Index van geografische plaatsnamen en aanduidingen

De verwijzingen naar de plaatsnamen Arnhem en Oosterbeek zijn achterwege gelaten. Met het verschijnen van het Airborne Magazine No. 1, is voor de verwijzing naar geografische plaatsnamen geen onderscheid meer aangebracht tussen het Magazine of de hierin opgenomen Ministory.

Nederland / the Netherlands

Aa (AM 11)

Aalsmeer (MS 62)

Aalst (22)

Acacialaan (63), (70), (86), (126), (MS 5), (MS 6a), (MS 13), (MS 43), (MS 77)

Achterhoek (AM 8), (AM 11), (AM 14)

Achterstraat (MS 103)

Achterveld (98), (MS 22)

Albertkanaal (AM 2), (AM 4), (AM 11), (MS 28), (MS 46), (MS 111)

Alexanderstraat (AM 15), (MS 80), (MS 94), (MS 97)

Almelo (MS 103)

Alteveer, wijk (99), (MS 94), (MS 110)

Amerongen (111), (MS 7), (MS 74)

Amersfoort (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 7), (MS 22), (MS 31), (MS 74), (MS 100)

Amsterdam (51), (AM 2), (AM 6), (AM 10), (MS 62), (MS 67), (MS 87), (MS 91), (MS 100)

Amsterdamseweg (40), (41), (67), (70), (77), (85), (93), (97), (99), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 25), (MS 35), (MS 57), (MS 58), (MS 65), (MS 72), (MS 75), (MS 86), (MS 97), (MS 100), (MS 102), (MS 108), (MS 117)

Amsvorde (AM 14)

Andelst (28)

Annastraat (70), (76), (86), (92), (AM 10), (MS 25), (MS 79), (MS 126)

Artillerielaan (AM 15)

Apeldoorn (8), (14), (FB 16), (26), (FB 36), (45), (46), (47), (48), (71), (76), (87), (88), (91), (100), (101), (106), (112), (117), (118), (119), (120), (124), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 7), (MS 23), (MS 32), (MS 34), (MS 35), (MS 41), (MS 43), (MS 46), (MS 59), (MS 62), (MS 64), (MS 75), (MS 83), (MS 84), (MS 100), (MS 105), (MS 111), (MS 113), (MS 117), (MS 126)

Apeldoornseweg (33), (59), (72), (79), (118), (AM 10), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 22), (MS 35), (MS 78), (MS 84), (MS 126)

Appeltern (100)

Appingedam (MS 96)

Arnhemse heide (AM 14)

Arnhemsestraatweg (AM 15), (MS 93)


Bachlaan (99)

Backerstraat (28), (AM 16), (MS 13), (MS 77)

Bakenbergseweg (AM 2), (AM 13), (MS 65), (MS 114), (MS 117), (MS 120)

Bakkerstraat (AM 15), (MS 60), (MS 114)

Barneveld (4), (94), (100), (MS 19), (MS 22), (MS 23), (MS 54)

Batenburg (100)

Bathmen (MS 69), (MS 100)

Bato’sweg (MS 13)

Bato’swijk (91), (AM 11), (MS 5), (MS 64), (MS 66)

Beatrixweg (AM 11)

Beaulieustraat (MS 75)

Beek (AM 11)

Beekbergen (MS 111)

Beekhuizenseweg (MS 93)

Beek-Ubbergen (104)

Beekweg (96)

Beetenhovenlaan (99)

Beilen (AM 15)

Bemmel (103), (118), (AM 14), (AM 15)

Benedendorp (12), (14), (24), (26), (27), (40), (50), (51), (60), (64), (74), (75), (76), (84), (91), (95), (103), (120), (129), (AM 3), (AM 9), (MS 13), (MS 17), (MS 25), (MS 35), (MS 40), (MS 54), (MS 58), (MS 64), (MS 79), (MS 112), (MS 125)

Benedendorpsweg (13), (52), (67), (78), (86), (89), (100), (101), (103), (123), (127), (AM 8), (AM 10), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 5), (MS 6a), (MS 8), (MS 13), (MS 17), (MS 41), (MS 48), (MS 56), (MS 59), (MS 70), (MS 77), (MS 84), (MS 88), (MS 89), (MS 90), (MS 112), (MS 125), (MS 126)

Beneden-Weverstraat (14), (50), (51), (58), (103), (119), (125), (127), (AM 1), (AM 11), (MS 1), (MS 2), (MS 77), (MS 90)

Bennekom (5), (23), (74), (79), (124), (AM 1), (AM 4), (MS 43), (MS 82)

Bennekomseweg (AM 12)

Bentincklaan (96)

Berenkuil, de (11), (15), (56)

Berg en Dal (26), (AM 11), (AM 15), (MS 37)

Bergen (L) (35)

Bergstraat – zie Boven-Bergstraat

Bergum (MS 75)

Bergen op Zoom (31), (AM 2), (MS 7), (MS 56)

Bernulphusstraat (Sint) (48), (AM 10), (MS 13), (MS 126)

Best (22), (AM 1)

Betuwe (8), (15), (16), (28), (34), (35), (61), (80), (89), (90), (99), (103), (106), (111), (118), 126), (128), (AM 1), (AM 2), (AM 4), (AM 10), (AM 16), (MS 7), (MS 40), (MS 44), (MS 46), (MS 60), (MS 62), (MS 67), (MS 68), (MS 73), (MS 74), (MS 87), (MS 91), (MS 103), (MS 117)

Beukenlaan (MS 13), (MS 64), (MS 79)

Beukenhove (40)

Biesbosch (39), (56), (68), (73), (100), (119), (MS 58), (MS 82)

Biesseltsebaan (AM 15)

Biezenmortel (MS 76)

Bilderberg (28), (41), (53), (57), (67), (71), (73), (78), (91), (94), (104), (109), (110), (AM 3), (AM 9), (AM 16), (MS 3), (MS 6), (MS 13), (MS 16), (MS 54), (MS 58), (MS 64), (MS 66), (MS 68), (MS 77), (MS 80), (MS 91), (MS 87), (MS 98), (MS 100), (MS 109), (MS 125)

Bilderberglaan (AM 14)

Bilderbergse bossen (AM 14)

Bildersweg (MS 84)

Binnenveld (MS 43)

Bleckmann, paadje van (MS 78)

Bloemstraat (MS 94)

Bommelerwaard (MS 74)

Borculo (MS 78)

Borgerhoeve (MS 13)

Bornshoeve (90)

Bospad (AM 15)

Boterdijk (AM 12)

Bothaweg (AM 5), (AM 16), (MS 122)

Boskant, buurtschap (MS 7)

Boskoop (104), (MS 54)

Boterdijk (56)

Boulevard Heuvelink (AM 12), (MS 63), (MS 117)

Boven-Beekstraat (98), (MS 22), (MS 69)

Boven-Bergstraat (123), (124), (MS 75), (MS 104), (MS 118)

Bovenbrugstraat (97)

Bovendorp (60), (MS 47)

Boveneindsestraat (AM 15)

Bovenover – zie Onderlangs

Boxtel (101), (131)

Braamweg (AM 15), (AM 16)

Brakkenstein (AM 11)

Bre(e)delaan (MS 58), (MS 80), (MS 109)

Breda (98), (MS 62), (MS 67), (MS 79)

Breedeweg (AM 11), (AM 14)

Breskens (AM 2)

Broekpolder (AM 11)

Brouwerijweg (MS 75), (MS 117)

Brouwersgracht (AM 12)

Brouwershaven (MS 31)

Brugstraat (AM 12), (MS 75), (MS 104)

Brummen (60), (72), (74), (96), (112), (113), (125), (MS 7), (MS 111)

Bunnik (MS 91)

Bu(u)nderkamp (41), (100), (AM 1), (AM 3), (AM 16), (MS 13), (MS 26), (MS 43), (MS 58), (MS 119)

Burgemeester De Wijslaan (96)

Bussum (92)


Callunastraat (MS 86)

Cattepoelseweg (99)

Christiaan de Wetstraat (MS 47)

Coldenhove (96)

Cornelis Koningstraat (AM 10), (MS 13), (MS 79), (MS 126)

Cronjéweg (62), (70), (MS 47)


Daalhuizen (MS 93)

Da Costastraat (AM 15)

De Bilt (MS 50)

De Dam (51), (84), (86), (129), (AM 11), (MS 64)

De Elft (AM 11)

De Glind (AM 15)

De Koepel (AM 15)

De La Reyweg (115), (MS 102), (AM 16)

De Maten (31)

De Montignylaan (AM 15)

De Schelde (AM 2)

De Schuytgraaf (84), (93), (95), (118), (128), (AM 2), (AM 8), (AM 16), (MS 89), (MS 99), (MS 116)

Deelen (10), (11), (63), (64), (65), (84), (89), (94), (106), (AM 4), (AM 7), (AM 16), (MS 19), (MS 75), (MS 85), (MS 89), (MS 96), (MS 103), (MS 111), (MS 117)

Deelenseweg (MS 84)

Delft (AM 1), (MS 112)

Delftzijl (AM 1)

Den Bosch (21), (22), (MS 28), (MS 44), (MS 62), (MS 67), (MS 81), (MS 100), (MS 105)

Den Brink (97), (AM 15), (MS 86)

Den Dungen (64)

Den Haag (98), (AM 2), (AM 10), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 16), (MS 24), (MS 56), (MS 81), (MS 87), (MS 100)

Den Heuvel (AM 11), (AM 15)

Dennekamp, Park de (130), (AM 16), (MS 7), (MS 25), (MS 52), (MS 54), (MS 64), (MS 73), (MS 79), (MS 91)

Dennenkampweg (MS 38)

Dennenoord (AM 16), (MS 8), (MS 84)

Deventer (64), (MS 94), (MS 100)

Didam (55)

Dieden (100)

Diependal (AM 15), (MS 86)

Diependalstraat (114)

Diepenveen (AM 15)

Dieren (52), (AM 16), (MS 111)

Dinteloord (31), (MS 7)

Dodewaard (AM 14)

Doesburg (MS 69)

Doetinchem (AM 8), (AM 15), (MS 111)

Domberg (AM 2)

Dommel (AM 11)

Doodewaard (31), (88), (101), (103), (AM 4), (MS 121)

Doorn (111)

Doorwerth (9), (16), (27), (29), (33) (35), (47), (51), (52), (71), (73), (90), (92), (96), (101), (104), (AM 1), (AM 4), (AM 10), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 8), (MS 13), (MS 19), (MS 38), (MS 39), (MS 50), (MS 65), (MS 66), (MS 67), (MS 88), (MS 98) (MS 99)

Doorwerthse heide (AM 5), (MS 13)

Doorwerthse Hoek (AM 15)

Dorpstraat (AM 15)

Dr. Breveestraat (119)

Dreijen (MS 35)

Dreijensebrug (MS 65), (MS 73)

Dreijenseweg (40), (42), (54), (56), (63), (91), (93), (94), (97), (99), (109), (110), (127), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 25), (MS 35), (MS 47), (MS 58), (MS 63), (MS 65), (MS 67), (MS 73), (MS 97), (MS 100), (MS 102), (MS 105), (MS 108), (MS 111)

Dreischor (MS 31)

Driel (8), (11), (15), (16), (FB 16), (22), (27), (32), (34), (36), (FB 36), (37), (38), (40), (41), (45), (47), (50), (52), (54), (56), (57), (59), (68), (76), (78), (81), (84), (87), (89), (90), (93), (96), (97), (98), (100), (101), (102), (103), (104), (105), (107), (108), (110), (116), (118), (121), (126), (127), (128), (132), (AM 1), (AM 2), (AM 3), (AM 4), (AM 5), (AM 6), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 7), (MS 34), (MS 35), (MS 36), (MS 37), (MS 40), (MS 44), (MS 46), (MS 51), (MS 52), (MS 61), (MS 62), (MS 66), (MS 67), (MS 71), (MS 72), (MS 85), (MS 89), (MS 92), (MS 99), (MS 103), (MS 113), (MS 116), (MS 121)

Drielse dijk (23), (34), (84), (88), (AM 15), (MS 103)

Drielse veer (14), (22), (82), (84), (91), (104), (110), (132), (MS 17), (MS 35), (MS 44), (MS 61), (MS 67), (MS 72), (MS 112), (MS 113), (MS 121)

Duckenburg (AM 15), (MS 77)

Duitsekampweg (31), (78), (94), (AM 1), (MS 68), (MS 72), (MS 80), (MS 107), (MS 119)

Duivelsberg (26)

Duiven (49), (AM 16)

Duno (78), (MS 98)

Dunobeek (103)


Ede (4), (10), (24), (31), (45), (50), (53), (56), (59), (60), (61), (63), (64), (65), (66), (68), (72), (74), (78), (85), (88), (89), (91), (94), (97), (100), (103), (104), (111), (112), (115), (116), (117), (120), (125), (128), (AM 1), (AM 7), (AM 8), (AM 9), (AM 10), (AM 11), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 7), (MS 23), (MS 25), (MS 50), (MS 53), MS 57), (MS 58), (MS 64), (MS 72), (MS 74), (MS 82), (MS 84), (MS 86), (MS 89), (MS 98), (MS 102), (MS 105), (MS 110), (MS 111)

Eede (AM 2)

Eefde (AM 14), (MS 100)

Eelde (96), (98), (AM 13), (AM 14), (MS 19)

Eerbeek (96)

Eerde (79)

Eerschot (MS 71)

Eerste Spijkerdwarsstraat (MS 117)

Eibergen (MS 78)

Eik (56)

Eikenlaan (AM 15)

Eindhoven (12), (14), (22), (25), (30), (48), (53), (86), (99), (AM 14), (MS 28), (MS 30), (MS 37), (MS 51), (MS 116)

Elden (118), (MS 62), (MS 67), (MS 103), (MS 116)

Ellecom (122)

Elst (8), (34), (88), (103), (118), (126), (128), (AM 13), (AM 14), (MS 2), (MS 7), (MS 39), (MS 46), (MS 60), (MS 62), (MS 69), (MS 78), (MS 103), (MS 116)

Emden (MS 62)

Emmastraat (AM 11), (MS 13), (MS 25), (MS 64)

Emmaweg – is Emmastraat (MS 13)

Enkstraat (MS 84)

Enkweg (MS 93)

Enschede (109), (112), (MS 7), (MS 56)

Epe (102)

Eperweg (MS 74)

Ermelo (MS 54)

Erp (MS 71)

Eusebiusbinnensingel (43), (MS 9), (MS 93), (MS 114)

Eusebiusbuitensingel (43), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 15), (MS 18), (MS 30), (MS 78), (MS 102), (MS 114)

Eusebiusplein (MS 14), (MS 63), (MS 69)


Fangmanweg (84), (129), (AM 10), (AM 11), (MS 13), (MS 25), (MS 43), (MS 64), (MS 84), (MS 126)

Fijnaart (31)

Fonteinallee (103)

Frans Halslaan (MS 117)

Frederik Hendrikstraat (AM 15)

Friesland (50), (51), (52), (MS 35)

Frombergstraat (MS 75)


Geelkerkenkamp (MS 110)

Geitenkamp (AM 2)

Gelderland (53), (97), (107), (108), (115), (116), (MS 89), (MS 103)

Gelderse Vallei (117)

Gele Rijdersplein (95)

Gennep (AM 11)

Gielenbeek (103)

Ginkelse heide (4), (6), (9), (10), (11), (35), (45), (57), (60), (64), (67), (68), (70), (72), (75), (76), (84), (89), (91), (92), (97), (102), (108), (109), (111), (115), (116), (117), (120), 122), (123), (128), (AM 3), (AM 7), (AM 8), (AM 9), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 23), (MS 43), (MS 50), (MS 53), (MS 58), (MS 65), (MS 73), (MS 82), (MS 83), (MS 84), (MS 86), (MS 89), (MS 98), (MS 100), (MS 105), (MS 107), (MS 108), (MS 110), (MS 113)

Ginkelse zand (MS 58)

Ginkelseweg (48)

Goffertpark (AM 11)

Goirle (MS 7), (MS 56)

Gorinchem (MS 7)

Gorssel (AM 14), (MS 100)

Graadt van Roggenstraat (AM 13)

Graaf Ottolaan (AM 14)

Graaf van Rechterenweg (89), (100), (102), (113), (124), (AM 7), (MS 13), (MS 35), (MS 47), (MS 48), (MS 98)

Grafwegen (AM 11)

Gramsbergen (AM 2)

Grave (8), (15), (26), (83), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 14), (MS 30), (MS 37), (MS 38), (MS 77), (MS 81), (MS 85), (MS 116)

’s Gravenzande (MS 56)

Grebbeberg (89), (AM 13), (MS 34), (MS 84)

Grebbeveer (MS 67)

Griftdijk (34)

Grindweg (AM 15)

Groene Dijk (MS 81)

Groenestraat (MS 89)

Groenewoud-plantsoen (MS 49)

Groesbeek (12), (15), (26), (31), (45), (52), (54), (79), (82), 83), (84), (87), (97), (99), (100), (110), (112), (121), (122), (127), (132), (AM 4), (AM 10), (AM 11), (AM 15), (MS 7), (MS 10), (MS 46), (MS 56), (MS 77), (MS 116)

Groesbeekseweg (AM 15), (MS 37)

Groningen (129), (AM 3), (AM 4), (AM 10), (MS 19)

Grote Markt (AM 10)

Grote Molenstraat (MS 116)


Haalderen (MS 60)

Harderwijk (100), (MS 19)

Haren (MS 81)

Harskamp (94), (AM 16)

Hartenstein (8), (15), (16), (21), (23), (27), (28), (29), (30), (36), (39), (46), (49), (50), (55), (57), (60), (66), (67), (68), (80), (85), (86), (90), (94), (95), (96), (97), (98), (100), (102), (104), (111), (112), (113), (115), (123), (127), (AM 4), (AM 10), (MS 8), (MS 15), (MS 19), (MS 24), (MS 34), (MS 35), (MS 38), (MS 39), (MS 40), (MS 43), (MS 44), (MS 47), (MS 50), (MS 54), (MS 56), (MS 58), (MS 62), (MS 64), (MS 65), (MS 66), (MS 67), (MS 68), (MS 73), (MS 80), (MS 83), (MS 86), (MS 90), (MS 95), (MS 97), (MS 98), (MS 99), (MS 101),(MS 102), (MS 108), (MS 122)

Hartensteinlaan (80), (124), (MS 64), (MS 122)

Hartenweg (AM 5), (MS 122)

Hatert (AM 11)

Hatertse Broek (AM 15)

