NEWSLETTER No.16 October 1984
Editor: Drs.R.P. G. A.Voskuil

Dear Friends,
During these last few months the fortieth anniversary of the liberation from more than four years of occupation has been commemorated in many places in France, Belgium and The Netherlands. The commemoration of the dramatic Battle of Arnhem has always been somewhat different from other commemorations elsewhere in Western Europe. Other places in Europe saw fierce battles in savage conditions and many young men were killed. There too contact existed between soldiers and civilians who were suddenly caught up in the front line and who often were liberated after a period of hard fighting. The Allied soldiers could look back on a completed mission and were immediately on their way to fulfill the next one. They moved on and their departure caused the contact to be short-lived and not very intense. The men of the British Airborne Division and of the Polish Parachute Brigade, however, were unexpectedly squeezed into a very constricted area when the Germans surrounded their positions. Instead of the joy of a permanent liberation, bitter fighting followed, ending so disappointingly. During that period soldiers and civilians shared the same deprivations, misery and suffering. Together they suffered the sorrows and the sadness. They witnessed each other’s devotion and spirit of sacrifice. They experienced the mutual help and care, both during the battle and the escapes later on. They got to know each other in distress and strong bonds were formed. This solidarity was the foundation of the annual com¬memoration and it still is.
The veterans, their relatives and next-of-kin who come to Arnhem are not received as tourists but as good friends. People look forward to their arrival and they are received with open arms. Most of them do not have to stay at a hotel, but enjoy the hospitality of the local families. The rest of the world may wear a mask of interest, it is in this very circle of friends where they may speak freely, where they are shown real interest and where they get full attention.
The fortieth anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem once again passed in an atmosphere of warm interest, solidarity and friendship. May these bonds of friendship last for many years to come.
J.Smits, president.

Meeting with lectures and films on Saturday, 24 November.
A meeting is scheduled in the Concert Hall on Saturday, 24 November. The programme is as follows;
14.00 hrs.: Lecture by Mr.J.Smits, jr. entitled: “By glider to Arnhem, no easy job”. Mr.Smits will explain with the aid of slides the course of take-off, the flight and the landing of the British gliders near Arnhem.
14.30 hrs.: Lecture by Mr.R.P.G. A. Voskuil on “The British war correspondents during the Battle of Arnhem”. A complete Public Relations Team was attached to the First British Airborne Division. The war correspondents were to record the battle or t e bridge in reports and on photographs, films and sound recordings. The lecture, illustrated with slides, will discuss the organisation and the efforts of these war correspondents.
15.15 hrs.: Intermission.
15.45 hrs.: Complete sound recordings made by Stanley Maxted during the fighting in Oosterbeek.
16.00 hrs.: Film on the Battle of Arnhem or, if it will arrive in time, a video tape recording of the British television broadcast on the occasion of the 40th commemoration.
16.30 hrs.: End.
The Concert Hall at Oosterbeek is situated in the lower part of the village, close to the Old Church and can be reached with Bus no.6 from Arnhem Station. Telephone number is 85332046.

Memorial Envelope Sold Out.
The Memorial Envelope issued by the Society of Friends was sold out within a month. Please do not send any more orders.
The Memorial Envelope issued by the Airborne Museum can still be obtained by trans¬ferring Dfl 7,50 into the giro account 4184300 of the Stichting Airborne Museum, Utrechtseweg 232, Oosterbeek, The Netherlands.

Society presents exhibition case.
On September 18 an exhibition case was officially presented to the Airborne Museum by the Society of Friends. The case contains objects and documents from the Museum’s collections relating to the 1st Airlanding Brigade that in September 1944 consisted of 1 Border’Bn, 7 Bn KOSB and 2 Bn South Staffords ( See Newsletter N0.I3 ).
Apart from personal belongings and photographs of veterans of the Brigade the original war diary of the period by the late Lt.Col.Payton Reid, C.O. 7 KOSB, is on display.
Even during the pilgimage new items could be added: Mr. Bourne from Birmingham, who served with 2 Bn South Staffords, presented the shoulder flashes worn during the Battle.

School Project to be continued.
It has been decided that the succesful “School project”, organised by Mr. C,van Roekel last winter, will be continued during the winter period. About 35OO pupils from schools in the municipalities of Arnhem, Ede, Heteren and Wageningen will be expected to visit the Museum. Our Society takes care of the organisation and con¬tributes fifty percent of the admission fee. The printing firm of Linders Adremo of Oosterbeek will provide free of charge the large sheet of 40 photographs of Market Garden that is issued to every pupil.

Thousands of visitors during September.
In the period of 15 – 28 September no less than 10.000 paying visitors passed the ticket office, bringing the total to date to 79000, which surpasses the number for the entire year 1983 by 9000. It could well be that 100.000 visitors will be counted in 1984,

Half a million visitors.
Six years and six months after re-opening at the Hartenstein, the Airborne Museum received its 500.000th paying visitor. Mr. and Mrs.Flikweert of Arnhem were pleasantly surprised when they found themselves the guests of honour on Saturday 6 October at three o’clock. On behalf of the Board of Trustees Mr W J M Du t presented them with flowers, a drawing of The Hartenstein, the book’of photographs”September 1944, Operation Market Garden” and an admission ticket enabling them to visit the Museum free of charge for the rest of their lives.

The official presentation of the new exhibition case. ( photo: Reus )

Poster still available.
Forty years after the battle the artist Johan Paulus Pieters of Arnhem has expressed his imprssions and emotions in a large pastel-drawing. The composition shows the pre-war tower of the Eusebius Church, the bridge which was the target of the operation, the helmet of a dead soldier in the midst of a patch of heather and Pegasus in the clouds.
The artist has lent the original to our Society and the drawing is now on view at the Museum. A reproduction has been made and a small number is still available at the Museum. The price is Dfl 10,-. Orders by post for more than three copies only, at an extra cost of Dfl 7>50 and Dfl 8,25 conversion charges.

Souvenir stall during Airborne Walking Tour.
During the Airborne Walking Tour on 1 September our Society had a souvenir stall at Utrechtseweg, Oosterbeek. As in previous years the secretary, Langen was in charge of the organisation and souvenir articles from the Museum and of our Society were on sale, totalling Dfl 33^5i75 (!)•

Information required on 17-pounder guns.
Three 17-pounder guns from the battle are on display around the Airborne Museum. An appeal for information on these guns was already made in the last issue and although several veterans have reacted additional information is kindly requested.

New book on Market-Garden.
A few years ago under the pseudonym of Tom Angus, Colonel G.S.Powell wrote a brilliant account of his Arnhem experience as a company commander under Shan Hackett, called “Men at Arnhem”.
He has now written an excellent book on “Market-Garden” entitled “The Devil’s Birthday, The Bridges to Arnhem, 19W’, published by Buchan & Enright at £ 9-95- In a two-page review in The Spectator Max Hastings has called it the’ best analysis of the battle to be published thus far. To quote from the review:
On the plan: “Those who regard Arnhem as a wholly uncharacteristic spasm of bold- nes by Field-Marshal Montgomery forget the context in which he approved it: he knew that he had lost the first round of his battle with Eisenhower for resources to sup¬port the ‘single thrust’ by 21st Army Group towards the heart of Germany. The Arnhem operation, if it succeeded, would offer him the best, perhaps the only chance of for¬cing the Supreme Commander’s hand and regaining effective strategic control of the campaign.
Planning for the drop was hasty – seven days against almost as many months for the D-Day operations. It was hampered by the lack of understanding between soldiers and airmen which dogged the whole campaign. The air forces refused to accept the notion of a ‘coup de main’ by men dropped directly onto the objectives, as urged by Urquhart, First Airborne Division’s commander, among others. The decision to go for open Drop¬ping Zones at a distance from the objectives was the single most disastrous error in the plan, which an abler man than Brereton would never have allowed to stand”.
On Browning: ” ‘Boy’ Browning was one of those outstanding British military gentle¬men, quite numerous in high command throughout the 20th century, who inspire such personal affection and respect that it seems churlish to cast aspersions upon their intellects. Forty years later, to those upon whom Browning never wove a personal spell, he seems to embody most of the virtues and vices of Quards officers of his period. He does not carry conviction as a planner, or as a commander with the ruth¬less ability to ‘grip’ a battle. Indeed, once Market Garden was launched, Powell notes how little influence Browning exerted upon its progress.”
On the German Panzer divisions: “The author cuts sharply through the 40-year-old legend of the two unsuspected Panzer divisions at Arnhem, and the young intelligence officer whom Browning sent on sick leave after he made an unwelcome fuss about iden¬tifying tanks near the Dropping Zone. Through Ultra, 21st Army Group knew about the Panzers, However, far from being in divisional strength, they amounted to only weak brigade groups with barely 40 tanks between them. In the mood of the moment at 21st Army Group, even to those in the know they did not seem a critical menace. Montgomery and his staff should have known better, after seeing the huge difficulties that even the shattered remains of the SS Panzer formations had caused to unbroken British corps in Normandy”.
On the German reaction: “A great mistake was made in briefing the unblooded British parachute units of First Airborne Division. They were conditioned to regard their enemy lightly. Every Allied formation that had fought in Normandy knew how very, very good the Germans were, above all in defence and in quick reaction with make¬shift forces. ”
On the ground-air liaison: “Powell’s narrative provides further evidence of the extraordinarily poor ground-air liaison that still prevailed in 21st Army Group as late as the autumn of 19^4. Even when the weather enabled them to do so Allied fighter-bombers could not provide effective support for First Airborne Division for lack of Forward Air Control.. They did not even achieve effective interdiction on the approaches to the battlefield.” “Powell writes in the closing pages of his book that he has no regrets for Arnhem and knows no veteran of First Airborne who possesses them either. These are the * only sane sentiments for men who saw so many others whom they knew, or loved or commanded, die in the battle. Those of us who look back without memory, through the interval of a generation, can afford the indulgence of reflecting how much better if Arnhem had never been.”

The next Newsletter.
The next Newsletter will be published in February 1985.
Bijlage bij Nieuwsbrief No.16.
Appendix to Newsletter No.16.
1944 – 1984

Donderdag 20 September. Generaal Urquhart houdt een toespraak in de Eusebius Kerk tijdens de Welkomstbijeenkomst voor de Arnhemveteranen.
Thursday September 20th. Address by General Urquhart in the
Eusebius Church during the Welcoming Ceremony in honour of the Arnhem Veterans.

Vrijdag 21 September, Kolonel Graeme Warrack onthult een gedenksteen in de Koning Willem III kazerne in Apeldoom, die na de Slag om Arnhem fungeerde als “Airborne Military Hospital”.
Friday September 21st. Colonel Graeme Warrack unveil a memorial stone in the Koning Willem III Barracks in Apeldoom, which served as the Airborne Military Hospital after the Battle of Arnhem.

