to present this book during our General Annual Meeting,when it can also be bought.
As we expect that the interest of our members for this book will be very large,we offer you the opportunity to reserve a copy in advance. You can do this by paying f20,- by giro to no. 4403641 of the “Vereniging Vrienden van het Airborne Museum”, state “Order of Battle”.
If you want to receive it by post,please add f 3,- to the sum mentioned above.
The Order of Battle is written both in Dutch and in English and gives a survey of the complete structure of the First British Airborne Division and of the First Independent Polish Para Brigade,complete with the names and functions of the officers.
The book has more than 100 pages and contains about 70 photographs.Parts of these photographs are pictures taken during actions and parts of them are portraits of officers which have been rarely published in books.although they are well-known. All m all this book is a vade-mecum for everybody who is interested in the history of the Battle of Arnhem.About 400 copies will be printed and that’s why we advise you not to wait too long and reserve your copy now! (C.van Roekel)

Annual Review 1991.
In spite of the fact that 37 members had to be expelled because of non-payment of their subscription, or for other reasons,the number of the members of the Society did increase to 1007,compared to 1003 in 1991.
Sadly,the following members died in 1991:Mr.H.S.Brown,Mr.E.J.Gerritsen.Mr.W.D.H.C. Groenbos.Mr.A.H.Oakes.Mr.F.van Ommen.Mr.M.Schmid,Mr.A.J.Thomas, and Mr.F.H. Whittingham.
Four Newsletters were sent out,both in Dutch and in English.
There was an excursion in August regarding the Northern sector of the battle-area, as well as a special subject afternoon in November concerning the work of the medical units during the Battle of Arnhem.Both were very well attended,the excursion had even to be repeated in the autumn,
The Health Insurance Company “Het Zilveren Kruis” again invited and assisted ten handicapped veterans to attend the commemorations in September 1991.
The school project remains a success.The 10.000th pupil was welcomed in the Museum in June 1991.
Members of the Committee were present at the opening of the exhibition “Calling Sunray” in the Museum;at the putting into use of the illumination of the Airborne Monument;and during the presentation of the Polish decorations.
Members of the Committee are also members of the Co-ordinating Committee which organizes the annual commemorations.Messrs R.Fennema and J.Smits again organized the tour of the battlefields for the British and Polish veterans.
Again in 1991 two joint meetings were held with the Trustees of the Museum.
The Society received donations from the Thanet Branch (£25 for the school project), from the Fund for Military War-victims (f 1750,- to buy Pegasus badges for the schoolchildren who lay flowers on the graves during the September commemorations) and £ 100 from the Arnhem Veterans Club.
Mr.Ted Shaw became our new representative in Great Britain,succeeding Mr.Frank Young,who for five years was a very active representative for our Society.We said goodbye to Mr.Young in September,with an-appropiate good-bye present,—
We also had to say good-bye to Mr.J.Eijkelhoff and welcome to Mr.A.A.Hofman as a new committee-member.
The Society donated the following items to the Museum:a show-case,a DE VRY camera, a Vickers K Gun (including the costs for its transport from abroad), a D.A.T.Walkman for recording interviews with veterans and the figure representing AFPU cameraman
( Langen)

Exhibition about the medical assistance during the Battle of Arnhem.
From March 4th till April 12th,the Museum will organize an exhibition called “Wounded liberators,civilians and occupiers.”
This exposition will give a survey of the organisation of the medical assistance during and shortly after the Battle of Arnhem.Although most attention will be paid to the work of the medical units belonging to the First British Airborne Division and the First Independent Polish Para will also pay attention to what happened to wounded civilians and German soldiers.
It will also show pictures of the reception of wounded people in various (emergency) hospitals in Apeldoorn.
Apart from pictures,there will also be a diorama showing the various types of medical equipment used in September 1944. Part of the material for this exhibition has been lent to the Museum from private collections.
This exhibition forms an interesting sequel to the talk about this subject given by Mr.H.van Breemen last will also be a good preparation for an excursion about this subject which members of the Society are now working on.
Book fair in the Airborne Museum.
A book fair will be held in the Airborne Museum on Tuesday,May 5th,1992.It will sell mostly second-hand books about the second world war,and will be organized by the Trustees of the Airborne Museum.

“Dutch Courage and Pegasus”.
The Airborne Museum has obtained a small number of the booklet “Dutch Courage a™} Pegasus”,written by Major Digby Tatham Warter D.S.O. who was commander of the A Company of the Second Parachutist Battalion,the first unit to reach the bridge at Arnhem on September 17th,1944.He is the man who made history leading an attack on the Southern part of the bridge under “cover” of an umbrella.
This is the story of his experiences after his escape from the Municipal Hospital which played an important role in operation PEGASUS.
The booklet,which was published under the author’s own control,consists of 40 pages and has been illustrated with photographsThe price is f 17,50 when bought at the can also be ordered by post by paying fl9,90 on giro 4184300 of the Airborne Museum,state “Dutch Courage”.
(Orders from abroad accompanied in cash,please,or by Eurocheque.Price £ 4.50.)

During the autumn holiday,visitors of the Museum were asked to fill in a questionnaire stating their impressions of the Museum.The organizor,Mr.W.Boersma,plans to repeat this regularly.The comments and suggestions of visitors will,if relevant,be used when plans will be made for the future development of the Museum.
Radio set obtained by Museum.
The Museum now possesses all types of radio transmitter-receiver which were used by the British during the Battle of Arnhem. The only missing set,a so-called “No. 68”, was obtained the other day by means of exchanging it for another set.

“Hitler Youth” dagger.
An original “Hitler Youth” dagger,which was found long ago at Ede,at the corner of the Schoolstraat and the Bennekomseweg.has now been donated to the Airborne Museum.