Heelsum (9), (10), (16), (23), (24), (27), (28), (51), (55), (56), (80), (91), (104), (120), (124), (AM 1), (AM 3), (AM 5), (AM 7), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 16), (MS 38), (MS 44), (MS 50), (MS 64), (MS 81), (MS 82), (MS 109), (MS 113)

Heerlen (MS 56)

Heesch (MS 81)

Heeze (AM 8)

Heijenoord (AM 15), (MS 58)

Heilige Landstichting (91)

Hell’s Highway (23), (79), (86), (MS 116)

Hemeldal,`t (MS 13)

Hemsels(ch)e Berg, De (6), (30), (50), (51), (53), (57), (61), (66), (70), (76), (77), (78), (31), (101), (103), (132), (AM 5), (AM 13), (AM 15), (MS 4), (MS 6), (MS 8), (MS 54), (MS 77), (MS 98), (MS 122)

Hemmen (103), (AM 4), (MS 44), (MS 121)

Hengelo (87), (MS 30)

Herentals (AM 12)

’s Hertogenbosch – zie Den Bosch

Hesweg (103)

Het Eiland – See The Island

Heteren (15), (16), (23), (34), (48), (53), (88), (103), (121), (AM 13), (MS 7), (MS 44), (MS 116)

Heumen (26), (83), (AM 11), (AM 15)

Heuveloordweg (MS 13), (MS 25), (MS 79)

Heuvelsestraat (AM 15)

Heveadorp (9), (16), (19), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 15), (MS 35), (MS 67), (MS 90)

Heyendaalseweg (83)

Hilversum (100), (104), (AM 7), (MS 123)

Hindekamp (MS 7)

Hoek van Holland (MS 34), (MS 47), (MS 57), (MS 62)

Hoenderloo (MS 22), (MS 78), (MS 96), (MS 111)

Hoeven (MS 7)

Hofstraat (MS 49), (MS 69), (MS 114)

Hoge Hoenderberg (AM 11)

Hogerheide (AM 15), (MS 79)

Hoge Veluwe (MS 19)

Holten (MS 7)

Hommelseweg (MS 19)

Homoet (AM 13)

Honinghutje (AM 11)

Hoofdlaan (70), (76), (AM 5), (AM 12), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 35), (MS 54), (MS 83), (MS 90), (MS 97), (MS 98), (MS 102), (MS 110), (MS 122)

Hoofdstraat (AM 2), (MS 93)

Hoogenhofseweg (AM 15)

Hoogeveen (AM 15)

Hoogkamp (AM 2), (MS 79), (MS 94), (MS 120)

Hoogstedelaan (MS 117)

Huissen (AM 2), (MS 30)

Huissensestraat (AM 15)

Huizen (96)

Hulkensteinseweg (6), (103), (125), (AM 2), (MS 63), (MS 97), (MS 107), (MS 120)

Hunnerpark (AM 11), (AM 13), (AM 15)

Huygenselaan (MS 94)


IJmuiden (MS 68), (MS 88), (MS 96)

IJssel (MS 100)

IJsselkade (MS 100)

IJzerlo (AM 5)

Imbos(ch) (96)

Ireneweg (MS 13)

Island, The (88), (99), (MS 46) (MS 116)


Jacobaweg (100), (AM 10), (MS 25), (MS 79), (MS 126)

Jagerskamp (29), (MS 79), (MS 88)

Jagerslaan (MS 39)

Jagerspad (27), (MS 25)

Jansbinnensingel (MS 63)

Jansbuitensingel (59), (72)

Jan van Embdenweg (MS 13), (MS 79)

J.J. Talsmalaan (87), (91)

Johan de Witlaan (MS 69)

Johannahoeve (23), (24), (40), (42), (53), (56), (70), (71), (91), (94), (100), (102), (109), (121), (122), (AM 5), (AM 15), (MS 13), (MS 45), (MS 51), (MS 58), (MS 63), (MS 67), (MS 73), (MS 82), (MS 83), (MS 97), (MS 100), (MS 108), (MS 122)

Johannahoeveweg (71), (AM 14), (AM 16), (MS 73), (MS 80)

Johannastraat (MS 94)

Johannaweg (AM 10), (MS 126)

Johanniterweg (92)

Johan van Oldebarneveldtstraat (AM 3)

Jonkerbosch (87), (89), (97), (AM 11), (MS 7), (MS 77)

Jonkershoeve (41), (MS 73)

Jonkheer Nedermeijer van Rosenthalweg {Grindweg} (AM 15), (MS 13), (MS 43), (MS 63)

Joubertweg (MS 35), (MS 52), (MS 73)

Julianaweg (MS 79)


Kabeljauw (MS 50), (MS 66), (MS 122)

Kadestraat (MS 69)

Kamp (AM 11)

Kapelstraat (MS 13)

Karel van Gelderlaan (MS 84)

Kastanjehof (MS 84)

Kastanjelaan (MS 63), (MS 94)

Kasteelweg (MS 65)

Katwijk aan Zee (AM 13), (MS 62), (MS 84)

Keijenbergscheweg (MS 13)

Keizer Lodewijkplein (AM 13)

Keldonk (MS 71)

Kemperbergweg (MS 45)

Kennedystraat (49)

Kerkhoflaan (AM 15)

Kerklaan (101), (MS 39)

Kerkpad (75), (107), (115), (AM 9), (MS 8)

Kerkplein (76)

Kerkstraat (MS 13), (MS 60)

Kesteren (16), (28), (60), (88), (AM 15)

Ketelstraat (MS 93)

Kivietsdel (18), (AM 6), (MS 98)

Klarendalseweg (MS 94)

Klein Amerika (26)

Kleve (MS 7)

Kingelbeek (AM 2), (MS 48)

Klingelbeekseweg (6), (24), (36), (43), (50), (82), (101), (103), (114), (117), (AM 2), (AM 15), (MS 23), (MS 41), (MS 63), (MS 80), (MS 86), (MS 89), (MS 120)

Klinkenbergerweg (AM 15)

Kluizeweg (118)

Knapheide (26), (AM 11)

Kneppelhoutweg (76), (115), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 15), (MS 6), (MS 8), (MS 73), (MS 83), (MS 91)

Knoevenoorstraat (96)

Koevering (AM 1)

Koningstraat (AM 15), (MS 60), (MS 114)

Koningsweg (AM 14), (MS 30)

Kootwijkerbroek (MS 22)

Kortestraat (AM 16)

Koudekerke (AM 2)

Kranenburg (AM 11)

Kruislaan (67)


Laan 1914 (AM 14)

Laarstraat (MS 116)

Lage Zwaluwe (MS 58)

Langeberg (MS 111)

Lankforst (AM 15)

Larensteinselaan (MS 93)

Larikslaantje (MS 54)

Lauwersgracht (AM 12), (AM 15)

Lebretweg (28), (59), (AM 16), (MS 13), (MS 25), (MS 48)

Leeren Doedel, De (63), (70), (76), (99), (116), (MS 25), (MS 67), (MS 75), (MS 84), (MS 97)

Leersum (111)

Leeuwarden (51), (98), (MS 112)

Leidschendam (102)

Leie (MS 56)

Leigraaf (AM 9), (MS 125)

Lek (MS 62), (MS 74)

Lent (103), (AM 11), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15)

Lentse Waranda (AM 15)

Leusden (MS 74)

Leusderweg (AM 14)

Lexmond (MS 7)

Lichtenbeek (42), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 47), (MS 58), (MS 67), (MS 73), (MS 98), (MS 105)

Lienden (106), (MS 46)

Limburg (51), (53)

Lindeboomweg (AM 14)

Linge (AM 14), (MS 7), (MS 44)

Liztstraat (9)

Lochem (MS 7)

Loenen aan de Vegt (MS 91)

Lombok (105), (106), (108), (109), (110), (111), (115), (120), (126), (AM 12), (AM 14), (AM 15), MS 75)

Loo, Het (46), (MS 32), (MS 113)

Looijerstraat (36)

Lopik (100), (MS 7)

Lukassenpad (AM 10),(MS 126)

Lunteren (56), (100)

Lunterseweg (AM 10)


Maarn (111)

Maas (100), (AM 11), (AM 14), (MS 81)

Maaskant (MS 81)

Maas-Schelde kanaal (15), (23), (MS 111)

Maassluis (MS 96)

Maastricht (114), (AM 12)

Maasvallei (21)

Maas–Waal kanaal (26), (MS 46), (MS 77)

Mahlerstraat (99)

Malden (AM 11), (AM 15)

Mariasingel (118)

Mariaweg (56), (78), (AM 16), (MS 35), (MS 54), (MS 64), (MS 65), (MS 68), (MS 73), (MS 102)

Mariënbergweg (MS 13), (MS 79)

Mariëndaal (77), (88), (AM 10), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 41), (MS 47), (MS 58), (MS 126)

Markt (MS 69), (MS 93), (MS 114), (AM 5)

Marktstraat (MS 69), (MS 78)

Marsstraat (MS 110)

Matzer van Blooisplatsoen (AM 15)

Maurik (MS 7), (MS 74)

Meester Franckenstraat (AM 13)

Meester Meijers paadje (AM 10)

Megen (MS 81)

Meijhorst (AM 15)

Meinerswijk (64), (AM 12), (MS 75)

Middelburg (51), (AM 5)

Middenlaan (MS 90)

Middenweg (AM 2)

Mill Hill (MS 13)

Millingen (122)

Molenbosweg (AM 15)

Molenbrug (MS 44)

Molenhoek (26), (AM 15)

Molenstraat (103), (AM 13), (AM 15)

Molenweg (AM 15), (MS 25), (MS 44), (MS 64), (MS 79)

Mook (26), (31), (AM 11), (AM 14), (MS 7)

Mooksebaan (AM 15)

Moscowa (96), (106), (AM 15), (MS 18), (MS 100)


Naaldwijk (117)

Naarden (52), (MS 39)

Nachtegaalspad (MS 59), (MS 75)

Nassaulaan (MS 54), (MS 122)

Nassaustraat (AM 5), (MS 86)

Neerloon (MS 37)

Nico Bovenweg (AM 14)

Nieuwe Plein – later Willemsplein (AM 11), (AM 15), (MS 59), (MS 75), (MS 117)

Nijkerk (MS 19)

Nijmegen (11), (12), (14), (15), (17), (26), (27), (30), (34), (51), (72), (74), (79), (83), (87), (89), (91), (96), (98), (99), (105), (121), (128), (132), (AM 2), (AM 4), (AM 5), (AM 8), (AM 10), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 4), (MS 6), (MS 6a), (MS 7), (MS 17), (MS 22), (MS 28), (MS 30), (MS 37), (MS 44), (MS 45), (MS 46), (MS 49), (MS 51), (MS 53), (MS 57), (MS 61), (MS 62), (MS 65), (MS 66), (MS 67), (MS 69), (MS 73), (MS 74), (MS 77), (MS 78), (MS 89), (MS 92), (MS 111), (MS 112), (MS 113), (MS 114), (MS 116), (MS 122)

Nol in ’t Bosch (110)

Noord Brabant (53)

Noordelijke Parallelweg (AM 15), (MS 75)

Noorderweg (AM 15), (MS 77)

Noordwijk (MS 56)

Noordzee (MS 8), (MS 44), (MS 51)

Nunspeet (53), (100), (119), (AM 5), (MS 94)


Ochten / Echteld (MS 7)

Oirschot (19)

Oisterwijk (131)

Oldenbroek (MS 74)

Ommershoflaan (89)

Onder de bomen (127)

Onderlangs – Bovenover (6), (8), (24), (36), (64), (67), (84), (85), (105), (106), (107), (108), (111), (115), (119), (123), (125), (126), (129), (AM 2), (AM 6), (AM 15), (MS 8), (MS 9), (MS 63), (MS 70), (MS 75), (MS 80), (MS 86), (MS 90), (MS 100), (MS 104), (MS 118)

Oorsprong, Hoge (43), (69), (78), (115), (119), (AM 4), (AM 15), (MS 6), (MS 66), (MS 83), (MS 88), (MS 110), (MS 115), (MS 121)

Oorsprong, Lage (6)

Oorsprongbeek (103), (AM 13), (AM 14), (MS 83)

Oosterbeek (17), (20), (AM 11)

Oosterbeek-Laag (6), (97), (99), (117), (AM 3), (AM 4), (AM 6), (AM 7), (MS 3), (MS 13), (MS 35), (MS 90)

Oosterbeek-Hoog (54), (63), (97), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 25), (MS 34), (MS 35), (MS 58), (MS 65), (MS 73), (MS 91), (MS 102), (MS 105)

Oosterhout (26), (34), (71), (103), (126), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 46), (MS 89), (MS 92)

Oosterhoutse dijk (AM 15)

Oostkapelle (AM 2)

Ooststraat (AM 13)

Opheusden (16), (31), (60), (88), (AM 4), (MS 44), (MS 62), (MS 67), (MS 121)

Oranjebrug (AM 15), (MS 75)

Oranje-Nassau’s Oord (28), (114)

Oranjestraat (84), (106), (AM 2), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 75), (MS 104)

Oranjewachtstraat (AM 15)

Oranjeweg (28), (132), (MS 38), (MS 54), (MS 64), (MS 68), (MS 84), (MS 89), (MS 91), (MS 98)

Orchislaan (AM 15)

Oss (MS 81)

Ossendrecht (AM 2)

Otterlo (86), (MS 19), (MS 22), (MS 25), (MS 53), (MS 113)

Oud Beijerland (MS 64)

Oude Haven (58), (AM 12)

Oude Hofstraat (MS 69)

Oude Kraan (AM 4), (MS 63), (MS 104)

Oude Lunterseweg (AM 15)

Oude Oosterbeekseweg (MS 8), (MS 77), (MS 90)

Oude Tol (AM 2), (MS 120)

Overasselt (26), (83), (AM 11), (MS 74)

Overbetuwe (84), (103), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 116)

Overlangbroek (111)

Overloon (21), (121), (132), (AM 13), (MS 7)


Paadje van Bleckmann (MS 18)

Paasberg (33), (54), (56), (57), (MS 13), (MS 64), (MS 79)

Pannerden (72), (AM 13)

Pannerdens kanaal (MS 63)

Panovenlaan (AM 15)

Papendal, Nationaal Sportcentrum (23), (24), (57), (91), (94), (95), (109), (130), (AM 13), (MS 58), (MS 89), (MS 99), (MS 100)

Parallelweg (AM 1), (AM 3), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 13), (MS 20), (MS 25), (MS 119)

Parkstraat (MS 18), (MS 93)

Parkweg (116)

Pastoor Bruggemanlaan (MS 48)

Paul Krugerstraat (62), (AM 5), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 13), (MS 35), (MS 52), (96), (MS 64), (MS 68), (MS 73), (MS 102), (MS 122)

Peel, De (21)

Persingen (AM 15)

Pietersberg, De (30), (46), (61), (66), (70), (100), (106), (117), (MS 77), (MS 90), (MS 99)

Pietersbergseweg (40), (86), (115), (121), (AM 6), (AM 15), (MS 6), (MS 64), (MS 79), (MS 84), (MS 87), (MS 91)

Planken Wambuis (67), (72), (73), (85), (AM 1), (AM 16), (MS 57)

Plasmolen (AM 11)

Plein 1813 (AM 10)

Ploegseweg (73), (75), (103), (AM 11), (MS 5), (MS 43), (MS 70), (MS 84)

Polderweg (AM 9), (MS 13), (MS 29), (MS 40), (MS 59), (MS 125)

Polenplein (104)

Pontanuslaan (118)

Posbank (AM 13)

Postpad (110), (MS 25)

Prins Bernardweg (MS 13)

Prins Hendrikstraat (AM 15)

Putten (122)


Raadhuisplein (AM 10), (MS 126)

Randwijk (16), (103), (MS 44)

Ravenstein (MS 81)

Reduzum (Roordahuizen) (52)

Rees (AM 14)

Reijerskamp, De (12), (54), (56), (76), (110), (MS 31), (MS 58)

Remmerden (MS 17)

Renkum (7), (9), (16), (21), (25), (28), (34), (35), (36), (39), (40), (43), (47), (48), (50), (53), (63), (64), (67), (85), (86), (87), (89), (93), (96), (101), (103), (104), (110), (111), (113), (115), (116), (117), (120), (124), (127), (AM 1), (AM 4), (AM 5), (AM 6), (AM 7), (AM 8), (AM 9), (AM 10), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 15), (MS 7), (MS 13), (MS 17), (MS 24), (MS 31), (MS 38), (MS 40), (MS 44), (MS 50), (MS 55), (MS 56), (MS 58), (MS 73), (MS 80), (MS 81), (MS 82), (MS 89), (MS 97), (MS 98), (MS 110), (MS 113)

Renkumse heide (48), (AM 5), (AM 14), (MS 122)

Renkumstraat (MS 31)

Renssenstraat (AM 15), (MS 104)

Renswoude (MS 74)

Rheden (23), (AM 8), (MS 110), MS 111)

Rhenen (AM 11), (MS 7), (MS 17), (MS 43), (MS 84), (MS 110)

Rhoden (122)

Rietgrachtstraat (AM 2)

Riethorst (AM 11)

Rijkerswoerd (AM 14)

Rijksweg-West (AM 15)

Rijndijk (36), (FB 36), (41), (103), (118), (121), (AM 5), (AM 12), (MS 44), (MS 99)

Rijnkade (39), (72), (77), (78), (108), (115), (MS 14), (MS 69), (MS 84)

Rijnstraat (84), (122), (MS 63), (MS 93)

Ringallee (MS 93)

Rivierstraat (MS 77)

Roermondsplein (AM 15), (MS 75), (MS 93)

Roggestraat (MS 60), (MS 93)

Roosendaal (AM 15)

Rosandelaan (88)

Rosandepolder (89), (MS 13), (MS 59), (MS 77), (MS 89)

Rosandeweg (MS 13), (MS 79)

Rosendaalseweg (AM 2)

Rostocklaan (MS 23)

Rotterdam (100), (AM 2), (AM 16), (MS 62), (MS 64), (MS 96)

Rozenburg (100)

Rozendaal (AM 8), (MS 69), (MS 93)

Rozendaalse heide (96)

Rozendaalselaan (MS 93)

Rozenpad (MS 98)

Rozensteeg (AM 7), (AM 8)

Rozenstraat (MS 75)

Ruurlo (MS 7)


Sandersweg (MS 39)

Schaarsbergen (12), (14), (25), (52), (65), (90), (96), (97), (AM 1), (AM 11), (AM 13), (MS 30), (MS 35), (MS 39), (MS 66), (MS 78), (MS 84), (MS 98), (MS 102), (MS 110), (MS 117)

