Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil
Translation: Mrs.A.Meeuwsen

Portraits of Airborne-Commanders
Last year the artist Christien de Haan from Heelsum made some pen-en-inkt drawings of Airborne-Commanders who took part in the Battle of Arnhem.
At the initiative of the Society, five of these drawings have now been made as postcards and can be bought in the Museum. This first series consists of: Major-General R.E.Urquart, Major-General S.Sosabowski, and the Brigadier- Generals P.H.W.Hicks, G.W.Lathbury and J.W.Hackett.
The original portraits have been donated to the Museum by the Society. In the future we hope to be able to edit more series, for instance of men who received the Victoria Cross after the battle.
The first series of five cards can be bought for f 5,-.

Christien de Haan’s pen-and-inkt drawings of five commanders of the Battle of Arnhem.

The individual members of our Society will this year receive a membership-card of which the left hand top-corner is missing! This indicates that bearers of this card have the right of free entree to the Museum for one person only. We had to do this as it was noticed that some members put the letter “G” in the left hand top-corner of their individual card, in order to obtain free entrance for their whole family.
The easiest way to prevent this mis-use was to cut away the corner. It is also cheaper than having to issue cards of different colours.

Special Subject-day on Saturday, May 30th.
A Special Subject-day will be organised for our members on.Saturday, May 30th,198?. The title of the day is: Market Garden in the “Rijk van Nijmegen .
This time special attention will be paid to the middle sector of Operation Market Garden: the operational area of the American 82nd Airborne Division. This is een logical sequence to our last excursion, which covered the Brabant Corridor.
Attention will be paid to: the airlandings near Grave and Groesbeek, the capture of the bridges across the river Maas and the Maas-Waal Canal, and the actions around the Waal-bridges near Nijmegen. Visits will also be paid to the Liberation Museum 191*1*” in its new location at Groesbeek, and to the Canadian War-Cemetery. There will be time to take photographs of all locations to be visited.
This excursion will again be guided by Karel Margry, and be organised by Mr. Voskuil.
The tentative programme is as follows:
9.00 hrs: departure by coach from the car-park near the Museum.
9.15 hrs: Grave – dropping zone E/501* Para Regt.
– “link-up” with the British 30th Army Corps from Brabant.
– capture of the important bridge across the river Maas.
10.30 hrs: Overasselt -dropping zones 501* Para Regt.
10.15 hrs: Heumen – lock bridge across the Maas-Waal Canal
– Molenhoek – former Cemetery 82nd Airborne Division.
11.15 hrs: Mook
11.30 hrs: Groesbeek – Knapheide/Klein Amerika: dropping zone 505 Para Regt.
– Bredeweg: landing zone 1st British Airborne Corps (General Browning)
12.30 – 13.30 hrs: LUNCH
11.15 – 15-15 hrs: visit Canadian Cemetery.
– Wylerbaan: droppingzone 508 Para Regt.
15-30 hrs: Berg en Dal – Duivelsberg
15-15 hrs: Hotel Sionshof: short stop for visiting the monument on the side facade of the building.
16.00 hrs: Nijmegen – Waelstate/Valkhof: actions around the Waal bridge. 16.15 hrs: Oosterhout: crossing of the river Waal by 501th Para Regt. 17.00 hrs: end of excursion.
17-30 hrs: return in Oosterbeek.
The costs for this day will be f 35,- per person. This amount comprises the costs for the coach, the lunch and the excursion-guide. The money can be paid via giro 1*1*0361*1 of the Society, mention “Themadag”. The money should be paid before May 15th. The maximum number of people that can take part has been put at 50. Booking will be handled in order of receipt of receipt of payment so don’t wait too- long!

Roll of Honour.
One of our members has very kindly undertaken to compile an alphabetical index for the Roll of Honour. At the same time some complimentary pages for the book have been completed. These pages, together with the index, can be ordered by paying f 3.50 on giro 1*1*0361*1, mention “Index”.
The first edition of the Roll of Honour, 750 copies, is almost sold out. A second edition is now being prepared.

Security measures Museum.
The other day the security system of the Museum was extended by a close-circuit TV A couple of TV-cam.eras has been placed in a number of rooms, which can be moni¬tored, so that control of these rooms has been made easier. In addition the TV- installation has been provided with a special alarm systeem


Mr. Peelen handing over to Major W.Duyts the set of medals belonging to Reg Bagguley. In the middle: Mr .Groeneweg. (Photo: B. de Reus)

Donation to the Museum of Reg Bagguley’s medal set.
On Wednesday, March 4th, Mr. Th.Peelen from Rheden donated the set of medals belonging to Reg Bagguley, to Messrs Duyts and Groeneweg, members of the Board of the Museum.
Reg was serving with the 3rd mortar platoon of the South Staffordshire Battalion and as such took part in the Battle of Arnhem. On September 20th, 1944, he was severely wounded near the Old Church in the Benedendorp at Oosterbeek. He was provisionally treated in the house of the Ter Horst family. From there he was transported to the emergency hospital in the King William III barracks in Apeldoorn. Some time afterwards he was taken to the Julianahospital, where his right leg was amputated. On January 1st, 1945, he was sent to the prisoner-of- war camp Fallingbostel and afterwards to a camp near Neuremberg. There he was liberated by American troops in April, 1945.
Thirty years after the Battle of Arnhem, Reg Bagguley was chosen to represent the British soldiers who had taken part in that battle. On September 21th, 1974, he was presented with the Medal of Honour of Renkum municipality.
Mr. Peelen knew Reg very well. In his book “Gliding to death” (1976), mr. Peelen writes about Reg’s experiences during the battle.
Reg Bagguley died on November 15th, 1986. Some years before he had given his set of medals to Mr. Peelen. Mr. Peelen decided to donate this set of medals to the Museum. The Museum possesses a special show-case in which sets of medals belonging to veterans have been given an honourable resting-place. This collection is still growing and is a lasting remembrance of the soldiers who fought for the liberation of our country.

Request of the treasurer.
Members who have not yet paid their subscription for the year 1987, are kindly requested to do so as soon as possible.

Memento for the schoolchildren
The Society has taken the initiative to give to those schoolchildren who are actively involved in the commemorations of the Battle of Arnhem, a memento of this event. Thanks to the enthousiastic co-operation of the Spitman Firm, a very old Oosterbeek firm with strong ties to the other villages in the municipality, it has become possible to present the children with a beautiful brooch with the Pegasus emblem.
All 1300 children who took part in 1986, will receive this brooch. Their schools will issue them with a ticket which can be exchanged at the Museum for a brooch. This ticket will also provide them with a cheap entrance-ticket for the Museum. In 1987 the children concerned will receive a booklet which will be issued by the Society. It is the authentic diary of a schoolgirl about her experiences during the days of September 19^1*. It contains many photographs, most of which have not been published before. Thanks to the help of the Silver Cross Health Insurance Company, publication of this booklet was made possible.
A very small number of these booklets may perhaps be for sale at the Museum in September 198?.
Major-General R.E. Urquart and the Mayor of Renkum, Drs J.W.A.M. Verlinden, will write the introduction and the preface.
Thus the Society hopes to be able to keep alive the younger generation’s interest and involvement in the events which took place in 19UU. (Chr.v.R. )

The schools project.
The educational project is one aspect of our philosophy that we must enable our children to get aquainted with our Museum. Many schools make use of our educational project: we expect to welcome the 3000th pupil in the middle of April.
The Board of the Museum and the Society will take a special interest in this event. The same applies to the management of the Oosterbeek Post-office.
In our next newsletter we hope to be able to give you more information. (Chr.v.R.)

The chair project.
The table and chairs which are at the moment in use in the Museum for meetings, etc. , do not belong to the Museum, but are lent to us by the Society for Regional Geography and History. However, this Society has now moved to its new location in Doorwerth castle, and our table and chairs have to move with it!
Therefore, the Society has started a new project: the chair project.
Friends of the Society, both Netherlands and British, both as individuals and as groups are invited to donate a chair. It is a simple, sturdy, straight-backed chair. On the chair a small plaque will be put, bearing the inscription and name of the giver.
The iniative to donate a chair for the Museum came from the British, when, during the commemorations in September 1986, the first chair was donated by friends and family of a veteran who had lately died. Afterwards, Captain R. Bingley donated two chairs on behalf of his Battalion. The inscription reads: Presented by 2 Commando, 11th S.A.S., 1st Parachute Battalion, The Parachute Regiment (19^+0-19^5) •
The costs of one chair is about f 370,- . We hope to be able in this way to obtain ten chairs and a table: they will form another symbol of the existing bond between the Airborne Museum and her British and Dutch friends.

Aquisitions for the Museum.
The other day, the Museum received again a number of special weapons, thanks to brigadier Ros of the municipal police.
The Museum also regularly receives objects from the explosives disposal unit of the Army. The other day, for instance, it received a set of package material for mortar shells.

Special aquisition.
From Mrs. Kolkman of Wageningen, the Museum received part of the hour-hand of the clock of the church tower in Driel. This clock was destroyed by shell fire in 19HU.

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Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil

Re-opening of the diorama in the basement of the Airborne Museum.
One of the large diorama’s in the basement of the Museum shows the British troops entering the village of Oosterbeek in September 1944. During the past months the painter Huub Milder of Arnhem has been painting a mural on the wall behind that diorama. It shows a detailed picture of an Oosterbeek street-scene in Sep¬tember 1944.
As we already told you in our newsletter no. 25, Mr.Milder has made an extensive study of the characteristic pre-war buildings in Oosterbeek. For this mural he decided to depict part of the buildings along the Wilhelminastraat and the Jagerspad.

To mark the official re-opening of Airborne Museum,Mr.Ch.B.Labouchere figures of Che civilian resistance the large diorama in the basement of the places a helmet on the head on one of the fighters in the diorama.(Photo:B.de Reus)

The mural, which has a length of 9 metres and a height of 2 metres,was completed at the end of May. After the completion, the diorama was arranged anew. Messrs W.Boersma,B.de Reus and E.Vellinga were assisted by some members of the Society. Mrs. Willy Surquin,who works part-time in the Museum, was so lucky as to obtain some pre-war clothes,which she very carefully adapted to be worn by the civilian figures in the diorama.
In order to give an impression as authentic as possible,much attention was paid to even the smallest detail, including the lighting.
On June 3rd, the diorama was officially re-opened. A large number of people had been invited to attend this opening. Amongst them was Mr. Ch.B.Labouchere (84), who performed the official opening by placing a helmet on the head of one of the civilian resistance fighters in the diorama.
This is the place to tell you something more about Mr.Labouchere, who more or less by chance got involved in the Battle of Arnhem. He was a member of the Dutch resistance and on September 17th,1944, he was returning from a journey by Red Cross car to Amsterdam. Late in the afternoon,on his way back to Arnhem,he was stopped near Heelsum by British parachutists who had landed there some hours before.
Needless to say that he was very much surprised by this event. He immediately offered his help. On the morning of September 18th, he was asked to act as a guide to the British troops. His first task was to take a jeep with supplies and ammunition to the troops which had been surrounded near the Arnhem bridge.One of the people who went with him was the Canadian Lieutenant Leo Haps.
Mr.Labouchere and the others could not reach their destination, as the Germans covered all roads to the bridge with their machine-guns and mortars. It was tried to get through with the aid of a brengun carrier,they even tried to reach the bridge by rowing-boat,but they could not get through.
In the mean-time Mr.Labouchere had got wounded; he returned to Oosterbeek with Lt.Heaps,where he stayed in and around Hartenstein.
After the retreat of the 1st Airborne Division across the river Rhine,Mr.Labou¬chere managed to return to his family in Velp.from where he went on with his activities in the Dutch resistance till the end of the war.
Mr.Charles Bernard Labouchere showed much dedication and courage.From the side of the British he received “The King’s Medal for Courage in the Cause of Freedom” and a “Certificate of Service”,signed by Field Marshall Montgomery. He also received the Netherlands “Bronze Lion”.