Zaterdag 22 September. Kranslegging bij het Airborne Monument bij de brug in Arnhem.
Saturday September 22nd. Wreath laying at the Airborne Monument near the bridge at Arnhem.

Zaterdag 22 September. Kardinaal Simonis tijdens de mis bi i ho+ p Airborne Monument in Driel. J oolse
Saturday September 22nd. Cardinal Simonis during the Holv of the Polish Airborne Monument in Driel. n J:ront

Zaterdag 22 September. Overhandiging van het “Commemorative Sword” door generaal Urquhart in het Huis d’er Provincie in Arnhem.
Saturday September 22nd. Presentation of the Commemorative Sword by General Urquhart in the House of Province in Arnhem.

Zondag 23 September. De Herdenkingsdienst op het Airborne Kerkhof in Oosterbeek. Op de voorste rij: generaal Hackett, Prins Charles, Koningin Beatrix, generaal Urquhart en Prins Claus.
Sunday September 23rd. The Memorial Service at the Airborne Cemetery in Oosterbeek. In the foreground: General Hackett, the Prince of Wales, Queen Beatrix, General Urquhart and Prince Claus.

Generaal Hackett en generaal Urquhart bekijken tijdens een bezoek aan het Airborne Museum een van de diorama’s in de kelder.
General Hackett and General Urquhart look at one of the dioramas in the cellar of the Airborne Museum in Oosterbeek.

Dame Vera Lynn in gesprek met de burgemeester van Renkum en zijn vrouw.
Dame Vera Lynn talking to the burgomaster of Renkum and his wife.
Foto’s/Photographs: Reus ( no.1,7,8 ), R.P.G.A.Voskuil ( no.2,3,5,6 ) Fotobureau v.Bremen, Lent ( no.4 ).

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NEWS-LETTER No.17 February 1985

Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil
Dutch-English translation: A.G.Meeuwsen

5th Annual General Meeting.
You are invited to attend the 5th Annual General Meeting of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum, on Saturday, March 30th, 1985, at 14.00 hrs in the Concert Hall opposite the Old Church on the Benedendorpsweg in Oosterbeek ( tel.085-332046 ).
The agenda reads as follows:
1. Opening.
2. Minutes of the 3rd General Meeting of March 24th, 1984.
3. General Review 1984.
4. Financial Review 1984 and Budget 1985.
5. Election of a new Committee Member.
6. Appointment of reserve-member of financial committee.
7. Proposals of the Committee with regard to:
a. Increase of subscription for 1986.
b. Nomination of Honorary Members.
8. Questions before closing of meeting
9. Closing.
Information with regard to point 5: It is Mr.R.Fennema, our treasurer’s, turn to retire from the Committee. He is, however, eligible for re-election. According to art. no 8 of the regulations, members can pose other candidates for this post. These candidates must be proposed to the Committee by at least 10 members for each candidate. Candidates must be prepared to take up this post, they must be a member of the Society and be of age. Proposals must be submitted in writing and have reached the Secretary 10 days before the date of the meeting.
Information with regard to point 7: The Committee proposes to increase the subscription for 1986 to £ 5 for a normal membership. The subscription for veterans remains £ 1.
Members can peruse the financial papers and the report from the financial committee 30 minutes before the start of the meeting.
The Financial Review and the Budget for 1985 will be sent to all members with the next Newsletter.

Video-films after the Meeting.
After the Meeting two video-films will be shown which were made in connection with the commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem.
The first film is called “Return to the Cauldron” and was made by BBC-Wales.
Several .veterans contributed to the realization of this film, together with our Dutch member .J.Berendsen.
The second film was made by German Television and shown in the program “Aktuelle Stunde”.

Annual Report, 1984.
During 1984 the number of members increased considerably: on December 31st, 1984, the Society had 713 members, in Holland and abroad. On December 31st, 1983, the number was 556. It is a pity, however, that we had to cancel 22 memberships in 1984 owing to the fact that these members did not pay their subscriptions.
Four Newsletters appeared in 1984 and we organised both a Special-Subject Day and a Special-Subject Afternoon. Participants in the Special-Subject Day took two walks, one in the area around the Westerbouwing and one in the area between the Old Church and the Drielse Veer (Driel Ferry). Two lectures were given on the Special-Subject Afternoon: one about British gliders and one about British war-correspondents during the Battle of Arnhem. Both events were a great success.
On occasion of the 40th commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem a commemorative envelope with a special postmark was issued. Members of the Society received one envelope free, the rest of the envelopes was sold very quickly.
A pastel-drawing by the artist Johan Paulus Pieters was made into a poster. The sale of this beautiful poster was a great success.
There was also much interest for the guide-booklets. This initiative by Mr.van Roekel has proved to fill a gap in the market.
During 1984 the Society was present with a propaganda/sales stand at five different events. Much propaganda was made for the Museum and the Society. The sale of arti¬cles resulted in the sum of 6600 Dutch Guilders.
The Museum also received some gifts, among which a glass show-case and a dip-swit¬ches for the diorama’s.
The Society made a gift of its bronze statuette to HRH Prince Bernhard and to the Generals Urquhart, Hackett and Frost.
1984 has been a propitious year for the Society, we hope that 1985 may again increase the interest in the Museum and in our Society.

Direction of correspondence.
With a view to a quick dispatch of your correspondence, you are kindly requested to send your letters regarding the Society to: The Secretary, the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum, Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ, Oosterbeek, the Netherlands. Correspondence with regard to the Newsletter should be sent to Mr.C.van Roekel, at the same address.

Pastel-drawing by Johan Paulus Pieters.
In our last Newsletter we wrote about the drawing by the Arnhem artist Johan Paulus Pieters. The envelopes of this year’s Newsletters will show a reduced picture of this drawing.
In May 1985 ( the commemoration of the Liberation of the Netherlands ) the Society will issue a commemorative envelope, again with a picture of this drawing, together with a special postmark.
There is still a small number of posters of this drawing available in the Museum
The other day we received the fourth application for a life-membership. It came from Mr.J.A.Bartie from Lydney in Great-Britain. The other three life-members are: Mr.A.J.Hollingdale, Mr.R.Bingley and Mr.L.Oleszczuk, all from Great-Britain.

Airborne wine: great succes.
In the spring of 1984 the Ede wine buyers Rijsemus and De Frei introduced bottles of “Airborne Wine”. This wine was sold with a rise of f 0,25 per bottle The sum total of this rise, f 2250,- was handed over to our Society on ThursdayDecember 13th, 1984. Needless to say that we are very happy with this wonderful result The money will be used for the aquisition of material for the collection of the Museum.

Jhr.Mr. H.G. van Holthe tot Echten, Mayor of Renkum Municipality thanks Brigadier-General D.E.Canterbury for the Christmas tree given by the Army Air Corps, (photo: Reus)

Army Air Corps donates Christmas Tree to the Municipality of Renkum.
On Friday, December 21st, 1984, Brigadier-General D.E.Canterbury, Territorial Commander of the British Army Air Corps in West Germany, donated a Christmas tree to the Municipality. The tree is a Serbian spruce-fir with a height of 2 meters. It was planted to the West of the Oosterbeek Council building and it symbolises the gratitude of the Army Air Corps towards the civilian population of the villages of the Municipality. The Army Air Corps originated from the former Glider Pilot Regiment. More than 1200 glider pilots of this Regiment participated in the Battle of Arnhem.
The donation of this Christmas tree was the symbolic conclusion of the 40th com¬memoration of the Battle of Arnhem. Mr. McAnelly laid the contacts for the idea of the donation.

Mr.Patten donates his battle-dress to the Museum.
During the past 40th Commemoration, Mr.Norman Patten from Parkstone in Dorset donated his original battle-dress, complete with emblems, badges and decorations, to the Airborne Museum.
In September 1944 Patten was a sergeant with the 1st Forward Observation Unit, a unit of observers for the Second Army artillery. When on September 21st, 1944, the Forward Observation Unit in Oosterbeek had not been able to contact the Army Corps Artillery near Nijmegen, Patten climbed the chimney of the Van Hofwegen laundry. Thus he succeeded in getting radio contact and obtained the necessary fire-support from Nijmegen for the encircled British troops in Oosterbeek.

Installation of dip-switches for the diorama’s.
The other day dip-switches were installed in three diorama’s in the cellar of the Museum. Thus a somewhat dimmed illumination was obtained which matches the real situation in the Hartenstein cellars in September 1944. This effect has even more been heightened by installing small spots, like candle-lamps and small bulbs near the radio apparatus. Aquisition of the switches was made possible by a donation from our Society.

Book: “The Red Devils, From Bruneval to the Falklands”, by G.G.Norton.
Edited by Lt-General Sir Brian Horrocks this book is a comprehensive single-volume history of British Airborne Forces with well over 100 photographs and illustrations. Accounts are given of airborne actions fought by the British Army from Bruneval to North Africa and from Normandy to Suez and the Falklands. The story is told of the development of the parachute assault and the use of glider-borne troops which can be followed from their infancy to the massive coup de main technique employed in the Rhine Crossings.
The aircrews, air despatchers and units who flew, maintained and supported them have not been forgotten. Included in the text are histories of 38 Group RAF, Air Resupply together with the origins and developments of the SAS and post war Airborne Territorial Army units.
Major G.G.Norton when Second-in-Command of Airborne Forces Depot established the magnificent Airborne Forces Museum in the Browning Barracks in Aidershot in 1969. Thus he is well qualified to tell this unique story (and indeed to update) his best¬selling well-illustrated Regimental history which is aimed at the general public as much as the old and bold.
Please note that this book was originally published in 1971 as part of the FAMOUS REGIMENT series. It has now been substantially expanded to cover the period 1970-1984. Royalties from sales are shared and assist with the upkeep of Airborne Forces Museum. The book has 320 pages fully illustrated with Itaps and photographs. Normal retail price £ 12.50. NOTE: Price to members of the Parachute Regiment Association: £ 10.50 ( +99p for P&P ) direct from the publisher, Leo Cooper, 190 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2 8JL.

Interesting booklet about the building of fortifications along the Veluwe border.
After the failure of the Battle of Arnhem practically the whole of the Southern border of the Veluwe was evacuated by order of the German occupying force. During the following eight months nobody was allowed to enter the area without special consent. As the Germans assumed that the Allies would again launch an attack across the river Rhine, enormous fortifications were built along the Veluwe border, complete with trenches, machine-gun nests, artillery positions and mine-fields. As the Germans did not have themselves enough labour force, large groups of Dutch men were rounded up and forced into doing this work. These man were housed in camps and empty buil¬dings. One of these buildings was the Baptist Home for Aged Persons, called “Mooi- land” on the Utrechtseweg between Oosterbeek and Heelsum, from which the inhabitants had been evacuated in October 1944. The history of “Lager Scharhorst ID” as the building was then called, has now been written by our member, Dr.H J Leloux from Oosterbeek. In his book “Huize Mooi-Land in herfst en winter ’44-’45 Lager Scharn- horst I»” a description is given of life in the labour camp and the work on the^or- tifications in the empty and desolate villages and woods along the Veluwe border The booklet has appeared in a very limited edition and can be bought in bookshops in Oosterbeek and Heelsum. Price: f 15,- ( Only Dutch edition available ) P

Wanted: photo’s of Oosterbeek.
Messrs. G.H.Maassen Sr. and Jr. are Oosterbeek in 1945. They still need Oosterbeek. I” ‘
of the compilers, please contact Mr. G.H.Maassen, the Netherlands.