50th Anniversary of Netherlands Commandos.
On the occasion of their 50th anniversity,thirty ex-Commandos will hold a special march through a part of the Market Garden area on Sunday,March 15th,1992.
The march will start in the early morning at the Ginkelse Heide and will go from there to the Airborne Cemetery at Oosterbeek,where a wreath will be laid.
From there the men will march through Oosterbeek to the Old Church and the river Rhine,which they will cross in storm-boats.The march then continues from Driel and will end at Groesbeek.
At the same day there will be a special reception at the Airborne Museum for ex – Commandos who,during the second world war,were part of No.2 Dutch Troop No.10 (Inter Allied) Commando.
Information about the march and the reception can be obtained from Mr.W.Boersma at the Museum.
Request from the Treasurer.
Members who have not yet paid their subscriptions,are requested to do so as soon as possible. Subscriptions are f 20,- for a single membership,f 30,- for a family membership. J

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Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ Oosterbeek, the Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain : Mr.E.E.Shaw,1 Willow Close,Stilton, Peterborough,Cams. PE7 3RZ England. Tel.0733-245420

Special Subject Afternoon on Saturday.November 23rd.
A special subject afternoon will again be held for our members on Saturday,November 23rd. We will meet for the seventh time at the ELEKTRUM near Arnhem.
The programme is as follows:
13.30-14.00 hrs: arrival of members.
14.00-14.15 hrs: short introduction by our chairman,Mr.J.Smits,about the medical aspects of the Battle of Arnhem.
14.15-15.15 hrs: talk by Mr.H.van Breemen about the work of the medical units of the First British Airborne Division during the Battle of Arnhem,especially about the activities of the Field Ambulances and the sections of the Royal Army Medical Corps.He will compare the original planning with the way the work had eventually to be done.
Mr.van Breemen has been studying this subject for many years. He is also the author of the mini-story you will find with this Newsletter.

Some of the historic military vehicles which were used during our excursion in August. (Photo:C.van Roekel.)

hrs: tea-break
hrs* continuation of talk by Mr.van Breemen.
hrs’: showing of the film “Arnhem”. This film about the ruined town of Arnhem was made in 1945 by Paul Schuitema and Herman van der Horst. Its aim was to show the Netherlands population how the town and its inhabitants had suffered from the war.
The ELEKTRUM is situated at the Klingelbeekseweg near Arnhem,a small distance West of the road-junction Onderlangs/Bovenover. Tel. 085-568020.


Champagne from Luuk Buist for Jan van Os and Brigadier Mike Dauncy after a successful glider landing. ( Reus)

Successful second glider landing near Wolfheze.
On Friday,September 20th,another glider landing took place in the afternoon,West of Wolfheze.Fortunately,the weather was excellent.Each cockpit was manned by one Dutch pilot and one (former) British glider pilot.The British pilots were:M.Dauncy,J.Edwards and J Bonome.who all took part as glider pilots in the Battle of Arnhem in 1944,when they landed their heavy HORSA and HAMILCAR gliders at the same spot,which was then indicated as Zone LZ Z .
A small working-group,led by Luuk Buist from Oosterbeek,had again organized this event By doing so they hope to give extra emphasis to the role played by the Glider Pilot Regiment. The landings were watched by a group of ex-glider pilots and a number of other guests.

Rules for the use of the archive and library of the Airborne Museum.
Till now not enough staff and time were available to pay proper attention to those visitors wanting to make use of the archive and library of the Airborne Museum. Partly as a result of this,it now appears that books and papers have been lent to people who did not return them.At this moment the library is being added to where possible and the archive is being enlarged with many articles from various sources. One of the Museum’s aims is to be an information centre for serious researchers.In order to keep the collection complete,the following conditions have now been drawn up for people making use of the archive and the library:
1. Access to the library and the archive can only be allowed after making an appoint¬ment with Messrs.Boersma,Groeneweg or De Reus.
2. Papers and books can be studied in the presence of one of the gentlemen mentioned above.Material will not be lent out. Copies cannot be made from papers to which the copyright act applies.This also applies to photographs.
Notes can be made of papers and/or names of holders of copyrights,so that papers can be requested and consent asked for the making of copies.
Copies of papers to which,in the opinion of the gentlemen mentioned above,copyright does not apply,can be provided by the Museum at a reasonable price.
3. Authors of books or articles who use material belonging to the Museum,will donate a copy of their work to the Museum after publication.They will also mention their source.
4. Visitors of the library and the archive will fill in and sign a form,by doing so
they will agree with the conditions mentioned above. (A.Groeneweg)

Illumination of the Airborne Monument at Oosterbeek.
The Airborne Monument has now been provided with permanent was the Lions Club Ostrabeke which took the initiative for this project,and thanks to the gratuitous contribution of the firm of Mr.Tesink,electricians, and the financial help of a large number of catering establishments,the project could be realised.
The illumination was officially put into use on the night of Friday,September 20th at 20.00 hrs. This was done by the burgomaster of Renkum Municipality,Drs.J.W.A.M. Verlinden,together with the leader of the Pilgrimage,General Sir Frank King GCB.MBE, and the Polish representative,Captain Z.R.Gasowski.

Donation of emblems.
The Museum has received a number of emblems which were worn on his uniform by Major Robert Cain,2nd Battalion The South Staffordshire Regiment,during the Battle of Arnhem.Major Cain was awarded the Victoria Cross for his courage and bravery during the Battle.He was the only soldier who did not receive the V.C.posthumously.Major Cain died on May 2nd,1974.
The Museum received the emblems,together with Major Cain’s whistle and pistol holster,from Mr.and Mrs.Orrell from England.

“Lonsdale pew” for the Old Church at Oosterbeek.
A memorial pew was unveiled in the Old Church at Oosterbeek on Friday,September 20th. It has been dedicated to the memory of the members of the “Lonsdale Force” who fought and held out near the church in 1944. Representatives were present of each of the units which made up the “Lonsdale Force” :the Glider Pilot Regiment,the Parachute Regiment, 7 KOSB 2nd South Staffords,Royal Artillery and the Reconaissance Squadron. Together they unveiled the pew by removing a large British flag.
This beautiful teak pew carries the inscription “In Memory of the Lonsdale Force and the emblems of the units mentioned above. . .
Part of the funds which were originally designated for a memorial Lonsdale window in the church,has now been used for this pew.