Second Excursion Market Garden in het Rijk van Nijmegen”, on October 3rd.
As so many people wanted to take part in the excursion, it has been decided to organize another excursion to the same region on October 3rd.
The programme will be the same as on May30th, you can find it in newsletter no.26. Time and place of departure are also the same.
Those who booked for the first excursion and had then to be disappointed,will automatically be put at the head of the new list, unless they inform the treasurer in time that they cannot take part. Apart from these participants,a very small number of seats is still available. Money should be paid before September 10th and bookings will be handled in order of receipt of payment.So be quick!

Booklet “The Tommies are coming!” will appear in September.
In our newsletter no. 26 we wrote about the booklet which will be given to the Oosterbeek schoolchildren. We can now tell you that the booklet is almost ready. It is the authentic diary of a schoolgirl about her experiences during the days of September 1944. She lived in that part of the Benedendorp that was defended by the “Lonsdale Force”.
This booklet, titled “The Tommies are coming!” will appear in September.A limited number of the booklet will be for sale at the Museum from September 20th. It will cost f 10,—. (Chr.v.R.)

Large gift from Renkum Lions’ Club.
On the occasion of its 15th anniversary, the Renkum Lions’ Club donated the sum of one thousand guilders each to three institutions in the municipallity of Renkum. One of these institutions was the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum. The handing over of the money took place during a meeting in the Museum. The President of the Lions’ Service Clubs, Mr.Bob Koerten, gave a short survey of the objectives of the Clubs. For the Society,our chairman,Mr. Drs.J.Smits, thanked the Lions’ Club for its princely gift, which shall be used for activities relating to the

Society’s Educational Project.
New address of our representative in Great Britain.
Our representative in Great Britain, Mr. F.M.Young,has moved to a new address: 6,Kildown Gardens,Cliftonville, Kent CT9 3EG, England.

Gift from Mrs. Lipmann Kessel.
Dr.Lipmann Kessel,who sadly died last year, was a surgeon with the 16th Parachute Regiment during the Battle of Arnhem. He was made a prisoner of war but succeeded in escaping from the Germans. The other day his widow donated some personal belongings of Dr.Lipmann Kessel to the Museum. Among other things they consist of his original RAMC cap badge, his para wing and the small compass which he used during his successful escape.

Donation of very special charts.
The Airborne Museum has received two air navigation charts from Sgt. H.D.Charrington of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Sgt.Charrington flew as an observer with the Stirling LJ 890 of 570 Squadron RAF. This plane flew missions on September 18th, 19th and 20th,1944. On the charts Sgt.Charrington has marked the routes flown.

The Chair Project.
The “Chair Project” which we announced in our last newsletter,is proving a great success. Both British and Netherlands members have announced their wish to donate a chair with inscription to the Airborne Museum.
All these chairs have in the meantime been ordered.Some people have also donated gifts of money.This money will in due time be used for the purchasing of the table.

Plans for placing the SHERMAN tank on a concrete socle.
After the liberation of Oosterbeek in 1945, one of the many things to be left behind was a SHERMAN tank of the Canadian Army.For some years this tank stood West of Hartenstein Hotel. In 1949 it was taken to Doorwerth Castle,when the Airborne Museum was started there. When in 1978 the Airborne Museum was moved to Hartenstein House,the tank also came back again.
Nowadays it stands East of the Museum,together with a British 17-pounder gun which was used in 1944.
If we want to preserve the SHERMAN tank in the right way, it should be put on a concrete socle.
Our member Mr.H.van de Brand,who has helped us before with the preservation of the tank,has already made a blueprint for an appropriate socle.
In the mean time we have also been able to discover some information about this tank.We hope to dedicate a mini-story to this subject as soon as we will have received some missing

information from Canada.
Burial of Head-gardener Mr. Percy Dawson in the Airborne Cemetery.
Mr.Percy Dawson, who was Head-gardener of the Airborne Cemetery for 32 years, died in May of this year. He reached the age of 71.
He performed his task with great care and scrupulousness. In 1972 he received the “British Empire Medal”. He retired in 1980.
It is a privilege of the head-gardener that he may be buried in “his” cemetery. Percy Dawson was buried in the Airborne Cemetery on May 27, 1987.

Book about the Polish Para Brigade.
The American author George Cholewczynski has for some years now been writing a history about the 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade Group. He has done research for his book in America,England and Holland. Because of his knowledge of the Polish language,he has been able to make use of original Polish sources as diaries and reports.He has also interviewed a large number of Polish veterans, who provided him with many authentic photographs.
The book will appear in a Dutch as well as in an English version, and will come out in 1988.

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Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil

Special-subject afternoon on Saturday.November 28th,1987.
On Saturday.November 28th, our Society organizes another afternoon meeting dedicated to a special subject.We will again be the guests of the ELEKTRUM at Arnhem.
The programme is as follows:
13.10- 14.00 hrs – arrival of members
14.00-15.00 hrs – Lecture by Mr.Troost from Andelst on aeroplanes which were shot down during the Battle Of Arnhem.
During these last ten years,Mr.Troost has studied the history of Allied planes which crashed or were shot down during the Battle of Arnhem,and of the fate of their crews. He did this in conjunction with the working-group Air Warfare of the History Circle Kesteren. He has paid special attention to the history of planes which came down in the area of the Midden-Betuwe,between September 17th and 25th,1944. The planes consisted of fighters,transport planes and gliders. In the Betuwe region alone these losses amounted to more than twenty.
Some planes succeeded in making a forced landing,while the crew could save them¬selves.Often the members of such a crew were rescued by members of the local underground organisation,which then tried to keep the crew out of the hands of the Germans.
Mr.Troost also includes the history of the crews of glider-planes which did not reach their destination near Wolfheze,and which had to make an emergency landing in the Betuwe.
During the past years Mr.Troost has managed to build a unique collection of photographs,which will be shown during the lecture in the form of slides.
15.00-15.30 hrs – interval.The book-service will be present with a large collec¬tion of books.
15.10- 16.00 hrs – continuation of Mr.Troost’s lecture.He will be very pleased to answer any questions.
16.00-16.30 hrs – showing of two films made by amateursabout British troops en¬tering Oosterbeek on Monday,September 18th,1944.
Mr.Clous,the dentist,made his film for the larger part from his garden at the corner of Lebretweg-Utrechtseweg. In 1967,some parts of his film were used in a scientific documentary about the Battle of Arnhem,made by the Society for Film and Science in Utrecht. This afternoon will be the first time that the film will be shown in its entirity.
Two hundred metres further West, on the Utrechtseweg, Mr. Quarles van Ufford also filmed British troops on their way to Arnhem.
It is interesting to observe how the same troops,mostly in jeeps of the RECCE- Squadron,first appear on the film of Mr.Quarles van Ufford,and afterwards on that of Mr.Clous.
These valuable 8 mm films have now been copied on 16 mm films,so that they can be more easily shown to a larger public.
This will be the first time that these films are shown together,the showing of Mr.Quarles van Ufford’s film is even a real “premiere”!
16.30 hrs – end of the afternoon.
The ELEKTRUM is situated on the Klingelbeekseweg in Arnhem,some hundred metres West of the road junction Onderlangs-Bovenover.Tel.no. 085-56 80 20.

Information from the treasurer.
Enclosed with this newsletter you will find the giro-card for the payment of your contribution for 1988.The amount is f 20,- for a single person,/ 30,- for a family.
If payment is received before November 28th,members will receive their membership card from the treasurer during the meeting on November 28th.

Booklet “the Tommies are coming!” :English translation.
This booklet,which was presented to the schoolchildren who took part in this year’s commemoration on the Airborne Cemetery,will be translated into English. This will certainly please the many people who asked for an English version. It will be published in a limited edition.Further details about the sale of this booklet will appear in the next newsletter.

The Chair Project.
Since the appearance of our last newsletter,another five chairs have been donated to the Airborne Museum. On August 28th, Captain Richard Bingley,Mr. Oudendal and Mr.and Mrs. Vissers-van de Kaay each presented a chair to Mr. Verlinden,Chairman of the Foundation. The chair donated by Richard Bingley has been dedicated to: “6th Platoon S Cy 1st Battalion The Parachute Regiment”; Mr.Oudendal’s chair to “Dr.Francois Louis Oudendal,former Medical Superintendent of Oranje-Nassau’s Oord near Renkum.1891-1953.”
During a meeting with the Thanet Branch on September 16th, two chairs were donated. One chair is dedicated to:”All members 156 Battalion The Parachute Regiment”, and the other to: “All members 1st Airborne Divisional Signal Regiment” We have also received a promise for a chair dedicated to the 10th Para Battalion, while several gifts of money have already been designated for the purchase of a table.
It must be noted that,contrary to what was written in our newsletter no.26, The Association for Geography and History do not want their chairs and table back for their own use.They will be very welcome for use in some of the rooms of the Museum.

German rocket detonated.
On Wednesday.September 16th,a German rocket (Wurfgranat) was discovered in the verge of a field of maize near the Oranjeweg,opposite the Airborne Museum.lt contained a bursting-charge of 70 kilogrammes of TNT.As transportation of this rocket proved to be difficult and dangerous,the Bomb Detonation Squad decided to detonate it in its original situation. At about 7 o’clock that night all roads in a wide vicinity were closed for all traffic,while the public had been advised to stay well away.
It so happened that General Urquhart,who had shortly before arrived at the Bilderberg Hotel, was taking a stroll with his wife in the neighbourhood of the Oranjeweg,when he was stopped by the police. Police-officer van 0osten,who recognized the general,asked him kindly not to walk any further.”Sir” he said “in 1944 you survived the battle here in Oosterbeek.When you stay out’of the way of this rocket now,you may survive another visit to Oosterbeek!” No need to say that the General followed his advice.
The detonation of the rocket caused a crater in the field of some metres deep, the shock could be felt inside the Museum.

General Urquhart re-visits No.14.Zwarteweg,in Arnhem.
On September 17th, the Committee “Arnhem-West” organized a meeting in the “Lombok’
quarter of the town,General Urquhart,who attended this meeting,took the opportunity to visit the house on No.14.Zwarteweg. During the Battle of Arnhem he had to hide himself in this house for 36 hours, in order not to fall into German hands.

Concrete socle for SHERMAN tank.
In our last newsletter we wrote about the plans for a concrete socle for the SHERMAN tank near the Museum. We are glad that we can tell you that these plans are going ahead well. A request for approval by the municipallity has been sent off by the Board. Calculations and budgets have beeen received.If all goes well,the Board plans to ask members of the Society for their assistance, so that the project may be finished with a maximum of dedication and a minimum of costs!

Visit of disabled veterans to the Commemoration events.
Together with the Health Insurance Company “Het Zilveren Kruis”, our Society was this year again able to invite eleven disabled veterans to come and attend the Commemorations in Oosterbeek and Arnhem.
Because of their physical conditions,our special guests needed much extra care. One of them even had to spend some time in hospital because of breathing prob¬lems . Fortunately everything went well and he could return to England with the others.
Afterwards these guests were full of praise for the way in which it had been made possible for them to be flown to Holland,to be transported to Oosterbeek and to stay here.
This time the veterans belonged to the 1st and 2nd Para Battalions; next year we hope that we can invite members of other units. They are selected with the help of British organisations of ex-Servicemen. These organisations know best the names of those people who,because of ill-health and/or lack of means,have not been able to come to Oosterbeek before.

New commemorative envelope.
True to tradition,the Museum has again this year issued a commemorative envelope. The subject chosen for this year is the 1st Airlanding Brigade.The envelope is stamped on September 17th and shows a photograph of Brigadier-General P.H.W.
Hicks,who was commander of the 1st Airlanding Brigade. The envelope also shows the emblems of the three Battalions of the Brigade: The King’s Own Scottish Borderers, the South Staffordshires and the Border Regiment.
The envelopes are numbered.Price:f 5,- .