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NEWS-LETTER No.18 April 1985

Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil
Dutch-English translation: Mrs Wilkinson
The newsletter is printed four times a year.

Special subject day 1th May.
A special subject day is to be organised for our members on Saturday May 1th. The programme is as seen below.
10.30 am. We will meet at the Hotel Dreyeroord in Oosterbeek, starting with a cup of coffee, whilst a short introduction about the day’s programme and the route for the walk is given.
11.15 am. A showing of the Video film ‘Back To Arnhem’, about the experiences of the Reconnaissance Squadron during the battle of Arnhem. Followed by a walk through the North West Section of Oosterbeek. This part of the village, between 19th and 25th September, formed the northern section of the Horse shoe shaped territory that the British defended. During the walk special attention will be given to the sites where the Reconnaissance Squadron and the 7th Battalion The Kings Own Scottish Borderers fought.
11.00 pm. Lunch in the Hotel Dreyeroord.
11.15 pm. Short walk through the vicinity of the Hotel Dreyeroord. This Hotel was defended by units of 7 K.O.S.B. under the command of Lt. Col. Peyton Reid. At that time the Hotel was known as the ‘White House’.
16.00 pm. End of the Special Subject Day.
Our Guides for the day are three of our members; Mr. H. Duinhoven from Oosterbeek, Mr. N.J. van der Meer from Kruiningen and Mr. R. Sigmond from Bennekom. The day is organised for us by Mr. Van Roekel and Mr. Voskuil.
The cost for the day is 15’ guilders per person and includes the cost of morning coffee, lunch and the guidebook (The amount can be paid by giro number 1103611 for the account of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum under the title ‘Subject Day’. Closing date for entry is 27th April.) To avoid the groups being too large, the number of people will be limited to about 100. Should there be more interested, the day will be repeated at a later date, and any late entries notified. Participants will be entered in order of acceptance, so don’t leave it too late before replying.
The day will procede even if it is raining.
Hotel Dreyeroord (tel. 085-333169) is situated on Graaf van Rechterenweg, about a 100 metres from Oosterbeek-Hoog Station. From Arnhem it can be reached by the No.l Trolleybus.

Appeal for information on fieldgraves.
The Mini-Story, enclosed with this Newsletter, is written by 52yr.old Mr.J.A. Hey. Mr. Hey is a textile technician from Hengelo. He tells us about an extensive record of information about Allied soldiers killed in action during the war in the Nether¬lands. For the greater part his information is derived from official war sources.
Thousands of Allied soldiers were killed and buried in Dutch soil. There are about 1100 soldiers lying in un-named graves. On the gravestones of these unknow soldiers are the words; ‘Known Unto God’.
Over the years, Mr. Hey has ascertained the correct graves of more than 30 unknown soldiers. This had been achieved by long and unstinted searching combined with assistance from citizens and other amateur researchers. The War Grave Commission in the Hague often calls on him for assistance. Over the years his records have earned a respected reputation.
Mr. Hey has a plan for a Roll Of Honour which will contain the names of all the British and Polish soldiers who were killed during the Battle of Arnhem.
Along with the names it will also record precisely where and when each soldier: was killed and where his fieldgrave was.
To acheive this he is appealing to the residents of Arnhem for any information that can be of assistance. If you think that you can be of any assistance please contact Mr. J.A. Hey, Aart van der Leeuwstraat 12, 7552 HS Hengelo, Holland, Tel. 074-422271 or Mr. G.H. Maassen, Archivist for the Renkum municipality.

Extract from the Mayor of Renkum’s New Year Speech.
In his New Year’s speech the Mayor of Renkum jhr. Mr. van Holthe tot Echten, recalled that through a tremendous effort by both the citizens and the Municipality of Renkum, the 40th Anniversary Commemoration celebrations had been an unforget¬table tribute to the British and Polish Veterans. He added “that it was the very least that we could do, a tribute established by our everlasting gratitude towards the British and Polish soldiers who strived in an heroic attempt to hasten our liberation. The battle may have been a military defeat, but it was a human triumph. Let us now, especially when many veterans will not return again to remember their mates, keep the flame burning and the memories alive. That is easily said, but it is a task for our Airborne Municipality, and we must remain the Airborne Munici¬pality at whatever sacrifice, even financial sacrifice, that is necessary”.

Airborne Museum attracts a record number of visitors.
During 1984, the year of the 4oth Anniversary of the Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem, the Airborne Museum has attracted a record number of paying visitors – 98038. In 1983 it was 69954. Considering that the Friends of the Airborne Museum have free entry, and that this also applied to the Veterans, with a little simple arithmetic you will find that the official number of visitors was over 100,000.

New display case for Medal Sets.
In the large ground floor room of the Airborne Museum, a large display case for Medal Sets has recently been hung.
During the past years several Veterans of the Battle of Arnhem have, either donated, or lent their medals to the Museum. On the iniative of the secretary, Mr. W.J.M. Duyts, a showcase has been especially made. In the showcase, with every Set of Medals, there is a photo of the Veteran to whom the medal was awarded.
Meanwhile a number of Veteran Soldiers have promised, in the near future, to lend, or donate their own medals to the Museum.


Our Organisational Adviser was twice photographed.
1st: On the 17th September 19^lt. During the march of an Artillery Unit along the Utrechtseweg, near Kievitsdel, 15 month old Okko Luursema was photographed, on a 6-pounder anti-tank gun in the company of some British soldiers, by his mother. 2nd: years later Mr. Luursema returned to the same spot.

Appointment of Organisational Adviser.
Due to the increasing amount of work, it has been necessary to call on our members for assistance, with the result that Mr. Luursema, from Arnhem, is willing to become our Organisational Adviser. His main task will be to assist with the organisation of our Subject Days and Outings. (See above photo.)

Supplement to announcement in the last Newsletter.
In our last Newsletter there was an announcement about the addressing of corres¬pondence to the Society. The following address must be added: Correspondence concerning financial matters, please address to:-
The Treasurer, Mr. R. Fennema, Benedendorpsweg 150, 6862 WP, Oosterbeek,The Netherlands .

Issue of Commemorative envelope.
In May of this year, our Society are issuing a special Commemorative envelope. This envelope will be supplied with a commemorative stamp and a special stamp from the Airborne Museum. The envelope will cost 5 guilders. Available by post it costs 6 guilders. Please transfer the amount to Giro account of the Society of the Friends of the Airborne Museum, under the heading “Commemorative Envelope”. Distribution of those ordered by post wi about the 15th May.

Many volunteers for painting.
During the recent A.G.M., on behalf of the Curator of.the Museum, Mr. De Reus, our Chairman asked for volunteers to help with the painting of the tank ou si e the Museum. Nine members quickly responded, and it is hoped to complete the. as by the end of May. Mr. E.J. Koopman, from Oirschot, has provided all the paint and brushes free. An offer that is greatly appreciated.

Unusual flag donated.
During the advance into Arnhem on 17th September 1944, Mr. M.R.F. Chandler, a soldier with the Royal Engineers, found a Quisling flag. He took the flag with him, and has kept it as a souvenir of Arnhem for nearly 40 years. In August 1984 Mr. Chandler donated the flag to the Museum.

New Photobook about Arnhem in 1945
On April 15th, a new book with photographs of Arnhem shortly after its liberation in May 1945, was published. All the photos were taken by a Mr. N. Kramer, a contemporary photographer from Arnhem. Mr. Kramer had a special permit obtained from the English, to enable him to enter the empty and derelict capital city of Gelderland. He scoured the whole city and took about 800 photos. Later on, these photos could be ordered by other interested people. The collection was forgotten, until it was found by Mr. Kramer’s grandson 3 years ago in his parents’ cellar. He took some of the prints and hung them in his own photographers-shop in Looier- straat, Arnhem. There were many reactions from the public and Mr. Verhoeff decided to produce a book. Out of about 800 photos he chose 235- Short captions have been written by Mr. P. Vroemen from Kamerik, who was in Arnhem during the war.
In the back of the book is a street-register. The Foreword and a summary of the captions are written in English.
The book is called “Arnhem Voorjaar 1945, wandelen door een verlaten stad”. (Walking through an abandonned City) Photos by N. Kramer, compiled by W. Verhoeff and P. Vroemen. It comprises of 165 pages and costs 39-50 guilders. It is available froni bookshops and the Photographers-shop in de Looierstraat in Arnhem.

Booklet: ‘It was like this/Zo was het’. 14th Edition.
Once again a new edition of the book ‘It was like this/Zo was het’ has been published. Written by Lt. Col. C.B. Mackenzie, D.S.O., O.B.E.
The last edition was published in 1981. This 14th edition is enlarged with photos of the 4oth Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem.
‘It was like this/Zo was het’ is available in. the Museum and costs 10 guilders.

Book “Luchtbrug Market-Garden”.
In this book, published in September 1984, a survey of the air-operations that were carried out during the Airborne landings in Holland in September 1944, is given. At the same time attention is drawn to ‘the betrayal’ of Arnhem.
“Luchtbrug Market-Garden” by Bart van der Klauw and Bart Rijnhout is published by Telebook BV in Amsterdam and costs 24.90 guilders.(only Dutch edition available).

Special Association day for our members next September.
Early in S eptember a Special day is to be organised at which members can meet each other and learn of their research concerning Operation Market Garden Further information will be given in our next Newsletter. No. 19

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NEWS-LETTER No. 20 October 1985
Editor : Drs. R.P.G.A. Voskuil
Translation : Mrs A. Meeuwsen

The news-letter is printed four times a year.

After a military action human losses are counted in numbers: the dead, the wounded and the missing. At the yearly commemoration services our attention is expressly called to the dead and the missing.
Fortunately, many wounded recover after a relatively short time. They can take up again their work as civilians or soldiers, albeit sometimes changed both mentally and physically. However, there are also wounded people who are confronted with a very harsh reality: their injuries are such that there is no remedy. After their wounds have healed they cannot continue their former life. Their expectations for the future have been crushed, their prospects look dark.