To all U.K,Friends of the Airborne Museum.(F.O.A.M.)
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued generosity and to remind you that subscriptions will be due from January 1st,1992.
It has been a privilege and pleasure to be the representative in the U.K.,following on from my good friend Frank Young,who for the past five years did Stirling work for the cause.
May I also take the opportunity to wish you and your families a very happy Christmas and New Year. God bless you all.
Kind regards, Ted Shaw. U.K.Rep.
Airborne Memorial Bench for Wolfheze.
We told you before that there were plans to erect an Airborne memorial at Wolfheze. We are pleased that we can now report that a very stylish stone memorial bench has been placed in the centre of the was unveiled in the presence of a number of veterans and other guests on Saturday.September 21st.
The committee which took the initiative to the building of the seat,consisted of Ulbe Anema.Hans van Dugteren,Paul Hendriks and the designer.constructural engineer Dick van Stuijvenberg.

Our Secretary,Mieke de Langen,selling articles for the Society during the Airborne one day walking-tour. (Photo:C.van Roekel)

Commemorative envelope.
The 14th commemorative envelope,issued by the Airborne Museum,pays attention to the war correspondents who accompanied the troops during the Battle of shows a picture of the BBC correspondent Stanley Maxted.
The envelopes are numbered and provided with a special postmark,dated September 17th 1991. Price:f 5,- . ’

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Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ OOSTERBEEK, the Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr. E.E.Shaw, 1 Willow Close,Stilton,Peterborough, Cambs, PE7 3RZ England, tel.: 0733-245420.
Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil, Translation:Mrs.A.Meeuwsen

Excursion: interest is enormous!
In our last Newsletter we announced our plans for an excursion to the Northern sector of the battle-zone of September 1944.This excursion,which will make use of historic military vehicles,will takc place on August J!4th.Messrs.R.Sigmond and R.Voskuil will lead the excursion.The interest in this excursion is enormous, the number of people wanting to take part largely exceeds the number that can be admitted. Although we managed to raise the number of participants from 75 to 110,we will still not be able to admit everyone who has subscribed.We hope for an opportunity to repeat this excursion at a later date.
Everybody will be notified personally by the treasurer,Mr.Fennema.Now that the group of participants has become so large,it has been decided to split the group into two parts which will follow the route from different starting-points.
All participants will be informed to which group they will belong,and will be told the time when they are expected at the Museum.You are kindly requested to be on time}
At the Museum you will be given coffee, a luncheon-voucher and the excursion – guide.Please remember to wear clothes which will be suitable for the transport in (open) army vehicles!
Mr.Fennema will be happy to answer any further questions,telephone Oosterbeek: 085-333406. We are looking forward to seeing you on August 24th.
“Who was who during the Battle of Arnhem.”
Work with regard to the publication of the Order of Battle of the 1st Airborne Division and the 1st Independent Polish Parachutist Brigade is going well. Much help has been received from Friends in Holland and in England. Thanks to our computer we have been able to alphabetize all names. Several sections have been sent to veterans in England to be checked.
The booklet will also contain 40 photographs,part portraits,part action-pictures. Preference will be given to pictures of officers who are not known from other publications. We hope to be able to present the booklet during the General Annual Meeting in March,1992.1 hope to be able to inform you about the price and printing in the next Newsletter. ( C.v.Roekel)
Our new representative in Great Britain.
As we told you in our last Newsletter,we have a new representative in Great
Britain: Mr. E.E. (Ted) Shaw. . R r1__rv
Before the Second World War,Mr.Shaw was a Gunner/Signaller in the 368 Battery Royal Artillery.From September 1939 till June 1940 he was with the British Expeditionary Force in France.In June 1940 he was evacuated from Dunkirk.
In 1942 he became an officer in the 1st Airlanding Anti-Tank Battery,Royal Artillery, taking part in battles in Italy and in the Battle of Arnhem,for which he received the Military Cross.
He was taken prisoner-of-war by the SS in Oosterbeek on September 26th,1944.
He was liberated in April 1945 and returned to England.
The Society is very happy that somebody with such a remarkable record of service has expressed his willingness to become its representative in Great Britain.
10.000th pupil for the School-project.
Thursday,June 6th was a very happy day for those who assist in the School-project of the Museum.Since the start of the Project in 1984,we have been able to stimulate 10.000 pupils of primary and secondary schools in the region to make a study of the history of the Second World War and especially of the Battle of Arnhem, as shown in the Museum.
The lucky 10.000th pupil was fourteen-year-old Meinke Okma of the Jan Light¬hart School in Oosterbeek.She was welcomed by the Mayor of Renkum Municipality in his function of chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Museum,together with members of the Board and members of the Society of Friends.She was given some small presents and was asked to sign the visitor’s book “between generals and other VIP’s”.Meinke and her group of pupils were then treated to some refreshments. It is remarkable that the School-project now attracts schools from all parts of the country. Contacts are also being made with English,Belgian and German education authorities,giving rise to the hope that their pupils will also make use of this project in the future. (C.van Roekel)
Magazine about the Battle of Arnhem.
Staff members of the National Institute for War Documentation are currently working on a series of magazines called “Documentaries about the Netherlands and the Second World War’.’Now a special issue has appeared concerning the Battle of Arnhem.
The magazine contains a large number of well-known and lesser known pictures and documents;it can be bought at the Museum and costs f 6,95.
Appearance of unknown photograph.
Although we might think that all pictures taken during would be known by now,time after time we are shown that this is not the case. To illustrate this,a short time ago the Museum received from a British veteran a photo showing a six-pounder gun with its crew,situated on tne corner of Utrechtseweg and Klingelbeekseweg near Arnhem.This picture which is shown this Newsletter,was taken by Mr.M.McFarlane on September 18th or 19th . The Airborne museum is momentarily making further inquiries into date,unit and circumstances. Of course now the question arises anew: are there any more veterans and/or civilians who possess photographs of that period which are not known by the Museum? Any picture, even if you do not think it important, is very welcome!

A’n unknown photograph of Tzhe Battle~of Arnhem,-taken-by Mr McFarlane on September 18th or 19th,1944.Location:corner of Utrechtseweg.Klingelbeekseweg.The houses in the background stand along the Klingelbeekseweg.The 6-pounder gun has been trained on the Utrechtseweg and the area behind,”Den Brink”,now the KEMA.