Service of Remembrance on video.
The Oosterbeek firm of Messrs.J.Bal have made a video recording of the Service of Remembrance which took place at the Airborne Cemetery on September 20th of this year.It can be obtained at the Museum.The price is f 35,- for VHS and Betamax, f 40,- for V2000.

“Theirs is the glory” on video.
Also available at the Museum is a video recording of the original,unabridged, version of the film “Theirs is the Glory”,as it was first shown in 1946.The film has no sub-titles.
A booklet has been added which tells the story of the making of the film in August and September 1945.
The price is f 87,50.

Mosaic of aerial photographs.
During the Commemorations of 1984,the then present veterans received a mosaic of aerial photographs of the battlefields near Arnhem.The mosaic has been com¬piled from original photographs,taken by Allied reconnaissance planes.
A limited number of this mosaic is still available and is sold at the Museum.
Price: f 2,50.

Dress of parachute silk.
Mr. Th.Peelen from Rheden has donated to the Museum a dress made of parachute silk. Immediately after the airlandings, the inhabitants of Wolfheze,Heelsum and Renkum took away large number of parachutes.They used them for the making of much needed clothes.
The dress donated by Mr.Peelen is one of the few that after all these years is still in a perfect state.

New issue of the Museum guide.
A new guide of the Airborne Museum has been issued.Apart from some small changes in the contents and the addition of a photo of the new diorama in the basement, the cover has also been changed. It now also shows a photograph of Hartenstein House as it was in 1945.

Donation of a special camera.
Mr.D.van Woerkom was one of the few inhabitants of Oosterbeek who in 1944 still possessed a film for his camera. He used it on September 18th,to take pictures of members of the RECCE Squadron in their jeep in the Backerstraat.
Both the camera and the original negatives survived. Together with other origi¬nal cameras and photographs they were exhibited in the Museum during the exhibition “Photography during the Battle of Arnhem”,which was held in the spring of 1985 .
Mr.van Woerkom has now donated both camera and negatives to the Airborne Museum.

No.14,Zwarteweg, Arnhem, September 17th,1987. General Urquhart tells Mrs.L.van Wordragen of the “Arnhem-West” committee about the window on the first floor,from where he could spot a German tank.

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8th General Annual Meeting.
You are invited to attend the 8th General Annual Meeting of the Society, on SATURDAY,MARCH 12th,1988,in the Concerthall.Bengdendorpsweg at Oosterbeek (oppo¬site the Old Church),telephone 085-332046).Time:14.00 hrs.
The agenda of the meeting is as follows:
1. Opening address by the chairman.
2. Reading of the minutes of the 7th General Annual Meeting of March 28th,1987.
3. General Review 1987.
4. Financial Report 1987 and budget 1988.
5. Report Auditing Committee.
6. Election of Committee members.
7. Appointment of reserve member auditing committee.
8. Questions before closing of meeting.
9. Closure.

Messrs.J.Smits (chairman) and R.P.G.A.Voskuil (editor .Newsletter) are due to retire from the committee.Both are elegible for re-election.According to art.8 of the regulations,members can propose other candidates.Proposals should be sent in writing to the secretary of the Society,ten days before the day of the meeting.They must be signed by al least ten members and be accompanied by a written agreement of the proposed members,who must be of age and members of the Society.
Thirty minutes before the start of the meeting,the financial papers and the report of the Auditing Committee will be available for inspection by the members. The Financial Report 1987 and the Budget 1988 will be sent to our members with the next Newsletter.

Film:”Back to Arnhem”. The British video-documentary “Back to Arnhem” will be shown after the Annual Meeting.This is a documentary about the 1st Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron during the Battle of Arnhem,and especially about the experiences of Sgt.Henry Venes (A Troop) and Trooper Richard Minns(C Troop). The makers of this film have made a very realistic reconstruction of some of the incidents in which the Recce Squadron was involved.They have also made use of some original film fragments-taken in 1944.

Death of Brigadier Chatterton.

Brigadier George Chatterton OBE DSO (retd.) died on November 11th,1987.after a short illness.During the war he commanded the Glider Pilot Regiment.In September 1983,Brigadier Chatterton acted as leader of the Pilgrimage during the commemo¬ration of the Battle of Arnhem.

Annual Report.
In spite of the fact that again 24 members had to be expelled from the Society because of non-payment of their subscription,the number of members of the Society did increase to 866.By the end of 1986 there were 820 members.Sadly,six members died during 1987:Messrs. P.Dawson,J.Fox,E.J.Geurs,W.P.Kramer,C.M.v.d.Lee and J.Verhoeven.
Four Newsletters were sent to our members.
The special-subject day on May 30th was a great succes and had to be repeated on October 3rd, the same applied to the special-subject afternoon on November 28th,it was visited by 180 members.
The sale of articles and souvenirs went very well,both in the Museum shop and during several occasions outside the Museum where we were present with a stand about the Museum and the Society. Several articles as the statuette and the poster of the mosaic of aerial photographs are sold out.
The Society is planning shortly to start the sale of new articles and souvenirs. The idea to issue the booklet “the Tommies are coming!” has proved to be a great succes.The schoolchildren who received it as a token of thanks for their taking part in the commemoration in the cemetery in 1987,were very pleased with it.The sale of the booklet is also going very well.The booklet is at the moment being translated into English.
The Educational Project has become a firmly established part of the activities of the Society.
The Society donated the following items to the Museum: window dummies for use in the new diorama in the basement;a new show-case for the exposition of explo¬sives and,thanks to our Chair Project,a number of beautiful oak chairs. Altogether,we can conclude that the past year has been a good year for the Society,we trust that 1988 will be the same.

The Chair Project.

In our last Newsletter we mentioned the donation of 2 chairs on September 16th, 1987.We can now tell you that the chair dedicated to the 156 Battalion,the Para¬chute Regiment,was donated by Mr.Hector Montgomery.The chair dedicated to the 1st Airborne Divisional Signal Regiment was donated by the Old Comrades Association of the Airborne Signals.
In the meantime we have also received a chair dedicated to “The King’s Own Scot¬tish Borderers of 1st Airborne Division,September 1944,7th (Galloway) Battalion”.
General Urquhart’s visit to No.14,Zwarteweg,Arnhem.
In addition to the article in our last Newsletter about General Urquhart’s stay in the house at no.14.Zwarteweg,in September 1944,General Urquhart sent us the following addition :
“It is factual that I was out of touch with my HQ’s for 36 hours, after I set out to visit I Para Bde during the afternoon of 17 September, but of this interval some 15 hours only were spent in 14 Zwarteweg. My memory of the actual timing is vague, but during that period my stopping places and their timing were something Like the following.
Night 17/18 September with HQ of 3 Para Bn in a villa on the Utrechtseweg to the West of the Hartenstein Hotel, along with Brigadier Lathbury.
Morning and early afternoon of 18 September still with HQ of 3 Para Bn in a three storied house on main Arnhem road, short and west of the Elisabeth hospital, also with Brigadier Lathbury.
Late afternoon and following night 18/19 September in No 14 Zwarteweg, with Captains Cleminson and Taylor.
I must have left that house about 0630 hours on 19 September, for I arrived back at my HQ’s, which was then at the Hartenstein Hotel, at 0725 hours on that

Mr.Pit presents a signed copy of his book “War over Oosterbeek” to Drs.A.Groeneweg,member of the board of the Foundation The Airborne Museum.

Hugo Pit visits the Airborne Museum.
One of the first books which were written about the Battle of Arnhem was “Oorlog over Oosterbeek” (“War over Oosterbeek”),by Mr.H.F.Pit.It was published in Delft in 1946.In this booklet Mr.Pit describes his experiences in September 1944 in and around his house at the Jagerskamp in Oosterbeek.
Hugo Pit studied electrical engineering;as a young student his hobbies were radio and recording technics. He had built a complete recording studio in his father’s house.When the air landings started on September 17th,and during the days that followed,he made gramophone records of the sounds of battle around him.
Sadly,the house was destroyed by fire on September 20th,his unique recordings were destroyed,too. In spite of the danger,Hugo Pit managed to film the burning down of the house and,fortunately,that piece of film was saved.
After the war Mr.Pit did not return to live in Oosterbeek.On December 30th,1987, he visited the Airborne Museum for the first time. He was very much impressed by the wealth of material exhibited by the Museum.He was also very surprised by the news that his booklet,which is of course in the library of the Museum,has now become very rare.In 1946 no publisher was interested in it,so he published it at his own expense.
The Museum possesses a video-copy of the film Mr.Pit made in 1944.

New member of the board of the Museum.
Mr.J.W.van Slooten of Oosterbeek has been nominated as a new member of the board of the Museum.

7th British “member for life”.
Mr.H.Howlett from Broadstairs in Kent has become the 7th member for life of our Society.During the Battle of Arnhem he served with the Royal Signals.One of the photographs taken on September 17th on the landing area near Wolfheze,shows a group of seven soldiers of the Royal Signals; there is a sunflower in the foreground.This photograph has been used many times,among other things it was used in the booklet “It was like this”.The third soldier on the left is Mr.

Anniversary of Airborne Museum.
Ten years ago,in the month of May,the Airborne Museum was moved from Doorwerth Castle to Hartenstein House.On May 11th,1978,General Urquhart opened the new Museum.
This anniversary will be commemorated in the coming month of May.Apart from the official festivities,a book will be published with photographs which have been given to the Museum in the past ten years.lt will also contain some stories by soldiers and civilians who took part in the Battle of Arnhem.None of these stories have been published before.This book is being compiled by Messrs.Duyts and Groe¬neweg, both members of the board of the Museum.
Our next Newsletter will contain more detailed information about this anniversary.

Polish parachutists and the Battle of Arnhem.
In our Newsletter no.27 we wrote about the plans to publish a book about the 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade Group.
Mr.G.H.Maassen,archivist of Renkum Municipality.sent us the following infor¬mation about this subject:
” George F. Cholewczynski.a Polish American,has been gathering information for some years now about the 1st Independent Polish Parachutists Brigade and the role it played during the Battle of Arnhem.He has interviewed numerous veterans,visited their reunions in Scotland,corresponded with a great number of the parties in¬volved and he has spent many hours in the Polish Institute and the Sikorski Museum in London.
As far as we know,he is the first (amateur) historian to have made an extensive use of the Polish reports and accounts which have been in this Institute for many years. Moreover,he aquired many photographs which have never been published before,both from veterans in England and Poland,and from the Sikorski Museum. All this has resulted in an extensive mass of documentation which now serves as the basis for the book which Mr. Cholewczynski has started and which tells the story of the Brigade.As it has been decided that the book will be first published in the Dutch language,a Dutch publisher has been contacted.
The book tells the complete story of the Brigade;the first chapter starts in Poland.Then the reader is taken on a journey which goes via France to Scotland. Chapters about the training of the Polish soldiers and the preparations for operational actions are followed by eight chapters about Operation “Market Garden”. The book will have 144 pages and will contain 80 to 100 photographs.
As the publisher wants to publish this book in September 1988, at a reasonable price (f 35,—) ,he would like to know how many people are interested in it. As the extent of the edition influences the price of the book,members of our Society are urgently requested to make known whether they are interested in the purchase of the book.
If so,please inform Geert Maassen,Jan van Riebeeckweg 82, 6861 BH Oosterbeek (tel. 085-337515).

Request from the treasurer
: Members who have not yet paid their contribution for 1988,are kindly requested to do so as soon as possible.

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Utrechtseweg 232 6862 AZ Oosterbeek tel: 085-337710

10th Anniversery Airborne Museum in Hartenstein House.

On May 11th 1978, the new Airborne Museum in Hartenstein House was opened officially, so May 11th,1988, was celebrated in a special way.H.R.H. Prince Bern- hard visited the Museum and received the first copy of the jubilee-book “The Harvest of 10 Years.”

The Prince was received by the Trustees of the Board of the Museum.The Mayor of Renkum municipality,Drs.J.W.Verlinden, who is also chairman of the Board of Trustees,welcomed H.R.H. in a short speech,then he presented the Prince with the book.