Schalkwijk (MS 7)

Scheldekanaal (MS 46), (MS 95)

Schelmseweg (AM 10), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 13), (MS 58), (MS 65), (MS 84), (MS 117), (MS 126)

Schiphol (AM 10)

Schoolstraat (MS 13)

Schoonhoven (MS 82)

Schouwen Duiveland (MS 31)

Schweizerhöhe (MS 58), (MS 75)

Serooskerke (AM 2)

Sint Michielgestel (MS 7), (MS 56)

Sint Oederode (22), (AM 11), (MS 7)

Sint Walburgisplein (AM 15)

Sliedrecht (100), (128), (MS 58), (MS 82)

Slijk-Ewijk (103), (AM 13), (AM 15)

Soest (86)

Soesterberg (89), (AM 1), (MS 89), (MS 99)

Son (22), (86), (AM 1), (AM 11)

Sonneberg (43), (53), (59), (66), (76), (82), (92), (96), (115), (AM 5), (AM 13), (AM 16), (MS 10), (MS 38), (MS 47), (MS 50), (MS 58), (MS 64), (MS 66), (MS 83), (MS 98), (MS 102), (MS 122)

Sonneberglaan (30), (39), (54), (76), (118), (MS 10), (MS 51), (MS 83), (MS 98)

Sonsbeekpark (99), (118), (AM 15)

Sonsbeekweg (MS 75)

Spaenweg, van (MS 13)

Spijkerkwartier (MS 93), (MS 94)

Sportlaan (78)

St. Annastraat (AM 11)

St. Jansberg (AM 11)

St. Jorisstraat (AM 13)

Stationsplein (MS 63), (MS 104), (MS 118)

Stationsstraat (MS 84)

Stationsweg (4), (56), (57), (107), (AM 7), (AM 16), (MS 35), (MS 47), (MS 52), (MS 58), (MS 64), (MS 65), (MS 73), (MS 84), (MS 97), (MS 102)

Steeg, de (MS 34)

Steenstraat (MS 60), (MS 94)

Steenwijk (98)

Steijnweg (62), (96), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 13), (MS 35), (MS 54), (MS 65), (MS 102)

Stenenkruis (AM 15), (MS 13), (MS 35), (MS 77)

Strodorpsweg (MS 13)

Stroe (116)


Taludweg (MS 13)

Telefoonweg (68), (101), (120), (AM 3), (MS 11), (MS 58), (MS 100), (MS 119), (AM 1), (AM 3), (AM 12), (AM 16)

Terborg (AM 15), (MS 72)

Terlet (12), (14), (40), (58), (AM 13), (MS 117)

Teuge (122)

Thomas à Kempislaan (MS 69), (MS 100)

Thornsestraat (AM 15)

Tiel (AM 15), (MS 74)

Tilburg (92)

Tol (Wolfheze) (MS 87)

Tolsteeg (MS 84)

Torenstraat (56), (128), (MS 82)

Toulon van der Koogweg, van (51), (MS 13), (MS 25), (MS 64), (MS 102)

Trajanusplein (AM 13)

Tramstraat (MS 93)

Tull en ’t Waal (MS 7)

Turfstraat (MS 114)

Twente (AM 2), (AM 14)


Ubberseweg (AM 13)

Uden (MS 7), (MS 37)

Unksepad (MS 13)

Utrecht (21), (53), (AM 3), (AM 5), (AM 14), (AM 16), (MS 7), (MS 48), (MS 52), (MS 62), (MS 70), (MS 84), (MS 91)

Utrechtse Heuvelrug (61)

Utrechtsestraat (123), (124), (AM 12), (AM 15), (MS 13), (MS 104)

Utrechtseweg (4), (6), (18), (28), (29), (30), (39), (40), (41), (43), (50), (53), (55), (56), (59), (60), (63), (64), (66), (70), (76), (77), (78), (84), (87), (88), (91), (92), (96), (108), (114), (115), (117), (118), (120), (130), (AM 1), (AM 2), (AM 3), (AM 6), (AM 7), (AM 8), (AM 9), (AM 10), (AM 11), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 6), (MS 7), (MS 8), (MS 13), (MS 20), (MS 24), (MS 25), (MS 35), (MS 38), (MS 39), (MS 40), (MS 41), (MS 47), (MS 48), (MS 50), (MS 51), (MS 52), (MS 54), (MS 59), (MS 63), (MS 64), (MS 65), (MS 66), (MS 68), (MS 70), (MS 73), (MS 75), (MS 77), (MS 79), (MS 80), (MS 83), (MS 84), (MS 86), (MS 87), (MS 88), (MS 91), (MS 94), (MS 97), (MS 100), (MS 102), (MS 104), (MS 109), (MS 115), (MS 117), (MS 118), (MS 119), (MS 120), (MS 123), (MS 126)


Valburg (8), (47), (87), (97), (126), (132), (AM 13), (AM 15), (MS 7), (MS 61), (MS 92)

Valburgsestraat (AM 15)

Valburgseweg (106)

Valkenburglaan (30), (40), (53), (59), (66), (68), (70), (73), (80), (122), (AM 5), (AM 9), (AM 13), (AM 14), (MS 58), (MS 66), (MS 84), (MS 109), (MS 110), (MS 122), (MS 125)

Valkeniersbossen (AM 13)

Valkenswaard (22), (MS 116)

Valkhof (AM 2), (AM 11), (AM 13), (AM 15)

Van Borsselenweg (30), (39), (43), (66), (76), (85), (113), (115), (127), (AM 4), (AM 5), (AM 6), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 6), (MS 8), (MS 38), (MS 66), (MS 77), (MS 83), (MS 84), (MS 88), (MS 91), (MS 121), (MS 122)

Van Dedemweg (MS 47)

Van der Molenallee (85)

Van Eeghenweg (MS 70), (MS 79)

Van Lennepweg (6), (67), (72), (76), (78), (113), (115), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 15), (MS 38), (MS 56), (MS 66), (MS 83), (MS 89), (MS 97), (MS 110)

Van Limburg Stirumweg (71), (82), (MS 65)

Van Oudenallenweg (115)

Van Pallandstraat (MS 75)

Van Tienhovenlaan (AM 14), (MS 58)

Veenendaal (MS 39), (MS 75)

Veerweg (5), (92), (94), (98), (110), (115), (127), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 8), (MS 84), (MS 110)

Veghel (22), (23), (AM 1), (AM 2), (AM 11), (MS 30), (MS 37)

Velp (99), (112), (AM 11), (AM 15), (MS 60), (MS 78), (MS 84), (MS 93), (MS 94), (MS 111)

Velperplein (MS 11), (MS 22), (MS 60), (MS 63), (MS 69), (MS 75), (MS 93)

Velperweg (MS 34), (MS 60), (MS 69), (MS 94)

Velsen (MS 88), (MS 96)

(Zuid)-Veluwe (4), (10), (19), (25), (59), (73), (76), (98), (100), (112), (119), (AM 1), (AM 13), (AM 14), (MS 19), (MS 39), (MS 78), (MS 91), (MS 96)

Veluwezoom (MS 40)

Venlo (AM 16), (MS 103), (MS 110)

Venray (MS 84)

Veritasweg (MS 79)

Verlengde Groenestraat (MS 37)

Vianen (MS 7)

Vierhouten (122)

Vlijtstraat (MS 114)

Vlissingen (AM 2)

Vogelweg (AM 15), (MS 13)

Voorburg (MS 112)

Voorthuizen (MS 19)

Vorden (MS 7), (MS 100)

Vosseneindseweg (AM 15)

Voxhill (Groesbeek) (AM 11)

Vredeberg (AM 10)

Vreedenhoff (MS 39)

Vreeswijk (MS 7)


Waal (100), (103), (121), (AM 11), (AM 15), (MS 46), (MS 57), (MS 62), (MS 67), (MS 77), (MS 111), (MS 116)

Waaldijk (103), (AM 15)

Waalre (90), (MS 56)

Waalstraat (AM 15)

Waalsprong (121), (MS 89)

Wageningen (19), (53), (59), (65), (66), (72), (93), (100), (101), (111), (124), (AM 4), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 14), (MS 7), (MS 17), (MS 43), (MS 44), (MS 49), (MS 62)

Wagnerlaan (118), (AM 15)

Walburgstraat (MS 93)

Walcheren (AM 1), (AM 2), (MS 56), (MS 68)

Wamel (AM 15)

Warnsborn (97), (MS 47), (MS 65), (MS 67), (MS 71), (MS 102)

Wassenaerweg, van (MS 13)

Waterschap Vallei & Eem (103)

Watertorenpad (MS 13)

Watertorenweg (MS 13)

Weerdjesstraat (77), (95), (97), (99), (AM 2), (MS 63), (MS 69), (MS 75), (MS 78)

Weg achter het bos (AM 15)

Wekerom (MS 19), (MS 91)

Westerbork (MS 112)

Westerbouwing (14), (24), (30), (39), (40), (43), (56), (61), (66), (67), (78), (79), (81), (84), (91), (92), (96), (104), (106), (110), (115), (116), (119), (120), (122), (AM 12), (AM 15), (MS 6), (MS 8), (MS 10), (MS 46), (MS 61), (MS 66), (MS 67), (MS 68), (MS 84), (MS 88), (MS 91), (MS 92), (MS 97), (MS 98), (MS 99), (MS 110)

Westervoort (64)

Westervoortsedijk (AM 12), (AM 13) (AM 15), (MS 30), (MS 78), (MS 114)

Westkapelle (AM 2)

Weverstraat (60), (84), (119), (126), (129), (AM 1), (AM 10), (AM 11), (AM 15), (MS 2), (MS 13), (MS 25), (MS 43), (MS 65), (MS 70), (MS 75), (MS 79), (MS 84), (MS 126)

Wiesel, buurtschap (MS 23)

Wijchen (AM 2)

Wijk bij Duurstede (MS 7), (MS 17)

Wildbaan (MS 93)

Wilhelminakanaal (22), (AM 11)

Wilhelminastraat (27), (AM 2), (AM 10), (MS 13), (MS 79), (MS 99), (MS 126)

Willem Honingweg (MS 93)

Willem van Kleefweg (MS 47)

Willemsplein (AM 15), (MS 63), (MS 75), (MS 94), (MS 114), (MS 117)

Willige Langerak (AM 15)

Wilnis (107)

Wilp (MS 110)

Woeste Hoeve (MS 22), (MS 102)

Wolfheze (9), (10), (12), (13), (16), (17), (23), (28), (29), (31), (39), (40), (41), (44), (46), (49), (54), (56), (58) (59), (65), (66), (67), (68), (69), (70), (75), (76), (78), (80), (84), (91), (92), (94), (96), (97), (100), (101), (102), (106), (111), (113), (116), (118), (122), (127), (128), (AM 1), (AM 2), (AM 3), (AM 4), (AM 5), (AM 6), (AM 7), (AM 8), (AM 9), (AM 10), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 8), (MS 9), (MS 10), (MS 13), (MS 20), (MS 25), (MS 26), (MS 31), (MS 35), (MS 38), (MS 39), (MS 44), (MS 51), (MS 54), (MS 57), (MS 58), (MS 60), (MS 64), (MS 65), (MS 66), (MS 68), (MS 69), (MS 72), (MS 73), (MS 78), (MS 79), (MS 80), (MS 82), (MS 83), (MS 84), (MS 85), (MS 87), (MS 88), (MS 91), (MS 95), (MS 97), (MS 100), (MS 102), (MS 105), (MS 107), (MS 108), (MS 109), (MS 111), (MS 115), (MS 119), (MS 121), (MS 122)

Wolfhezer heide (122), (MS 66)

Wolfhezerweg (40), (96), (120), (AM 3), (AM 6), (AM 7), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 13), (MS 20), (MS 39), (MS 68), (MS 73), (MS 79), (MS 80), (MS 83), (MS 91), (MS 109), (MS 115), (MS 123)

Wolterbeekweg (MS 39)

Wylerbaan (26), (AM 11)


Ypenburg (AM 1)

Ysselsteyn (80), (93), (110), (119), (AM 7), (AM 15), (MS 84), (MS 98), (MS 100), (MS 103), (MS 110), (MS 123)

Zaagmolenstraat (MS 96)


Zaandam (34), (AM 3), (AM 8), (MS 38)

Zaltbommel (104), (AM 13)

Zeeland (51), (AM 1), (AM 2)

Zeeuws Vlaanderen (AM 1), (AM 2)

Zeist (117), (MS 91)

Zelhem (96)

Zetten (103), (128), (MS 44), (MS 62), (MS 67), (MS 76)

Zij-Kingelbeekseweg (103)

Zijpenberg (AM 13)

Zijpendaal (MS 117)

Zijpsepoort (MS 63)

Zonneheuvelweg (AM 15), (MS 64), (MS 87), (MS 91)

Zoutelande (AM 2), (MS 56)

Zuid-Afrika buurt (Oosterbeek) (96)

Zuiddijk (MS 31)

Zuidelijke Parallelweg (MS 75)

Zuiderbeekweg (96), (MS 5)

Zuiderzee (MS 46)

Zuid-Ginkel (111), (MS 58), (MS 108), (MS 110)

Zuid-Willemsvaart (AM 11)

Zutphen (52), (64), (MS 60), (MS 69), (MS 100), (MS 111), (MS 118)

Zutphensestraatweg (MS 84), (MS 93)

Zwarteweg (28, (29), (33), (68), (81), (120), (AM 3), (AM 12), (AM 15), (MS 75), (MS 80), (MS 86), (MS 108)

Zweiersdal (AM 10), (AM 15), (MS 25), (MS 79), (MS 126)

Zwijndrecht (MS 17)

Zwolle (MS 34), (MS 38), (MS 84), (MS 111)

Zypendaal (80), (AM 7), (MS 84), (MS 110), (MS 123)



Verenigd Koninkrijk (Engeland) / UK (United Kingdom)

Engeland (MS 36), (MS 37), (MS 39), (MS 41), (MS 56)


Abingdom (UK) (MS 76)

Achnacarry (UK) (MS 68)

Aldershot (UK) (8), (12), (40), (47), (48), (61), (62), (64), (65), (67), (70), (76), (84), (100), (102), (104), (107), (109), (MS 20), (MS 83), (MS 85), (MS 118)

Andover[1] (UK) (93)

Auckland (Durham) (UK) (AM 15)

Balsall Heath (UK) (AM 15)

Barkston Heath (UK) (118), (AM 16), (MS 49)

Barleythorpe Hall (UK) (MS 53)

Beaminster (UK) (95)

Birkenhead (UK) (MS 87)

Birmingham (UK) (AM 15)

Blakehill Farm (UK) (AM 5), (AM 12), (MS 71), (MS 122)

Bletchley Park (UK) (56)

Bolton (UK) (98)

Boston (UK) (MS 51)

Broadwell (UK) (AM 12), (AM 14), (MS 44), (MS 90)

Brighton (UK)) (96), (98)

Bristol (UK) (MS 65), (MS 113)

Brize Norton (UK) (12), (60), (62)

Buckinghamshire (MS 105)

Burford (UK) (AM 12), (MS 55)

Burslem (UK) (63)

Cheltenham (UK) (68), (MS 58), (MS 82)

Chester (UK) (MS 115)

Christchurch (UK) (MS 92)

Chambridgeshire (UK) (MS 76)

Clanfield (UK) (MS 39)

Coberley Mill (UK) (MS 58)

Colchester (UK) (MS 116)

Cornwall (UK) (MS 107)

Cottesmore (UK) (AM 14)

Defford (UK) (AM 3)

Derby (UK) (MS 116)

Didcot (UK) (MS 76)

Donnington (UK) (AM 1)

Dorset (UK) (95), (MS 106)

Down Ampney (UK) (98), (104), (AM 12), (AM 14), (MS 11), (MS 31), (MS 71), (MS 76)

Durham (UK) (AM 15)

Duxford (UK) (65), (109), (111), (AM 10), (AM 16), (MS 108)

East Haddon (UK) (AM 9)

Edinburgh (UK) (MS 85)

Elvington (UK) (91)

Essex (UK) (AM 8)

Fairford (UK) (62), (85), (100), (MS 44), (MS 47), (MS 76)

Falkland (UK) (AM 16)

Fulbeck Hall (UK) (60), (66), (82), (AM 4), (MS 99)

Gibraltar (UK) (AM 16)

Gloucestershire (UK) (98)

Grantham (UK) (MS 49)

Grimsby (UK) (51), (MS 106)

Guernsey (UK) (MS 76)

Hampshire (UK) (121), (AM 9)

Harwell (UK) (79), (85), (MS 44), (MS 47), (MS 57), (MS 65), (MS 76), (MS 81), (MS 121)

Haymarket (UK) (MS 90)

Hertford (UK) (AM 8)

Hucknall (UK) (AM 7)

Innsworth (UK), (100)

Kent (UK) (MS 41)

Knossington (UK) (AM 14)

Larkhill (UK) (24)

Leeds (UK) (AM 8), (MS 106)

Leichstershire (UK) (MS 86)

Leighton-Buzzard (UK) (MS 116)

Lincoln (UK) (MS 68)

Lincolnshire (UK) (MS 68), (AM 4), (AM 12), (AM 16)

Liskeard (UK) (MS 116)

Liverpool (UK) (88), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 16), (MS 106)

Lochailort (UK) (MS 27)

London (UK) (52), (100), (118), (AM 1), (AM 2), (AM 3), (AM 5), (AM 8), (AM 10), (AM 14), (AM 16), (MS 36)

Lymington (UK) (AM 9)

Keele (UK) (MS 31)

Keevil (UK) (78), (80), (82), (AM 14), (MS 7), (MS 45), (MS 47), (MS 73), (MS 76)

Madon (UK) (AM 8)

Malvern (UK) (AM 3)

Manchester (UK) (MS 61), (AM 14), (AM 16)

Manston (UK) (MS 11), (MS 41), (MS 76)

Martlesham Heath (UK) (MS 71)

Melksham (UK) (79), (80)

Melton Mowbray (UK) (AM 14), (MS 86), (MS 105)

Membury (UK) (AM 14)

Middle Wallop (UK) (8), (21), (35), (62)

Moore Park (UK) (AM 11), (AM 16), (MS 11)

Mount Harriet (UK) (AM 16)

Mount Longdon (UK) (AM 16)

Newhaven (UK) (MS 116)

Newquay (UK) (MS 116)

Newton Abbot (UK) (100)

Northampton (UK) (AM 9)

North Luffenham (UK) (MS 76)

Norwich (UK) (120)

Oakham (UK) (MS 53)

Oban (UK) (MS 10)

Odiham (UK) (MS 71)