Donation of equipment.
Mr.Heerema de Vos of Leeuwarden has donated to the Museum two large cases containing pieces of equipment used during the Battle of Arnhem.The collection consists of British para-helmets (amongst these is one very rare helmet,dating from the beginning of the war) a German Luftwaffe helmet,a beret,webbing material,gasmasks,a life-jacket,gascapes,etc.
These pieces of equipment will be used in the diorama’s in the basement of the Museum.
New cash-register in Museum.
The cash-register in the Museum has recently been replaced by an automatized one. This means that all cash handlings are registered so that the administrator can be kept up-to-date with the state of the stock on hand.All personnel working in the Museum have been made familiar with the new system.The visitor receives a receipt for both entrance fees and articles bought and all handlings can now be evaluated.
Gift of money from England.
Captain T H Hughes MBE has sent us £ 100 .donated by the Arnhem Veterans Club. This money will be used for a project in which stories told by veterans will be recorded on tape :”0ral History .

New book about the 1st Battalion The Border Regiment.
In 1948,Philip J.Shears produced the book “The Story of the Border Regiment 1939- 1945”, The activities of the 1st Batallion take up only one chapter in this book.In September 1948 and March 1949,The Border Magazine devoted 7j pages to two articles by Major,later Brigadier General C.F.O.Breese,who gave more detailed information about the experiences of the Battalion during the Battle of Arnhemm. “Tried and Valiant” by Sutherland did gather some information from the above mentioned publications,but did not add much to it.
Canon Alan Green,former commander of the 20th platoon “D” Company,which defended the Western flank along the Van Borsselenweg near Hoog Oorsprong,has now written a book which does justice to a battalion which managed to defend the Western flank of the perimeter till the last day,without retreating one metre. The only exception is the occupation of the Westerbouwing,but that again is another chapter.
The book has been written in a very lively and readable manner and the author has interviewed many veterans.He has managed very well to interweave these stories with his own experiences and information from the “War Diary .
This Newsletter is not the place for an extensive review;! must,however,point out that the captions with the photo’s on pages 7 and 8 are wrongzneither on September 18th,nor on September 19th did units of the Battalion move along the Utrechtseweg near the Sonnenberg.The pictures show the South Staffords who were ordered by Brigadier General Hicks to reinforce the troops near the bridge at Arnhem early in the morning of September 18th.
Finally: the book does not contain an alphabetical index,but does have a list of personnel killed in action,personnel wounded and of those who returned home. My conclusion is that I can recommend this book to every reader who is seriously interested in the matter as it is,after John Fairley’s “Remenber Arnhem”, the first objectively written book dedicated to a relatively small unit taking part in the Battle of Arnhem.
Next to the Glider Pilot Regiment,the number of personnel killed in action belonging to the Border Regiment,was the highest of all units taking part.I leave it to the reader to draw their own conclusions.
The book “1st Battalion The Border Regiment,Arnhem 17th September-26th September 1944”, is written by Alan T.Green and published by “The Museum of the Border Regiment and The King’s Own Royal Border Regiment” at Carlisle.
It contains 103 pages and can be bought at the Airborne Museum,price f 42,50.
“Remember Arnhem”
The book “Remember Arnhem” by John Fairley,about the history of the 1st Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron during the Battle of Arnhem, can be bought again at the Museum.The copies have been signed by the author and cost f 49,50.
“Roll of Honour”.
A small number of copies of the Roll of Honour can again be obtained from the Museum. The price is f 25,- plus an extra sum of f 6,- if sent by post inside the country.
The caption under photo no.l in Ministory XXX “Two stories around one church – tower” should read :”ruined buildings along the Eusebiusbinnensingel” instead of “Eusebiusbuitensingel” as stated.
Old Church :conducted tours.
The Old Church in the Benedendorp at Oosterbeek will be open to the public during the months of June,July,August and September,on Wednesdays.Thursdays and Sundays from 14.00 till 17.00 hrs.
The church,which played an important part in the Battle of Arnhem contains several objects to remind one of that period: the baptismal font,several plaques,etc.

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Utrechtseweg 232,6962 AZ OOSTERBEEK, The Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr. E.E.Shaw, 1 Willow Close,Stilton,Peterborough,Cambridgeshire. tel. 0733-245420.

Changes in the Committee.
During the General Annual Meeting on March 30th,we had to say good-bye to one of the Committee members,Mr.J.Eijkelhoff.The chairman,Mr.J.Smits.addressed him with the following words,”You are the last member of the original committee and you have experienced the growth of the Society.You were closely involved in all that and it must have given you great pleasure that the initiative taken in 1980 has grown into a Society with more than one thousand members. Whenever the committee proposed some new plans,you asked for lots of details and weighed all the pros and cons.after which you gave your opinion.which was always clear and positive. You have been the stabilizing element in the committee and we are all very grateful for your contributions and support during all those years.”
Mr.Eijkelhoff thanked the chairman for his kind words and continued,”For me,the word”Airborne” did not come to life twelve years ago.but 46 years ago when I was a member of the “Orange Battalion” during the Battle of has always been a part of my life and it still does so now that I am chairman of the judging- committee of the Airborne one-day walking tours. My time in the committee of the Society has been a very happy one.”
The new Committee member is Mr.J.Hofman.He told how he had become interested in the Society.”! have seen with amazement that it has been possible to build a bridge between what happened in 1944 and the time in which we now live.I have often been inspired by the spirit of the people of Oosterbeek and of the veterans of that Battle.In 1944 the bridge across the Rhine could not be held,but you have managed to keep open a communication between you and hundreds of veterans and their families and in doing so you have built a new kind of bridge.I will be happy to try and help you make this bridge an enduring one.”
New representative in Great Britain.
Our representative in Great Britain,Mr.Frank Young,has informed us that he wants to retire from his post.We were sorry that he could not attend our last General Meeting,but the Committee hopes that Mr.Young will soon be able to visit Ooster¬beek, so that he can be thanked properly for the many good things he has done for the Society.
The new representative is Mr. E.E.(Ted) Shaw,l Willow Close,Stilton,Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.We extend a warm welcome to him and wish him very much success!
This year our excursion will pay attention to the events which took place in the most Northern section of the battle zone during the Battle of Arnhem.