H.R.H. Prince Bernhard with the first copy of the jubilee book “The Har­vest of Ten Years”, given to him by Drs.J.W.Verlinden,chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Airborne Museum.
In the centre: Drs. A.Groeneweg,one of the compilers of the book. (Photo: B.de Reus).

The Prince spoke some words of thanks and was then taken on a short tour of the Museum.Special attention was paid to a small exhibition of fotographs aquired by the Museum during these last ten years. These photo’s can also be found in the jubilee-book.
Plans had been made that the exhibition was to be opened officially by Mr.G.J. Walker from England.In September 1944 Sgt.Walker was one of the three cameramen of the “Army Film and Photo Unit (AFPU)” who recorded the Battle on film and in photographs.In the end.however,Mr.Walker was unable to come to Holland.owing to the ferry-strikes, which was a great disappointment to all concerned.

Special subject day on June 18th.

During the last two years we centred our excursions around the events.which took place during Operation Market Garden in the Eindhoven and Nijmegen areas. Our guide was Drs.Karel Margry.For 1988 we planned to organize an excursion to the area between Nijmegen and Driel. It appeared .however, that there was not enough time for a thorough preparation for this complicated area. So it was decided to postpone this excursion till next year.

We now propose to take a walking excursion through the Western part of the Peri­meter .Special attention will be paid to about 20 different points of interest during this walk.
On the proposal of Mr.van Roekel, this excursion will have a somewhat different character.People will not be forced to walk in one large group,but will be allowed to take their own time, in small groups, with the help of a detailed walking-guide. At various important points there will be people waiting for them to give more detailed information.

The program of this day is as follows:
10.00 hrs: reception of the participants in the Airborne Museum.Please don’t forget to bring your membership-card!
10.00 – 12.30 hrs: walk along the Utrechtseweg,Sonnenberglaan,Valkenburglaan, van Borsselenweg to the Westerbouwing. All participants must be at the Westerbouwing at 12.30 hrs.
13.30 hrs: Lunch at the Westerbouwing.
15.30 hrs: walk through the woods of the Hemelseberg and Pietersberg to Hartenstein Park.

Mr.van Roekel has organized this day, aided by a number of committee-members and members of the Society.
The total length of the walk is about 5 kilometres.The route covers some wood­paths and accidented ground:stout walking shoes are recommended! In case of rainy weather the excursion will still take place. The costs for this excursion will be f 17,50, they include coffee,lunch and the illustrated walking guide. Money can be sent to giro nr.4403641 of the Society, before june 11th.

H.R.H.Prince Bernhard looking attentively at the photographs of the special exhibition “The Harvest of Ten Years”. (Photo:B.de Reus).

“The Harvest of ten Years”.
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Airborne Museum in Hartenstein House,a special jubilee book has been published, called “The Harvest of ten Years”. It contains a choice of diaries and photographs regarding the Battle of Arnhem, aquired by the Museum during the past ten years.
It has been compiled by Messrs. W.J.M.Duyts and A.Groeneweg and contains a foreword by General Sir John W.Hackett. It consists of six stories in English and one story in Dutch.
In his diary “Ending up at Arnhem”, Mr.G.W.Jukes describes the actions near Arnhem bridge, the period that he hid himself on the Veluwe, and his failed attempt to escape:”Pegasus II”.
Mr. C.B.Labouchere ‘s activities as a resistance fighter have been described in the chapter called “The airlandings near Arnhem”.(See Newsletter no 27 August 1987.) ■ ‘ ’ The complete diary of Brigadier Gerald Lathbury can be read in “September-October 1944,Arnhem Diary”.
Flying Officer R.Lawton,190 Squadron,RAF,writes about his experiences after the loss of his plane on September 19th,1944,during a supply dropping operation.His chapter is called “An Airman at Arnhem”.
Major T.I.J.Toler,00 B Squadron Glider Pilot Regiment, wrote his “Diary of Events during the Battle of Arnhem”.In it he tells about his experiences during the landings,the actions in Oosterbeek and the retreat across the Rhine.
Colonel Graeme Warrack’s complete diary is entitled !’17 Sept.-16 Oct. 1944.Arnhem Diary”.
The last chapter in the book contains “Men at Arnhem” by Alan Wood,correspondent of the Daily Express.
The book also contains 23 hitherto unknown photographs of the Battle of Arnhem. The book can be obtained at the Airborne Museum and costs f 42,50.

English edition of “The Tommies are coming!”
The English edition is now ready to be printed. We hope that it will be ready for sale in July.It can then be obtained from the Museum and will cost f 10, — . The first edition will consist of 250 books. The price for readers from England will be £ 5.-.postage included. Please send your money in cash by letter, the costs for cashing foreign bank-cheques are very high!
We are very grateful to Mrs.A.G.Meeuwsen.who took care of the translation.She has tried to retain the simple and sometimes childlike atmosphere of this diary, which makes it so unique.
We are also very grateful to the two ladies who took care of the typing of the manuscript:Mrs. M.M.H.Pelkman-Bongers and Mrs.A.J.van Damme-de Groot.
Dutch members who want to receive an English edition by post,can do so by paying f 13,— into the giro-account of the Society, mention “The Tommies are coming”.

“Operation Argyle.”

Our Dutch building-team, Messrs, van de Brand,Berghege,Dellepoort,te Niet.Pelk- man and van Roekel, have seen to it that the Sherman ~tank”ARGYLE” has been neatly placed on its concrete sockel.Well done! Our member Mr.Benter is now busy constructing the slab of granite which will bear the regimental coat of arms of the Canadian “Lord Strathcona’s Horse”.
During the period of May 30th till June 3rd, 40 Canadian soldiers belonging to the sister-regiment “8th Hussars” will come to Oosterbeek in two groups of 20 men each, to help to restore the tank to its former glory.They will do the welding, cleaning and painting jobs and will also see to restoring the original emblems and armament.
The official unveiling ceremony will take place on June 2nd. Two special guests have been invited to attend this event:the Regimental Historical Officer and the Regimental Sergeant-Major of the L.S.H. from Calgary,Canada.
Extensive information about the tank can be found in the Ministory which is sent with this Newsletter. (Chr.v.R.)

The “Chair-project”.

We have almost reached the end of our Chair-project activities. The last two chairs were given by the 2nd Para Battalion and the Gelderland branch of the Ex – Marines. This means that the Museum is now the proud owner of twelve stylish oak chairs.In the mean time the table has also arrived.This table is to be dedicated to the Allied soldiers and the Dutch civilians who gave their lives for the libe¬ration of our country.Donations for the table are still welcome. The names of all donors of money will be mentioned on a brass tablet in the centre of the table. A provisional inscription will announce the amount of money received.

The”School-proj ect”.
Almost every file with information for schoolchildren has been handed out since the project started in 1984.This means that about five thousand Dutch schoolchil¬dren have visited our Museum till now.At first it was only the regional schools which were interested, but by now we receive requests from all parts of the country. We are now considering to have a second edition printed. If it is financially possible,we will continue this important work .

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Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil Dutch-English translation: Drs.A.Groeneweg
Dear Friends,
It is a pleasant thought that our Society is gradually becoming better known. For the first time a delegation of the committee attended a meeting held to coordinate the activities during the Airborne March and the September pilgrimage. The other participants at this meeting were the Renkum Police Sports Association, the Lest We Forget Foundation, the Poland-Driel Committee and the Airborne Museum Foundation. Elsewhere in this News-letter the programme for the September Remembrance Week-end is printed.
Although the time for making preparations is rather short, we are trying to propagate our existence during the Airborne March on the 4th September.
This is what we in fact did when we literally went out in the streets on the 26th June during a walking tour along the western side of the perimeter in Oosterbeek. The interest shown by our members was overwhelming. We counted more than 120 members, from all parts of the country. The enormous attendance, the cooperation of the Trustees, the Director and staff of the Airborne Museum and the oral and visual explanation by Messrs Groeneweg, Van Roekel and Voskuil together with Arnhem-veterans Ken Scott- Phillips and Reg Whotton, all this resulted in a very successful excursion. Many thanks to all concerned!
In view of the many positive reactions the committee considers the possibility of organizing other excursions along the same line. Your suggestions are welcome. Finally we should like to ask those members who took photographs during the tour to present a copy for our archives. The Hon. Secretary will be pleased to receive them. With many thanks for your cooperation,
J.Smits, president.

In Memoriam Henk Aalbers.
On 7th July Mr.H.G.Aalbers of Oosterbeek suddenly died at the age of 64.
From the beginning Henk Aalbers was involved in the annual Airborne Memorial Services. He was deeply interested in everything connected with the Battle of Arnhem and he was an enthusiastic member of our Society.
We convey our sympathy to his wife, children and family.
From the administration.
Perhaps superfluously, members are reminded that the official year of our Society concurs with the calendar year. Cancellations of membership should be received not later than 1st December.
Programme of the 38th Anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem.
The following Programme was received from the Lest We Forget Foundation.
Thursday 16th September: At approx. 20.00 hrs.: Arrival of British and Polish pi g (place of arrival: Town Hall, Oosterbeek).
Friday 17th September: At 18.00 hrs.: Annual General Meeting of the Arnhem Veterans Club, in the Concert Hall, Oosterbeek, followed by the Reunion of the Arnhem e (both Meeting and Reunion for members of the Arnhem Veterans Club only).
Saturday 18th September: At 9.00 hrs.: Assembling at the Town Hall, Arnhem, for wreath laying at the John Frost Memorial. .
At 10.00 hrs.: Official Reception at the Municipality of Arnhem. (Vehicles can be parked in the Market Square opposite the Town Hall). The Reception will end in time to enable the guests to attend
at 12.00 hrs. : the Parachute Descent onto the Ginkel Heath by 10th Bn Parachute Regt. After the Drop, there will be a short Service of Remembrance at the Monument on the Ginkel Heath.
At 15.00 hrs.: Wreath Laying at the Polish Monument at Driel.
At 19-45 hrs.: Tattoo on the Market Square, Oosterbeek.
At 21.00 his.: Social Evening and Dancing for all the British visitors (and their hosts) in the Concert Hall, Oosterbeek.
Sunday 19th September: At 8.30 hrs.: Holy Communion Service, Old Church, Oosterbeek.
At 9.3O hrs.: R.C. Mass, R.C. Church, Utrechtseweg, Oosterbeek.
At 11.00 hrs.: The Memorial Service at the Airborne Cemetery, Oosterbeek.
At 14.00 hrs.: The Boat-trip on the river Rhine, until 17.00 hrs.
Monday 20th September: Departure Times for the British and Polish visitors.

Miniature Horsa Gliders.
A glass case in ons of the ground floor rooms of the Airborne Museum contains three large models of Horsa Gliders.
For a number of years two enthusiastic Dutch model builders, Messrs B.Belonje and A. van Pelt, spent almost all of their spare time collecting data about this type of glider and building the models.
Relatively little information about this type of glider is available. Not a single Horsa has been completely preserved, although some 2000 of them were built during the Second World War. British museums count three cockpits and one incomplete fuselage among their exhibits.
With the help of photographs, drawings and instruction books Messrs Belonje and Van Pelt have succeeded in reconstructing the gliders to the smallest detail. The perspex models are on a scale of 1 : 32. Wooden master copies of the cockpit, fuselage, tail and wings were made. Heated perspex was then pressed around the master pieces. A frame of spars and longerons was then fitted into the models. The interior of the cockpit was constructed according to the Pilot’s Manual. Apart from the instrument panel it contains three compressed air bottles for the air brakes a TR radio, a battery for the lamps and a rack for signal cartridges.
The position of the models in the glass case is not arbitrary but was based on aerial and ground photographs taken on 17th and 19th September 1944-, on the landing zones near Wolfheze. It shows the unloading of three Horsa gliders, carrying men and material of 1st Airlanding Brigade. y
The Horsa with the fixed tail carried troops sitting on opposite benches. On landing, they left the glider through doors aft of the wing.
The tail sections of the other Horsas have been removed. Runners have been slinned out and jeeps, a trailer and a six-pounder anti tank gun are driven out of the gilders.
Here, too, much attention has been given to detail
The words of praise from many visitors to the Muse™, among whom a number of-ex-glider pilots, are proof that the two modellers have delivered work, for which the Airborne Museum owes them sincere gratitude.