Arnhem veterans during the Silent March to the Arnhem Bridge Monument on September 21st, 1985 (Photo: C. van Roekel)

One must try and accept being an invalid, one has to rebuild the relationship with one’s wife, fiancee, children, family and friends. One must try to overcome the difficulties of revalidation and of the struggle for a new and independent existence.
The battle that must be fought is heavier and lasts longer dan the battle of Arnhem, it needs one’s complete dedication, and cannot be won without the help of others. Just as the soldier on the front relies on the assistance of many others, the disabled soldier also needs help.
In Great Britain there are organizations like the “St. Dunstans for Men and Women Blinded on War Service” and “British Limbless Ex-Service Men’s Association (BLESMA). These organizations posses the knowledge and experience necessary for being able to give practical help and encouragement on the painful road to revalidation, to work and to independence. By means of close personal contacts the members try to care for each other and to prevent that someone gets into trouble, is lonely or neglected.
This work is primarily done by members who have lived through these problems themselves. They are all volunteers and are dependent on donations for the money they need to do their work well.
Every year we bring flowers and wreaths to the monuments, and the graves of the dead. For the crippled survivors we reserve the best seats in the front row. Do we really think that this is all we have to do?
J. Smits, Chairman.

BLESMA needs your help, too 1
In Great Britain, since 1932 BLESMA has given aid to people who lost their limbs or became blind as a result of participating in both world¬wars and many other military conflicts. Amongst other things, BLESMA administers some special homes for warinvalids, assists in the development of artificial limbs, provides revalidation, helps to find work and fights for reasonable pensions. BLESMA is an independent organization which depends on donations for money.
If you want to help these soldiers who were so grievously wounded while doing their duty, you can send your donations to your Society’s English Representative, Mr. A. Maynard. If you mention “BLESMA”, he will see to it that it reaches the organization.
Special subject afternoon with lecture and films on Saterday, November 23rd 1985
On Saterday, November 23rd, the Society will organize another Special Subject afternoon. This time we will be guests at the ELEKTRUM in Arnhem. The programme is as follows:
13.30 hrs : reception of the participants. If you want to, you can visit the exhibition about the part electricity plays in our daily life.
14.15 hrs : lecture by Mr van Roekel : The role of the Hohenstaufen Division
in the Battle of Arnhem.
15.15 hrs : interval of about 30 minutes.
15.45 hrs : “Impressions of the commemoration-service held at Oosterbeek Airborne Cemetery on September 22nd, 1985”, a video-film by Mr B. de Reus.
16.00 – 16.30 hrs : “Comrades at Arms” : a television documentary made by Yorkshire television in 1984 concerning the experiences of General Sir John Hackett and Dr Lipman Kessel during the Battle of Arnhem.

Mr R. Beasley hands over to Major Duyts the set of medals belonging to Staff Sergeant John Douglas Brooke, who sadly died in 1984. (Photo : B. de Reus)

The ELEKTRUM is situated on the KIingelbeekseweg between Arnhem and Oosterbeek, a few hundred metres from Onderlangs/Bovenover. The new telephone-number is: 085-568020.

New edition of the pastel-drawing poster.
The poster made by Arnhem artist Johan Paulus Pieters, which was brought out by the Society in 1984, has appeared in a new edition, this time in the A-4 size. It costs hfl. 3,–.

The medal show-case in the Airborne Museum.
In our Newsletter no. 18 of April 1985, we told about the purchase of a special medal show-case for the Museum. From Major Duyts, the Secretary of the Society, we received the following information about the show-case:
“For some time now the Museum has been in the possession of the show¬case which was donated by the Society of Friends of the Museum. We can now exhibit the sets of medals given to us by veterans of the Battle of Arnhem, in a dignified way. The show-case has been given a place in the so-called “medal corner” of the large room and has been adapted to the forms of the.other presentations of veterans who received the Dutch Military William Order and the Victoria Cross.
The show-case has a background of maroon felt and a beautiful oak frame. With its many silver and bronze medals and their colourful ribbons it pays an impressive homage to the Arnhem heroes. We have tried to accompany the medals by photographs of their former owners.
Since George Gatland donated his medals to the Museum some years ago, several other veterans have done the same. These medals are an outward symbol of the courageous deeds of the members of the 1st British Airborne Division and the 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade Group.
The Museum has also received sets of medals from relatives of Arnhem veterans, so that these medals will be kept and honoured amongst the others.
Many medals were accompanied by the message that there is only one place where they belong: in the Hartenstein Airborne Museum at Oosterbeek.”

New commemorative envelope.
Last September the Museum issued a new commemorative envelope. It shows the portrait of Lt-Colonel W.F.K. Thompson, commander of the 1st Airlanding Light Regiment R.A. in September 1944, together with the Royal Artillery emblem. It costs hfl. 5,– and is obtainable from the Museum.

Medals for the Airborne Museum.
Former Staff sergeant John Douglas Brooke was one of the veterans who regulary attended the commemorations of the Battle of Arnhem. The last time he was present was in September 1984; he died some weeks later.
One of.his last wishes was that his medals, received during .a many-sided military career, be donated to the Airborne Museum. The donation took place on September 20th by former Gunner Royal Artillery, Mr. R. Beasley, who was accompanied by Mr. R. Laing. The set, which consists of ten medals, was received by Major W. Duyts, secretary of the Airborne Museum. The medals will be given a place in the special show-case.

Questionnaire for our Dutch members.
On May 4th, 1985, we held our annual Special Subject day. It was organized by three of our Dutch members. As we knew the special subjects they are interested in, we could ask them to take the origanization upon them, confident that they would succeed. There has been a growing awareness of the fact that the more we know about the special subjects that our members are interested in, the greater the chance that we will be able to organize events that will interest and please them. As the Society has shortly been offered the use of a computer with printer,, we are now able to compile information about the special interests of our members, together with other important data.
In order to do this as efficiently as possible, Mr 0. Luursema has drawn up a questionnaire which our Dutch members will find with this newsletter. Dutch members are kindly requested to answer the questions as extensively as possible, so that we may obtain accurate information about your special interests and hobbies. We guaranteer that this information will be for our use only, nobody else will be able to obtain this information.

New start of the Educational Project.
Thanks to the generosity of various members and firms it has become possible to have Mr van Roekel’s documentation printed. The documentation has been sent to all primary and secondary schools in the Arnhem region, together with an invitation to visit the Museum at a reduced entrance-f ee. Many schools have already reacted positively and we expect that during the coming winter-season our Museum will play a well-earned part in many history-lessons. We are very happy about this special activity of our Museum.

New booklet about the destruction of Oosterbeek.
For the second time, Mesrs G.H.Maassen Sr. and Jr. have compiled a booklet with photographs about the destruction which took place in Oosterbeek between September 1944 and May 1945. It is called : “Oosterbeek Verwoest, 1944-1945”.
The first part came out exactly five years ago, in September 1980. It sold well and the publishers received many favourable reactions. Since that time many new photos have been obtained and as there were many requests for another booklet, it was decided to issue a follow-up. The new booklet contains 99 photographs, most of them were taken shortly after the liberation of Oosterbeek and they were taken both by professional and amateur photographers. It is obtainable from bookshops in Oosterbeek and Heelsum, from fa. van Doorne in Wolfheze and at the Museum, and costs hfl. 18,–. It can also be obtaines from Mr. G.H.Maassen Jr, Jan van Riebeeckweg 82, Oosterbeek, via Rabobank at Renkum, bankgiro 82.32.97, account no. The costs are then hfl. 20,80.

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NEWS-LETTER No. 21 February 1986.

Editor : Drs. R.P.G.A. Voskuil
Translation : Mrs L.A. Wilkinson

Dear Friends,
On the 8th, September 1985 ex-Paras of the First Independent Polish Parachute Brigade met in Czestochowa (Poland) to unveil a plaque in memory of their Brigade in the Church of the “Black Madonna”.
Among the tens of thousands of Poles taking part in this Pilgrimage were about 1500 Scouts from 28 groups out of the whole of Poland. They stood out from among the others by their sleeve emblems which showed their connection with the Polish Brigade and the Battle of Arnhem. So , for exemple, a badge may display the colours of the Polish, American, British ano the Netherlands flags together with the symbol of the Para Brigade and the Scouting insignia. Fourtheen days later the Veterans of the Polish Brigade met in Warsaw’s Military Cemetery for the annual Remembrance Service. This is held at the Monument to the fallen of the First Polish Para Brigade and to the Polish secret agents who were killed after having parachuted into enemy territory. Also present were Scouts and Guides with the special sleeve emblem, red ties and red berets. All members of Scouting groups named after the Polish Para Brigade and the British Red Devils.
Mrs. Cora Baltussen and Mr. Albert Baltussen from Driel were among those present at Czestochowa. They saw the Scouts who so emphatically demonstrated that as friends of the Para’s they will always show the respect they have towards these fighters for freedom.
Mrs. Baltussen mentioned this in the Remembrance speech she made in Driel on September 21st., when she called upon the young people of the Netherlands to make contacts and to form friendships with the Veterans and also with young people from Poland and other Allied countries who may be interested.
It is good that young people are made aware of the fact that the old soldiers from the Battle of Arnhem ‘put their lives at risk so that those who came after them could live in peace’, as it is written in our school project. It is also a good thing that the young people are encouraged to come into contact with the old soldiers and with each other so that they can exchange ideas and discuss the historic battle with all its human and inhuman aspects, and, as H.M. van Randwijk writes, ‘to reflect on the value of freedom and justice’.
J. Smits, chairman.

6th Annual General Meeting on 22nd. March 1986
You are invited to attend the 6th. Annual General Meeting, together with the Annual Meeting of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum, on Saturday 22nd. March 1986 from 14.00 hrs. in the Concerthall, Benedendorpsweg, opposite to the Old Church, Oosterbeek (tel. 085-332046)
The agenda for the meeting is as seen below.
1. Opening.
2. Minutes of the 5th. A.G.M. held on March 5th. 1985.
3. General report for 1985.
4. Financial report for 1985 and budget for 1986.
5. Election of officers.
6. Nomination of reserve members to the Financial Committee.
7. Questions.
8. Closing.
Clarification of point 5 : Upon completion of their terms of Office Mrs. J.M. de Langen (secretary) and Mr. W.T. de Ruyter, both have expressed a willingness to stand for re-election. According to article 8 of the statute members are able to propose rival candidates. Any nominations for this purpose must be received in writing by the secretary at least 10 days before the meeting, signed by a minimun of 10 members and accompanied by an expression of willingness signed by the candidate. The candidate must be a member and of age.
Our representative in Great Britain, Mr. J. Maynard, handed over to Mr. F.M. Young on the 1st. January of this year. Both gentlemen are making a special visit to the Netherlands to attend this meeting.
The financial sheet and report of the Financial Committee will be available for inspection 30 minutes before the opening of the meeting.
The financial report for 1985 and the budget for 1986 will be enclosed with the next Newsletter.