This means that we will pay attention to the glider landings North of the Arnhem-
Utrecht railway on September 17th and 18th,1944,the advance route of the lst Para Battalion and of the battalions of the 4th Para Brigade,the landrngs at Johannahoeve of the gliders of the Polish Brigade,the actions which took place at Johannahoeve (seen from both British and German sides),the actions along the Dreyenseweg and on the Lichtenbeek.The end of the excursion will be in the Airborne Cemetery,where we will be told about the realization of the cemetery in 1945. …
We hope to be able to make use of a number of historie military vehicles which will make it possible to drive on the narrow by-roads in the terrain.
An important part of the excursion will take place around Johannahoeve.The larger part of this terrain is nowadays used as the National Sports Centre of the Nether lands Sports Federation.During the summer months,most Saturdays are used by the Federation to hold large sports events.This means that we have had to choose a later date.The provisional date for the excursion has been fixed for Saturday, August 24th.
The next Newsletter will give you detailed Information about this excursion.However, you can book for this excursion now by paying ƒ 35,- per person by giro no.
4403641 or bank no. of the “Vereniging Vrienden Airborne Museum”.at Oosterbeek.State “Excursion.” The sum of ƒ 35,- includes the excursion,coffee,lunch and the excursion-guide. The maximum number of participants is 75. Bookings will be handled in order of receipt of payment.Payments should reach the treasurer before July 16th.
Boat excursion on video.
A video-tape is now available of last year’s boat excursion.Copies can be ordered by paying ƒ 50,- on giro no.4403641 of the Society.State”Video-tape boat excursion.”
Exhibition “Calling Sunray.”
The exhibition “Calling Sunray, the story of Communications during the Battle of Arnhem” was opened on Friday,March 22nd.
The exhibition was officially opened by Colonel M.Tange.Commander of the Communi¬cations Training Centre of the Royal Netherlands Army. Colonel Tange spoke of the röle of Communications during military operations in the past and present. He also mentioned the book “Echoes from Arnhem”.written by Captain Lewis Golden,erstwhile Communications officer with the First British Airborne Division.This book gives a detailed history of the röle played by different types of Communications during the Battle of Arnhem.

Members of VERON who gave their assistance during the exhibition “Calling Sunray”,posing at the back of the Airborne Museum with a jeep carrying Communications apparatus. ( Reus.)

A 16 page brochure has been written especially for this exhibition by Mr.W.Boersma. It can be obtained at the Museum and costs ƒ 3,- .
During the period of the exhibition,a Communications post,using historie radio apparatus.has been in was manned by members of VERON.the Netherlands Association for Experimental Radio Research.Just like the entire exhibition,this post drew many visitors.showing that the exhibition was not only informative to people with a historie interest but also to people with more technical hobbies.

Order of Battle of the First British Airborne Division.
Mr.C.van Roekel would like to call our attention to the following: “For some time now I have been at work to reconstruct the Order of Battle of the First British Airborne Division during the Battle of Arnhem,up to and including platoon level. It includes the names of all the officers and their functions. However,most of the many books I have read give only a few names,with or without their function.There is hardly any cohesion with other platoons companies or battalions.Hence this research.The Society plans to publish the end-result in order to be able to obtain a clear view of the structure of the entire Division Many people have already promised their help.This is very good as all Information must be verified again and again and the fragmentary data must be combined and put into place in my jigsaw puzzle.
Many names,ranks and functions are already known.but it is their underlying connections (for instance:Johnson,J.,Lieutenant,Liaison Officer South Staffords), which keep on to elude me and it is quite a job to bring them together in the right order.
It would be an enormous help if you could send me names,preferably coupled to ranks,units and functions.Please send them to the Airborne Museum,attention of C.van Roekel.Most of the “blanks” I encounter are:the Headquarters and Support Companies of the lst,2nd and 3rd Para Battalions,the platoon commanders of the llth Para Battalion,the South Staffords,the HQ Company of 7KOSB and the section commanders of the Royal Artillery.
Till now I have managed to place 652 officers.
I am convinced that many of you can offer me assistance, however small.and I send a special plea for help to our British members who took part in the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944″.

Special aquisitions.
The other day.Messrs.H.van der Velden and H.Leydecker donated a number of objects found in the former battlegrounds to the Airborne Museum as a permanent loan. Among these are pieces of equipment belonging to Lt.Col.des Voeux.Commander of the 156th Para Battalion (his compass.his whistle and parts of his binoculars) and to Brigade Major Dawson of the 4th Para Brigade (his compass and his whistle).
A very special object is the roll-call list of the RECCE Squadron,found inside a beret which was dug up at Oosterbeek.
The collection also contains a number of beret emblems of the 21st Independent Parachute Company and strips with codes of the Royal Corps of Signals.
The collection is shown in a show-case on the first floor of the Museum.

Finally.may we remind you of the fact that in the Renkum municipallity it is strictly forbidden to carry or operate so-called metal-detectors.
In Memoriam Rosé Coombs.MBE.
Rosé Cooms,MBE,sadly died in January of this year.She was sixty-nine. During the second world war she was a radar operator in No.11 Group Fighter Command.After the war she became Special Collections Officer of the Imperial War Museum in London and she became also the greatest authority concerning the history of the first world war.Her guide for the battlefields in Belgium and France,called “Before Endeavours Fade” has become a classic.Moreover,she was also a source of Information about the Battle of Arnhem.
She took great care that copies of articles about the Battle were sent to the library at Arnhem,which resulted in the Bibliography of the Battle,compiled by Mr.P.G.Aalbers.growing so large as it did.
She was very much interested in the Airborne Museum,it was she who saw to it that photographs from the Imperial War Museum could be exhibited permanently in the Airborne Museum without the paying of copyright.She visited the Museum many times and every time she declared that our Museum was the best she had ever visited. This was a great compliment coming from one who,till her last illness last year, regularly acted as a guide with battle-field tours in France,Belgium and Holland, together with veterans from both world wars.
Visiting her in the Imperial War Museum was something of a special experience: the floor and the chairs were covered with books and magazines and one was invited just to clear a chair and sit was the same with her desk,she was a small woman and one could hardly see her behind the piles of books and correspondence, so it was a matter of moving one’s chair in the right direction in order to see her face.
She talked and smoked incessantly and a certain strength of purpose was needed to steer her back to the original subject of discussion.
We are sad that we will not see her any more and we will remember her with much gratitude. (A.Groeneweg)
In Memoriam Harold (Piek) Wittingham.
Harold (Dick) Wittingham sadly died on January 9th.He was a regular and faithful visitor of Oosterbeek and a member of our Society for many years.
Dick was one of the parachutists of the first hour and during the Battle of Arnhem he commanded the 3-inch mortar group which is mentioned in the booklet “The Tommies are coming”. (C.van Roekel)
New signposts for the Museum.
Two new signposts have been placed in front of the Airborne Museum.They are clearly visible from the road.The design and execution was in the hands of Mr. H.Deerenberg who works part-time for the Museum,of the Vogel advertising agency at Oosterbeek and of POL Road Beacons of Renkum.