The Horsas, built by Belonje and Van Pelt, are hardly distinguishable from the real thing, as the photograph shows. The models were put out in the open and photographed in close up.


(Photograph: B. de Reus)
The Airborne Museum during the September Pilgrimage.
The Museum, which is normally open from 11.00 – 17.00 hours, will be open until 21.00 hrs. on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th September.

The Old Church at Oosterbeek.
The Old Church on the Benedendorpsweg at Oosterbeek is open to visitors from June to October on Tuesday and Thursday from 14,00 – 17.00 hrs.
If you wish to visit the Church at other times, please contact:
the Parish Office, Utrechtseweg 218, Oosterbeek, telephone (085) – 333094 or
Mr. Vergunst, Benedendorpsweg 127, Oosterbeek, telephone (O85) – 333728, or Mr. Van Deventer, Benedendorpsweg 131, Oosterbeek, telephone (O85) – 332122.
Brig, Mackenzie presents Cap Badge.
Brig. Charles Mackenzie, who was GSO I (Ops) to General Urquhart during the Battle of Arnhem, has presented his cap badge to the Airborne Museum. Brig., at that time Lieut- Col. Mackenzie wore the badge of his original regiment, The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders, during the September days in 1944.
The badge is on view in the diorama of General Urquhart’s H.Q. in the cellar of the Airborne Museum.
Addition to the Collection of Radio Sets,
Mr. C.W.Weimar of Zeist has presented a number of radio sets from the Second World War. This important collection consists of two British receiver-transmitters^type 19, two receiver-transmitters type 38, an R-109 receiver and a German “Tornister receiver. All sets are complete with spare parts and instruction notes and are in perfect order.
Another gift of a Plasma Set.

In the last News-letter mention was made of the donation of two bottles of blood plasma, complete with tube.
Mr. J. Pol of Arnhem has now presented to the Museum a metal box containing a bottle of dehydrated blood plasma, a bottle of sterilized water and a complete set of tubes. The rubber tubes and the needles are still in their original wrappings.
This important acquisition will also be on display in the diorama of the first aid post in the cellar of the Museum.
Gift for the improvement of the Wheelchair Lift.
The (Dutch) Committee for Summer Postage Stamps has allocated the sum of Dfl. 20.000.- for the improvement of one of the wheelchair lifts of the Museum. The location of the lift at the front of the Museum has proved to be difficult. It has been decided to install a new wheelchair lift at the back of the Museum near to the main entrance.

A New Airborne Museum in Normandy.
The Sixth Airborne Division landed in Normandy during the night of 6th June, 1944, east of Caen. The division formed part of the huge Allied invasion force that initiated the liberation of the Continent of Europe. One of the tasks allotted to the Airborne Division was the capture of some heavily defended concrete fortifications near the village of Merville. The casemats, which presumably enclosed four 150 mm guns, were a serious threat to the British and Canadian troops that would land on the beach west of Ouistreham in the morning of June 6th. 9 Para Bn, commanded by Lieut.Col. Terence Otway, was ordered to destroy the Battery.
The attack, however, was made in quite a different manner than planned. Only 150 men of the 750 parachutists reached their rendez-vous and practically all heavy weapons and equipment were lost.
In spite of these disasters Otway succeeded in capturing the battery. The guns turned out to be of the 75 mm calibre and would have endangered the landings on the beach much less
The story of this operation is told in detail in a new book by John Golley, entitled “The Big Drop”, published by Jane’s Publishing Company, London, at £ 8.95.
Copies were presented to veterans of the 9 Para Bn on 5th June during the opening ceremony of a new museum in one of the big casemats of the battery near Merville. The museum shows the preparations for the battle and the course of the battle.
We hope this new Airborne Museum will get the attention it deserves and that it will soon become a well-visited reminder of this episode of the D-day landings.
The News-letter.
News-letter No. 8 will appear in November.


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JUNE 1982

Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil

Dutch-English translation: S.G.Beek-Hobart

Dear Friends,

Our Society’s Second Annual General Membership Meeting took place on the 20th March, 1982, in the Concert-Hall in Oosterbeek; 99 of our members were present.

Mr.A.Maynard M.B.E. was also present on this occasion. The Chairman, Mr.H.van Krieken, was unable to attend and the meeting was thus opened by the Vice-Chairman, Mr.J.A.Eykelhoff. First and foremost, the General Report for 1981, the Financial Report for 1981 and the Budget for 1982 were considered. This was followed by the election of the new Committee members as a consequence of the resignation of Mr.H. van Krieken and Mrs.S.G.Beek-Hobart. Mrs.M.H.Steinweg-ten Horn had already presented her resignation in December 1981.

The three candidates proposed by the Committee were introduced to the members and since no other candidates were presented, they were nominated to the Committee with no further need to vote. Since then, the duties within the Committee have been established and are as follows: Mr.J.Smits, Chairman; Mr.J.A.Eykelhoff, Vice- Chairman; Mrs.J.M. de Langen, Secretary; Mr.H.A.Hendriks, 1st Treasurer;

Mr.R.Fennema, 2nd Treasurer; Mrs.J.Smit-Duchateau, member; Mr.R.P.G.A.Voskuil, member. The Vice-Chairman expressed his appreciation to the resigning members for their considerable contribution towards the Society of Friends.

The Cash Committee was extended from two to three members. Mr.J.Kardol was prepared to remain on the Cash Committee for the forthcoming year, and Messrs. Van Soest and Bekkers were prepared to join the aforesaid Committee.

Then Mr.W.T.B. de Ruyter, who will give the Society technical advice, was introduced to the members present.

In an open discussion thereafter, the members had a great deal of suggestions, many of which have already been discussed within the Committee. Any questions directly concerning the Museum were answered by Major Duyts.

At the end of the meeting, Major Duyts, on behalf of the Foundation Airborne Museum, presented the Vice-Chairman with a Chairman’s hammer for which the Vice-Chairman, on behalf cnf the Committee, was most grateful.

Finally, in closing the Meeting, the Vice-Chairman thanked all those present for their enthusiastic participation and invited all to view the film which had been previously announced in the Committee’s A.G.M. invitation.

A “special afternoon” dedicated to the fighting which took place in Oosterbeek.

On the 26th June, a “special afternoon” will be organised dedicated to the fighting which took place in Oosterbeek during the Battle of Arnhem and concentrated around Hartenstein and the western side of the “perimeter”. This “perimeter” was the bridge-head (in the shape of a horseshoe) held by the British in Oosterbeek and which they continued to defend against the Germans until the very end of the Battle. With the help of maps and aerial and ground photographs from 1944, an effort will be made during the walk which will take place to give an impression of the fighting as it raged in this part of Oosterbeek.

(….download original letter)

The return-walk will then continue along the “Pietersberg and Hartenstem port Park. Your guides for this special afternoon will be Messrs. Groeneweg, van Roekel and Voskuil.                                                                                                  .                                      ,            . . .

Any members wishing to participate in this afternoon are kindly reques e o su mi / 5.- to the Treasurer. For our British members who might happen to be in this area on the date mentioned, such payment can be effected in the office.

What happens to the Museum’s acquisitions?

Various kinds of objects relating to the Battle of Arnhem, as well as documents and photographs, are regularly received from civilians and war veterans. Such donations, whether received directly by the Museum or via our Society, are precisely registered together with the name of the person making the donation or the loan. Up until now, the donator was either thanked verbally or in written form. In the near future, a new and permanent arrangement will come into effect; this will include a “Certifi- caat van Ontvangst” (“Certificate of Receipt”) extended by the Airborne Museum. Some of the objects donated are exhibited first of all in the show-case in the reception room, alongside the maquette. Thereafter, space is found in the exhibition area or they are integrated in the archives or carefully stored. If necessary, objects are first of all cleaned, restored and preserved.

We regret that it is impossible to mention in the News-letter all the donations received; inevitably a choice has to be made.

The Records Department of the Municipality of Arnhem gives Aerial Photo Mosaic.

The Airborne Museum has recently received a large mosaic made up of aerial photo­graphs taken of Arnhem and its surroundings; these photos were taken on the 12th September 1944 by a British reconnaissance ‘plane of the R.A.F. 541 Squadron.

This mosaic, which is now permanently exhibited in the hallway of the upper floor of the Museum, was prepared by the Records Dept, of the Municipality of Arnhem for an exhibition held last year called, “Arnhem van Boven” (“Arnhem from the Air”).

A fortunate coincidence.

Some time ago, the Museum received two bottles of blood plasma which were left behind after the Battle of Arnhem in a house in Oosterbeek where wounded British soldiers had been attended to. Unfortunately the rubber tube and needle belonging to the bottles were missing. Fellow-workers of the Museum got in touch with hospitals and doctors in the hope that such an authentic tube could be found; but to no avail. When this problem was discussed with your Editor, he suddenly remembered that some-” thing resembling the long sought-after objects, had been seen somewhere in his attic. After some hunting around, a tube with fitting needle of the type sought, was discovered. The tube was even complete with glass-holder and filter, as well as the fitted cork for the plasma bottle. It is needless to say that this souvenir has now been removed from your Editor’s attic to the Airborne Museum collection!

The donation of uniform coats.

Two uniform coats have been donated to the Museum by Mrs. B.Breman-Peters from Benedendorp in Oosterbeek. Both coats ones belonged to a soMier and the other belonging to a lieutenant of the Royal Artillery – are in their original and complete state with all their badges.

A significant gift from the Glider Pilot Regimental Association

The British veteran Glider Pilot Regimental Association has donated 500.- to our Society, for which we are extremely grateful.

New diorama presents mortar. (See photograph).

The 3 inch mortar in the cellars of Hartenstein
(photo: B. de Reus)

The diary of a British parachute doctor is published.

A number of books have already been published about the organisation of the British Medical Service and the care for the wounded during the Battle of Arnhem. A short while ago, a new title appeared, “Arnhem Doctor” written by Stuart Mawson. Mawson was the battalion doctor of the 11th Parachute Battalion, which formed part of the 4th Parachute Brigade dropped onto Ginkel Heath on the 18th September 1944. Even though Mawson mentions no names of streets or roads, his descriptions of places and situations are so very clear that we can follow him pretty easily. At the rear of the 11th Battalion, he and his medical personnel march from the Ginkel Heath through Wolfheze to Oosterbeek via the Utrechtseweg, where they arrive in the evening of the 18th September. They continue their march along the Benedendorpsweg in the direction of Arnhem, and having passed the viaduct of Oosterbeek-Laag Station, they overnight in a garden situated on the Klingelbeekse Weg. Early in the morning of Tuesday, 19th September, the march is continued to nearby the Hulkesteinse Weg in Arnhem. The remainder of the 11th Battalion has by then become involved in heavy fighting at Onderlangs-Bovenover and the medical section, with Mawson, utilise the garage of a house onthe Klingelbeekse Weg as a first-aid post. When the situation becomes untenable, Mawson continues his work in a near-by shed, a few hundred metres westward. Here he first meets the Dutch nurse who has such an important role in the rest of the narrative.

Later, on that same 19th September, all the wounded and the medical personnel are evacuated from the shed to Hotel Schoonoord in Oosterbeek, which.was then being used as a hospital. By then, Mawson is definitely divided from his own attalion. As the Battle of Arnhem continues, he remains assigned to the medical staff of


Whilst the battle rages in full force, his description of the life and work in that hospital is extremely penetrating. But even more so, it is the way in which he analyses his own emotions as well as those of others, which makes the book so very special. Moreover, Mawson has the great gift of being able to put his experiences and emotions into words in a most fascinating and compelling manner.

His story finishes on the 23rd September, when Schoonoord falls into German hands, and he and all the wounded are taken into captivity.