Orkney eilanden (UK) (AM 8)

Oxford (UK) (AM 3), (MS 8)

Oxfordshire (UK) (MS 41)

Paulton (UK) (MS 7)

Plymouth (UK) (113)

Port of Menteith (UK), (33), (106)

Portsmouth (UK) (109), (111), (118), (MS 116)

Praa Sands (UK) (MS 107)

Ramsbury (UK) (AM 14)

Rickmansworth (UK) (MS 53)

Ringway (UK) (10), (131), (AM 16), (MS 9), (MS 29), (MS 105)

Ruskington (UK) (AM 16)

Rutland (UK) (AM 14)

Rutlandshire (UK) (AM 15)

Salisbury (UK) (MS 116)

Saltby (UK) (AM 13), (AM 14), (MS 86), (MS 105)

San Carlos Bay (UK) (AM 16)

Sandhurst (UK) (51), (91), (128)

Scapa Flow (UK) (AM 6)

Scarborough (UK) (MS 31)

Shetland eilanden (UK) (AM 8)

Shotwick (UK) (MS 115)

Somerset (UK) (MS 107)

Spanhoe (UK) (AM 14), (MS 83)

Stanley (UK) (AM 16)

St. Pancas (London) (UK) (MS 116)

Stratton on Fosse (UK) (AM 3)

Summer Court (UK) (MS 116)

Swindon (UK) (AM 5)

Tarrant Rushton (UK) (AM 12), (AM 14), (AM 16), (MS 11), (MS 51), (MS 68)

Thanet (UK) (40), (41), (45)

Two Sisters (UK) (AM 16)

Uppingham (UK) (AM 15)

Uxbridge (UK) (118)

Waterford (UK) (MS 106)

Welwyn Garden City (UK) (MS 50)

Weymouth (UK) (MS 106)

Whitehall (UK) (MS 58)

Wiltshire (UK) (118), (AM 8)

Winsor (UK) (MS 90)

Wolverhampton (UK) (MS 68)

Wood Green (UK) (94)

Woodhall Spa (UK) (AM 12)

Woolwich (UK) (47), (118)

Worcestershire (UK) (AM 3)

Wraysbury (UK) (MS 90)


Verenigde staten / United States


Indianhead (USA) (47)

New York (USA) (52), (53), (MS 63)

Ohio (USA) (56)

Trenton (USA) (MS 71)

Woodbridge (USA) (35)


België / Belgium

België (100), (AM 10), (AM 16), (MS 41), (MS 56), (MS 77), (MS 78), (MS 113)


Antwerpen (B) (47), (AM 2), (MS 46), (MS 70)

Ardennen (B) (92), (AM 4), (AM 5)

Bastenaken – zie Bastogne

Bastogne (B) (92)

Blankenberge (B) (MS 7)

Bourg Leopold (B) (MS 92)

Brussel (B) (100), (120), (AM 4), (AM 16), (MS 17), (MS 28), (MS 37), (MS 41), (MS 45), (MS 46), (MS 53), (MS 60), (MS 71), (MS 81), (MS 87)

Deurne (B) (52), (AM 14)

Eben-Emael (B) (AM 4), (AM 14)

Gent (B) (MS 7), (MS 11), (MS 111)

Helchteren (B) (MS 37), (MS 116)

Heverlee (B) (MS 7)

Ieper (B) (AM 15), (MS 56)

Leuven (B) (MS 37), (MS 51), (MS 68), (MS 73)

Lommel (B) (22)

Luik (B) (MS 74)

Melsbroek (B) (AM 14), (MS 28), (MS 71)

Neerpelt (B) (AM 4)

Neuville-en-Condroz (B) (MS 74)

Ostende (B) (MS 11)

Passendaele (B) (MS 56)

Poelkapelle (B) (MS 56)

Sankt Vith (B) (AM 11)

Turnhout (B) (MS 71), (MS 95)

Visé (B) (AM 14)

Vroenhoven (B) (AM 4)

Warneton (B) (MS 56)

Waterloo (B) (118)


Frankrijk / France

Frankrijk (51), (88), (100), (AM 10), (MS 36), (MS 37), (MS 55), (MS 60), (MS 67), (MS 70), (MS 78), (MS 84), (MS 105), (MS 113)


Arras (F) (AM 12)

Arromanches (F) (MS 116)

Bayeux (F) (MS 56), (MS 116)

Bruneval (F) (51), (83), (109), (110), (129), (AM 14)

Caen (F) (AM 10), (AM 13), (AM 14)

Calais (F) (118)

Cambria (F) (AM 12)

Châtellerault (F) (AM 6)

Cherbourg (F) (MS 74)

Dieppe (F) (MS 103)

Duinkerken (F) (AM 12), (MS 27), (MS 61)

Elzas (F) (MS 70)

Falaise (F) (117), (AM 10)

Hill 112 (F) (MS 46)

Marseille (F) (88)

Merville (F) (AM 16)

Mont Pincon (F) (AM 14)

Normandië (F) (47), 70), (71), (73), (74), (75), (76), (77), (81), (82), (84), (86), (89), (92), (104), (117), (121), (AM 1), (AM 4), (AM 5), (AM 6), (AM 9), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 16), (MS 37), (MS 45), (MS 46), (MS 51), (MS 56), (MS 60), (MS 63), (MS 66), (MS 67), (MS 68), (MS 76), (MS 78), (MS 79), (MS 84), (MS 86), (MS 88), (MS 103), (MS 105), (MS 111), (MS 113), (MS 116)

Parijs (F) (AM 10), (MS 60)

Quistreham (F) (121)

Rambouillet (F) (MS 37)

Reims (F) (MS 105)

Saint Valery (F) (MS 41)

Sainte Mère Église (F) (11)

Saint-Marcel (F) (AM 10)

Seine (F) (AM 14), (MS 46), (MS 92)

Somme (F) (AM 12)

Sommervieu (F) (MS 116)

Tilly-sur-Seulles (F) (121)

Toulon (F) (AM 14)

Tours (F) (MS 70)

Vernonnet (F) (AM 14)

Villers-Bocage (F) (121)


Duitsland / Germany

Duitsland (MS 41)


Aix la Chapelle (D) – zie Aken

Aken (D) (AM 12), (MS 70), (MS 103), (MS 111)

Allgäu (D) (MS 7)

Atteln (D) (AM 7)

Aurich (D) (AM 7)

Becklingen (D) (68), (MS 59)

Bedburg-Hau (D) (AM 11)

Beieren (D) (MS 31), (MS 91)

Berlijn (D) (MS 7), (MS 31), (MS 46), (MS 63), (MS 70), (MS 111)

Bergen-Belsen (D) (MS 113)

Bochelt (D) (52), (MS 70), (MS 103)

Braunschweig (D) (96), (MS 74)

Bremen (D) (AM 14), (MS 103)

Brunswijk (D) (MS 70)

Colditz (D) (5), (62)

Dachau (D) (104)

Darmstadt (D) (MS 60)

Diepholz (D) (MS 103)

Dortmund (D) (MS 30)

Dresden (D) (116), (126), (MS 103)

Duisberg (D) (MS 30), (MS 39)

Durnbach (D) (MS 7)

Dusseldorf (D) (MS 103), (MS 111)

Elten (D) (MS 103)

Eisleben (D) (MS 41)

Emmen (MS 31)

Emmerich (D) (104), (MS 78), (MS 87), (MS 103)

Erfurt (D) (101)

Essen (D) (AM 12)

Fallingbostel (D) {STALAG 11B} (26), (68), (70), (73), (76), (89), (96), (106), (122), (126), (AM 3), (AM 4), (MS 23), (MS 41), (MS 59), (MS 74), (MS 121)

Geilenkirchen (D) (AM 14)

Frankfurt (D) (MS 41), (MS 113), (MS 118)

Freising (D) (88)

Glückstadt (D) (MS 62), (MS 67)

Goslar (D) (MS 113)

Gronau (D) (MS 103)

Halle (D) (MS 31), (MS 41)

Hamburg (D) (AM 15), (MS 7), (MS 62), (MS 70), (MS 84), (MS 113)

Hamm (D) (MS 100)

Hamminkeln (D) (58), (59), (61), (63), (69), (70), (86), (89), (90), (91), (111)

Hannover (D) (MS 7), (MS 43), (MS 59)

Hersfeld (D) (MS 41)

Höxter (D) (MS 84)

Hürtgenwald (D) (AM 6), (AM 7)

Inglostad (D) (MS 91)

Jesteburg (D) (MS 103)

Kaiserberg (D) (MS 39)

Keulen (D) (MS 103), (MS 118)

Kleef (D) (AM 11), (AM 14)

Koblenz (D) (8), (63), (93), (MS 63)

Künzelsau (D) (MS 84)

Leipzig (D) (MS 31)

Lüneberger heide (D) (MS 103)

Moosberg (D) (MS 31)

Mühlheim – Ruhr (D) (AM 7), (MS 70), (MS 123)

München (D) (MS 63)

Münsterlager (D) (MS 103)

Münsterland (D) (MS 103)

Neuengamme (D) (122)

Neurenberg (D) (26), (MS 100)

Nordhausen (D) (MS 41)

Oberwiese (D) (MS 30)

Oerbke[2] (D) (MS 59)

Oost-Pruisen (D) (MS 39)

Ordensburg (D) (AM 7)

Osnabrück (D) (MS 103)

Paderborn (D) (MS 116)

Plantlünne (D) (MS 30)

Potsdam (D) (MS 63), (MS 73)

Reichswald (D) (AM 11), (MS 46)

Rheinberg (D) (MS 7)

Rotenburg (D) (76), (120), (MS 41)

Saarbrücken (D) (MS 70)

Senftenberg (D) (MS 103)

Siegen (D) (MS 60), (MS 111)

Solingen (D) (MS 72)

Soltau (D) (MS 7)

Spandau (D) (MS 73), (MS 75), (MS 83), (MS 105)

Spangenburg (D) (96), (MS 41)

Störmede (D) (MS 30)

Stutgart (D) (MS 84)

Swäbisch Hall (D) (MS 70)

Torgau (D) (MS 73)

Trier (D) (MS 70)

Vogelsang (D) (AM 7)

Vossenack (D) (AM 7)

Weimar, Republiek (MS 63)

Wesel (D) (69), (111), (AM 4), (MS 78)

Weser (D) (MS 84)

Wetzlar (D) (MS 113)


Canada / Canada

Canada (96), (100), (MS 56), (MS 68)


Alberta (Can) (MS 56)

Fort McMurray (Can) (MS 56)

Ottawa (Can) (MS 90)


Italië / Italy

Italië (51), (100)


Anzio (Ita) (MS 740

Sicilië (Ita) (90), (92), (104), (110), (117), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 76)

Taranto (Ita) (AM 16)

Tragino (Ita) (109), (110), (114)


Noorwegen / Norway

Noorwegen (51), (96), (100), (110), (114), (MS 16)


Asker (N) (MS 73)

Oslo (N) (110), (MS 71)

Stavanger (N) (51), (110)


Oostenrijk / Austria

Oostenrijk (AM 12), (MS 31), (MS 36), (MS 84), (MS 103), (MS 105)


Bad Ischl (Oos) (MS 103)

Graz (Oos) (MS 105)

Innsbruck (Oos) (MS 31)

Langenlebarn (Oos) (MS 30)

Salzburg (Oos) (MS 103)

Ternitz (Oos) (AM 12)

Wenen (Oos) (MS 74)


Polen / Poland

Polen (AM 11)


Częstochowa (Pol) (21), (35)

Debno (Pol) (104)

Grocho (Pol) (MS 36)

Katowice (Pol) (MS 61)

Krakow (Pol) (MS 36)

Lodz (Pol) (MS 36)

Lublin (Pol) (MS 36)

Praga (Warschau) (P) (MS 36)

Silezië (Pol) (MS 63)

Stanislalow (Pol) (MS 36)

Tarnopol (Pol) (MS 70)

Warschau (Pol) (21), (39), (AM 3), (AM 11), (AM 13), (MS 36), (MS 41), (MS 61)


Egypte / Egypt

Egypte (100), (AM 7), (MS 68), (MS 86), (MS 113)


Bittermeer (Egy) (MS 68)

Cairo (Egy) (MS 113), (MS 118)

El Alamein (MS 113)

Kabrit (Egy) (AM 14), (MS 86), (MS 118)


Oekraine / Ukraine


Bereka (Oek) (AM 10)

Dnjepropetrowsk (Oek) (MS 103)

Ingulets (Oek) (MS 103)

Kiev (Oek) (MS 70)

Lemberg (Oek) {Lviv} (MS 70)

Losowaja {Losowa} (Oek) (AM 10)

Odessa (Oek) (MS 103)


Overige landen / Other countries


Algarije (110), (AM 16)

Boliva (MS 72)

Brits Indië (MS 68)

Burma – Myanmar (87)

DDR (MS 39)

Denemarken (MS 70)

Ecuador (MS 68)

Griekenland (AM 11), (MS 113)

Hongarije (MS 36)

India (AM 14)

Indonesië (91)

Irak (AM 7)

Israël (MS 58), (MS 112)

Kaspische Zee (AM 7)

Kazachstan (AM 7)

Kenya (50)

Korea (10)

Libië (51), (100), (MS 41)

Malta (51)

Marokko (AM 7)

Middellandse Zee (AM 12)

Nieuw Zeeland (MS 31)

Noord-Afrika (51)

Palestina (AM 7), (MS 58), (MS 108), (MS 118)

Perzië (AM 7)

Rusland (AM 10), (AM 11)

Schotland (MS 10), (MS 68)

Syrië (MS 58)

Tunesië (92), (AM 16)

Vietnam (AM 3)

Zweden (93), (MS 63)

Zwitserland (88)


Overige plaatsen / Other locations


Ballymena (Ier) (MS 106)

Batavia (10), (AM 9)

Belfast (N-Ier) (MS 106)

Bogota (Col) (MS 68)

Borneo (100)

Brisbane (Aus) (AM 16)

Brno (Cze) (55)

Ceylon – now Sri Lanka (10)

Delhi (Ind) (116), (AM 9), (AM 14)

Dublin (Ier) (MS 106)

Gallipoli (Tur) (AM 12), (MS 106)

Geelong (AUS) (MS 58)

Geneve (Zwi) (MS 117)

Haifa (Isr) (110), (MS 112)

Hollandia – now Jayapura (10)

Kreta (Gri) (MS 41), (MS 113)

Nieuw-Guinea (10)

Linköping (Zwe) (AM 4)

Oksbøl (Den) (AM 15)

Oran (Alg) (AM 16)

Praag (Cze) (AM 14), (MS 74)

Shanghai (Chi) (MS 27)

Siberië (Rus) (AM 7)

Sumatra (MS 68)


[1] Onjuist ook als Andove opgenomen

[2] Onjuist ook als Oebke opgenomen

Dhr de Kwant heeft zijn serie indexen (wederom) geactualiseerd met een versie waar alle geografische benaming zijn opgenomen uit de de ministories 1980 – 2019. Lees meer

1.           De Ministories

1.1        Het ontstaan van de Ministories

De beperkte ruimte om in de Nieuwsbrief gegevens en informatie over bepaalde onderwerpen met betrekking tot de Slag om Arnhem op te nemen, heeft er toe geleid dat de redactie van de Nieuwsbrief, een rubriek ‘ministories’ is begonnen. Op deze wijze werd een kans gegrepen om informatie te verzamelen, van mensen die deze Slag zelf meegemaakt hebben. Informatie over een bepaald onderwerp kon dat in de Nieuwsbrief worden gevraagd, zodat door de ‘legpuzzel-tactiek’, blinde vlekken konden worden ingevuld.

De eerste ‘ministory’ verscheen in mei 1983, als bijlage bij Nieuwsbrief No. 10, met de titel ‘Engelse postduiven tijdens de Slag bij Arnhem’. Deze werd geschreven door Chris van Roekel. In deze eerste ministory werd ook informatie van de leden gevraagd over het artikel dat in het volgende nummer opgenomen zou worden: De Duitse tank in de Beneden-Weverstraat in Oosterbeek.

1.2        Overzicht van de Ministories

Een Engelse website van het lid Simon H. Johnson uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk werd vermeld in Nieuwsbrief No. 109 (februari 2009). Deze website ( bevatte informatie over de Vereniging en een opsomming van de verschenen Nieuwsbrieven. Deze website is inmiddels niet meer in de lucht. Naast deze website was ook op de site van het Airborne Museum een overzicht van de verschenen Ministories te verkrijgen (bijgewerkt tot Ministory 118[1]). Dit overzicht bevat naast de auteur, de Nederlandse en Engelse titel van de Ministory. Ook deze link werkt inmiddels niet meer.

Ook de site van Ron Wenting[2] bevatte een uitgebreid overzicht van de verschenen ministories. Een korte in de Engelse taal opgenomen toelichting is voor Ministory 1 tot en met 120 beschikbaar. Met het verdwijnen van deze laatste site is derhalve nergens een compleet overzicht van de verschenen ministories meer te bekijken. Met deze uitgave is getracht dit gat weer op te vullen.

1.3       Onvolkomenheden

Niet altjd ging alles goed bij het uitbrengen van de bijlagen bij de Nieuwsbrieven. Over de jaren heen zijn, hoewel niet vaak, een aantal onvolkomenheden te signaleren. Ministory No. 48, bijvoorbeeld, is bijgevoegd bij Nieuwsbrief No. 59 en Ministory No. 47 is bijgevoegd bij Nieuwsbrief No. 60. Zie hiervoor ook Nieuwsbrief No. 60, waarin werd vermeld dat door bij deze Nieuwsbrief een Ministory met nummer 47 toe te voegen, er geen onderbreking van de nummering plaatsvindt.

In de Nieuwsbrief No. 78 zitten twee pagina’s van de Ministory No. 66 “Drie Engelsen in onze kelder”, opgenomen. De paginanummer van de Nieuwsbrief is hierdoor onjuist, pagina’s 7 en 8 van de Ministory zijn opgenomen na pagina 4 van de Nieuwsbrief. De paginanummering van de Nieuwsbrief loopt derhalve alsvolgt: 1,2,3,4,7,8,5,6. In Nieuwsbrief No. 79 werd de fout door de redactie van de Nieuwsbrief toegelicht. De pagina’s van de Nieuwsbrief en de Ministory waren niet in de volgorde gedrukt, gesneden en gevouwen.