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Utrechtseweg 232,6862 AZ OOSTERBEEK, the Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr. F.Young, 6,Kildown Gardens,Cliftonville,Kent CT9 3EG
Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil

On December lst,1990,it was twelve and a half years ago that Messrs.Berry de Reus and Evert Vellinga started their work for the Airborne Museum. They have contributed largely to the Museum having obtained its present-day standing.
Reasons enough for an animated party,during which words of gratitude and admiration were spoken by Mr.Verlinden on behalf of the Board of Trustees,Mr.Smit on behalf of the Society and Mr.van Roekel on behalf of the group of voluntary workers.
Among the many gifts and presents there were two Oerman VOPO caps for Evert Vellinga, donated by the Society,to add to his already considerable collection.
There were also flowers and words of praise for Mrs. de Reus and Mrs.Vellinga.

llth General Annual Meeting.
You are invited to attend the llth General Annual Meeting of the Society on
SATURDAY.MARCH 30th,1991,in the Concerthall.Benedendorpsweg.a the Old Church) Telephone 085-332046).TIME: 14.00 hrs.
The agenda of the meeting will be sent to you separately, together with the fmancial papers.
After the meeting a film will be shown.
Annual Report 1990.
In spite of the fact that 28 members had to be expelled because of non-payment of their subscription,the number of the members of the Society did increase to 1003, compared to 967 in 1989.
Sadly.the following members died in 1990: Mr .N.H. Roozenboom.Mr.M.van Paassen.Mr. M.
Pratt,Mr. M.Vigor and Mr. T.F.Wilson.
Four Newsletters were sent out,both in Dutch and in English.
The sale of articles and souvenirs went well.
The Health Insurance Company “Het Zilveren Kruis” donated three megaphones to the Society for use during excursions and during the September Commemorations .The Thanet Branch again donated £ 25 for the Schools Project.Mr.Lohnstein donated a small escution of the Marines Veterans for the Museum.
The Health Insurance Company “Het Zilveren Kruis” again gave valuable help in assisting ten handicapped veterans during their visit in September 1990.
The Special Subject days were again very successful.A boat trip was organized in the spring of 1990 to celebrate the lOth anniversary of the Society.The Special Subject afternoon in November 1990 was attended by more than 230 people.which may be called a record number of attendants.
Donations to the Museum included a computer (which will be used to register the collection of photographs,the~library,the collection of weapons and the stock of souvenirs);a Super Ikonta photo camera of the type that was used during the Battle of Arnhem .together with a figure to represent camera-man Cordon “Jock” Walker.
Exhibition about the use of Communications during the Battle of Arnhem.
The Airborne Museum will present an exhibition about the several types of Communications used during the Battle of Arnhem, it will be named “Calling Sunray”.
The exhibition will open on March 22nd and will run till April 22nd.
Attention will be paid to practically every kind of communication.The most important aspects of these Communications and their influence on the course of the Battle will be highlighted.
The following subjects will make out the central part of the exhibition:The Royal Corps of Signals,transmitter-receivers,landline connections.optical means of Communications,carrier-pigeons,ground-air Communications on behalf of the droppings and landings(“Eureka” and “Rebecca”),ground-air Communications on behalf of air support (American Air Support Team) and the Light Warning Set Units
The exhibition will show examples of practically all types of means’of communication which were in use during the Battle.Some rare the Eureka and Rebecca apparatus.will be obtained from elsewhere during the time of the exhibition
A special working-group has been formed for the building of this exhibition’it consists of several Communications experts. ’
Second edition of :”Een Drielenaar in Oorlogstijd”.
As a result of our article on Mr. Benjamin Jansen’s book in our last Newsletter, we can now inform you that there will be a second edition. Interested parties will be informed by Mr. G.H. Maassen Sr. when the book becomes available.

Members of the First Polish Independent Para Brigade with a transmitter- receiver in an orchard near Driel: an example of the Communications apparatus on show during the exhibition “Calling Sunray” to be held in the Airborne Museum from March 22nd till April 22nd.
(Photo: Collection Airborne Museum)

Catalogueing of photo archive.
Some months ago.our Society donated a computer to the will be used to catalogue the photo archive which consists of more than one thousand pictures. All photo’s will be scanned and provided with a short description. It will then be possible to show any specific group of photo’s together with the matching Information.
Informative tableau for Engineers Monument.
On September 22nd,1990,an informative tableau was placed near the Monument for the Royal Engineers and the Royal Canadian Engineers,near the village of Driel.
It gives Information,in Dutch and in English,about the retreat across the Rhine of the survivors belonging to the First British Aitborne Division and the First Polish Independent Para Brigade,in the night of September 25th-26th,1944.
There is also a clear sketch of the northern bank of the river,showing the most salient points.Looking across the wide river landscape it is not difficult to recognize these places.
The design for this tableau comes from our member Mr. H.van de Brand,who also designed the monument.