“Arnhem Doctor”, which is published by Orbis in London, is imported by Keesing BV in Amsterdam and costs f 43-90. There is no Dutch translation of this book.

A new book about the British “Airborne” generals.

“The Silken Canopy” written by the British Major Victor Dover, appeared in 1979 and described the author’s experiences as a parachutist during the Second World War. Victor Dover has now written a second book entitled “The Sky Generals” which is about the generals who commanded the British airborne troops during this period. He describes briefly their youthful periods, their careers and their characters and then continues to study their roles in the building up of the different brigades and divisions as well as the airborne landing operations which took place in enemy territory.

General Gale is the first to be described; he was the first to be given command of the 1st Parachute Brigade which was established on the 15th September, 1942. Gale also led the 6th Airborne Division during the invasion of Normandy in 1944.

A great deal of attention is given to Browning, who is considered the “father” of the British airborne troops. Less well-known generals, such as Hopkinson and Down who were Urquhart’s predecessors in commanding the 1st Airborne Division, are also mentioned. In the chapter entitled “The Magnificent Disaster”, the roles of Urquhart and Sosabowski during the Battle of Arnhem are studied.

General Bols is the last of the “Airborne” generals to be discussed; Bols led the 6th Airborne Division during the attack over the Rhine in March, 1945.

The author also discusses, in a separate chapter, General Wingate who made extensive use of gliders in 1944 to get soldiers and material far behind the Japanese lines in Burma.

Although the strength of the British airborne landing troops has been gradually decreased, they have nevertheless played very important parts in a variety of local conflicts. They helped to maintain order in Palestine between 1945 and 1949 and also participated in the attack on the Suez Canal in 1956. These affairs are also discussed by the author.

“The Sky Generals” was published in 1981 by Cassell in London, and was imported to the Netherlands by Nilsson 8c Lamm BV. The price of this English book is / 44.35.

The News-letter.

The following News-letter will appear at the end of August and will contain a resume of the September Remembrance programme in Oosterbeek.



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Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ Oosterbeek, Netherlands
Representative in Gr.Britain: Mr.A.Maynard, M.B.E. 49, Glenfarg Road, Catford, London SE6 1XN
NEWS-LETTER No.5. Tel.: 01.698.8969 February 1982.
Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil Dutch-English translation: S.G.Beek-Hobart

Dear Friends,
We have pleasure in inviting you to the 2nd Annual General Membership Meeting of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum, to be held on Saturday, 20th March, at 2 p.m., in the Concert-Hall on the Benedendorpsweg, opposite the Old Church, in Oosterbeek.
The Agenda for the Meeting is as follows:
1. Opening
2. Minutes of the 1st Annual General Meeting, which took place on the 14th February, 1981
3. General Report, I98I
4. Financial Report, I98I, and Budget, 1982
5. Election of new Committee members
6. Appointment of Cash Committee
7. Any other business
8. Departure of resigning Committee members
9. Closure of Meeting.
Explanatory note with reference to No.5: As you will have seen in our previous Newsletter, Mevrouw M.H.Steinweg-ten Horn has resigned from the Committee. Mevrouw S.G.Beek-Hobart and de Heer H. van Krieken will also be vacating their positions on the Committee as of the 20th March, 1982, due to personal reasons. In accordance with Article 8 of the Statutes, both the members as well as the Committee can propose candidates to occupy the positions which are being vacated. Members who intend to propose a candidate should present such candidacy, in written form, at least ten days before the Meeting, to be delivered to the above-mentioned address in Oosterbeek. This recommendation should be accompanied by the signature of at least ten members, and the candidate must be a member of the Society and also be of age. The Committee submits the following candidates (in alphabetical order):
1. de Heer R.Fennema Benedendorpsweg 150, 6862 WP Oosterbeek
2. Mevrouw J.M. de Langen Sportweg 2, Postbus 69, 3870 CB Hoevelaken
3- de Heer J.Smits Boulevard 9> 6881 HN Velp.
Half-an-hour before the Meeting commences, the members may peruse the:
a. Minutes of the 1st Annual General Membership Meeting of the 14th February, I98I;
b. The Report of the Cash Committee (by Messrs. Kardol and Smits).
After the Meeting, a film will be shown (see hereunder).
On behalf of the Committee,

Presentation of the film “De Bevrijding van Nederland” (The Liberation of the Netherlands) which will take place on the 20th March, 1982, immediately after the Annual General Membership Meeting.
After the failure of the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944, the Dutch front in the area around the major rivers became rather still. The southern part of the Netherlands was liberated, but the remainder of the country remained occupied. Finally, at the end of March, 1945, the long-awaited Allied offensive started. The opening attack in the Netherlands was carried out by the First Canadian Army Corps.
Cameramen assigned to the Canadian Army filmed the advance and the
place in and around the various towns in the central, ea April Even
country. There are also a few shots of Arnhem during.the battlerath,e 17th April. : Even the dropping of food-supplies for the starving “Vesting Holland (the German fortified western part of the Netherlands) and the Capitulation. negotiations in Hotel De Wereld in Wageningen have been filmed. We are also able to witness into the western part of the Netherlands and the consequent Liberation festivities which took place. The last part of the film is dedicated to the preliminary efforts at getting the battered country back into some sort of liveable state., and the rounding-up and transportation of the German prisoners-of-war. “De Bevnjding van Nederland ., which has a Dutch commentary, will be shown by Ir. J.Voskuil, who received a copy of this film shortly after the war.

Annual Report for 1981.
The number of members of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum increased sub¬stantially during I98I: to our great satisfaction, as of the 31st December, 1981, we had 374 members both at home and abroad (last year: 234 members).
The 1st Annual General Membership Meeting, held on the 14th February, I98I, was attended by a gratifyingly large number of members: 96 in all, including our representative in Great Britain, Mr.A.Maynard, M.B.E.
Both the Annual and Financial Reports for I98O were approved, without comments, and adopted.
A permanent Committee was chosen to replace the Interim-Committee which was formed when the Society came into being. The permanent Committee chosen was as follows:
de Heer H. van Krieken, Chairman
de Heer J.A.Eykelhoff, Vice-Chairman
Mevrouw S.G.Beek-Hobart, 1st Secretary
Mevrouw M.H.Steinweg-ten Horn, 2nd Secretary x)
de Heer H.A.Hendriks, Treasurer
Mevrouw J.Smit-Duchateau, Membership-Administration
de Heer Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil, Editor of Newsletters and Afternoon Topics.
x) To our regret, Mevrouw Steinweg has resigned from her position.
Major W.J.M.Duyts, adviser to the Society on behalf of the Airborne Museum Foundation, assists the Committee in word and deed.
Messrs. J.Kardol and J.Smits were appointed members of the Cash Committee.
The members present showed their interest in the well-being of the Society by the presentation of gifts and by their lively participation in the open discussion at the end of the Meeting, for which the Chairman expressed his appreciation.
The after-noon was rounded off by the presentation of a few authentic films about the Battle of Arnhem shown by de Heer A.Groeneweg, who also gave an accompanying commentary.
Three News-letters were sent out this year, both in English and Dutch.
Two afternoons with a special topic were organised and presented by de Heer Voskuil on the 13th June and the 28th November. De Heer Maassen’s cooperation dn-ring the afternoon with the topic “Verwoest Oosterbeek” (“Oosterbeek in Ruins”) was most appreciated.
With regard to the decision of.the Police Sport Association, Renkum, to refuse a British group permission to join the Airborne Walk accompanied by a couple of old howitzers, a letter was sent to the Board of the Police Sport Association, Renkum, protesting this decision.
On behalf of the Society, a contribution was made towards the “collection” for the purchase of a specially adapted car for Mr. Len Clark.
A British soldier who met with an accident during this period, was also given our attention in the Velp hospital. &
We are most grateful to Mr. A.Maynard, M.B.E., who is of such enormous support with regard to our British members, our thanks are also due to Major Duyts for his help as adviser, as well as to the Airborne Museum Foundation for permittiC us to use the Museum for our Committee meetings. ng u TO use tn
And, above all, thanks go out to our members, both at home and abroad, for their immense interest, their gifts for the Museum collection and their monetary donations which help the Society in one of its objectives, which is “giving support to the Airborne Museum”.

News from the Treasurer:
A great number of members have already paid their contributions for 1982 (often with an additional contribution!) for which I am most grateful. May I ask those members who have not yet paid their contribution, to do this as soon as possible. In so doing, will you please state clearly whether you desire an ordinary membership or a Family Card? I shall be much obliged for this cooperation. (This is of course only applicable to members residing within the Netherlands).
I would also like to thank our member, de Heer C.G. de Graaf, an Accountant in Oosterbeek, who has considerably simplified our financial administration by utilising a computer which he has set up for the Society completely free of costs.
H.Hendriks, Treasurer.

The Society now has a Technical Adviser.
In connection with the Society’s audio-visual activities, it has been decided that a Technical Adviser would be most welcome; our member, de Heer W.T.B. de Ruyter has agreed to accept this position.
Exhibition of the Dutch Commando’s activities during Operation “Market Garden”.
An exhibition was opened in the Airborne Museum on the 5th February last, entitled, “The Endeavours of No.2 (Dutch) Troop of the No.10 Allied Commando During Operation “Market Garden”, September, 1944″.
This exhibition, compiled by de Heer W.Boersma, a member of the Committee of the Air¬borne Museum Foundation, attempts to explain, by means of photographs, texts, documents and articles, the role of the Dutch Commando’s during this air-borne landing operation. The period before September, 1944, is also taken into consideration.
During the exhibition-opening, a number of veteran Commando’s were present: Messrs. A.J.P.Beekmeyer, M.J.Knottenbelt and W. de Waard, who represented the Dutch Commandos assigned to Arnhem in September, 1944.
De Heer Boersma has prepared a brochure which tells all about the No.2 (Dutch) Troop; this brochure is available at the exhibition, which will be open to the public until the 14th March, 1982.
A substantial monetary gift for the Airborne Museum Foundation.
The Airborne Museum Foundation has received an amount of f 25.000,— for the purchase of modern audio-visual equipment.
By combining sound, slide-projection and special lighting of the maquette, it is hoped to give a clearer picture of the Battle of Arnhem.
The donated amount is made up of f 3-500,— given by the National Tourist Office, f 10.000,— by the “Comite Zomerzegels” and f 11.500,— by the “Anjerfonds Gelderland”.

The “Oranje-bataljon” (Orange Battalion) during the Battle of Arnhem.On Friday, 30th October of last year, in Hotel Dreyeroord in Oosterbeek, the book written by Charles L.J.J. Douw van der Krap entitled “Contra de Swastika” was presented, in the presence of a large and interested audience. Naval Officer Douw van der Krap describes in his book his experiences during the Second World War. After having fought against the German troops in Rotterdam in May, 1940, he becomes a prisoner-of-war. He recounts the imprisonment camps of Colditz and Stanislau, from which he finally manages to escape after great difficulties, and how he finally arrives in Warsaw. Here he joins up with the Polish Resistance. In August, 1944, he manages to get out of Poland and arrives, by way of Germany, in the Netherlands.
Douw van der Krap finds himself in Arnhem at the beginning of September, 1944, where he once again offers his services to the Resistance Movement. The Commander of the Resistance in Arnhem at that time is Piet de Kruyff, nicknamed “Piet of Arnhem”. Douw van der Krap settles himself in the house of the Deputy-Commander, Toon van Dalen, on the Veerweg in Oosterbeek.
When the Airborne Landing takes place on the 17th September, Douw van der Krap gets in touch with the British troops. At the Hartenstein Headquarters, he meets Lieutenant- Commander Wolters and Lieutenant Knottenbelt, who have been assigned as liaison officers to the Airborne troops. Douw van der Krap is asked to form a small group of volunteers, made up of a number of civilians who had already offered their services to the British. This group, comprising about twenty civilians, became known as the “Oranje-Bataljon”; (one of the members of this group is de Heer Eykelhoff, who is at present the Vice- Chairman of our Society). In an unpretentious way, the Dutch civilians help during the following days in doing reconnaissance as well as gathering together the supplies which have been dropped. Relatively speaking, however, the British do not make much use of their help.
When, on Thursday 21st September, it starts becoming obvious that the operation is not going according to plan, the volunteer-group is disbanded.
After the battle, a somewhat disheartened Douw van der Krap makes his way towards Benne- kom. He accepts an offer by the local Resistance Movement to participate in operation Pegasus I and thereafter, together with a large group of Allied soldiers and a few Dutch, he manages to escape over the Rhine on the night of the 22nd October, 1944. And so, after having travelled around for almost four and a half years, he finally reaches liberated territory.
“Contra de Swastika” is published by Van Holkema & Warendorf in Bussum; the book contains 320 pages and costs f 39,50. This book has not yet been translated.