Showing of a video film following the A.G.M.
After the A.G.M., a video film about the liberation of Den Bosch in October 1944, will be shown. Althrough this subject did not form part of operation Market Garden it was decided to show the film because it is an example of an outstanding documentary film of military history.
The makers of the film Mr. K. Margry from Utrecht and Mr. L. van Gent from Den Bosch are both members of our society and will be present at the meeting. You will be able to ask them any questions concerning the video after it has been shown.

Action for BLESMA is a success.
In our last Newsletter we appealed to you for help for the British organisation BLESMA, an organisation that helps old soldiers who have lost limbs or become blind as a result of war wounds.
Due to your very generous response this appeal was very successful.
Mr. R. Bingley, the writer of the Mini Story in our last Newsletter, is the representative for BLESMA, and is coming from Britain, at his own expense, specifically to receive the money donated by our members, at the A.G.M.

Annual report for 1985,
The past year saw another increase in the number of members. On 31.12.85 the Society had 774 members, both within the Netherlands, and overseas. On 31.12.84 the membership was 713. Unfortunately this year some 28 memberships had to be cancelled due to nonpayment of subscriptions.
In 1985 4 Newsletters were published, a Subject day and a Subject afternoon were held. Our Subject day held on the 4th. May opened with a reception at the Hotel Dreijeroord. This was followed by walks around the North West area of Oosterbeek after which a video film about the Reconnaissance Squadron was shown. Our Subject afternoon was held in the Elektrum, Arnhem, on November 23rd. Mr. C. van Roekel gave a lecture about the Hohenstaufen Division and after the interval the video film ‘Comrades at Arms’ was shown.
The Contact day for members was held on 14th. September in the ‘De Wiltgraef’ Restaurant in Bennekom, and may be repeated. Both Contact day and Subject days were well attended.

Fuselage and cockpit of the Horsa Glider in the new Army Air Corps Museum in Middle Wallop. On the right, a 6-pounder anti-tank gun used at Arnhem, (photograph B. de Reus)

Two Commemorative Envelopes, specially franked 5th. May 1985, were issued by the Society for the anniversary of 40 years after the liberation. A mini-poster was made of the larger poster of the pastel drawing by Mr. Paulus Pieters. The sale of the envelopes and the posters is going well.
Our Society gained an Honorary Member, in the person of General R.E. Urquhart, also our fifth British Life Member joined the Society.
Our member Mr. 0. Luursema has agreed to be availeble to the committee for advice on organisational subjects.
Gifts from our Society to the Museum included a medal case and a slide projector for the audio-visual presentation.
We are grateful for the financial support of our members and a number of sponsors, who, once again, have enabled us to restart our project for schools. Because of their very generous support it has been possible to compose a very interesting questionnaire for the visiting pupils.
As you see, 1985 was a good year for our Society and we hope 1986 will be the same.

Exhibition of Photography during the Battle of Arnhem.
In the near future a small exhibition will be held in the Airborne Museum, titled ‘Photography during the Battle of Arnhem’. The items for this exhibition have been collected by Messrs, de Reus and Voskuil, and they have tried to give an impression of the ways in which the soldiers and citizens recorded those September days in 1944.
Alongside unfamiliar photographs, photo-and film equipment will be displayed, wich was used during the Battle of Arnhem.
We hope to have the exhibition ready to be opened on Friday 21st. March, so that members attending the A.G.M. on the 22nd. March will be able to visit the exhibition in the Museum. H.G. van Hol the tot Echten and mister Th. Werningh Coster were made

Freemen of the Renkum Municipality.
At his abdication as Burgomaster of the Renkum municipality van Holthe tot Echten was made a Freeman of this municipality. The same honour was extended to mister Theo Werningh Coster on his rel ingquishing his post on the museum committee, in view of the outstanding contributions he made since 1949 towards the establishment and maintenance of the Airborne Museum.

British award for mister J.J. Rudolphie.
Het Majesty Queen Elisabeth very graciously appointed mister J.J. Rudolphie a ‘Honorary Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire’. Mister Rudolphie received this award for the outstanding work he performed since 1948 for the organisation of the annual remembrance of the Battle of Arnhem.

Positioning of plaques ‘Donated by the Friends of the Airborne Museum’.
Small plaques with the words ‘Donated by the Friends of the Airborne Museum’, will be positioned on all the items bought for the Museum by the Friends of the Airborne Museum.

The new ‘Museum of Army Flying’ in Middle Wallop is worth a visit.
On the 13th May 1984 the new ‘Museum of Army Flying’ was opened on the airbase at Middle Wallop in Hampshire. A large part of the exhibition is devoted to the history of the ‘Glider Pilot Regiment’, and the airborne landing operations this Regiment participated in during the Second World War.
In the large hall where a variety of aeroplanes are on display, there is an almost complete fuselage and cockpit of a Horsa Glider (see photo).
Recently the museum came into the possession of a part of a fuselage of a Hamilcar glider. This fuselage has spent 38 years in the open being used as a chicken run. It is in a very bad state and the project to fully restore it will take about 2 years to complete.
This museum lies on the A343 between Salisbury and Andover.
It is open daily from 10.00 to 16.30 hrs. except for Christmas and the New Year.

Revised edition of the book ‘Battle in the Shadow’.
The first edition of this book written by the authors A. Korthals Aites and N.K.C.A. in ‘t Veld, describes the fighting that took place from September 1944 until March 1945 in De Peel and the Maas valley.
This conflict is much less known and much less talked about than the Allied airborne landing operations in September 1944. It was fought out in the shadow of Market Garden.
In the chapter of that heading, the authors go into the previous history and the execution of Operation Market Garden, especially with regard to the territory of the Brabant ‘Corridor’. The months following Market Garden saw a fiercely fought situation in the border land between Brabant and Limburg.
The reason this conflict has not remained unkown is mostly due to the fact that during the fighting the village of Overloon was completely ruined. Overloon is where the National War and Resistance Movement Museum is situated.
The book ‘Battle in the Shadow’ is published by the publishing company De Bataafse Leeuw.

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Editor: Drs. R.P.G.A. Voskuil
Translation: Mrs. A.G. Meeuwsen

Farewell to our British representative, Mr. A. Maynard M.B.E.
During the Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 22nd, we had to say goodbye to Mr. A. Maynard M.B.E., the British representative of our Society. His successor, as per January 1st, 1986, is Mr. Frank Young, who is also an Arnhem veteran. Unfortunately, for reasons of health, Mr. Young was unable to attend the Annual Meeting.
Mr. Maynard, who from 1959 was a member of the board of the Foundation, the Airborne Museum, has been our British representative since the foundation of the Society of Friends.
During all these years he solely and completely disinterestedly promoted and served the interests of our Society in England. He managed the administration of the British members, collected the subscriptions, took care of the correspondence and of the distribution of the English newsletter. He often came over to Holland, at his own expense, in order to attend the Annual Meetings.
In spite of his important input, he never sought to put himself forw . During the Annual Meeting the Chairman, Mr. J. Smits, thanked Mr. May all he has done for the Society, and presented him with a clock as a o en o our appreciation. . . .

“Dear Joe, on behalf of all our members, we thank you for all you aio and we hope to see you still often in our midst!”
Robert Voskuil.

Our Chairman Mr. J. Smits (r.) thanks Mr. Maynard for his work for the Society, (photo: B. de Reus)

Special Subject-day on Saturday, June 28th, 1986
On Saturday, June 28th, 1986, a special subject-day will again be organised for our members. The title of this day will be: “Corridor through Brabant, September 1944.”
The course of events during the Battle of Arnhem cannot be seen apart from the rest of Operation Market Garden. That is why this time we decided on an excursion to the Southern sector of the operation area. This excursion will be conducted by our member the historian Mr.Drs. K. Margry, author of the book “The Liberation of Eindhoven” an co-author of the book “September 1944”. Special attention will be paid to: the landing of the 101st American Airborne Division, the advance route of the 30th Army Corps from the Belgian border, and the German attempts to cut off the Corridor near Veghel.
The provisional programme is as follows:
09.00 hrs : Departure by coach from the car-park near the Museum in Oosterbeek. 09.45 hrs : Stop at Den Bosch railway station. This for participants who find
it easier to travel by train to Den Bosch. They must be in Den Bosch station at 09.45 hrs and are requested to mention this fact on their giro cheque.
10.30 hrs : Arrival at Valkenswaard : coffee-break.
10.50 hrs : Departure from Valkenswaard. Successive visits to: Lommel (“Joe’s Bridge”), the Belgian-Dutch border (breakout of the 30th Corps), Valkenswaard, Aalst (the bridge across the Tongelreep) and Son (the bridge across the Wilhelmina Canal).
13.00 hrs : Lunch in Son.
14.00 hrs : Depart from Son. Visit to Best (Joe Mann Monument). Hence via the landing areas of the 101st Airborne Division, and St.Oedenrode to Veghel (corridor breakout 107. Panzerbrigade). After this a visit to the Liberation Museum at Veghel.
From Veghel the bus will depart for Den Bosch.
17.00 hrs : Departure from Den Bosch.
17.45 hrs : Arrival in Oosterbeek.
The costs for this day will be hfl. 35,–, comprising the excursion by coach, lunch and the excursion guide, to be paid by giro, no. 4403641 of the Society. Closingdate is June 1st. Applications will be booked in order of entry. The maximum number of participants has been decided on fifty, so do not wait too long if you want to take part! You are requested to brinq vour oassnnrt as we have to cross the Belgian-Dutch border. ~’ P P as we

In close co-operation with the Foundation, the Airborne Museum, the Society has again ordered a statuette to be made, this time in bronze-coloured plastic It represents a soldier who is about to throw a hand-grenade. The artist Mrs. Janneke Ros, has succeeded, with the technical and critical assistance of the Museum staff, in creating a very good statuette, giving an impression of the tension and the grim reality of those days in September, 1944. P The statuette will shortly be for sale in the Museum Shop, it will cost Hfl. 35,—. It can also be ordered by giro (no. 4184300 Stichtinq Ariborne Museum, Oosterbeek), it will then cost Hfl. 45.–.