1.4        Top 10 auteurs van de Ministories

De eerste Ministory verscheen in mei 1983, als bijlage bij Nieuwsbrief No. 10. Deze eerste Ministory, geschreven door Chris van Roekel, had als onderwerp de Engelse postduiven tijdens de Slag om Arnhem. In de volgende jaren zou blijken dat bestuurslid Chris van Roekel de grootste bijdrage zou leveren aan de te verschijnen Ministories. Er verschenen tot op heden 21 Ministories van zijn hand.

         Naam                          Aamtal            Bijdrage aan Ministory No.

  1. Roekel, Chris van 21               (1,2,3,5,6,6a,8,10,12,14,17,18,19,27,29,40,43,58,82,87,112)
  2. Cherry, Niall 10                          (53,80,86,97,101,108,109,111,113,124)
  3. Voskuil, Robert P.G.A. 8                            (26,34,38,47,75,90,96,119)
  4. Meiboom, Paul 5                            (104,118,127,128,129)
  5. Boersma, Wybo 4                            (33,62,99,121);

Horst, Mr. J. ten                      4                            (4,15,21,48);

Maassen jr., Geert H.             4                            (13,24,38,110);

  1. Timmerman, Hans 3                            (84,103,125);

Waddy, Col. John                   3                            (67,105,107)

  1. 9 auteurs

Ook andere bestuursleden, zoals Voskuil en Boersma, leverden een bijdrage aan de verschenen Ministories. De huidige bestuursvoorzitter Otten van Wiggen heeft in Airborne Magazine No. 16, Ministory No. 132 verzorgd. Zeven van de Ministories werden door twee auteurs geschreven, en twee Ministories werden door drie personen geschreven. Een compleet overzicht van de auteurs van Ministories is opgenomen in 2.4.

Overzicht van de verschenen Ministories

Hieronder volgt een overzicht van de in de jaren 1983 tot en met 2019 verschenen Ministories, waarbij de auteurs en de titels (inclusief de Engelse titels) zijn opgenomen:

No. #


Bijlage bij


Auteur(s) Titel


2 10 C. van Roekel Engelse postduiven tijdens de Slag om Arnhem / British carrier pigeons in the Battle of Arnhem


2 11 C. van Roekel De Duitse tank op de Beneden-Weverstraat / German Tank on the Beneden-Weverstraat


2 12 C. van Roekel


De vernielde trein bij de spoorbrug te Oosterbeek / The wrecked train near to the railway bridge at Oosterbeek


2 13 Mr. J. ter Horst De artilleriesteun van het 2e leger aan de 1e Britse Airborne Divisie tijdens de Slag om Arnhem / How the Second Army’s Artillery gave support to the 1st Airborne Division during the Battle of Arnhem


4 14 C. van Roekel Time and age have dimmed my memories


4 15 C. van Roekel Station calling itself P.S.C. asked to come in


2 16 C. van Roekel Station calling itself P.S.C. asked to come in (vervolg)
16 Fotobijlage: 40e herdenking van de Slag om Arnhem 1944 – 1984/ 40th Commemoration of The Battle of Arnhem 1944 -1984


3 17 J.A. Hey Their name liveth for evermore


2 19 C. van Roekel De geschiedenis van de 17-ponder kanonnen in het park Hartenstein I / The history of the 17-pounder guns in Hartenstein Park


4 20 Kapt. R. Bingley Verslag van de lotgevallen van het 6e peloton S Compagnie van het 1e Parabataljon / Report about the experience of the 6th. Platoon S Compagny of the 1st. Parabattalion


2 21 C. van Roekel De geschiedenis van de 17-ponder kanonnen in het park Hartenstein II / The history of the 17-pounder guns in Hartenstein Park II


4 22 J.R. Grodzinski


De geschiedenis van de Poolse gliderlift tijdens operatie Market- Garden / A history of the Polish glider lift operation Market-Garden


2 23 C. van Roekel Over “Vliegende Paardjes” en “Rode Duivels” / Of “Little Flying Horses” and “Red Devils”


4 24 G.H. Maassen Dagrapporten van de Gemeentepolitie Oosterbeek, 17 t/m 20 september 1944 / Daily reports from the Municipal Police of Oosterbeek, 17 – 20 September 1944


4 25 C. van Roekel en

H.P. Veenhuijsen

De geschiedenis van drie oude dames in de strijd om de Rijnbrug / The story of three old ladies during the battle for the Rhine bridge


2 26 Mr. J. ter Horst Durf en initiatief / Courage and initiative


2 27 Major-General R.E. Urquhart, C.B., D.S.O. Enkele aantekeningen over het ontstaan van de Airborne Pelgrimstochten naar Nederland / Note on the origins of the Airborne Pilgrimage to Holland


4 28 C. van Roekel Een Nederlandse burger nam deel aan “Operatie Berlin” / A Dutchman took part in “Operation Berlin”


2 29 C. van Roekel Tragedie bij de Rijnbrug / Tragedy near Arnhem Bridge


4 30 C. van Roekel In het spoor van Lord Strathcona’s Horse / On the track of Lord Strathcona’s Horse


2 31 M. Veldhuizen De motorfiets “Flying Flea” tijdens de Slag om Arnhem /” The Flying Flea” motor-cycle in the Battle of Arnhem


2 32 Mr. J. ter Horst


Ds. Ph.W. Bergkotte en zijn rol bij de jaarlijkse “Airborne Memorial Service” / The Reverend Philip W. Bergkotte and the yearly “Airborne Memorial Service”


4 33 Soldaat R. Peatling Dappere Nederlanders om nooit te vergeten / I shall never forget those brave Dutchmen


2 34 H. van den Breemen De papieren gulden / The paper guilder


4 35 G.H. Maassen


Het Airborne monument te Oosterbeek / The Airborne monument at Oosterbeek
4 36 Fotobijlage: 45e Herdenking van de Slag om Arnhem / 45th Commemoration of The Battle of Arnhem


4 37 C. Meijer Oorlog in de Weverstraat / War in the Weverstraat


4 38 R.P.G.A. Voskuil Tussen bommen en gliders / Between bombs and gliders


2 39 C. van Roekel De Fairbairn – Sykes dolk / The Fairbairn – Sykes fighting knive


4 40 R.J.E.M. van Zinnicq- Bergmann Typhoon-aanval op Arnhem / Typhoon attack on Arnhem




2 41 C. van Roekel


De Thompson Sub Machine Gun / The Thompson Sub- Machine Gun


4 42 W.H. Tiemens Twee verhalen rond een toren / Two stories around a church-tower


4 43 R.N. Sigmond


‘Scallywags’, de noodlanding van glider 283 / ‘Scallywags’, the emergency landing of glider 283


4 44 H. van den Breemen


Luitenant-Kolonel M.E.M. Herford, M.B.E., M.C., een niet Airborne dokter in de Willem III kazerne te Apeldoorn, 25 september – 16 oktober 1944 / Lt. Col. M.E.M. Herford, M.B.E., M.C., a non- Airborne docter in the Willem III barracks at Apeldoorn, 25th September – 16th October 1944


2 45 W. Boersma Een opmerkelijke vondst / A remarkable find


4 46 R.P.G.A. Voskuil


De eerste vijfentwintig Airborne herdenkingen in beeld, 1945 – 1969 / The first twenty-five commemorations in pictures, 1945 – 1969


4 47 G.H. Maassen Sr. Angstige dagen op Dreijen / Anxious days at Dreijen




4 48 J.J. Lorys


Major-General Stanislaw Franciszek Sosabowski, V.M., O.B.E.; ter gelegenheid van zijn honderdste geboortedag / Major – General Stanislaw Franciszek Sosabowski, V.M.,O.B.E.; On the hundredth anniversary of his birth


4 49 R.M. Gerritsen


De Seaborne echelon van de 1eest British Airborne Division tijdens operatie Market Garden / The Seaborne echelon of the 1st British Airborne Division during operation Market Garden
38 4 50 G.H. Maassen en

R.P.G.A. Voskuil

12 Sekonden film: Raadsels en hun oplossing / 12 Seconds of film: Riddles and their solution
39 4 51 W.H. Tiemens


De enige vrouwelijke krijgsgevangene uit de Slag om Arnhem / The only female prisoner-of-war of the Battle of Arnhem
40 4 52 C. van Roekel


Mijnenvelden in en rondom Oosterbeek / Minefields in and around Oosterbeek
41 4 53 H.H.L. Cartwright Airborne naar Arnhem / Airborne to Arnhem
42 4 54 P. Pauwels


Geallieerde stofemblemen gedragen bij de Slag om Arnhem / Allied cloth insigna worn at the Battle of Arnhem
43 8 55 C. van Roekel


De belevenissen van Kapitein Frank King / The experiences of Captain Frank King
44 4 56 L. Buist, jr.


18 september 1944: Zweefvliegtuigen bij Hemmen en Randwijk / 18 September 1944: Gliders at Hemmen and Randwijk
45 4 57 D. Lewis Met een Sterling naar Arnhem / Aircrew at Arnhem
46 6 58 D.G. Goddard Herinneringen van een veteraan van 30 Corps / A 30 Corps veteran recalls
47 4 60 R.P.G.A. Voskuil De geschiedenis van foto BU 1092 / The history of photograph BU 1092
48 2 59 Mr. J. ter Horst Pastoor in oorlogstijd: Hermanus Cornelis Bruggeman / Parish priest in wartime: Hermanus Cornelis Bruggeman
49 4 61 R. King Jedburgh Team Claude / Jedburgh Team Claude
50 4 62 A.J. Versluijs De Excelsior Welbike 98cc / The Excelsior 98cc Welbike
51 4 63 T. Henney Chauffeur op een Morris-Commercial C8/AT Mk III / Driver of a Morris Commercial C8/AT Mk III
52 4 64 J. Hol Herinneringen aan Oosterbeek, september 1944 / Memories of Oosterbeek, September 1944
53 4 65 N. Cherry De eerste ontsnapping. / The first evaders
54 4 66 D. van der Veen Wapenbroeders / Brothers in arms
55 4 67 R. Mawdsley Eindelijk gaan we naar … Arnhem / To Arnhem at last
56 4 68 J.A. Hey


Respect en nazorg voor hen die vielen / Respect and after care for those who fell
57 4 69 G. Wood


Een Stirling bij Planken Wambuis / A Stirling at Planken Wambuis
58 6 70 C. van Roekel


Herinneringen aan Generaal Sir John Winthrop Hackett / Remembering General Sir John Winthrop Hackett
59 4 71 M. Anker


Een eenvoudige ontsnapping uit Stalag XI-B / A simple escape from Stalag XI-B
60 4 72 P. Berends


Ze noemden zich ook wel ‘Freikorpskämpfer’ / They also called themselves ‘Freikorpskämpfer’
61 4 73 J.H. Dyrda


Zondag 24 september 1944: De Valburg-conferentie / Sunday 24 September 1944: The Valburg-conference
62 4 74 H. Jensen en

W. Boersma

De 14e Schiffstamm-Abteilung tijdens de Slag om Arnhem / The 14th. Schiffstamm-Abteilung during the Battle of Arnhem
63 8 75 B. Waalkens en

P.R.A. van Iddekinge

“PK- Berichter im Raum Arnheim.” Duitse oorlogsfotografen in september 1944 / “PK- Berichter im Raum Arnheim.” German war photographers in September 1944
64 4 76 H. van Veelen Burgerhulp in Schoonoord / Civilian aid in the Schoonoord
65 4 77 P. Reinders De fatale rit van kapitein Kavanagh / The fatal journey of captain Kavanagh
66 8[3] 78 N. Carp – Heijbroek Drie Engelsen in onze kelder / Three Englishmen in our cellar
67 4 79 P. Vrolijk,

Hendrik J. Oberink en

J. Waddy

Commentaren en overpeinzingen / Comments and ponderings
68 4 80 T. Italiaander Een Nederlandse Commando / A Dutch Commando
69 4 81 J. van Kuijk Oorlog op het Eusebiusplein / War at Eusebiusplein
70 4 82 C.van Roekel Sturmgeschütz – Brigade 280
71 4 83 P. Reinders Husky’s boven Arnhem / Huskies over Arnhem
72 4 84 B. Gerritsen Hans Ertl, Kriegsberichter / Hans Ertl, War Correspondent
73 12 85 R. Kok


In de voetsporen van Louis Hagen / In the footsteps of Louis Hagen
74 6 86 F. van Lunteren


Ted Bachenheimer: De vergeten paratrooper / Ted Bachenheimer: The forgotten paratrooper
75 4 87 R.P.G.A. Voskuil


Oorlogsavonturen van een Arnhemse schooljongen / Wartime adventures of an Arnhem schoolboy
76 4 88 A. van Hees


Sleeptoestellen en zweefvliegtuigen naar Arnhem / Tugs and gliders to Arnhem
77 4 89 P. Vrolijk


Station PSC meldde zich / Station calling itself PSC asked to come in
78 12 90 M. Zwarts


SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs Abteilung 9 en de Arnhemse verkeersbrug / SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs Abteilung 9 and the Arnhem road bridge
79 4 91 J.W. van Zonnenveld Vrijwilligers gevraagd / Volunteers needed
80 4 92 N. Cherry


Urquhart and Lathbury; een verhaal over twee commandanten / Urquhart and Lathbury; a tale of two commanders
81 4 93 H. den Brok en

J. Thuring

Een geallieerde vliegtuigcrash aan de Maaskant / An allied aircraft crash in the Maaskant
82 4 94 J. Crum Johan Snoek en John Hackett / Johan Snoek and John Hackett
83 12 95 S. Holden


Een geniesoldaat en de strijd om de Sonnenberg / A sapper at the ‘ Sonnenberg’
84 8 96 H. Timmerman


Duitse veldgraven in Oosterbeek / German fieldgraves at Oosterbeek
85 4 97 A.J. Versluijs


Een dropkooi uit de Drielse klei / A dropping cradle from the ‘Drielse’ clay
86 8 98 N. Cherry


Het 11e Parachutistenbataljon in Arnhem / The 11th Parachute Battalion at Arnhem
87 99 C. van Roekel Een ongelooflijke prestatie / An incredible achievement
100 Geen ministory
88 4 101 J. v/d Klerk †


Herinneringen aan de Strijd om de ‘Oorsprong’. Recollections of the battle at the ‘Oorsprong’
89 8 102 R. Kok


Archeologie van de Slag om Arnhem; De betekenis van bodemvondsten als historische bron / Archeology of the Battle of Arnhem: the significance of excavated finds as historical source
90 4 103 R. Voskuil 60 jaar ‘ Theirs is the Glory’ / 60 years ‘Theirs is the Glory’
91 4 104 F. Bollee – Bégram van Eeten Herinneringen / Recollections
92 4 105 J. Sliz De Stormbootkoningen / The Storm Boat Kings
93 4 106 J. Meijer


Spannende oorlogsdagen in Velp en Arnhem, september 1944 / Tense days of war in Velp and Arnhem, September 1944
94 4 107 A. J. Gieling


Enkele herinneringen aan het St. Elisabeths Gasthuis / Some memories of St. Elisabeths Gasthuis
95 4 108 F. Steer Logica en logistiek / Logic and logistics
96 4 109 R.P.G.A. Voskuil


Een getekend beeldverhaal over de Slag om Arnhem / A story in pictures about the Battle of Arnhem
97 4 110 N. Cherry en

L. Buist

Bren Gun Carriers bij de Slag om Arnhem / Bren Gun carriers at the Battle of Arnhem
98 4 111 H. van der Velden 35 Jaar zoeken op de voormalige slagvelden bij Arnhem / 35 Years searching in the former battlefields at Arnhem
99 4 112 W. Boersma


Een terugblik op 30 jaar steun door de VVAM aan het Airborne Museum / A look-back at 30 years of SFAM support for the Airborne Museum
100 6 113 C. van Roekel


Een tragedie bij Vorden, “ ‘Arnhem’ fatsoenlijk?? – Kom nou!!” / A tragedy at Vorden, “ ‘Arnhem’decent?? – Come off it!!”
101 4 114 N. Cherry


Een verdediger van de Arnhemse verkeersbrug / A defender at Arnhem Road Bridge
102 4 115 J. Loos


Mijn herinnering aan de Slag om Arnhem / My memories of the Battle of Arnhem
103 4 117 I. Maan en

H. Timmerman

Duitse ooggetuigen / German eye-witness
104 8 118 P. Meiboom De plek van Bild 1011-497-3531-11


105 4 119 J. Waddy De Slag om Arnhem, een persoonlijk verslag / The battle of Arnhem, a personal account
106 4 120 A. Esler Smith Theirs is the Glory, 65 jaar geleden gefilmd / Theirs is the Glory-65th anniversary of the filming of the movie
107 4 121 J. Waddy


Medische hulp in de frontlinie / Front line medics, Arnhem 1944
108 4 122 N. Cherry


Major C.N.B. Dawson, MC en de 4e parachutistenbrigade I / Major C.N.B. Dawson, MC, Brigade major 4th Parachute Brigade I
109 4 123 N. Cherry


Major C.N.B. Dawson, MC en de 4e parachutistenbrigade II / Major C.N.B. Dawson, MC, Brigade major 4th Parachute Brigade II
110 4 124 G.H. Maassen


Dertig jaar zoeken en onderzoek: speuren naar vermiste en onbekende militairen in de regio Arnhem / Thirty years searching: Investigation into missing and unknown Soldiers in the Arnhem area
111 4 125 N. Cherry


De 9e SS Hohenstauffen Pantser Divisie en Kolonel Boeree / The 9th SS Hohenstauffen Armoured Division and Colonel Boeree
112 4 126 C. van Roekel


Ben in de ochtend de Rijn overgezwommen / I swam over the Rhine
113 4 127 N. Cherry


Onbekende helden van de Slag om Arnhem / Unsung Heroes of Arnhem
114 4 128 P. Hoefsloot


Ooggetuige bij de Rijnbrug, 17-19 september 1944 / Eye witness at the Rhine bridge 17-19 September 1944
115 4 129 N. Holmes


De geschiedenis van soldaat Frederick Hopwood / Private Frederick Hopwood
116 4 130 G. Jonker The Quest for a lost Cornish Moonmaker
117 4 131 T. Pieterse


Een bondige herinnering aan een tijd die je nooit vergeet / A brief recollection of the time you never forget
118 4 132 P. Meiboom


Zoektocht. Kapitein John Charles O’Sullivan in Arnhem / Search. Captain John Charles O’Sullivan at Arnhem
119 3 AM No. 1 R.P.G.A. Voskuil Het regende parachutisten op de boerderij
120 4 AM No. 2 A. van Mens


Herinnering aan onze belevenissen aan de Klingelbeekseweg in Arnhem
121 4 AM No. 4 W. Boersma De Royal Air Force – ‘Air Liaison Group’ in Arnhem
122 4 AM No. 5 L. Weeden In de Perimeter, September 1944
123.1 3 AM No. 6 S. Revell De dood van een Duitse generaal tijdens de Slag om Arnhem (deel 1) / The death of a German general at Arnhem, part 1
123.2 4 AM No. 7 S. Revell De dood van een Duitse generaal tijdens de Slag om Arnhem (deel 2) / The death of a German general at Arnhem, part 2
124 2 AM No. 8 N. Cherry Hotel Dreyeroord, september 1944
125 6 AM No. 9 D. Timmerman,

H. Timmerman en

D. van Buggenum

Een kort verslag van opgravingen in het weiland achter de Oude Kerk in Oosterbeek, die werden uitgevoerd in 1997 en 1998
126 6 AM No. 10 W. van Zanten Herinneringen van een achtjarige jongen aan de “Slag om Oosterbeek”
127 4 AM No. 11 P. Meiboom Locatie van twee beroemde foto’s achterhaald
128 4 AM No. 12 P. Meiboom Locatie van beroemde foto achterhaald (2)
129 3 AM No. 13 P. Meiboom Locatie bekende foto gevonden (3)
130 5 AM No. 14 D. Hoekendijk Zoeken naar een spoorwegovergang
131 6 AM No. 15 A. Maan Landstorm Nederland in de Slag om Arnhem
132 7 AM No. 16 O. van Wiggen 3rd Parachute Battalion op de Falklands en in Arnhem


Ministory VI (6), bijlage bij Nieuwsbrief No. 15 “Station calling itself P.S.C. asked to come in” heeft een vervolg. Dit vervolg is opgenomen in een Ministory, opgenomen op een tweezijdig gedrukt A4tje, genummerd VII (7), bij Nieuwsbrief No. 17. De eerst volgende ministory na Ministory VI (6) is “Their name Liveth for evermore” is ook genummerd VII (7). Om het verband tussen Ministory VI (6) en het vervolg te benaderukking is hier het vervolg op Ministory VI (6) opgenomen als 6a.