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SOCIETY OF FRIENDS OF THE AIRBORNE MUSEUM OOSTERBEEK Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ Oosterbeek, Netherlands Representative in Gt.Britain: Mr.A.Maynard, M.B.E.
49, Glenfarg Road, Catford, London SE6 1XN
Telephone: OI-698-8969
Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil Dutch-English translation: S.G.Beek-Hobart

Dear Friends,
Two months have gone by since the Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem. As in previous years, it was a time when many of us thought back to those dramatic weeks when liberation appeared to be so near. Once again, hundreds of British and Polish veterans returned to the place where they fought thirty-seven years ago. Civilians and veterans met one another again during the various Commemoration services and very many reminiscences were revived. The Airborne Museum was full to overflowing with visitors from home and abroad. A great number of events took place during the Commemoration which we would have liked to mention, but, alas, lack of space has compelled us to make a selection. Nevertheless, we hope that this News-letter, however modest, will con¬tribute somewhat towards keeping alive the memory of the BATTLE OF ARNHEM.

News from the Chairman.
Mrs.Steinweg-ten Horn, our 2nd Secretary, has given a lot of her time to the Society of Friends since its initiation. However, at the end of September, Mrs.Stein- weg informed us that, if someone else could be found to replace her at the end of the year, she would appreciate being relieved of her position as 2nd Secretary in order to gain more time for her previous activities. However, we most appreciate the fact that Mrs.Steinweg is prepared to continue helping the Society when necessary, though be it not as a Committee member.
At the 2nd Annual General Meeting, according to the Resignation Rota, two Commit¬tee members are due to resign; they are re-eligible. According to the Statutes, Art.8, sub 6, the Committee members are “to be nominated from those members, who, either personally or by family ties, are (or were) involved in the Allied Airborne Landing during the Battle of Arnhem in September, 19^”. Furthermore, it is important that candidates have a good deal of time available, are easy to get in touch with and can regularly undertake all sorts of activities in and around Oosterbeek. It’ is also desirable that they possess more than the average knowledge of English since there is a reasonable amount of English correspondence as well as the fact that our News-letter is also printed in English. With an eye to the future, may we ask you to give some thought to prospective candidates?
H. van Krieken, Chairman,

News from the Secretariat.
We are delighted to announce that our adviser, Maj. W.J.M.Duyts, was decorated, on the 18th September, with the Polish para-wings with golden laurel-wreath which he received from the Zwiazek Polskych Spadochroniarzy, situated in London. This distinc¬tion, which was handed over by Lt. Z.Gasowski, was awarded Maj.Duyts for his numerous activities for the Airborne Museum in general, and for the Polish section in particular. On behalf of all the Society’s members, the Committee has conveyed its congratulations to Maj.Duyts.
most welcome to help cover the costs. . , ,, , n
Our moral and somewhat modest financial support was given to e 7 V Artillery in their sporting achievement in order to collect enough money or e pur¬chase of an adapted car for the veteran, Len Clarke, who was wounded m sue a way during the Battle of Arnhem that he was left a permanent invalid. The collection resulted successfully. t
Another of our members, Mr.Ray Sheriff, performed a marathon “swim. at.the Papen- dal Sport Centre. This was a personal initiative on the part of .Mr.Sheriff in support.of the Year of the Handicapped. As you probably well know, Mr.Sheriff, who lost his. eyesight in 1944, was sponsored by a number of Airbomes. The substantial proceeds were given by him to “Het Dorp”. Mrs.Beek and Mr.Eykelhoff were present at Papendal to cheer him on, and consequently congratulate him.
We received an invitation from the Arnhem-Nijmegen Branch of the Royal British Legion on the occasion of the 60th year anniversary of this fine organisation, which does so much to help the veterans and their families. Mrs.Steinweg, herself a member of the Royal British Legion, attended the Remembrance Service and reception at the Jonker- bosch War Cemetery.
The Society has once again received a few gifts from its members, namely: from Mr.J.H.Adama, three photographs and two small documents; from Mr.K. J.Prockter, a group photograph of “A” Company 2nd Batallion The Parachute Regiment; from Mr.C.Wedgebury, two Dutch newspapers, a “Gelderlander” dated 26.9.1944 and a “Vrij Nederland” dated 14.10.1944; from Mr.E. van de Weerd, his recently-published books, “De Slag om de Veluwe” and “Bevrij- dingskroniek West-Veluwe”; and “on loan”, an American bag from Mr.J.P. den Boer. These most welcome additions were most gratefully received.
Our member, Mr.B.J. van der Meer from Kruiningen, presented the Museum with a fascia (name-board) “Airborne Museum” which he made himself with a great amount of care. This is now hanging above the main entrance at the rear of the Museum.
Finally, we would like to mention that the News-letters are prepared in their en¬tirety, by the Committee. Only the offset printing is done professionally. For this reason, as sincere amateurs, may we ask your clemency in case of inadequacies.
Last, but not least, we would like to thank all those members who have shown such interest, be it from personal contacts, telephone calls or letters.
M.H.Steinweg-ten Horn, 2nd Secretary.

News from the Treasurer.
I am very pleased to say that the contribution for 1982 will remain at a minimum amount of J 15.-, in spite of all the strongly increasing costs. Thanks to an increase of members, as well as to a large number of members who pay more than the minimum con¬tribution, we can continue with our objective, which is “giving support to the Museum”.
An additional point about which we are very pleased is that a Family Admittance Card will be shortly obtainable. The name of the person written-in on the card is thus con¬sidered an “ordinary member”, whilst the other family members are considered’”extra¬ordinary members”. The amount payable on such a Family Admittance Card will be a minimum of f 25.-, regardless of the number in the family; they must however all be living at the same address.
The enclosed Accept-Giro cards can be used for the payment of your I982 contribu¬tion. Would you be so kind as to fill in on this card, “ordinary member” or “extraordi¬nary member”. This only applies, of course, to those living within the Netherlands
Finally, we would like to mention that any new members registering after 1st July of the current year need only pay a half-year’s contribution. Those who register after the 31st October need not pay any contribution for that current year provided that the contribution for the following calendar year is booked over immediately.
H.Hendriks, Treasurer.

An Afternoon with a Special Theme: Arnhem and Oosterbeek in ftdne
After the Liberation in May, 1945, when civilians returned to the South-Veluwe
Sfea1j parts of Arnhem, Oosterbeek and surrounds were terribly destroyed AN J.U +u ’ a^ur’iayi 28th November, an afternoon will be organised, with this period as the theme of the afternoon.
.Mr.G.H.Maassen, who complied “Oosterbeek Verwoest” (“Oosterbeek in Ruins”) will give a oriet introduction over his study on this subject. Then, together with Mr.Voskuil,
e?. W1 > shown of photographs taken in 1945, and you will be le d on an imaginary walk through the debris of Oosterbeek and surroundings.
At the end of the afternoon, the film, “Thuiskomst” (“Homecoming”) will be shown. This documentary, which was commissioned by the Municipality of Arnhem, was made in 19^5 by R.Hornecker. The film shows us how the people of Arnhem returned to their war-tom city and how they tried to make it relivable again. The Municipality Archives in Arnhem has kindly made this film available.
This special afternoon on the 28th November will take place in the Concert-Hall on the Benedendorpsweg, opposite the old church, in Oosterbeek, and will start at 2.15 P-m.
A contribution of f 2.50 per person will be payable to help finance such an after¬noon, so that the Society’s funds are not too depleted.

Thirteenth reprint of the book, “It Was Like This / Zo was het”.
During the last 25 years, very few descriptions of the Battle of Arnhem have been so regularly reprinted as the book, “It Was Like This / Zo was het”, written by Lt.Col. C.B.Mackenzie, D.S.O., O.B.E. The first edition appeared in 1955, and contained 48 pages. Since then, the photo material in particular has been regularly supplemented. In the 9th edition, an account appeared, for the first time, of the role of the First Independent Polish Parachute Brigade Group during the fighting in Oosterbeek and Driel. This resulted in increasing the book’s volume to 84 pages. To this date, 29,000 copies have already been sold. The rights of publication which were originally in the hands of the Airborne Committee, have now (for this 13th edition) been passed on to the Airborne Museum Foundation.
The book costs f 9.50.

Brig. Mackenzie visits the Airborne Museum.
Brig. Mackenzie (then a Lt.-Col.), who was General Staff Officer 1 (Ops) on Gen. Urquhart’s staff during the Battle of Arnhem, visited the Airborne Museum in Hartenstein on Sunday afternoon of the 20th September last. This was, for Brig. Mackenzie, his first visit. He was shown round by Messrs. Wilhelm and Boersma. During the tour, Brig. Mackenzie gave a most interesting account of the situation in Hartenstein House during the Battle of Arnhem, when the building was being used by the First British Airborne Division as their Headquarters. After the tour, Brig. Mackenzie signed a number of copies of the 13th edition of his book, “It Was Like This / Zo was het”.

Brig. Mackenzie and Mr.Boersma (r.) visited the diorama of Gen. Urquhart’s command post, in the cellar of Hartenstein. (Photograph B. de Reus)

A new Airborne Museum Guide.
Both the Dutch and English editions of the new Airborne Museum Guide have now been published; this sixteen-page illustrated booklet is available for the price of f 1.-. The first few pages of the Guide relate briefly, though concisely, the events which took place in 1944. The rest of the Guide contains brief descriptions of all the exhibition areas open to the visitor during the tour of the Museum.

New publications about the Battle of Arnhem.
The number of publications since 1945 regarding “Arnhem”, is ever-increasing. We would now like to draw your attention to a recently published book, “Bevrijdingskroniek West-Veluwe” (“Chronicle of the West-Veluwe Liberation”) written by E. van de Weerd en G.Crebolder. Although the largest part of the book is dedicated to the fighting which took place in the Municipalities of Ede and Barneveld in April 1945, nevertheless the first three chapters are completely concentrated on the battle in 1944 and a few events which followed inasmuch as they occurred in the afore-mentioned municipalities.
The book opens with a chapter about the landing on the Ginkel Heath on the 18th September 1944 and the fighting which followed. Then, there is an extensive description of the Pegasus I and II Operations, in October and November 1944, which were meant to see that the Allied soldiers who had been left behind after the Battle of Arnhem were brought to safety on the other side of the Rhine. The third chapter is dedicated to “The Incredible Patrol”. It is the story of an intelligence-officer of the 101st American Airborne Division, who, together with five men from the Betuwe, crossed the Rhine on the 30th October 1944, into the still German-occupied Veluwe. The chapter tells of their wanderings over a period of days, and how they return, via Wolfheze, the Ginkel and Heelsum, to their division in the Betuwe, with twenty German prisoners of war.
The book is well-written and contains many interesting photographs and maps. It is published by the Bameveldse Drukkerij en Uitgeverij (Bamevelds Printers and Publishers) and costs f 28,-.