Part of the exhibition “Photography during the Battle of Arnhem”, (photo: B. de Reus)

Exhibition “Photography during the Battle of Arnhem”
On Friday, March 21st, Mrs. N. van den Broek-Laman Trip, deputy of the Province of Gelderland, opened the exhibition “Photography during the Battle of Arnhem” in the Museum. This exhibition has been compiled by Messrs. B. de Reus and R.P.G.A. Voskuil, and shows the activities of people who, either professionally or as amateurs, made photographs and films in September, 1944. Three men of the “Army Film and Photographic Unit” worked as official photographers and cameramen; on the part of the Germans the battle was recorded by members of the Propaganda Kompanien”. Photo’s and cameras from both groups are being shown. Apart from these an important place has been given to material that was recorded by the civilians. There were also British and German soldiers who secretly took photographs, something which had been strictly forbidden on both sides. After more than forthy years these snapshots can now be seen in the Museum.
On the occasion of this exhibition, a brochure has been issued in limited numbers, called “Photography during the Battle of Arnhem”. Among other things it shows a number of recently acquired photographs of the Battle of Arnhem. It costs Hf1. 2,50 and can also be obtained by post: giro 4403641, Vereniging van Vrienden van het Airborne Museum, mention “brochure fotograferen”. The exhibition can be seen till May 18th.
11 Roll of Honour” of British and Polish soldiers killed during the Battle of Arnhem Our member Mr. J. Hey from Hengelo has spent several years in compiling a survey of British and Polish personnel who were killed in action or who died afterwards of their injuries.
This “Roll of Honour” contains: the names of the fallen, the unit they belonged to the place where they now lie buried, and, if known, the place of their field graves. This “Roll of Honour” will be published by the Society and will be obtainable in the Museum. Further information will follow in the next News-Letter.

In Memoriam A.J. Baltussen
Our member Mr. Albertus Johannes Baltussen died suddenly on March 9th, 1986. He was 68 years old. Mr.Baltussen was born and bred in Driel. For him the airlandings in September 1944 meant the end of the menace of being betrayed and arrested by the Germans. Shortly before he had helped members of the Resistance to disappear after an attack on the Arnhem-Nijmegen railway. However, his presence in that area at that time had been noticed by someone who wanted to betray him to the Germans. Fortunately, this traitor had been rushed to hospital for an emergency operation. Still, Baltussen knew that very soon he would have to go into hiding. Operation Market Garden changed all that.
During the Battle of Arnhem Baltussen helped British soldiers who had been dropped South of the River Rhine, to reach Oosterbeek via the Drielse Veer. After the landings of the Polish Para’s he devoted himself to helping and nursing the wounded military and civilians. In the midst of the danger and the1suffering a strong bond of relationship grew between him and the Polish soldiers, which was even more strengthened by their common faith. After the war he gave expression to his feelings of friendship and gratitude to the 1 iterators by planting red and white begonias on the graves of the re-buried Polish Parachutists on the Airborne Cemetry. Together with his sister, Mrs. Cora Baltussen, he took care of the annual Commemoration and reunion of the Polish veterans in Driel. Albertus Baltussen was a devoted Roman-Catholic, who, also because of his faith, did not live solely for himself. He was prepared to serve others, before, during and after the Battle of Arnhem. He was resolute, kind and not seeking the limelight. The Polish veterans especially had won his heart and he done much for them.
We consider it a privilege to have known this remarkable man. He leaves many behind who will remember him with love and gratitude.
J. Smits

Action for BLESMA : a great success
It has been heart-warming to find that many of our members did answer our summons to help severely handicapped veterans by way of a monetary donation. Even during the Annual Meeting we received donations by telephone! During the Annual Meeting our chairman could hand the sum of more than Hf1. 1 .300,– to Captain Richard Bingley, the BLESMA representative.
We received a very symphathetic reaction from the Health Insurance Company “Het Zilveren Kruis”. Apart from a very substantial sum of money, this company also gave a number of material items, thus enabling some very severely handicapped veterans to come and attend the September Commemoration.

Airborne Museum receives gift of Captain Richard Bingley’s medals
During the Annual Meeting, Captain Richard Bingley, our first “member for life”, donated his set of medals to the Airborne Museum. In his word of thanks, Mr. W.J.M. Duyts, Secretary of the Museum, said that in doing so Richard Bingley is surely putting an important part of his life into the hands of the Museum, as these medals do not only cover the period of the Second World War, but also the period during which he saw active service in Korea. The fact that he decided to part with these outward signs of his bravery, underlines how closely Richard Bingley still feels himself to be involved in the events around Arnhem in September 1944. Mr. Duyts ended his speech as follows: “We will always cherish these medals in our Museum with reverence and love”. The set is a very special one and consists of: the 1939-1945 Star, the Italy Star, the France and Germany Star, the Defence Medal, the War Medal, the Korea Medal with bronze oak-leaf for bravery, the U.N. Korea Medal, the Territorial Efficiency Medal, the Dunkirk 1940 Medal the King Albert I Cross of Belgium and the Cross of the Confederation Europeene des Ancies Combattants.


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Editor: Drs. R.P.G.A.Voskui1
Translation: Mr H.A.Meijer

Dear Friends,
Recently three different newspapers carried articles featuring persons who are deeply interested in the history of World War II.
These persons stated their firm belief (and quoted examples) that a lot of historical material relating to these war years is still in private hands. Very often, it lies forgotten in a cupboard, an attic or a shed. There is a serious risk that during cleaning up such mate¬rial is thrown out as worthless junk and that thus, important, perhaps unique material is lost.
It is also a fact Chat many documents [pictures, diaries,etc.1 and objects have not been forgotten, but have been carefully kept and treasured by their owners. Sometimes such an individual will allow others to inspect his documents or he will exhibit the objects, but it remains difficult for many interested persons to gain access to such material. It becomes avialable to a far larger public if it is donated or given in loan to a museum.
It is understandable that it may be very difficult to part – be it temporarily or for good – with a diary, notes, pictures, publications, military objects, etc., the more so if the item in question forms a link with a period which has left an indelible mark on the life of the owner. However, it frequently so happens that there is no or hardly any interest among the family for these tangible or written memento’s. The question Chen arises: what is to happen later to the possibly unique documentation, or to the perhaps laboriously accumulated collec¬tion? Let it go to waste, or give it a proper permanent destination? The latter possibility, to ensure a permanent and meaningful purpose, can be easily archieved by making proper arrangements in your will to the effect that objects of interest must pass to a museum in due course, please also remember the Airborne Museum in this connection.
J. Smits, Chairman.

Guide enclosed with this Newsletter.
Enclosed in this Newsletter you will find a copy of a small guide for a walking tour through the “perimeter”. Via a carefully selected route you are taken through one of the most attractive parts of Oosterbeek and past many conspicuous spots from the Battle of Arnhem. The route starts and finishes at the Airborne Museum. A visit to this museum will go very well in combination with the walk. An English text of the guide is also obtainable. [Price at the Airborne Museum::Hfl. 0.30]. Guides for a cycling tour [not in English] and for a tour by car are also available [price Hfl. 1.- each]. Both guides take you also past important spots outside Oosterbeek, such as the John Frost Bridge,
the dike at Driel from Arnhem to Heteren (dropping zone an area of the Poles) and the landing zones near Heelsum,tour
Papendal (Johannahoeve) . An English edition of the guide or by car also exists. The length of both tours is approx. 50 min
required, the cycling tour can be made in two parts. In addition t description of the route, a clear explanation is given of events in September 1944, with the use of maps, plans and brief texts.

Society badge available soon.
Following many requests, a fine society badge has now been made and will be available to members shortly. It is finished in enamel and measures 13 millimetres in diameter. The badge represents Pegasus against a maroon background circled by a light blue edge which contains the words “Friends Airborne Museum”. The badge can be solidly fastened and worn on coat, dress or necktie. It can be ordered as from mid¬September exclusively by remittance of £ 2 to Mr F. Young. Please mark your remittance-order: “badge”.

Excursion “Corridor through Brabant” most succesful.
Saturday 28th June 1986 the excursion “Corridor through Brabant” took place. Favoured by fair weather and under the excellent and expert guidance of Mr.K.Margry, 48 members were able to follow the actions of XXX Corps and Che 101 U.S. Airborne Division closely. Mr.Margry started his commentary at the bridge across the Meuse-Sche1dt Canal (“Joe’s Bridge”) from where the Irish Guards launched Operation “Garden”.from there, “Hell’s Highway” was traced in the direction of Eindhoven.
Detailed attention was given to the achievements of the “Screaming Eagles in their courageous efforts to take and hold the various bridges. Appropriate attention was also given to the German attempts to block the important road to the North. After an excellent lunch at Son, an exten¬sive visit was made to the dropping zones of the 101 U.S. Airborne Di-vision. Following this, the excursion led to the “Wings of Liberation” museum at Veghel, whose interesting collection was well worth seeing. Although much later than planned, the party then started back to Oosterbeek and returned at the Hartenstein at 19.30 p.m. (C.v.Roeke 1 ) .
Excursion “Corridor through Brabant” to be repeated on on Saturday, 4th October 1986.
The number of applications for the excursion “Corridor through Brabant”, which was held on 28th June 1986, exceeded the maximum of 50 by far. In consultation with the excursion- 1eader, Dr. K.Margry, it was there¬fore decided to repeat the excursion once, viz. on Saturday, 4th October 1986. The program was published in Newsletter No.22. The only item in which the program for 4th October differs from that of 28th June is, that no stop will be made in’s Hertogenbosch to collect participants . As on 28th June, the departure on 4th October will be at 9:00 a.m. from the parking-area of the Airborne Museum at Oosterbeek.
Applicants for the excursion on 28th June who could not be accomodated then, will now be automatically placed on the participants ‘ 1ist unless the Treasurer receives a timely notice to the contrary. In addition to the above mentioned participants who are already registered, there is room for a limited number of other members. They can register by remit¬ting Hfl. 35,- to Postal Account No. 4403641 in the name of Vrienden van het Airborne Museum, marking their remittance order: “Themadag” The closing date for registration is 15th September. The maximum number of participants is 50, as was the case last time. Registrations are pro¬cessed in order of their receipt. So don’t pospone your registration too long if you want to participate in this excursion. In this respect the following should be noted. If you transfer the amount from your bank to our Postal Account, you should bear in mind that this takes longer than a transfer from your postal account to our postal account. The T will follow the order of receipt strictly. Exceptions have not an^wil^ not be made, either for members or Commi11ee-members I 1
Tho oAUS have been processed and discussed within the
. e addresses, professions, areas of interest and offers
of assistance have been fed into the computer.
many members did not return the form. We received 140 contained special comments to which we will now react not feasible to approach everyone personally; in those considered this to be urgent, this has since been done. that they wish to be of service to the Society be approached in due course.

The Hartenstein in scarffolding during painting of the exterior walls. (Photograph: B. de Reus).

We are pleased by the compliments and give us cause to continue in the same the principle of the Society to limit Ar hem, within the scope of Operation we hold our meetings, special subject Oosterbeek; from the point of view of none in the country,

Inofin to ever lend out a great part of the literature dealing with the Battle of Arnhem The September days offer sufficient opportunity for discussions and contacts with veterans; the initiative is up to you! In order to accomodate members working on Saturdays, we will organise a snecial subject day on a Sunday and, depending on the response recei¬ved reneat this. Additional: More Newsletters with Ministories require ved, rep ais0 mQre time> which we do not havd.Have you?
We sincerely thank you for your suggestions. Should you wish still to t0
– 4 – return your form after having read this article, you are most welcome. The more we know about you, the more meaningfully we can operate or your benefit. For not only the Committee, but all the members jointly make up the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum. (O.luursema).