De Ministories zijn tot en met nummer 37 Romeins doorlopend genummerd (derhalve tot XXXVII). De 50ste Nieuwsbrief bevatte de Ministory met het Arabische genummerd 38.

Na Ministory No. 46, verscheen Ministory No. 48 in augustus 1995 als bijlage bij de Nieuwsbrief No. 59. Om de nummering niet te onderbreken werd bij Nieuwsbrief No. 60, Ministory No. 47 toegevoegd. De redactie heeft deze foutieve nummering in de Nieuwsbrief No. 60 gerectificeerd.

De eerste Ministory verscheen bij Nieuwsbrief No. 10 in november 1980. Bij de Nieuwsbrieven No. 18., No. 100 en No. 116 zat geen Ministory en ook in Airborne Magazine No. 3. is geen Ministory opgenomen. Met het vervolg op Ministory VI (6) en de in twee delen opgenomen Ministory 123 zijn er derhalve in totaal 134 Ministories verschenen.

De volgende Ministories zijn in twee delen gepubliceerd: 6 en 6a, 108 / 109 en 123 deel 1 en deel 2. Bij Nieuwsbrief No. 36 zat een bijlage van 4 pagina’s met een fotoreportage van de 45e Herdenking van de Slag om Arnhem.

1.5        Aantal pagina’s

Met het verschijnen van Airborne Magazine No. 16 (No. 3 bevatte geen Ministory) zijn in 119 losse Ministories en 15 het Airborne Magazine opgenomen Ministories 564 pagina’s met aanvullende informatie verschenen.

De volgende drie Ministories zijn uitgegeven met een omvang van 12 pagina’s: “In de voetsporen van Louis Hagen” (73), “SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs Abteilung 9 en de Arnhemse verkeersbrug” (78) en “Een geniesoldaat en de strijd om de Sonnenberg” (83), zijn 12 pagina’s groot.

1.6        Overzicht onderwerpen in Ministories

De onderwerpen die in de Ministories zijn behandeld zijn grof weg in de volgende vijf categoriën in te delen:

1.7        Fotobijlagen

Bij Nieuwsbrief No. 16 is een fotobijlage: “40e herdenking van de Slag om Arnhem 1944 – 1984“ bijgevoegd en bij Nieuwsbrief 36 een fotobijlage: “45e Herdenking van de Slag om Arnhem”. Deze bijlagen zijn hier buiten beschouwing gelaten.

1.8        Totaaloverzicht van de auteurs van de Ministories

De lijst van auteurs van de Ministories bevat een aantal bekende en minder bekende namen en is internationaal samengesteld. Chris van Roekel verzorgde over de jaren 21 bijdragen. Ook een aantal militairen / veteranen hebben, net als burgers, hun persoonlijke ervaringen in een Ministory vastgelegd. Het overzicht van de in totaal 83 verschillende auteurs van de Ministories is als volgt, met tussen haakje het nummer van de Ministory, waaraan zij hebben meegewerkt.

21 bijdragen:

Roekel, Chris van (1,2,3,5,6,6a,8,10,12,14,17,18,19,27,29,40,43,58,82,87,112)

10 bijdragen:

Cherry, Niall (53,80,86,97,101,108,109,111,113,124)

8 bijdragen:

Voskuil, Robert P.G.A. (26,34,38,47,75,90,96,119)

5 bijdrage:

Meiboom, Paul (104,118,127,128,129)

4 bijdragen:

Boersma, Wybo (33,62,99,121); Horst, Mr. J. ten (4,15,21,48); Maassen jr., Geert H. (13,24,38,110);

3 bijdragen:

Timmerman, Hans (84,103,125); Waddy, Col. John (67,105,107)

2 bijdragen:

Breemen, H. van den (23,32); Buist jr., Luuk (44,97); Hey, Jan A. (7,56); Kok, Ruurd (73,89); Reinders, Philip (65,71); Revell, Scott (123.1,123.2); Tiemens, drs. W.H. (30,39); Versluijs, A.J. (50,85); Vrolijk, Peter (67,77)

1 bijdrage:

Anker, Marcel (59); Arts, Jac. (100); Berends, Peter (60); Bingley, Capt. R. (9); Bollee- Bégram van Eeten, Fiep (91); Brok, H. den (81); Buggenum, David van (125); Carp – Heijbroek, N. (66); Cartwright, H.H.L. (41); Crum, Jan (82); Dyrda, J.H. (61); Gerritsen, Bob (72); Gerritsen, R.M. (37); Gieling, A.J. (94); Goddard, D.G. (46); Grodzinski, J.R. (11); Hees, Arie van (76); Henney, T. (51); Hoefsloot, Piet (114); Hoekendijk, Dirk (130); Hol, J. (52); Holden S. (83); Holmes, Neil; (115); Iddekinge, P.R.A. van (63); Italiaander, T. (68); Jensen, H. (62); Jonker, Geert (116); King, Roger (49); Klerk †, J. v.d. (88); Kuijk, J. van (69); Lewis, D. (45); Loos, Jan (102); Lorys, J.J. (36); Lunteren, F. van (74); Maan, Arno (131); Maan, Ingrid (103); Maassen sr., Geert H. (35); Mawdsley, R. (55); Meijer, C. (25); Meijer, Jan (93); Mens, Anton van (120); Oberink, Hendrik J. (67); Pauwels, P. (42); Peatling, Robert (22); Pieterse, Tanno (117); Revell, Scott (123); Sigmond, Robert N. (31); Sliz, John (92); Smith, Allan Esler (106); Steer, Frank (95); Timmerman, Dick (125); Thuring, J. (81); Urquhart, Major-General R.E. (16); Veelen, H. van (64); Veen, D. van der (54); Veenhuijsen, H.P. (20); Velden, Hans van der (98); Veldhuizen, M. (20); Waalkens, B. (63); Wiggen, Otto van (132); Weeden, Laurie (122); Wood, G. (57); Zanten, Wim van (126); Zinnicq- Bergmann, R.J.E.M. van (28); Zonnenveld, J.W. van (79); Zwarts, Marcel (78).

De 134[4] Ministories zijn door de bovenstaande 83 auteurs vervaardigd.

De auteurs van deze Ministories hebben de Nederlandse, Engelse, Poolse, Canadese of Australische nationaliteit. Zowel bestuursleden (4), burgers, als veteranen hebben bijdragen. Ca 75% van de auteurs komt uit Nederland. Zo’n 20% van de Ministories is van de hand van een veteraan.

Aantal Ministories geschreven door 1 auteur 125
Aantal Ministories geschreven door 2 auteurs 7
Aantal Ministories geschreven door 3 auteurs    2
Totaal 134


1.9        Cd-Rom Ministories

In Nieuwsbrief No. 100 van november 2005 werd gemeld dat de toenmalige voorzitter Chris van Roekel de Ministories 1 tot en met 88 gescand heeft. De Cd-Rom bevat zowel de Nederlandse als de Engelse versies van de Ministories No. 1 tot en met No. 88 en kon voor € 20 worden besteld bij het bestuur van de Vereniging.

Daar niet alle Ministories meer in voorraad zijn, zijn alle Ministories gescand en op een Cd-Rom gezet. Een CD kon besteld worden bij het bestuur van de Vereniging. Ook werd kenbaar gemaakt dat auteurs van Ministories wijzigingen en/of aanvullingen zouden moeten kunnen aanbrengen. Het bestuur vond dat dit inderdaad mogelijk zou moeten zijn en deed een oproep om wijzigingen en/of aanvulling voor 1 februari 2007 naar de secretaris van de Vereniging te sturen. (Nieuwsbrief No. 104).

In 2013 werd een CD met de Nederlandstalige Ministories No. 1 tot en met No. 112 tegen een vergoeding van € 25 verstrekt door het bestuur.

1.10    Ministories digitaal beschikbaar op website voor leden


Op 29 november 2017 zijn de Ministories (tot en met 121) opgenomen op de website van de Vereniging Vrienden van het Airborne Museum. Met de opname op de website van de volledige Airborne Magazines zijn ook de latere Ministories afzonderlijk digitaal beschikbaar gekomen met het verschijnen van het magazine. De individuele exemplaren zijn afzonderlijk opgenomen, in een voor de leden toegankelijk deel van de website. Het electronisch doorzoeken van de Ministories (of Nieuwsbrieven / Airborne Magazines) is echter nog niet mogelijk.

[1] (website niet langer actief)

[2] Deze website is vanaf midden 2017 niet mee te bereiken

[3] De pagina’s 7 en 8 zijn opgenomen in de Nieuwsbrief No. 78.

[4] In totaal 132 genummerde Ministories, waarbij No 6. en No. 123 in twee delen zijn uitgegeven


Auteur: R.L de Kwant

NEWS-LETTER No.5. February 1982.
Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil Tiutch-English translation: S.G.Beek-Hobart

Dear Friends,

We have pleasure in inviting you to the 2nd Annual General Membership Meeting of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum, to be held on Saturday, 20th March, at 2 p.m., in the Concert-Hall on the Benedendorpsweg, opposite the Old Church, in Oosterbeek.

The Agenda for the Meeting is as follows:
1. Opening
2. Minutes of the 1st Annual General Meeting, which took place on the 14th February, 1981
3. General Report, 1981
4. Financial Report, 1981, and Budget, 1982
5, Election of new Committee members
6. Appointment of Cash Committee
7. Any other business
8. Departure of resigning Committee members
9. Closure of Meeting.

Explanatory note with reference to No,5: As you will have seen in our previous Newsletter, Mevrouw M.H.Steinweg-ten Horn has resigned from the Committee. Mevrouw S.G.Beek-Hobart and de Heer H. van Krieken will also be vacating their positions on the Committee as of the 20th March, 1982, due to personal reasons. In accordance with Article 8 of the Statutes, both the members as well as the Committee can propose candidates to occupy the positions which are being vacated. Members who intend to propose a candidate should present such candidacy, in written form, at least ten days before the Meeting, to be delivered to the above-mentioned address in Oosterbeek. This recommendation should be accompanied by the signature of at least ten members, and the candidate must be a member of the Society and also be of age. The Committee submits the following candidates (in alphabetical order):
1. de Heer R.Fennema / Benedendorpsweg 150, 6862 WP Oosterbeek
2. Mevrouw J.M. de Langen / Sportweg 2, Postbus 69, 3870 CB Hoevelaken
3. de Heer J.Smits / Boulevard 9, 6881 HN Velp.
Half-an-hour before the Meeting commences, the members may peruse the:
a. Minutes of the 1st Annual General Membership Meeting of the 14th February, 1981;
b. The Report of the Cash Committee (by Messrs. Kardol and Smits).
After the Meeting, a film will be shown (see hereunder).
On behalf of the Committee,

Presentation of the film “De Bevrijding van Nederland” (The Liberation of the Netherlands) which will take place on the 20th March, 1982, immediately after the Annual General Membership Meeting. After the failure of the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944, the Dutch front in the area around the major rivers became rather still. The southern part of the  Netherlands was liberated, but the remainder of the country remained occupied. Finally, at the end of March, 1945, the long-awaited Allied offensive started. The opening attack in the Netherlands was carried out by the First Canadian Army Corps.

Cameramen assigned to the Canadian Army filmed the advance and the fighting which took place in and around the various towns in the central, eastern and northern parts of the country. There are also a few shots of Arnhem during the battle on the 17th April. Even the dropping of food-supplies for the starving “Vesting Holland” (the German-fortified western part of the Netherlands) and the Capitulation negotiations in Hotel “De Wereld” in Wageningen have been filmed. We are also able to witness the Allied Forces marching into the  estern part of the Netherlands and the consequent Liberation festivities which took place. The last part of the film is dedicated to the preliminary efforts at getting the battered country back  into some sort of liveable state, and the rounding-up and transportation of the German prisoners-of-war. “De Bevrijding van Nederland”, which has a Dutch commentary, will be shown by Ir.J.Voskuil, who received a copy of this film shortly after the war .

Annual Report for 1981.

Members of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum increased substantially during 1981: to our great satisfaction, as of the Jlst December, 1981, we had 374 members both at home and abroad (last year: 214 members). The 1st Annual General Membership Meeting 9 held on the 14th February, 1981, was attended by a gratifyingly large number of veterans, 6 in all, including our representative in Great Britain, Mr.A.Maynard, M.B.E.

Both the Annual and Financial Reports for 1980 were approved, without comments, and adopted. A permanent Committee was chosen to replace the Interim-Committee which was formed when the Society came into being. The permanent Committee chosen was as follows:
de Heer H. van Krieken, Chairman
de Heer J.A.Eykelhoff, Vice-Chairman
Mevrouw S.G.Beek-Hobart, 1st Secretary
Mevrouw M.H.Steinweg-ten Horn, 2nd Secretary x)
de Heer H.A.Hendriks, Treasurer
Mevrouw J.Smit-Duchateau, Membership-Administration
de Heer Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil, Editor of Newsletters and Afternoon Topics.
x) To our regret, Mevrouw Steinweg has resigned from her position.
Major W.J.M.Duyts, adviser to the Society on behalf of the Airborne Museum Foundation, assists the Committee in word and deed.
Misses. J.Kardol and J.Smits were appointed members of the Cash Committee.
The members present showed their interest in the well-being of the Society by the presentation of gifts and by their lively participation in the open discussion at the end of the Meeting, for which the Chairman expressed his appreciation.
The afternoon was rounded off by the presentation of a few authentic films about the Battle of Arnhem shown by de Heer A.Groeneweg, who also gave an accompanying commentary.
Three News-letters were sent out this year, both in English and Dutch. Two afternoons with a special topic were organised and presented by de Heer Voskuil on the 1th June and the 28th November. De Heer Maassen’s cooperation during the afternoon with the topic “Verwoest Oosterbeek” (“Oosterbeek in Ruins”) was most appreciated.

With regard to the decision of the Police Sport Association, Renkum, to refuse a British group permission to join the Airborne Walk accompanied by a couple of old howitzers, a letter was sent to the Board of the Police Sport Association, Renkum, protesting this decision.
On behalf of the Society, a contribution was made towards the “collection” for the purchase of a specially adapted car for Mr. Len Clark. A British soldier who met with an accident during this period, was also given our attention in the Velp hospital.
We are most grateful to Mr. A.Maynard, M.B.E., who is of such enormous support with regard to our British members; our thanks are also due to Major Duyts for his help as adviser, as well as to the Airborne Museum Foundation for permitting us to use the Museum for our Committee meetings.

And, above all, thanks go out to our members, both at home and abroad, for their immense interest, their gifts for the Museu.m collection and their monetary donations which help the Society in one of its objectives, which is “giving support to the Airborne Museum”.

A great number of members have already paid their contributions for 1982 (often with an additional contribution!) for which I am most grateful. May I ask those members who have not yet paid their contribution, to do this as soon as possible. In so doing, will you please state clearly whether you desire an ordinary membership or a Family Card? I shall be much obliged for this cooperation, (This is of course only applicable to members residing within the Netherlands).
I would also like to thank our member, de Heer C.G. de Graaf, an Accountant in Oosterbeek, who has considerably simplified our financial administration by utilising a computer which he has set up for the Society completely free of costs.
H.Hendriks, Treasurer.

The Society now has a Technical Adviser.
In connection with the Society’s audio-visual activities, it has been decided that a Technical Adviser would be most welcome; our member, de Heer W.T.B. de Ruyter has agreed to accept this position.

Exhibition of the Dutch Commando’s activities during Operation “Market Garden”.
An exhibition was opened in the Airborne Museum on the 5th February last, entitled, “The Endeavours of No.2 (Dutch) Troop of the No.10 Allied Commando During Operation “Market Garden”, September, 1944″.
This exhibition, compiled by de Heer W.Boersma, a member of the Committee of the Airborne Museum Foundation, attempts to explain, by means of photographs, texts, documents and articles, the role of the Dutch Commando’s during this air-borne landing operation.
The period before September, 1944, is also taken into consideration. During the exhibition-opening, a number of veteran Commando’s were present: Messrs. A.J.P.Beekmeyer, M.J.Knottenbelt and W. de Waard, who represented the Dutch Commandos assigned to Arnhem in September, 1944.

De Heer Boersma has prepared a brochure which tells all about the No,2 (Dutch) Troop; this brochure is available at the exhibition, which will be open to the public until the 14th March, 1982.

A substantial monetary gift for the Airborne Museum Foundation.
The Airborne Museum Foundation has received an amount of f 25,000, — for the purchase of modern audio-visual equipment. By combining sound, slide-projection and special lighting of the maquette, it is hoped to give a clearer picture of the Battle of Arnhem.
The donated amount is made up of f 3,500, — given by the National Tourist Office, f 10. 000, — by the “Comite Zomerzegels” and f 11. 500,– by the “Anjerfonds Gelderland”.

