1 Airborne Division Report on Operation Market – overall outline

Part I – overall outline of operation

  1. Situation prior to the operation
  2. Object of the Operation
  3. Planning and preparation
  4. Outline plan
  5. Initial flight and landing
  6. Operations of the 1st lift uyp to 1500 hrs, 18 sep
  7. Operations from 1500 hrs, 18 Sep to 2359 hrs, 18 Sep
  8. Operations from 0001 hrs, 19 Sep to 2359 hrs, 20 Sep
  9. Operations from 0001 hrs, 21 Sep to 2000 hrs, 25 Sep
  10. The withdrawal to NIJMEGEN
  11. The return from NIJMEGEN to U.K.

Part II – the administrative aspects of the operation

  1. General
  2. Launching of operation
  3. Maintenance plan
  4. Order of battle
  5. Supply by air
  6. Bulk loaded Hamilcars
  7. Seaborne tail
  8. Diary of events

Part III – the lessons of the operation

  1. Introduction
  2. Planning
  3. Air Support
  4. Personnel and weapons
  5. Morale and discipline
  6. Training
  7. General Points
  8. Final

Part IV – annexures

  1. A. Order of Battle, 1 Airborne Div
  2. B. Directive received from Commander, British Airborne Corps
  3. C. Operation Instructions – 1 Airborne Div
  4. D. Operation Instructions – 1 Para Bde
  5. E. Operation Instructions – 4 Para Bde
  6. F. Operation Instructions – 1 Air Landing Bde
  7. G. Operation Instructions – 1 Polish Indep Para Bde Gp
  8. H. Operation Instructions – R.A., 1 Airborne Div
  9. J. Operation Instructions – R.E., 1 Airborne Div
  10. K. Operation Instructions – 1 Airborne Div Signals
  11. L. Operation Instructions – A.D.M.S., 1 Airborne Div
  12. M. 1 Airborne Div War Diary
  13. N. Diary of 1 Para Bde
  14. O1. Diary of 4 Para Bde
  15. O2. Diary of 1 Air Landing Bde
  16. P. Copies of important letters and messages

Part V – Detailed reports by arms other than inf

  1. Q. Report by G(Int), 1 Airborne Div
  2. R. Report by CRA, 1 Airborne Div
  3. S. Report by CRE, 1 Airborne Div
  4. T. Report by OC, 1 Airborne Div, Signals
  5. U. Report by ADMS, 1 Airborne Div

Part of files undefined

Report on Operation Market Part I to III – original

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