Hartenstein gets an overhaul.
Recently, some hard work has been put in to smarten up the exterior of the Hartenstein. A new coat of paint has been applied to the walls and the wood-work. The renovation of the roof will commence shortly, (see picture).

“Roll of Honour” published.
In the last Newsletter we announced the publication of the “Roll of Honour, Battle of Arnhem, 17-26 September 1944”. This Roll of Honour, the results of many years’work by Mr.J.Hey of Hengelo, has now been com¬pleted and published in a limited edition. The book, which numbers 125 pages, contains a complete survey of all Allied Servicemen, belonging to land- and airforces, who were killed during or as a result of the Battle of Arnhem. The names of the British,Po1ish,Canadian and American dead are grouped according to their units. In addition to the dates of their death, the location of their field-grave is included (if known) as well as their present resting-place and further details, if any. The present graves are scattered around dozens of cerneteries,in the Netherlands and abroad. In addition to these detailed descriptions, the book contains lists of casua 11y-figures, two general overview maps, a map of Oosterbeek showing the situation in 1944 and a modern topographical map of Arnhem and surrounding areas with which approximate locations of the fieldgraves can be traced. The book is illustrated with a number of pictures of field¬graves, which were to be found everywhere in 1944. A number of appendices deals briefly with the losses incurred by the 6th Airborne Division during operations in Normandy, Germany, and Belgium, as well as the losses incurred by units of the 1st Airborne Division during operations before and after the battle of Arnhem. The Roll of Honour, written in English and published by the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum, can be obtained at the Airborne Museum (price: E 5,-). It can also be ordered by remitting £ 7,- to Mr. Young, our Brittish Representative, mention: “Roll of Honour”. It will then be sent to you as soon as possible.

Dr.Lipmann-Kessel buried in Oosterbeek.
The British physician, Dr.A.W.Lipmann-Kesse1 MBE,MC,died in London on the 5th of June 1986, aged 71. In September 1944 he was a surgeon with the 16th Parachute Field Ambulance. During the Battle of Arnhem he operated on dozens of British and German wounded. After the battle he was taken prisoner, but he managed to escape and to go into hiding. Eventually he was able to return to Britain via the liberated Southern Netherlands.
After the war he wrote the book “Surgeon at Arms” under the pseudonym “Daniel Paul” (1958). Dr.Lipmann-Kesse1 had provided in his will that he wished to be buried in Oosterbeek, close to his comrades who had died in 1944. On Wednesday, 11th June, during an impressive ceremony, the burial took place on the Public Cemetery, close to the Airborne Cemetery.

Special subiect-afternoon and contact-day to be combined.
For several years, our society has organized special subjectdays and subject-afternoons. Last year the first contactday for members was orga¬nized. The day was a succes and many members found their way to Bennekom. This year we intend to continue the succesful experiment by holding a “contactday”, but now in combination with the special subject afternoon to be held in the autumn. Consequently, people coming from afar, will have only one long and expensive journey to make, instead of two. In the beginning of November we shall organize a day, the morning of which will be available to make contacts and exchange information, while the after¬noon will be taken up by lectures and films. Further details


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Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil
Translation: Mrs.A.Meeuwsen

Successful co-operation between BLESMA, the Friends and the “Silver Cross”.
Thanks to the intensive co-operation between BLESMA, the Friends and the Insurance Company the “Silver Cross”, the visit to Oosterbeek by eight severely handicapped veterans was a great success. They were able to participate in all events. We were all happy to discover that the Dutch facilities with regard to advanced methods of adaptability did cause considerable improvements as to eye-sight and mobility. Mr.Drew, a veteran who fought with Richard Bingley’s platoon (see Ministory IX), and who spent 13 years in hospital, told us that after all these years he could now read and write again, thanks to a donated TV-magnifying glass. Another veteran, whose left arm and left leg had to be amputated, was taught how to use some inge¬niously constructed crutches; this meant that he could now move about without having to use his wheelchair. We were very moved by these examples and very happy for the people concerned.

General Sir John Hackett receives the “Roll of Honour” from its compiler, Mr.J.A.Hey. (photo: Reus)

Although some people have accused us of performing a “commercial s un , y
pleased that we entered into this co-operation. It is rather easy to spea o gra i tude towards those who have had to live now for 42 years with pain and an leaps, tangible memories of the offer they brought for us. Now we have been a e o o something, let’s hope we will be able to do more in the future.
Our heartfelt thanks to the Board of the “Silver Cross”, the Derksen Taxica ompany, the people of the Kievitsdel Hotel, the Wiltgraef Restaurant and to our member Mr. Ton Schemkes. They all spared time nor pains in order to make these days unforget table for these so special veterans.
C.van Roekel

Special subject and contact-day.
On Saturday, November 15th, a combined special subject and contact-day will be organised for our members. The programme is as follows:
10.00 – 13.30 hrs: Contact-morning at the Westerbouwing Restaurant (can be reached by a no.6 bus from Arnhem Station). This morning can be used by members to meet other members, to discuss their special interests and to discover other people’s interests. The book-service will be present with an extensive collection.
The Westerbouwing Restaurant will also provide lunch.
13.30 – 14.00 hrs: Depart for the ELEKTRUM in Arnhem.
14.00 – 14.45 hrs: Lecture with slides about the 21st Independent Parachute Company. This 61ite unit, commanded by Major “Boy” Wilson, was in charge of the marking of the dropping- and landingzones. Afterwards they fought at several places in Oosterbeek.
14.45 – 15.15 hrs: Tea-break. Opportunity to visit the ELEKTRUM exhibition.
15.15 – 15.45 hrs: Lecture by Mr.J.A.Hey, the compiler of the “Roll of Honour” of the Battle of Arnhem. He will give background information and will be happy to answer any questions.
15.45 – 16.30 hrs: Film about the work of the British Commonwealth War Graves
Commission and/or film about the Netherlands counterpart, the “Oorlogsgraven Stichting”.
The ELEKTRUM is situated on the KIingelbeekseweg in Arnhem, some hundred metres from the road junction Onderlangs/Bovenover. Telephone: 085 – 568020.

“Roll of Honour” for General Sir John Hackett.
During a special meeting in the Airborne Museum on Friday, September 19th, General Sir John Hackett received the “Roll of Honour” from the hands of its compiler, Mr.J.A.Hey.
General Hackett was deeply impressed by the book which contains the names of every British and Polish soldier who died during the Battle of Arnhem. In his short speech the General thanked Mr.Hey for the amount of work that had to be done in order to compile this book.
The interest in this book, both in Holland and abroad, is overwhelming; several hundreds of copies have already been sold.

Issue of a new commemorative envelope.
On the occasion of the commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem, the Museum has again issued a commemorative envelope. It shows a picture of Sir John Hackett, taken in 1944. Sir John was then commander of the 4th Para Brigade. During a meeting in the Airborne Museum, Sir John Hackett received the first envelope from Major W.J.M. Duyts, secretary of the Board of the Airborne Museum.

Mr.Reg Curtis: life-member.
On September 19th, Mr.Reg Curtis, a Battle of Arnhem veteran, became a life-member The Society of Friends now has six British and two Netherlands life-members

Colonel Burgh thanks Christien de Haan of Heelsum for the portrait drawing she made of him, using photographs taken in 1944. (Photo: Reus)

Former artillery-men visit battlefields.
On Saturday, August 30th and Sunday, August 31st, a group of men belonging to the “Royal Artillery Historical Society” visited Oosterbeek and its surroundings.
Four of its members served with one of the artillery units during the Battle of Arnhem. They were guided around the battlefields by Colonel Burgh, who in 1944 served with Major-General Urquhart’s headquarters.
Colonel de Burgh is now attached to the Royal School of Artillery in Larkhill.
His preparations for the two-day excursion started a year ago and centred round the role played by the various artillery units during the Battle. Attention was also payed to the role played by the 64th Medium Artillery Regiment, which gave fire support from Nijmegen to the encircled British and Polish troops in Oosterbeek. The group visited the dropping- and landingzones near Wolfheze and Ede, former artillery positions around the Old Church in Oosterbeek, and the bridge at Arnhem. They also visited the Airborne Cemetery and the Airborne Museum.
During the visit to the Airborne Museum, Colonel de Burgh received a portrait of himself as a young man, drawn by Christien de Haan from Heelsum. She made the drawing from photographs of the then lieutenant de Burgh, which she found in the Museum-archives. Colonel de Burgh was very surprised and pleased, the more so as he did not know that these photographs existed.

Donation by Mr.Pelkman.
Our member Mr.Pelkman donated to the Museum a case for 15 smoke hand-grenades and a supply basket, dropped in 1944.

H.R.H.Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands unveils memorial tablet.
On Sunday, September 21st, H.R.H.Prince Bernhard unveiled a memorial tablet in the building of the National Sports Centre “Papendal” near Oosterbeek. This ta e reminds visitors of the fact that this area was the scene of fierce actions uring the Battle of Arnhem.
During the official meeting preceding the ceremony, a brochure was presented, called “The Battle of Arnhem, September 17th-26th, 1944 – The history of Papendal and the Johannahoeve area during the Battle”. The brochure contains 30 pages, with maps and pictures and is written by our member, Mr.0.Luursema from Arnhem.
The first copies were presented to H.R.H.the Prince and to General Sir John Hackett. The brochure is meant to tell the story to the, mostly young, visitors of the Sports Centre, and to make them aware of the fact that many lives were lost in the area where they can now pursue their favourite sports.
During the meeting H.R.H.Prince Bernhard was also presented with a copy of the “Roll of Honour”.

Memorial tablet in Oosterbeek Old Church.
During a short service, a memorial tablet was unveiled in Oosterbeek Old Church in memory of the men of 156 Para Battalion who fell during the Battle of Arnhem. The ceremony took place on Sunday, September 21st, and was performed by Mrs.Elisabeth Aird, daughter of Lt.Colonel Sir Richard des Voeux, in 1944 commander of 156 Para Battalion. Lt.Colonel des Voeux was killed in action in Oosterbeek on September 20th, 1944.
With this service ended a Battlefield Tour for former members of 156 Para Battalion, led by Colonel Geoffrey Powell and Colonel John Waddy. In 1944 they commanded “C” and “B” Company. Major Rh.J.Pott, former commander of “A” Company, also took part in the tour.

Donation of chair and set of medals to Museum.
A chair with inscription has been donated by Arthur Brawn and his wife Rene, in memory of Arthur’s brother Fred Brawn, who was killed in action in Oosterbeek in 1944. The inscription reads: “In Loving Memory of our Fred, Tpr.F.Brawn, 1st Airborne RECCE, killed Oosterbeek 19-9-1944, donated by Arthur and Rene.”
Tpr. Brawn’s set of medals were also donated to the Museum. On behalf of the Museum, Major W.J.M.Duyts received both gifts.