The “Oranje-bataljon” (Orange Battalion) during the Battle of Arnhem.
On Friday, 30th October of last year, in Hotel Dreyeroord in Oosterbeek, the book written by Charles L.J.J. Douw van der Krap entitled “Contra de Swastika” was presented, in the presence of a large and interested audience, Naval Officer Douw van der Krap describes in his book his experiences during the Second World War. After having fought against the German troops in Rotterdam in May, 1940, he becomes a prisoner-of-war. He recounts the imprisonment camps of Colditz and Stanislau, from which he finally manages to escape after great difficulties, and how he finally arrives in Warsaw. Here he joins up with the Polish Resistance. In August, 1944, he manages to get out of Poland and arrives, by way of Germany, in the Netherlands. Douw van der Krap finds himself in Arnhem at the beginning of September, 1944, where he once again offers his services to the Resistance Movement. The Commander of the Resistance in Arnhem at that time is Piet de Kruyff, nicknamed “Piet of Arnhem”. Douw van der Krap settles himself in the house of the Deputy-Commander, Toon van Dalen, on the Veerweg in Oosterbeek.
When the Airborne Landing takes place on the 17th September, Douw van der Krap gets in touch with the British troops. At the Hartenstein Headquarters, he meets LieutenantCommander Wolters and Lieutenant Knottenbelt, who have been assigned as liaison officers to the Airborne troops. Douw van der Krap is asked to form a small group of volunteers, made up of a number of civilians who had already offered their services to the British. This group, comprising about twenty civilians, became known as the “Oranje-Bataljon”; (one of the members of this group is de Heer Eykelhoff, who is at present the ViceChairman of our Society). In an unpretentious way, the Dutch civilians help during the following days in doing reconnaissance as well as gathering together the supplies which have been dropped. Relatively speaking, however, the British do not make much use of
their help. When, on Thursday 21st September, it starts becoming obvious that the operation is not going according to plan, the volunteer-group is disbanded. After the battle, a somewhat disheartened Douw van der Krap makes his way towards Bennekom. He accepts an offer by the local Resistance Movement to participate in operation Pegasus I and thereafter, together with a large group of Allied soldiers and a few Dutch, he manages to escape over the Rhine on the night of the 22nd October, 1944. And so, after having travelled around for almost four and a half years, he finally reaches liberated territory. “Contra de Swastika” is published by Van Holkema & Warendorf in Bussum; the book contains 320 pages and costs f 39, 50. This book has not yet been translated.

Dear Friends,

Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil Dutch-English translation: S.G.Beek-Hobart

Two months have gone by since the Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem. As in previous years, it was a time when many of us thought back to those dramatic weeks when liberation appeared to be so near. Once again, hundreds of British and Polish veterans returned to the place where they fought thirty-seven years ago. Civilians and veterans met one another again during the various Commemoration services and very many reminiscences were revived. The Airborne Museum was full to overflowing with visitors from home and abroad. A great number of events took place during the Commemoration

which we would have liked to mention, but, alas, lack of space has compelled us to make a selection. Nevertheless, we hope that this News-letter, however modest, will con­ tribute somewhat towards keeping alive the memory of the BATTLE OF ARNHEM.


News from the Chairman.

Mrs.Steinweg-ten Horn, our 2nd Secretary, has given a lot of her time to the Society of Friends since its initiation. However, at the end of September, Mrs.Stein­ weg informed us that, if someone else could be found to replace her at the end of the year, she would appreciate being relieved of her position as 2nd Secretary in order to gain more time for her previous activities. However, we most appreciate the fact that Mrs.Steinweg is prepared to continue helping the Society when necessary, though be it not as a Committee member.

At the 2nd Annual General Meeting, according to the Resignation Rota, two Commit­ tee members are due to resign; they are re-eligible. According to the Statutes, Art.8, sub 6, the Committee members are “to be nominated from those members, who, either personally or by family ties, are (or were) involved in the Allied Airborne Landing during the Battle of Arnhem in September, 1944”, Furthermore, it is important that candidates have a good deal of time available, are easy to get in touch with and can regularly undertake all sorts of activities in and around Oosterbeek. It is also desirable that they possess more than the average knowledge of English since there is a reasonable amount of English correspondence as well as the fact that our News-letter is also printed in English. With an eye to the future, may we ask you to give some thought to prospective candidates? H. van Krieken, Chairman,

News from the Secretariat.

We are delighted to announce that our adviser, Maj, W.J.M.Duyts, was decorated, on the 18th September, with the Polish para-wings with golden laurel-wreath which he received from the Zwiazek Polskych Spadochroniarzy, situated in London. This distinc­ tion, which was handed over by Lt. Z.Gasowski, was awarded Maj.Duyts for his numerous

activities for the Airborne Museum in general, and for the Polish section in particular. On behalf of all the Society’s members, the Committee has conveyed its congratulations to Maj,Duyts.

Our film afternoon on the lJth June was attended by so many that all available space was occupied. Mr.Voskuil gave a short introduction to the film, “Theirs is the Glory”, explaining how the film came into being, after which a few slides were shown of the places where the 1945 film-shots were taken. Thereafter, the film, “Theirs is the Glory”, was shown which still remained a fascinating and moving experience, A voluntary donation to the Society off 2,50 was given by all those present, which was most welcome to help cover the costs.

Our moral and somewhat modest financial support was given to the 7th Royal Horse

Artillery in their sporting achievement in order to collect enough money for the pur­ chase of an adapted car for the veteran, Len Clarke, who was wounded in such a way during the Battle of Arnhem that he was left a permanent invalid. The collection resulted successfully.

Another of our members, Mr.Ray Sheriff, performed a marathon “swim” at the Papen­ dal Sport Centre. This was a personal initiative on the part of Mr.Sheriff in support of the Year of the Handicapped, As you probably well know, Mr.Sheriff, who lost his eyesight in 1944, was sponsored by a number of Airbornes. The substantial proceeds were given by him to “Het Dorp”. Mrs.Beek and Mr.Eykelhoff were present at Papendal to cheer him on, and consequently congratulate him.

We received an invitation from the Arnhem-Nijmegen Branch of the Royal British Legion on the occasion of the 60th year anniversary of this fine organisation, which does so much to help the veterans and their families, Mrs.Steinweg, herself a member of the Royal British Legion, attended the Remembrance Service and reception at the Jonker­ bosch War Cemetery.

The Society has once again received a few gifts from its members, namely: from Mr.J. H.Adama, three photographs and two small documents; from Mr.K.J.Prockter, a group photograph of “A” Company 2nd Batallion The Parachute Regiment; from Mr.C.Wedgebury, two Dutch newspapers, a “Gelderlander” dated 26.9.1944 and a “Vrij Nederland” dated 14.10.1944; from Mr.E. van de Weerd, his recently-published books, “De Slag om de Veluwe” and “Bevrij­ dingskroniek West-Veluwe”; and “on loan”, an American bag from Mr.J.P. den Boer. These most welcome additions were most gratefully received.

Our member, Mr.B.J. van der Meer from Kruiningen, presented the Museum with a fascia (name-board) “Airborne Museum” which he made himself with a great amount of care. This is now hanging above the main entrance at the rear of the Museum.

Finally, we would like to mention that the News-letters are prepared in their en­ tirety, by the Committee. Only the offset printing is done professionally. For this reason, as sincere amateurs, may we ask your clemency in case of inadequacies.

Last, but not least, we would like to thank all those members who have shown such interest, be it from personal contacts, telephone calls or letters,

S.G.Beek-Hobart, 1st Secretary. M.H.Steinweg-ten Horn, 2nd Secretary.

News from the Treasurer.

I am very pleased to say that the contribution for 1982 will remain at a minimum amount off 15,-, in spite of all the strongly increasing costs. Thanks to an increase of members, as well as to a large number of members who pay more than the minimum con­ tribution, we can continue with our objective, which is “giving support to the Museum”.

An additional point about which we are very pleased is that a Family Admittance Card will be shortly obtainable. The name of the person written-in on the card is, thus, con­ sidered an “ordinary member”, whilst the other family members are considered “extra­ ordinary members”. The amount payable on such a Family Admittance Card will be a minimum off 25. -, regardless of the number in the family; they must however all be living at the same address.

The enclosed Accept-Giro cards can be used for the payment of your 1982 contribu­ tion. Would you be so kind as to fill in on this card, “ordinary member” or “extraordi­ nary member”. This only applies, of course, to those living within the Netherlands.

Finally, we would like to mention that any new members registering after 1st July of the current year need only pay a half-year’s contribution. Those who register after the 1st October need not pay any contribution for that current year provided that the contribution for the following calendar year is booked over immediately.

H.Hendriks, Treasurer.

An Afternoon with a Special Theme: Arnhem and Oosterbeek in Ruins,

After the Liberation in May, 1945, when civilians returned to the South-Veluwe, they found that great parts of Arnhem, Oosterbeek and surrounds were terribly destroyed and looted. On Saturday, 28th November, an afternoon will be organised, with this period as the theme of the afternoon.

Mr.G.H.Maassen, who complied “Oosterbeek Verwoest” (“Oosterbeek in Ruins”) will give a brief introduction over his study on this subject. Then, together with Mr.Voskuil, slides will be shown of photographs taken in 1945, and you will be led on an imaginary walk through the debris of Oosterbeek and surroundings.

At the end of the afternoon, the film, “Thuiskomst” (“Homecoming”) will be shown. This documentary, which was commissioned by the Municipality of Arnhem, was made in 1945 by R.Hornecker. The film shows us how the people of Arnhem returned to their war-torn city and how they tried to make it relivable again. The Municipality Archives in Arnhem has kindly made this film available.

This special afternoon on the 28th November will take place in the Concert-Hall on the Benedendorpsweg, opposite the old church, ir. Oosterbeek, and will start at 2,15 p.m. A contribution off 2.50 per person will be payable to help finance such an after­ noon, so that the Society’s funds are not too depleted.

Thirteenth reprint of the book, “It Was Like This/ Zo was het”.

During the last 25 years, very few descriptions of the Battle of Arnhem have been so regularly reprinted as the book, “It Was Like This/ Zo was het”, written by Lt.Col. C.B.Mackenzie, D.S.O., O.B.E.

The first edition appeared in 1955, and contained 48 pages, Since then, the photo material in particular has been regularly supplemented. In the 9th edition, an account appeared, for the first time, of the role of the First Independent Polish Parachute Brigade Group during the fighting in Oosterbeek and Driel. This resulted in increasing the book’s volume to 84 pages. To this date, 29,000 copies have already been sold. The rights of publication which were originally in the hands of the Airborne Committee, have now (for this lJth edition) been passed on to the Airborne Museum Foundation.

The book costs f 9.50.

Brig Mackenzie visits the Airborne Museum.

Brig. Mackenzie then a Lt.-Col. , who was General Staff Officer 1 (Ops) on Gen.

Urquhart’s staff during the Battle of Arnhem, visited the Airborne Museum in Hartenstein on Sunday afternoon of the 20th September last. This was, for Brig. Mackenzie, his first visit. He was shown round by Messrs. Wilhelm and Boersma, During the tour, Brig. Mackenzie gave a most interesting account of the situation in Hartenstein House during the Battle of Arnhem, when the building was being used by the First British Airborne Division as their Headquarters. After the tour, Brig. Mackenzie signed a number of copies of the lJth edition of his book, “It Was Like This/ Zo was het”.

Brig. MackenziG and Mr.Eoersma (r.) visited the diorama of Gen. Urquhart’s command post, in the cellar of Hartenstein. (Photograph B. de Reus)

new Airborne Museum Guide.

Both the Dutch and English editions of the new Airborne Museum Guide have now been published; this sixteen-page illustrated booklet is available for the price off 1.-.

The first few pages of the Guide relate briefly, though concisely, the events which took place in 1944. The rest of the Guide contains brief descriptions of all the exhibition areas open to the visitor during the tour of the Museum.

New publications about the Battle of Arnhem.

The number of publications since 1945 regarding “Arnhem”, is ever-increasing. We would now like to draw your attention to a recently published book, “Bevrijdingskroniek West-Veluwe” (“Chronicle of the West-Veluwe Liberation”) written by E. van de Weerd en G.Crebolder. Although the largest part of the book is dedicated to the fighting which took place in the Municipalities of &l.e and Barneveld in April 1945, nevertheless the first three chapters are completely concentrated on the battle in 1944 and a few events which followed inasmuch as they occurred in the afore-mentioned municipalities.

The book opens with a chapter about the landing on the Ginkel Heath on the 18th September 1944 and the fighting which followed. Then, there is an extensive description of the Pegasus I and II Operations, in October and November 1944, which were meant to see that the Allied soldiers who had been left behind after the Battle of Arnhem were brought to safety on the other side of the Rhine. The third chapter is dedicated to “The Incredible Patrol”. It is the story of an intelligence-officer of the 101st American Airborne Division, who, together with five men from the Betuwe, crossed the Rhine on the JOth October 1944, into the still German-occupied Veluwe. The chapter tells of their wanderings over a period of days, and how they return, via Wolfheze, the Ginkel and Heelsum, to their division in the Betuwe, with twenty German prisoners of war.

The book is well-written and contains many interesting photographs and maps, It is published by the Barneveldse Drukkerij en Uitgeverij (Barnevelds Printers and Publishers) and costs f 28.-.

Monument to the 21st Independent Parachute Company.

On the 21st September, 1981, in the garden of the house, “Quatre Bras” (crossroads Utrechtseweg-Stationsweg in Oosterbeek), a monument was unveiled to the 21st Independent Parachute Company in memory of their presence in this area in 1944. This seems, in a way, hardly special; so many memorial plaques and monuments have been erected over the past years. However, what is notable in this case is that it concerns an extremely original monument (designed by the 2J-year-old Saskia Deurvorst from Oosterbeek) and that the

text is, for the first time, dedicated to the population of Oosterbeek and the support which was given: “In memory of the 21st Independent Parachute Company which held this area during the Battle of Arn_hem and of the people of Oosterbeek who sacrificed so much to give their support”. David Eastwood, C.B.E., M.C., then one of the platoon-commanders, and Ans Kremer, living at Stationsweg 8 in 1944, both gave moving speeches, and then together removed the English and Dutch flags from the me�orial.

The Burgomaster of Renkum and his wife, together with many English and Dutch sym­ pathisers were present at this ceremony.

The stimulating and active cooperation of the owners of “Quatre Bras”, B. & D. Architects Bureau, was exemplary. The English veterans and their Dutch guests were given a warm and splendid welcome, whict was both mentally and physically stimulating; without mentioning the fact that the hosts took such great pains, at their own cost, in orga­ nising everything prior to the unveiling.

On this rather matter-of-fact note, we would also like to tell of an individual human experience: after 37 years, David Eastwood saw for the first time the then five year old little girl whom he, as a twenty-four year old lieutenant – in between his official activities – had tried to amuse in the cellar of “Quatre Bras” by playing games to try and take her mind off the incomprehensible horror of war.


Dear Friends,

At the General Membership Meeting which recently took place, you were able to meet our Society’s first definite Committee. Since then, the positions on the Committee have been delegated, with the result that we now have a permanent Editor for the News-letter.

Nevertheless, we have ·not yet been able to decide on the size of the News-letter and the’ frequency with which it will appear. This is much dependent on the available finances, Until now, the News-letter has been printed, free of charge, by a group with the interests of the Museum at heart. However, it is impossible for this Group to continue the printing work, and we shall therefore have to find another means of printing the News-letter, which will certainly incur costs.

The high postal expenses also limit our possibilities. Nonetheless, our intention is to send three News-letters per year, which will n0t only contain news about the Society and the Airborne Museum, but also more general information concerning Operation Market Garden.

Discussing newly published books on this subject, is one of many pos­sibilities, And, naturally, any ideas or suggestions from our members are extremely welcome. R.P.G.A. Voskuil


Information from the Secretariat: The First General Membership Meeting,

As you well know, our first General Membership Meeting was held on the 14th February, 1981. The provisional Committee was extremely pleased to welcome 96 members, as well as Mr.A.Maynard M.B.E., our representative in Great Britain, who had managed to find the time to be present, at his own costs, for which we are most grateful,

The Chairman opened the meeting with a warm welcome to all present. The Annual General Report for 1980 was presented and considered with no further comment. Thereafter, the Annual Financial Report for 1980 was considered, and accepted•.

The election of your first definite Committee was noted as No. on the Agenda, The interim-Chai man expressed his gratitude to the members of the provisional Committee who were now resigning, namely Mr.C.G.Klaver and Mr.M.E,Mooy; their contribution in getting the Society onto its

feet was most appreciated. Special words of thanks were also given to Major W.J.M.Duyts for all the support which he gives to our new So­ ciety in so many ways in his capacity of adviser,

The two new candidates for nomination (presented by the provisional Committee) were introduced to the members present, and as·there were no further candidates (presented by the members), the Committee was chosen without the need to vote. Since then, the various positions on the Committee have been delegated, and are as follows:

Mr. H.van Krieken – Chairman; Mr. J.A. Eykelhoff – Vice-Chairman; Mrs. S.G.Beek-Hobart – Secretary (1st); Mrs. M.H.Steinweg-ten Horn – Secretary (2nd); Mr. H.A.Hendriks – Treasurer; Mrs. J.Smit-Duch teau – Member; Drs. R.P.G.A. Voskuil – Member.

The Chairman thanked tfte members present for their confidence in the Committee.

Messrs.J.Kardol (Paasberg 17, Oosterbeek) and J.Smits (Boulevard 9,

Velp) were nominated for the Cash Committee; in this respect, both the years 1980 and 1981 will be taken into consideration as the Society had no Cash Committee during its first year of existence.

At this point, the members were asked if there were any questions. This resulted in a most interesting amount of suggestions and ideas,

many well-prepared, varying from matters of policy to practical points. In the meantime, these points have been discussed and the respective persons have been, or will be, informed of the results.

During the meeting, the Committee was most pleasantly surprised with a

few gifts for the Museum, namely from Mr. Schagen (Zaandam) three books which cannot be found in the bookshops anymore, relating to the “Battle of Arnhem”, and from Mr.Polderman (Zwijndrecht), a cap-badge of the Royal Artillery. The Chairman expressed his thanks for such generosity. On behalf of the Airborne Museum Foundation, Major Duyts thanked the provisional Committee for their initiative in setting up the Society

of Friends, and for the time and attention which has been shown since.

He wished the permanent Committee much success, and his words were much applauded by the members.

Finally, the Chairman thanked all the members present for their most enthusiastic participation, which had certainly contributed to the success of the afternoon. After the closing of the meeting, a few authentic films were shown, which the Museum had made available.