Monument to the 21st Independent Parachute Company.
On the 21st September, 1981, in the garden of the house, “Quatre Bras” (crossroads Utrechtseweg-Stationsweg in Oosterbeek), a monument was unveiled to the 21st Independent Parachute Company in memory of their presence in this area in 1944. This seems, in a way, hardly special; so many memorial plaques and monuments have been erected over the past years. However, what is notable in this case is that it concerns an extremely original monument (designed by the 23-year-old Saskia Deurvorst from Oosterbeek) and that the text is, for the first time, dedicated to the population of Oosterbeek and the support which was given: “In memory of the 21st Independent Parachute Company which held this area during the Battle of Arnhem and of the people of Oosterbeek who sacrificed so much to give their support”. David Eastwood, C.B.E., M.C., then one of the platoon-commanders, and Ans Kremer, living at Stationsweg 8 in 1944, both gave moving speeches, and then together removed the English and Dutch flags from the memorial.
The Burgomaster of Renkum and his wife, together with many English and Dutch sym¬pathisers were present at this ceremony.
The stimulating and active cooperation of the owners of “Quatre Bras”, B. & D. Architects Bureau, was exemplary. The English veterans and their Dutch guests were given a warm and splendid welcome, which was both mentally and physically stimulating; without mentioning the fact that the hosts took such great pains, at their own cost, in orga¬nising everything prior to the unveiling.
On this rather matter-of-fact note, we would also like to tell of an individual human experience: after 37 years, David Eastwood saw for the first time the then five year old little girl whom he, as a twenty-four year old lieutenant – in between his official activities – had tried to amuse in the cellar of “Quatre Bras” by playing games to try and take her mind off the incomprehensible horror of war.

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Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ Oosterbeek, Netherlands
Representative in Gr. Britain; Mr. A. Maynard M.B.E., Glenfarg Road, Catford, London SE6 1XN Tel.: 01-698-8969.

Dear Friends,
At the General Membership Meeting which recently took place, you were able to meet our Society’s first definite Committee. Since then, the positions on the Committee have been delegated, with the result that we now have a permanent Editor for the News-letter.
Nevertheless, we have not yet been able to decide on the size of the News-letter and the’ frequency with which it will appear. This is much dependent on the available finances. Until now, the News-letter has been printed, free of charge, by a group with the interests of the Museum at heart. However, it is impossible for this Group to continue the printing work, and we shall therefore have to find another means of printing the News-letter, which will certainly incur costs.
The high postal expenses also limit our possibilities. Nonetheless, our intention is to send three News-letters per year, which will not only contain news about the Society and the Airborne Museum, but also more general information concerning Operation Market Garden.
Discussing newly published books on this subject, is one of many pos-sibilities. And, naturally, any ideas or suggestions from our members are extremely welcome.
J R.P.G.A. Voskuil

Information from the Secretariat;
The First General Membership Meeting.
As you well know, our first General Membership Meeting was held on the 1^th February, 1981. The provisional Committee was extremely pleased to welcome 96 members, as well as Mr.A.Maynard M.B.E., our representative iin Great Britain, who had managed to find the time to be present, at his own costs, for which we are most grateful.
The Chairman opened the meeting with a warm welcome to all present. The Annual General Report for 1980 was presented and considered with no further comment. Thereafter, the Annual Financial Report for 1980 was considered, and accepted..
The election of your first definite Committee was noted as No. 4 on the Agenda. The interim-Chairman expressed his gratitude to the members of the provisional Committee who were now resigning, namely Mr.C.G.Klaver and Mr.M.E.Mooy; their contribution in getting the Society onto its feet was most appreciated. Special words of thanks were also given to . Major W.J.M.Duyts for all the support which he gives to our new So¬ciety in so many ways in his capacity of adviser.
The two new candidates for nomination (presented by the provisional Committee) were introduced to the members present, and as there were no further candidates (presented by the members), the Committee was chosen without the need to vote. Since then, the various positions on the Committee have been delegated, and are as follows:
Mr. H.van Krieken – Chairman; Mr. J.A. Eykelhoff
Mrs. S.G.Beek-Hobart – Secretary (1st); Mrs. M.H.Steig
Secretary (2nd); Mr. H.A.Hendriks

Treasurer;Mrs. J. Smit-DucMteau Member; Drs. R.P.G.A. Voskuil – Member.
The Chairman thanked the members present for their con i enc Committee. , _ , Q
Messrs.J.Kardol (Paasberg 17, Oosterbeek) and J.Smits (Boulevard 9, Velp) were nominated for the Cash Committee; in this respective years 1980 and 1981 will be taken into consideration as the Society bad no Cash Committee during its first year of existence.
At this point, the members were asked if there were any questions. This resulted in a most interesting amount of suggestions and ideas, many well-prepared, varying from matters of policy to practical points. In the meantime, these points have been discussed and the respective persons have been, or will be, informed of the results.
During the meeting, the Committee was most pleasantly surprised with a few gifts for the Museum, namely from Mr. Schagen (Zaandam) three books which cannot be found in the bookshops anymore, relating to the “Battle of Arnhem”, and from Mr.Polderman (Zwijndrecht) Royal Artillery. The Chairman expressed his thanks for such generosity. On behalf of the Airborne Museum Foundation, Major Duyts thanked the provisional Committee for their initiative in setting up the Society of Friends, and for the time and attention which has been shown since. He wished the permanent Committee much success, and his words were much applauded by the members.
Finally, the Chairman thanked all the members present for their most enthusiastic participation, which had certainly contributed to the success of the afternoon. After the closing of the meeting, a few authentic films were shown, which the Museum had made available. Together with a number of guests, the members were shown extremely interesting and moving film material, by Drs.A.Groeneweg, who also explained and answered questions.
All in all, a most successful afternoon, which the Society can look back on with much pleasure and satisfaction.

Gifts from our members:
Since our last News-letter, the Society has received a few objects for the Museum. One member, who wishes to remain anonymous, surprised us by presenting six British maps from 1944; he also loaned the Museum a working 62 set (radio transmitter) with the relevant documentation. Yet another member presented a small tin used for water-purifying tablets. These gifts were gratefully accepted and have already found a place in the Museum collection. Maybe you could also see if you have anything which might be of interest to the Museum; documents and photographs are also most welcome.
We have also received a few donations. The Veterans’ Club of the well- known 21st Independent Parachute Company, donated an amount of /500 -. One of our members, Mr.K.G.Prockter, has twice sent us (via Mr.Maynard) an amount collected together by veterans, and another member made a donation in remembrance of Cdr.H.Heukesfeldt Jansen. Such gifts are not only of great financial support, but also a moral support, and the Society is most grateful.

Number of Members:
We now have almost 300 members including some veterans of the 1st Bri-tish Airborne Division, the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade as well as of RAF Squadrons. 6 ’
Should you wish to make any friends members, Information Sheets with Application Form attached, are obtainable in the Museum, or on written request. For members in Great Britain, requests can be made to Mr.A.Maynard M.B.E., 49, Glenfarg Road, Catford, SE6.1XN. London (Tel. d-698-8969).

General Informations
In order to keep postal oxponsos as low as possible, we have had to decide to send only ono copy of tho Nows-letter to each address, even when there are moro Society mombors living at the same address. How-ever, extra copies are always available, and can easily be forwarded on request. .
In this respect, we would also like to inform you that no personal titles will be used on the addressed envelopes simply because, in many cases, this is not known; for this reason, we feel it wiser to decline from mentioning titles which might be incorrect.
The Committee will be very pleased to hear about any new suggestions you might have (the suggestions at the General Membership Meeting gave much “food for thought”). Remember that this is your Society and your interest and contribution towards it, is of great importance.
S.G.Beek-Hobart Secretaries M.H.Steinweg-ten Horn

Mr. C.G. de Graaf, an Accountant living and working in Oosterbeek, has very kindly offered to help (with no financial reward) in the finan¬cial administration of the Society. Much of his assistance includes the use of a computer, and I would therefore ask you to kindly check your name and address, so that they be introduced correctly into the com¬puter system. Any alterations deemed necessary can be sent to me.
May I also remind those members who have not yet paid their contribu-tion for 1980 or 1981, to make the necessary amount over to the Society as soon as possible, for which I am most obliged. A duplicate “accept- giro”card is hereby enclosed for those concerned.
The Society would like to especially thank those members who have con¬tributed more than the minimum amount; such contributions are a great help to the Society.
At this point, I would like to elucidate somewhat on the minimum con-tribution of /15,-, half of which is handed over to the Museum in ac-cordance with our objective: supporting the Museum. The yearly admit-tance card is provided from this amount. It is obvious that with the remainder (/7,5O per member) the Society does not have much leverage.
The Treasurer, H.A. Hendriks

At the request of many members, “Theirs is the Glory” will be presented on Saturday, 13th June, at the Concert-hall in Oosterbeek. Most of the shooting of this film about the “Battle of Arnhem” took place in August and September of 19^5 in the same places where the actual fighting had taken place a year previously. Soldiers (of all ranks) who had fought here in September 19^, returned to the former battlefield especially to participate in this film; no professional actors were used.
This British film has no sub-titles.
Before the film presentation begins, Mr. Robert Voskuil will give a brief introduction, and explain how the film came into being. A few slides will also be shown in this introduction.
The presentation starts at 2 p.m. and is only open to members of the Society.

British 3 inch Mortar for the Museum.
Last month a long-cherished hope of the Museum Board was fulfilled. The Museum finally came into possession of a British 3 inch Mortar, the type which was frequently used in the “Battle of Arnhem”.
A year ago. Mr. McAnelly from Woatorvoort, informed his contacts i England that the Airborne Museum would be most interested in receiving such a weapon; in February, a positive reply was received from _*’ne Central Ordnance Depot in Donnington, that such a Mortar could be presented to our Museum. Special thanks here are due to Mr.McAnel y, Mr.A.Maynard, M.B.E., Liaison Officer R.M. Captain Langford and the Netherlands Military Attach<5 in London, As far as we know, only the “Koninklijk Nederlands Leger en Wapen Museum (Royal Netherlands Army and Weapon Museum) in Leiden possesses such a British 3 inch Mortar.
The “Ordnance, smooth boro, muzzle loading, 3 inch Mortar”, as official¬ly described, was developed from the 3 inch Mortar which Sir Wilfred Stokes evolved in 1915. The range was originally ca. 1500 metres, but this was improved to 2600 metres (Mark 2). It weighs 66 kilos. High- explosive shells, smoke and light-shells can be fired. The mortars used in Arnhem had a specially modified bottom plate; the bottom plate which is now to be seen in the Museum was found some years ago in the Hartenstein park.
The Mortar was portable in four separate parts. Special carrying equip¬ment was used, and of the 52 such pieces of equipment dropped in Arnhem we do not have one, alas, in the Museum.
For the moment, the Mortar is exhibited in the Museum’s cloak-room, but its final position will be in the cellar. The present show-case will have to be enlarged and adapted so that a sort of garden is crea-ted where the jeep now stands. In this space, the Mortar, with the men operating it, will be reassembled. The Museum is in need of a few additions for this show-case, such as helmets, shoes/boots, packing material for 3 inch mortar-shells (containers and wooden boxes), as well as shop-window dummies, or parts thereof.

The Airborne Museum is now accessible to visitors in wheel-chairs; A short time ago, the Municipality of Renkum made an amount of fh-O.OOO,- available for the installation of 3 special wheel-chair lifts. There had been a continual problem that the main-door to the Museum was only reachable by a rather steep staircase. Visitors in wheel-chairs had to be therefore carried inside. The staircase to the first floor was much too steep to carry visitors in this way. For this reason, a wheel-chair lift has been installed at the front of the building, so that wheel-chair visitors can easily reach the ground floor of the Museum. There is a lift inside to the first floor as well as a lift at the back of the building for access to the cellar and the show-cases in the basement.

Increase in visitors to the Museum:
In 1980, 72,702 paying-visitors and 678 non-paying visitors (veterans etc.) came to the Airborne Museum. In 1979, there were 68,636 visitors.
We terminate this News-letter with the hope that you will be able to attend the film presentation on Saturday, 13th June, although we realise that members living outside the Netherlands will problably find this a problem,
And remain,
R.P.G.A. Voskuil
Dutch-English translation: S.G„ Beek-Hobart.

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