Polish badges of Honour.
During a special meeting in the Airborne Museum, the head of the Polish delegation from England, Captain Z.R.Gasowski, has presented Badges of Honour of the Polish Parachute Association to the following persons: Teresa Wasselkamp, Mr.H.Duinhoven Mr.J.A.Hey, Mr.K.Parmer, Mr.J.J.Rudolphie and Mr.J.Smits.
The badge intended for Mr.J.Schanstra was received by his daughter, as Mr.Schanstra sadly died some time ago.

Museum guide in Polish.
Some weeks ago the Polish guide for the Airborne Museum was published. Mrs.M.T. Saras-Janiszewska did undertake the translation.
A French guide will hopefully appear before long.

Exposition in the Airborne Museum.
During the commemoration week, the Museum showed a small exposition of portrait drawings by Christien de Haan, of commanders of the Battle of Arnhem.
Both General Sir John Hackett and Colonel Geoffrey Powell were presented with a portrait of themselves when they visited the Museum.

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Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil
Translation: Mrs.A.Meeuwsen

Dear Friends,
In November 1980 the first Newsletter appeared, its size was rather modest. Now you receive No. 25 !
Initially it only contained information about the Airborne Museum and the Society. But it grew in size and from No. 10 it started to draw attention to the lesser known aspects of the Battle of Arnhem by means of the Mini-stories. Thus it con¬tributes to a just historiography of events, told by people who lived through the events themselves.
Our editors, Messrs. Voskuil en Van Roekel, spend a very large amount of time on the contents and the lay-out of the Newsletter. In doing this, they are assisted by many British and Dutch members who contribute much important information and material. And we must not forget Mr. de Reus who often takes care of the photo¬graphic side of the Newsletter.
Thanks to disinterested help of many people, our treasurer still manages to finance the cost of this now much larger Newsletter, helped also by the proceeds of the selling of souvenirs and other articles and by gifts.
The appearance of this 25th Newsletter is for me a welcome opportunity to thank all those who, directly or indirectly, help to make that appearance possible.

Drs.J.Smits Chairman

7th General Annual Meeting.
You are invited to attend the 7th General Annual Meeting of the Society, on Saturday, March 28, 1987, in the Concerthall, Benedendorpsweg, opposite the Old Church, at Oosterbeek. (telephone: 085 – 332046). Time: 14.00 hrs.
The agenda of the meeting is as follows:
1. Opening address by the chairman.
2. Reading of the Minutes of the 6th General Annual Meeting of March 22, 1986.
3. General Review 1986.
4. Financial Report 1986 and Budget 1987.
5. Report Auditing Committee.
6. Election of committee-members.
7. Appointment of reserve-member Auditing Committee.
8. Questions before closing of meeting
9. Closure.
Explanation ad pt. 6: Messrs. J.A.Eijkelhof (vice-chairman) and Chr.Van Roekel (member) are due to retire from the committee. Both are eligible for re-election. According to article 8 of the Regulations, members can propose other candidates. Proposals should be sent in writing to the secretary of the Society, ten days before the day of the meeting. They must be signed by at least ten members an be accompanied by a written agreement of the proposed members, who must be of age and members of the Society.
Thirty minutes before the start of the meeting, the financial papers and the report of the Auditing Committee will be available for inspection of the members. The Financial Report 1986 and the Budget 1987 will be sent to our members with the next Newsletter.

Film: “Airdrop at Arnhem”.
The American documentary film “Airdrop at Arnhem” will be shown after the Annual Meeting. The film will take thirty minutes, the commentary will be spoken by Walter Cronkite, the well-known C.B.S.reporter.
Book on the liberation of Eindhoven.
Members who ordered the book by Karel Margry: “De Bevrijding van Eindhoven” during last year’s excursion to Eindhoven, can receive their book from Mr.Margry during the Annual Meeting. Price: f 27,50.

Annual Report 1986.
In spite of the fact that 46 members had to be expelled from the Society because of non-payment of their subscription, the number of members of the Society did increase to 809. By the end of 1985 there were 774 members. Sadly, seven members died during last year.
During the commemorations in September we were happy to welcome our sixth life¬member. Four Newsletters were sent to our members. The special-subject day was a huge success and had to be repeated. The special subject-afternoon, which was preceded by a contact-morning for our members, also drew many people.
New articles for sale were: the “Roll of Honour” (compiled by Mr.Hey), a new statuette and, at last, the badge of the Society. There was must interest in the “Roll of Honour”, it is almost sold out.
The Educational Project was started again in November and is a great success with many schools in the region. The visit of the first school to the Museum in the new season, was linked to the issuing of a so-called “City-card” by the philatelic branch of the Oosterbeek post-office. This postcard shows a picture of the Museum, together with its stamp; it is an excellent means of publicity for the Museum.
Thanks also to the kind offices of our Society, a number of members of BLESMA were able to attend the commemorations in September. Some of them could also be provided with highly necessary aids and appliances, which, we hope, will make their lives somewhat more bearable, in spite of their handicaps.
The Society donated the following articles to the Museum: a metal-detector, a glass show-case in which emblems will be shown, another glass show-case to be used for the showing of group-photographs, and exhibition-panels.
Altogether, we can say that the past year was a good year for the Society and that the interest in the Museum is still growing. ( L.)

Death of Mr Th.Werningh Coster.
Mr.Theo Werningh Coster died on November 12th, 1986. He was 73. In 1949 Mr Werningh Coster was one of the founder-members of the Airborne Museum and he was a member of the board of the Museum till 1986. In December 1985 Mr.Werningh Coster received the medal of honour from the municipality of Renkum as a sign of appreciation for the work he had done for the Museum and for many other institutions.

The American/Polish researcher Mr.George F.Cholewczynski has for some years been gathering information for a book on the First Polish Parachute Brigade Group Anyone who has information and/or photographs on the subject is kindly requested to cooperate. Please write to the Dutch representative: Mr.G.H.Maassen Jan Riebeeckweg 82, 6861 BH Oosterbeek.

For the painting of the mural in the basement of the Museum, the large diorama had to be temporarily removed. In the background the painter Mr.Huub Milder is working on the mural, while in the foreground Mr. Vellinga is busy painting the ceiling. (Photo: Reus)

Mural in the basement of the Airborne museum.
In the basement of the Museum a mural will be painted on the wall of the large diorama of the entering Airborne troops. It will cover an area of 52 square metres. The painter Huub Milder will create a detailed picture of a street in Oosterbeek as it looked during the Battle of Arnhem. The painter has made an extensive study of the characteristic pre-war buildings, many of which can still be seen in Oosterbeek.
As the painting will cover three walls which are placed at right angles to each other, special attention is given to the subject of perspective, in order to obtain an impression of space.
It will take three to four months to finish the painting. During that period the public will be able to view the progress of the work through a window in a tempo¬rary connecting door. A small model gives an impression of the finished mural.

Presentation of “City-card” with picture of the Airborne Museum.
On November 24th, 1986, the presentation took place of the 16th “Post Office City-card”. A City-card is a picture postcard depicting a characteristic building of a place in which the Post Office has established a philatelic branch. The card is stamped with a special stamp. Contrary to the preceding fifteen City-cards which show mostly churches and city-halls, the board of the Oosterbeek post office decided to choose a picture of the Airborne Museum with its stamp.
The presentation took place in the Airborne Museum: the chairman of the board of the Airborne Museum, Mr.J.W.A.M.Verlinden, who is also the Mayor of Renkum muni¬cipality, stamped the first City-card. Especially for this occasion, a nostalgic post office window had been built in the Museum. The ceremony was watched by thirty pupils of the “De Stoeteboom” primary school, who were the first school- childeren to visit the Museum at the start of the Educational Project 1986/1987.

Badge of the Society.
The badge can now be bought at the Museum, the price is f 5,– It can also be ordered via the giro-account of the Society, mention “badge”.
New show-case for photographs.
One of the new show-cases which were donated to the Museum by the Society of Friends, will be placed in the basement and used to show photographs of units and groups of soldiers who took part in the actions in September 1944 and who belonged to the 1st British Airborne Division. During the last few years the Museum has received several pictures showing companies and platoons. These pictures will now be shown in the show-case. The names of many of the men shown on the photos are still unknown and the staff of the Museum hopes, with the help of other veterans, to discover them.
The Museum would like to possess as complete a collection of these photographs as possible. Anyone who has any more photos and who would be prepared to lend them to the Museum, so that a copy can be made, is kindly requested to contact the Museum.

Re-arrangement of German show-case.
The large German show-case on the top floor of the Museum has newly been completely re-arranged. Due to lack of room, the French anti-tank gun was donated to the col¬lection of the Artillery firing-range at Oldebroek. In its place the Museum can now show some recently aquired weapons and pieces of equipment: an 8 cm mortar and an MG 42 with gun-carriage. This gun-carriage was restored with great care by Mr. Smeenk from Belgium. The re-arrangement was expertly carried out by Messrs, de Reus and Vellinga.

Special edition of “After the Battle” magazine.
Since 1973 there is a four-monthly magazine specializing in many aspects of the Second World War, called “After the Battle”. The articles in this magazine are always very well illustrated by photographs, both taken during the war and after¬wards, to show places where certain events took place.
The curator of the Airborne Museum, Reus, has taken the initiative to contact Mr.Winston Ramsey, the editor of “After the Battle”. As a result, there has now appeared an extra edition of the magazine, containing three articles which appeared in former editions. These articles are: “Prelude to Market Garden”,”The Battle of Arnhem”, and “War Film: The Making of A Bridge Too Far”. This edition also pays attention to the Airborne Museum. It is for sale at the Museum and costs f 8,50.

Mr,Tiemens publishes his second book.
The other day, our member Mr.W.H.Tiemens presented his second book “Teerosen op de Veluwe”, which deals with the secret German radio direction finder stations North of Arnhem during the Second World War.
Before this, Mr.Tiemens published the book “Aspecten van de Slag om Arnhem” (Aspects of the Battle of Arnhem).
The Teerose stations in the new book formed part of the German air defence system. The large German bunker “Diogenes” near Schaarsbergen housed the command-centre. The author gives a picture of the lives and work of the personnel.
Part of the book describes the role of the Teerosen during the Battle of Arnhem. According to the author, the quick German reaction to the British air landings was due to Teerosen’s very early perception of what was happening.
During the Battle of Arnhem part of the personnel of the Teerosen was evacuated, while others took part in the fighting.
There is also a remarkable story of the only female German prisoner of war.
She was taken prisoner just after the air landings and was a welcome object to the AFPU cameramen and photographers who took many pictures of her. Apparently she worked at Teerosen I and had just returned from leave when she fell into the hands of the British.
The book contains 164 photographs which for a greater part belong to former German personnel. It is published by Uitgeverij Lunet and costs f 34,90.

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