Together with a number of guests, the members were shown extremely interesting and moving film material, by Drs.A.Groeneweg, who also explained and answered questions.

All in all, a most successful afternoon, which the Society can look back on with much pleasure and satisfaction.

Gifts from our members:

Since our last News-letter, the Society has received a few objects for the Museum. One member, who wishes to remain anonymous, surprised us by presenting six British maps from 1944; he also loaned the Museum

a working 62 set (radio transmitter) with the relevant documentation. Yet another member presented a small tin used for water-purifying tablets. These gifts were gratefully accepted and have already found

a place in the Museum collection. Maybe you could also see if you have anything which might be of interest to the Museum; documents and photographs are also most welcome.

We have also received a few donations. The Veterans’ Club of the well­ known 21st Independent Parachute Company, donated an amount of f500,-. One of our members, Mr.K.G.Prockter, has twice sent us (via Mr.Maynard) an amount collected together by veterans, and another member made a donation in remembrance of Cdr.H.Heukesfeldt Jansen. Such gifts are not only of great financial support, but also a moral support, and the Society is most grateful.

Number of Members:

We now have almost 300 members including some veterans of the 1st Bri­tish Airborne Division, the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade, as well as of RAF Squadrons.

Should you wish to make any friends members, Information Sheets with Application Form attached, are obtainable in the Museum, or on written. request. For members in Great Britain, requests can be made to Mr.A.Maynard M.B.E., 49, Glenfarg Road, Catford, SE6.1XN, London (Tel. 01-698-8969).

General Information:

In order to keep postal ox.ponsos as low as possible, we have had to decide to send only ono copy or th.o News-letter to each address, even when there are moro Sociuty mombors living at the same address. How­ ever, extra copies are’alway s available, and can easily be forwarded on request.

In this respect, we would also like to inform you that no personal titles will be used on the addressed envelopes’ simply because, in many cases, this is not known; for this reason, we ‘feel it wiser to decline from mentioning titles which might be incorrect.

The Committee will be very pleased to hear about any new suggestions you might have (the suggestions at the General Membership Meeting gave much “food for thought”). Remember that this is your Society and your interest and contribution towards it, is of great importance.

s.G.Beek-Hobart Secretaries M.H.Steinweg-ten Horn


Mr. C.G. de Graaf, an Accountant living and working in Oosterbeek, has very kindly offered to help (with no financial reward) in the finan­ cial administration f the Society. Much of his assistance includes the use of a computer, and I would therefore ask you to kindly check your name and address, so that they be introduced correctly into the com­ puter system. Any alterations deemed necessary can be sent to me.

May I also remind those members who have not yet paid their contribu­ tion for 1980 or 1981, to make the necessary amount over to the Society as soon as possible, for which I am most obliged. A duplicate 11a ccept­ giro11card is hereby enclosed for those concerned.

The Society would like to especially thank those members who have con­ tributed more than the minimum amount; such contributions are a great help to the Society.

At this point, I would like to elucidate somewhat on the minimum con­ tribution of f15,-, half of which is handed over to the Museum in ac­ cordance with our objective: supporting the Museum. The yearly admit­ tance card is provided from this amount. It is obvious that with the remainder (!7,50 per member) the Society does not have much leverage.

The Treasurer, H.A. Hendriks


At the request of many members, “Theirs is the Glory” will be presented on Saturday, 11th June, at the Concert-hall in Oosterbeek. Most of the shooting of this film about the “Battle of Arnhem” took place in August and September of 1945 in the same places where the actual fighting had taken place a year previously. Soldiers (of all ranks) who had fought here in September 1944, returned to the former battlefield especially to participate in this film; no professional actors were used.

This British film has no sub-titles.

Before the film presentation begins, Mr. Robert Voskuil will give a brief introduction, and explain how the film came into being. A few slides will also be shown in this introduction.

The.presentation starts at 2 p.m. and is only open to members of the Society.


British J inch Mortar for the Museum.

Last month, a long-cherished hope of the Museum Board was fulfilled. The Museum finally came into possession-of a British J inch Mortar, the type which was frequently used in the “Battle of Arnhem”.

A year ago, Mr. McAnelly £rom Westervoort, informed his contacts in England that the Airborne Museum would be most- interested in receiving such a weapon; in February, a positivo reply was received from the Central Ordnance Depot in Dennington, that such a Mortar could be presented to our Museum. Special thanks here are due to Mr.McAnelly, Mr.A.Maynard, M.B.E., Liaison or.ricor R.M. Captain Langford and the Netherlands Military Attach6 in London.

As far as we know, only the “Koninklijk Nederlands Leger en Wapen Museum” (Royal Netherlands Army and Woapon Museum) in Leiden possesses such a· British J inch Mortar.

The “Ordnance, smooth bore, muzzle loading, J inch Mortar”, as official­ ly described, was developed from the 3 inch Mortar which Sir Wilfred Stokes evolved in 1915. The range was originally ea. 1500 metres, but this was improved to 2600 metres (Mark 2). It weighs 66 kilos. High­ explosive shells, smoke and light-shells can be fired. The mortars used in Arnhem had a specially modified bottom plate; the bottom plate which is now to be seen in the Museum was found some years ago in the Hartenstein park. The Mortar was portable in four separate parts. Special carrying equip­ ment was used, and of the 52 such pieces of equipment dropped in Arn.hem we do not have one, alas, in the Museum. For the moment, the Mortar is exhibited in the Museum’s cloak-room, but its final position will be in the cellar. The present show-case will have to be enlarged and adapted so that a sort of garden is created where the jeep now stands. In this space, the Mortar, with the men operating it, will be reassembled. The Museum is in need of a few additions for this show-case, such as helmets, shoes/boots, packing material for 3 inch mortar-shells (containers and wooden boxes), as well as shop-window dummies, or parts thereof.


The Airborne Museum is now accessible to visitors in wheel-chairs: 

A short time ago, the Municipality of Renkum made an amount of,- available for the installation of J special wheel-chair lifts. There had been a continual problem that the main-door to the Museum was only reachable by a rather steep staircase. Visitors in wheel-chairs had to be therefore carried inside. The staircase to the first floor was much too steep to carry visitors in this way. For this reason, a wheel-chair lift has been installed at the front of the building, so that wheel-chair visitors can easily reach the ground floor of the Museum. There is a lift inside to the first floor as well as a lift at the back of the building for access to the cellar and the show-cases in the basement.

Increase in visitors to the Museum:

In 1980, 72,702 paying-visitors and 678 non-paying visitors (veterans etc.) came to the Airborne Museum. In 1979, there were 68,636 visitors. We terminate this News-letter with the hope that you will be able to attend the film presentation on Saturday, 1Jth June, although we realise that members living outside the Netherlands will problably find this a problem, And Dutch-English translation: S.Gg Beek-Hobart.


R.P.G.A. Voskuil

“NIEUWSBRIEF” / News-letter NR.2 January 1981

Dear Friends,

In this second News-letter, 111e are pleased to announce our forthcoming First General Membership Meeting (which is likewise our Annual Meeting)which will be held on Saturday, 14th February·, 1981, at 14.30 hrs. in the Tuinzaal of the Concert-hall in Oosterbeek. All members are invited to attend. The Concert-hall is on the Benedendorpsweg, almost opposite the beautiful, old church so well-known to those who were involved or are interested in the “Battle of Arnhem”. Parking the car is no problem.

The meeting is only open to ordinary and extraordinary members.

However, after the meeting, at approximately 15.30 hrs., we shall have the honour of showing 9 few authentic films of Operation Market Garden, which have never been shown before to the public. At this point, a limited number of guests will also be welcome to join the meeting. Whilst the actual General

Meeting is taking place, any guests will be welcome to either visit the Airborne Museum independently, or wait in the bar of the Concert-hall.

Of course, we realise that this is less relevant to our members from tt

Nevertheless, since we are sure that you will be interested in knowing as much as possible about the activities of the Society, we would like to state the following, which is especially applicable to the First Membership Meeting:

Report referring to 1980

As you probably know, the Society of Friends came into being on the 21st February, 1980, at the initiative of a small group of people.

The Board of the Airborne Museum Foundation was in complete accord with this initiative and since then has been of great support to the Society in many ways. The legal Statutes were formalised at the Notary’s office of Mr. v. . Staay in Oosterbeek.

An interim Corrmittee was formed, consisting of:

  • Mr. H. van Krieken, Chairman Dr. Oreveestraat 23, Oosterbeek
  • Mr. J.A. Eijkelhoff, Vice-Chairman J. van Dudenallenstraat 7, Oosterbeek
  • Mrs. S.G. Beek-Hobart, 1st Secretary Wolfhezerweg 13, Oosterbeek
  • Mrs. M.H. Steinweg-ten Horn, 2nd Secretary Kerkweg 18, Heelsum
  • Mr. C.G. Klaver, 1st Treasurer Wolfhezerweg 20, Wolfheze
  • Mr. H.A. Hendriks, 2nd Treasurer Meijrooslaan 54, Arnhem
  • Mr. M.E. Mooij, member Voortstreven 2, Renkum

Major W.J.M. Duyts is permanent adviser to the Society on behalf of the Foundation. Mr. A. Maynard M.B.E. of 49, Glenfarg Road, Catford, S.E.6 1 XN London is the Society’s representative in Great Britain.

The new Society was officially registered in the Chamber of Trade and Commerce for Central Gelderland on the 6th March, 1980, under No. 21543.

Before much had even been written on paper, there were already 80 candidates for membership and this spontaneous enthusiasm has been of great moral support for us all. But of course, a lot more work was necessary to get the young Society really going – a great deal of organisation, both administrative and financial, in order to get it properly started.

And, not to be forgotten, a certain amount of publicity. This was in the form

of a Press Release which in most cases was printed in full in the various newspapers and information sheets. Since then, the press has kindly published information considered to be of interest, and for this we are most obliged. Of course, a large amount of verbal contact takes place, and this, combined with an Information Sheet both in Dutch and English, has resulted in the fact that the Society now has the proud amount of 234 Friends – both from home and abroad – and this number increases almost daily.

Now that the initiative seems to have been justified by so many enthusiastic members (as well as there now being a financial basis an which to work), the interim Committee feels that the time has arrived to call members together in order to choose a definite Commlttee which can then continue broadening the Society’s work.

First General Meeting


General Report for 1980
Financial Report
Election of Committee members
Choosing Cash Committee
Any questions before closure of meeting
The Statutes are open to membership perusal and can be requested at the paying-office of the Airborne Museum (opening hours 11 – 17 hrs – Sunday 12 – 17 hrs.); the Statutes can also be examined in the offices of the Chairman,

Mr. H. van Krieken, General Urquhartlaan 1, Oosterbeek (open from 9 – 17 hrs. from Monday tot Friday).

Some explanation about the Agenda: Points 2 and 3

According to Art. 12(3) of the Statutes, within six months after the completion of the Society’s year, the Corrmittee is supposed to present the yearly report at a general membership meeting as well as the presentation of a balance sheet with debts and credits encountered during the preceding year. Attached herewith is the Balance Sheet for your information.

Point 4

Ordinary members have a. right to vote. This is defined in the Statutes as, “Individuals, resident in the Netherlands, \I/ho have attained the age of 16 years as of the 1st January, and who have been admitted as members”.

New committee members can be either recommended by the acting Committee or by ten members of the Society.

The nomination of candidates

Members can propose candidates for the Committee, ‘which consists of a minimum of five and a maximum of seven persons. The proposal of a candidate must be in

written form and be presented before the General Meeting; such a proposal

must be accompanied by ten signatures of existing members who must also have attained their majority.

According to Art. 8. (6) of the Statutes, committee members should: “preferably be nominated from candidates who are were involved in some way, either personally or indirectly (as a family), in the Allied Airborne Landing during the “Battle

of Arnhem” in September, 1944″.

For this reason, it is important that such involvement (direct or indirect) be mentioned in the nomination proposal, which should be sent or presented as soon as possible.

Jhe Statutes also state that the duties accorded to the committee members

are decided after the election thereof; so the delegation of the various positions on the Committee is not relevant until the new committee has actually been chosen.

The present (interim) Committee’s experience is that for all seven members permitted on the Committee, a substantial amount of time is spent on fulfilling an active role, combined with a personal involvement and motivation. For this reason, together with the fact that frequent contact is often necessary between committee members, it is important that committee members live within an easy distance of the Airborne Museum.

Nevertheless, we can assure you that it is most rewarding work.

Candidates proposed by interim Committee (in alphabetical order):

Mrs. S.G. Beek-Hobart Wolfhezerweg 13, Oosterbeek
Mr. J.A. Eijkelhoff
J. van Oudenallenstraat 7, Oosterbeek

Mr. H.A. Hendriks Meijrooslaan 45, Arnhem
Mr. H. van Krieken
Dr. Breveestraat 23, Oosterbeek

Mrs. J. Smit-Duch teau Utrechtseweg 33c, Heelsum
Mrs. M.H. Steinweg-ten Horn Kerkweg 18, Heelsum
Mr. R.P.G.A. Voskuil
c/o weverstraat 183, Oosterbeek.

Messrs. C.G. Klaver and M.E. Mooij, who were of great assistance in the setting-up of the Society of Friends, are not on the list of candidates for the new Committee. A stated by them when the Statutes were signed, they would only occupy temporary positions in order to get the young Society on its feet.

Point 5

Article 12 (4) of the Statutes states that quite apart from the Society of Friends Committee, a separate committee be appointed each year consisting of a minimum of t\1/o persons, to be chosen from the members.

This committee (Cash Committee) is charged with controlling the rendered accounts of the Society, and delivers such result to the General Meeting.

The interim Committee would like to finalise this News-letter with its sincere appreciation to the Board of the Airborne Museum Foundation and the Directorate

of the Museum for all the support shown, which has been of great importance to the society.

Very special tt nks are due to our adviser, Major Duyts, who, with his incredible energy and ideas is invaluable to the Society.

May be, at this point, also thank Mr. A. Maynard for all that he is prepared to do in order to get the Society well on its feet in Great Britain.

We have just received from Mr. Maynard the bank particulars for the payment of contributions, and these are as follows:

National Jestminster Bank Ltd., Catford Branch, 159 Rushey Green, Catford, London S.E.6 4 BJ Account no. 14643464

Payable to tile “Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum Dosterbeek”

We would also especially like to thank the members and donators who have put such trust in us.

In spite of the distance between our two co ntries, we hope that you as members of the Society, feel involv d and interested in our forthcoming committee elections, though be it impossible for any of you to actually place a vote. We shall keep

you informed as to further developments.

Once again, our very best wishes,


H. van Krieken Chairman.

“NIEUWSBRIEF” / News-letter NR.1 November 1980

Dear Friends,

At long last, we are able to send you our first News-Letter which we hope will adequately inform you of the Society’s progress, as well as new acquisitions and interesting events concerning the Airborne Museum.
We would also like to thank you for showing such patience during the rather long wait before receiving much sign of life from the Society.


Including your membership, the Society now has some 192 members, many of whom come from Great Britain.

Visitors to the Museum

We are very pleased to inform you that great interest is being shown in the Airborne Museum – in some ways our Museum – and that up until the 31st October of this year, 68.612 visitors have been to the Museum. Quite a splendid number!

Acquisitions in the Museum

Since last September, the following items have been received by the Board of the Foundation; suffice to say that some of the acquisitions are quite spectacular:

We are very proud to have the uniform of Squadron Leader R.F.S. Cleaver, DSO, DFC, RMWO, Commander of the 570 RAF Squadron, which made daily flights tot Arnhem (in Stirlings) during the Battle of Amhem.

Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina made Squadron Leader R.F.S. Cleaver a Knight of the “Militaire Willemsorder” 4th Class due to his heroic actions; notwithstanding the fact that on the 12th September, 1944, this RAF pilot was given command of the Squadron and had only made five flights with a Stirling, on the 17th September he flew to Arnhem with a Horsa glider behind his plane, whilst on the 19th, 21st and 23rd September, he dropped food and supplies in the area of Arnhem. On the last day, his plane was shot down and crashed. Miraculously he survived and managed, via Brussels, to escape to England, where he arrived on the 25th September. He then, once again, took over the command of his Squadron. These historic flights are all recorded in his logbook and the Museum is now in possession of a photostat copy of the logbook, generously given to the Museum by Mrs. Cleaver.

Another spectacular acquisition is the original, hand-written war diary of Lieutenant Colonel R. Payton-Reid, DSO., who commanded the 7th (Galloway) Battalion The Kings Own Scottish Borderers during the Battele of Arnhern.

This diary was presented to the Museum by Mrs. Nan Payton-R:eid, Lt. CoL Payton- Reid’s widow.

The Museum is also now in possession of its first “set of medals” belonging to an Arnhem veteran. They belong to George Gatland, Regimental Sergeant Major of the 11th Battalion The Parachute Regiment who, as Company Sergeant Major, fought in September 1944. At the last Memorial Service on the 21st September, these medals, earned with “blood, sweat and tears”, were presented to the Museum to be kept in safety and appreciation.

The Museum’s Library has been considerably extended after a most generous financial donation, whilst various smaller interns have also been added tot the collection; these are exhibited in the show-c se of new acquisitions·in the large Reception Room.

Exhibition of “Veterans of Today” (“Veteranen van Nu”)

From the 29th November to the 25th January, 1981, there will be a Photo Exhibition in the Airborne Museum. This Exhibition has been made possible with the cooperation of Photo Aviation Service, and in this way special attention is given to the great and historical planes, some still flying in Europe, which were so essential during and after the Second World War.

“Veterans of Today” consists of sixty black and white, as well as coulour, photographs and slide-b9xes of veteran planes, such as the Boeing B 17, North American B 25 “Mitchell”, Douglas A 26 “Invader”, North American T-6:”Harvard”, Douglas DC-3:”Dakota”, Avro Lancaster, Supermarine Spitfire, Hawker Hurricane, The Hc.villand “Tiger Moth”, Fairey “Firefly” and the Junker Ju 52.

Friends of the Society have free admittance to this Exhibition on showing their membership card.

General Meeting

The provisional Committee has pleasure in announcing the First General Meeting in January, 1981. A date has not yet been decided on as, first and foremost, we would like to have an idea of how many members will be present.

The Friends abroad will probably be unable to attend, if only due to pure destance. However, we will send you any further details as soon as they are known. We hope to show an authentic film concerning the Landing in 1944 at the same time as the General Meeting.

We hope that the first News-L tter will be of interest. May we mention that, should you have any suggestions which might improve or assist the Society and its aims, that you write and let them be known.

We remain,


H. van Krieken Chairman.