Gift of container and helmet.
Mr.Hartmann of Heelsum has donated to the Museum an original parachutist helmet and a square container,used in 1944 to drop radio equipment.
Requested: Information about Wolfheze.
We received the following letter from Mr.Cor Janse of Rheden.
For a couple of years now I have been studying the history of the village of Wolf heze during the years of the second world war.I lived there myself during that period. The gathering and studying of facts and memories will.I hope.lead in the end to the writing of a book about this subject.
The Battle of Arnhem is an important episode in the history of Wolfheze.I mention the bombardment on September 17th,the landings on September 17th and 18th,the advance from Wolfheze to Arnhem,actions around Wolfheze and the experiences of prisoners of war and of soldiers who managed to escape after the Battle had ended.
The geographical borders are more or less between the Amsterdamseweg and the Utrecht seweg and from the line Buunderkamp/Jonkershoeve till Bilderberg/West End.
Information about Wolfheze in most of the official military records is rather limited. That’s why I am especially dependent on reminiscences of British and Polish soldiers, and on the memories of inhabitants of Wolfheze.
The book will describe the events as seen and experienced by soldiers and civilians. If you think you can help me,please contact me.The address is:Mr.Cor Janse, Apollostraat 5, 6991 GW Rheden. Telephone:08309-51033.
“Before I sleep”,a novel about the Battle of Arnhem.
In September 1990 there appeared a novel in England,called:”Before I Sleep,a Novel about Arnhem.” The American author,Edward Monroe-Jones started his investigations for this book in 1986.The study of archives,the exchange of letters and many interviews with British,Dutch and also German people form the base of this book,in which reality and fiction have been mixed. That is why it is called a novel,although a large part of the events described,did really happen.
The central figure in the book is called Henry McAlister.His story has been based on the experiences of Henry McAnelly(who is now well-known as an Airborne Battle Guide in Oosterbeek)during the Battle of Arnhem,on his captivity as a prisoner of war and on his return to England.
Apart from the story of Henry McAlister,there are the stories about some twenty other people. A number of these are people who really existed,some of them are even still alive.They are called by their real names,like Dr.Lipmann Kessel,General Heinz Harmel and Dr.Egon Skalka.Other people did exist,but have been given new names.The author has also introduced some ficticious characters.
The experiences of these characters are described in short chapters,so that we are given a constantly changing picture of the war. The author has visited a large number of the places where the Battle of Arnhem took place so that he has succeeded in making an important part of the events take place in the just surroundings which he descrïbes very true to life.
Some (amateur) historians may object to this mixture of reality and not everything which has been written did really happen and as the dialogues seèm to have been reconstructed.
However.the book’s strong point lies in the way in which the author has managed to picture the atmosphere of those days.felt by British and well as by German participants, and in the way in which he describes the emotions of the central character.
Edward Monroe-Jones has shown again that writing about the history of a battle should not only exist in giving the bare facts,but that war has also a human face. “Before I Sleep” (328 pages) was published in London by Sidgwick & Jackson and costs £ 15 . ’

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Utrechtseweg 232,6862 AZ Oosterbeek, the Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr.F.Young, ó.Kildown Gardens,Cliftonville,Kent CT9 3EG.
NEWSLETTER NO 40 Editor:Drs. R.P.G.A.Voskuil
OCTOBER 1990 Translation:Mrs.A.Meeuwsen

From the Editor.
The 46th Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem was again an impressive and moving event.Apart from the large official functions,there were smaller meetings at different reunions of units of the Division or meetings at which a monument or a plaque were unveiled.
It was a very busy time for the Museum and this year again there were visiting veterans who came to donate some special souvenir.
Because of the modest size of this is impossible to relate all events which took place during this we were forced to make a choice.We will.however, write about some more special meetings in our next Newsletter.
“Crossroads Oosterbeek,September 22nd,1944” in Airborne Museum.
This famous painting can now be seen at the was painted in 1946 by David Shepherd.who had been commissioned by the 4th Para Brigade,and for years it hung in the Officers’Mess of lOth Para Battalion.On Sunday,September 21st,General Sir John Hackett handed it over to the Museum as a permanent loan. It has been given pride of place in the large room of the Museum.
“Not one shall be forgotten.”
A memorial stone was unveiled beside the Old Church at Oosterbeek on Sunday,Septem¬ber 23rd after the 9 o’clock morning service.The flags which hid the monument were uncovered by General Sir John Hackett.Captain Z.Gasowski and Mrs. Kate ter Horst. The text on the stone reads:”In September 1944 British Airborne soldiers and their Polish comrades.with support of brave Dutch men and women.fought a grim battle round this ancient church in the struggle to liberate the Netherlands from Nazi tyranny. This stone commemorates all who took part in this action and above all those who died. NOT ONE SHALL BE FORGOTTEN.”
Sculptor donates statuette to Renkum Municipality■
Sculptor Jits Bakker,who as a seven-year-old boy watched the air-landings at Renkum, has donated a bronze statuette (height 1 metre) of a parachutist to Renkum Munici¬pality. It was unveiled near Hartenstein House on September 21st by the Mayor.Mr. J. the presence of many veterans. The artist has donated his statuette as an homage to all soldiers who fought here for freedom in September 1944.

Special-Subiect Afternoon on Saturday.November 3rd.
A special-subject afternoon will again be held for our 3rd.We will meet at the ELEKTRUM near Arnhem where we wi the sixth time.
The programme is as follows:
13.30 – 14.00 hrs : arrival of members.
14 00 – 15 00 hrs : Lecture by Mr.A.Schemkes of Arnhem about the actions which took place in September 1944 around Johanna Hoeve, an area roughly confined by the Wolfhezerweg ,Amsterdamseweg,Dryenseweg and the Arnhem-Utrecht railway line.For many years now.Mr. Schemkes has been making a special study about the battle m this area.The lecture will be illustrated by slides.
15.00 – 15.30 hrs : tea-break.
15.30 – 16.00 hrs : continuation of lecture by Mr. Schemkes.
16.00 – 16.30 hrs : showing of the film “Airdrop at Arnhem”, an American film- documentary from the Fifties.
The ELEKTRUM is situated at the Klingelbeekseweg near Arnhem,a small distance West of the road-junction Onderlangs/Bovenover.Telephone numer 085-568020.
Members are this time allowed to bring guests, these are required to pay an entrance fee of ƒ 5,- .
Placing of two new memorial pillars.
Some years after the Battle of Arnhem,five wooden memorial pillars were placed in Oosterbeek at points which had played an important role during the Battle.During the years that followed,these pillars suffered from the weather and also from vandalism.This resulted in the replacement of three of them by stone pillars.
These three were placed at the upper end of the Drijenseweg, along the Valkenburg- laan and near the Old Church.
The condition of the two remaining wooden pillars went from bad to worse and after letters from an inhabitant of Oosterbeek and from our Society to the Municipal was given by the council for the replacement of these last two pillars. We are pleased to teil you that these new stone pillars have now been put into place, one near the house called “Beukenhove” on the Utrechtseweg 192 and one near the Tafelberg Hotel.The text on the Tafelberg pillar has also been adjusted.
Polish Badges of Honour.
This year,Polish Badges of Honour were awarded to the following persons: Mrs.A.E Verstand,Mrs.H.Berendsen.Mrs. Jong,Mr.A.Zelebowski, Mr. C.Luursema and Mr.W.Scholten.Captain Z.Gasowski,leader of the Polish delegation^ presented the badges on September 21st.
Donation by Health Insurance Company.
The Health Insurance Company “Het Zilveren Kruis” has donated a number of advanced appliances to aid visually handicapped people. These will be placed at the disposal of Arnhem veterans. The Airborne Forces Security Fund at Aldershot will take care of the distribution. Our member Mr.C.van Roekel has played an intermediary role in this matter. 1
From the Treasurer.
Enclosed with this Newsletter you will find the giro-card for payment of your yearly subscnption Members who pay before November 3rd,can obtain their new membership card during the Special-subject afternoon on November 3rd. The cost of the subscription is f 20.- for single members, f 30,- for a family membership.

General Sir John Hackett during the presentation of’ the painting “Oosterbeek Crossroads,22 September 1944”
( Reus.)

General Sir John Hackett during the presentation of’ the painting “Oosterbeek Crossroads,22 September 1944”
( Reus.)

Ministory from book “Mission Completed”.
The other day Mr. R.J.E.M.van Zinnicq Bergmann’s book “Het doel bereikt” (Mission Completed) was published.The book starts with the author’s adventurous escape from occupied Holland to England.There and in Canada he was trained as a fighter-pilot. During the Allied advance through Europe he took part in a large number of attacks at enemy targets,flying a Typhoon.One of these attacks took place on September 17th,1944,and was aimed at the German flak positions near Arnhem. The story of this attack has been chosen as the Ministory to go with this Newsletter.
The book is well worth contains 208 pages and has been illustrated by photo’s.It has been published by Van Mazijk at Leiden and costs ƒ 29,90.
Donation by Thanet Branch.
Our Society has received a gift of £ 50. from the Thanet Branch.The money will be allocated to educational purposes.

Gliders land again at Wolfheze.
Gliders landed again at Wolfheze for the first time since 1944, on September 22nd. The two gliders were towed behind power-planes from Terlet and uncoupled over the landing-areas,after which they made a perfect landing.The pilots of the gliders, both members of the Terlet glider club, were accompanied by two ex-glider pilots, lan Toler and John McGeough, who very much appreciated this chance to land again at Wolfheze after so many years.The initiative for this flight came from Mr.Luuk Buist of Oosterbeek,who organized this event,together with a large number of assistants. There are plans to organize this event again next that the role played by. the Glider Pilot Regiment during the Battle of Arnhem be kept alive.
The 13th Commemorative envelope.issued by the Airborne Museum shows the painting by David Shepherd “Oosterbeek Crossroads,September 22nd,1944. The envelopes are numbered and provided with a special postmark,dated Septem er , • ’
Society receives part of proceeds from exhibition.
In our last Newsletter we wrote about an exhibition to be shown at the Westerbouwing restaurant.More than 3.000 people visited this exhibition,many of which gave a small donation.The total proceeds,ƒ 540,-,were divided between our Society and the Foundation “Lest We Forget”.

R.Kershaw “It never snows in September”.
The other day a book was published’ which gives a survey of the German reaction on the air-landings during Operation Market has been based on countless interviews and on a sound study of the available records.
It is true that a small number of books on this subject has been published before, but they gave a one-sided and highly coloured view of the German experiences, while at the same time there was no book to give a total view.
Major Kershaw has filled this gap with his book which is totally unbiased and which has been written in an exemplarily sober style. A great number of the illustrating photographs comes from the Wochenschau film,taken around Oosterbeek.These photographs will be new to most readers.The maps are excellent,apart from a few typographical errors, and have been printed in colour.
The Airborne Museum has a limited number of this book in its shop.In my opinion.this book deserves a place on the bookshelf of everyone who takes this subject seriously. Price : ƒ 97,25. (A.Groeneweg.)

Two new guide-books about Operation Market Garden.
Two new guide-books have come out about the area in which Operation Market Garden took place. “Operation Market Garden I”covers the operations area of the lOlst and the 82nd American Airborne Divisions between Eindhoven and Nijmegen. In “Operation Market Garden II” most attention is given to Arnhem and its surroundings,describing the actions of the Ist British Airborne Division and the Ist Polish Independent Parachutist Brigade.
Both books,which were compiled by Mr.L.P.J.Vroemen,contain a short historie introduction.a short survey of the actions of the air-landing divisions and a number of walking- and car routes along the several historie places.They also contain a short list of relevant books,a number of maps and a survey of cemeteries, museums and yearly commemorations.
The presentation of these books took place in Hotel Sionshof, situated between Nijmegen and Groesbeek, on September 17th.
The books have been published by the European Library at Zaltbommel and cost ƒ17,90 each.

“Een Drielenaar in Oorlogstijd” can now be ordered.
This book by Mr.Benjamin Jansen of Driel describes his experiences during the Battle of Arnhem and the time afterwards.Mr.Jansen published this book himself in a very limited number.Apart from Mr. Jansen’s diary,the book contains also stories from 20 other inhabitants of Driel.
This book (251 pages) has now sold out,but it is still in demand.In order to issue a reprint which can be sold at a reasonable price (ƒ 21,-),a minimum number of 50 books must be printed. If you are interested in this book and want to order one (or more) copies,please contact Mr. G.H.Maassen Sr.,Jan van Riebeeckweg 82 6861 BH at Oosterbeek.
In our next Newsletter we hope to tell you whether there will be a reprint of this book

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