“NIEUWSBRIEF” / News-letter NR.2 January 1981

Dear Friends,

In this second News-letter, 111e are pleased to announce our forthcoming First General Membership Meeting (which is likewise our Annual Meeting)which will be held on Saturday, 14th February·, 1981, at 14.30 hrs. in the Tuinzaal of the Concert-hall in Oosterbeek. All members are invited to attend. The Concert-hall is on the Benedendorpsweg, almost opposite the beautiful, old church so well-known to those who were involved or are interested in the “Battle of Arnhem”. Parking the car is no problem.

The meeting is only open to ordinary and extraordinary members.

However, after the meeting, at approximately 15.30 hrs., we shall have the honour of showing 9 few authentic films of Operation Market Garden, which have never been shown before to the public. At this point, a limited number of guests will also be welcome to join the meeting. Whilst the actual General

Meeting is taking place, any guests will be welcome to either visit the Airborne Museum independently, or wait in the bar of the Concert-hall.

Of course, we realise that this is less relevant to our members from tt

Nevertheless, since we are sure that you will be interested in knowing as much as possible about the activities of the Society, we would like to state the following, which is especially applicable to the First Membership Meeting:

Report referring to 1980

As you probably know, the Society of Friends came into being on the 21st February, 1980, at the initiative of a small group of people.

The Board of the Airborne Museum Foundation was in complete accord with this initiative and since then has been of great support to the Society in many ways. The legal Statutes were formalised at the Notary’s office of Mr. v. . Staay in Oosterbeek.

An interim Corrmittee was formed, consisting of:

  • Mr. H. van Krieken, Chairman Dr. Oreveestraat 23, Oosterbeek
  • Mr. J.A. Eijkelhoff, Vice-Chairman J. van Dudenallenstraat 7, Oosterbeek
  • Mrs. S.G. Beek-Hobart, 1st Secretary Wolfhezerweg 13, Oosterbeek
  • Mrs. M.H. Steinweg-ten Horn, 2nd Secretary Kerkweg 18, Heelsum
  • Mr. C.G. Klaver, 1st Treasurer Wolfhezerweg 20, Wolfheze
  • Mr. H.A. Hendriks, 2nd Treasurer Meijrooslaan 54, Arnhem
  • Mr. M.E. Mooij, member Voortstreven 2, Renkum

Major W.J.M. Duyts is permanent adviser to the Society on behalf of the Foundation. Mr. A. Maynard M.B.E. of 49, Glenfarg Road, Catford, S.E.6 1 XN London is the Society’s representative in Great Britain.

The new Society was officially registered in the Chamber of Trade and Commerce for Central Gelderland on the 6th March, 1980, under No. 21543.

Before much had even been written on paper, there were already 80 candidates for membership and this spontaneous enthusiasm has been of great moral support for us all. But of course, a lot more work was necessary to get the young Society really going – a great deal of organisation, both administrative and financial, in order to get it properly started.

And, not to be forgotten, a certain amount of publicity. This was in the form

of a Press Release which in most cases was printed in full in the various newspapers and information sheets. Since then, the press has kindly published information considered to be of interest, and for this we are most obliged. Of course, a large amount of verbal contact takes place, and this, combined with an Information Sheet both in Dutch and English, has resulted in the fact that the Society now has the proud amount of 234 Friends – both from home and abroad – and this number increases almost daily.

Now that the initiative seems to have been justified by so many enthusiastic members (as well as there now being a financial basis an which to work), the interim Committee feels that the time has arrived to call members together in order to choose a definite Commlttee which can then continue broadening the Society’s work.

First General Meeting


General Report for 1980
Financial Report
Election of Committee members
Choosing Cash Committee
Any questions before closure of meeting
The Statutes are open to membership perusal and can be requested at the paying-office of the Airborne Museum (opening hours 11 – 17 hrs – Sunday 12 – 17 hrs.); the Statutes can also be examined in the offices of the Chairman,

Mr. H. van Krieken, General Urquhartlaan 1, Oosterbeek (open from 9 – 17 hrs. from Monday tot Friday).

Some explanation about the Agenda: Points 2 and 3

According to Art. 12(3) of the Statutes, within six months after the completion of the Society’s year, the Corrmittee is supposed to present the yearly report at a general membership meeting as well as the presentation of a balance sheet with debts and credits encountered during the preceding year. Attached herewith is the Balance Sheet for your information.

Point 4

Ordinary members have a. right to vote. This is defined in the Statutes as, “Individuals, resident in the Netherlands, \I/ho have attained the age of 16 years as of the 1st January, and who have been admitted as members”.

New committee members can be either recommended by the acting Committee or by ten members of the Society.

The nomination of candidates

Members can propose candidates for the Committee, ‘which consists of a minimum of five and a maximum of seven persons. The proposal of a candidate must be in

written form and be presented before the General Meeting; such a proposal

must be accompanied by ten signatures of existing members who must also have attained their majority.

According to Art. 8. (6) of the Statutes, committee members should: “preferably be nominated from candidates who are were involved in some way, either personally or indirectly (as a family), in the Allied Airborne Landing during the “Battle

of Arnhem” in September, 1944″.

For this reason, it is important that such involvement (direct or indirect) be mentioned in the nomination proposal, which should be sent or presented as soon as possible.

Jhe Statutes also state that the duties accorded to the committee members

are decided after the election thereof; so the delegation of the various positions on the Committee is not relevant until the new committee has actually been chosen.

The present (interim) Committee’s experience is that for all seven members permitted on the Committee, a substantial amount of time is spent on fulfilling an active role, combined with a personal involvement and motivation. For this reason, together with the fact that frequent contact is often necessary between committee members, it is important that committee members live within an easy distance of the Airborne Museum.

Nevertheless, we can assure you that it is most rewarding work.

Candidates proposed by interim Committee (in alphabetical order):

Mrs. S.G. Beek-Hobart Wolfhezerweg 13, Oosterbeek
Mr. J.A. Eijkelhoff
J. van Oudenallenstraat 7, Oosterbeek

Mr. H.A. Hendriks Meijrooslaan 45, Arnhem
Mr. H. van Krieken
Dr. Breveestraat 23, Oosterbeek

Mrs. J. Smit-Duch teau Utrechtseweg 33c, Heelsum
Mrs. M.H. Steinweg-ten Horn Kerkweg 18, Heelsum
Mr. R.P.G.A. Voskuil
c/o weverstraat 183, Oosterbeek.

Messrs. C.G. Klaver and M.E. Mooij, who were of great assistance in the setting-up of the Society of Friends, are not on the list of candidates for the new Committee. A stated by them when the Statutes were signed, they would only occupy temporary positions in order to get the young Society on its feet.

Point 5

Article 12 (4) of the Statutes states that quite apart from the Society of Friends Committee, a separate committee be appointed each year consisting of a minimum of t\1/o persons, to be chosen from the members.

This committee (Cash Committee) is charged with controlling the rendered accounts of the Society, and delivers such result to the General Meeting.

The interim Committee would like to finalise this News-letter with its sincere appreciation to the Board of the Airborne Museum Foundation and the Directorate

of the Museum for all the support shown, which has been of great importance to the society.

Very special tt nks are due to our adviser, Major Duyts, who, with his incredible energy and ideas is invaluable to the Society.

May be, at this point, also thank Mr. A. Maynard for all that he is prepared to do in order to get the Society well on its feet in Great Britain.

We have just received from Mr. Maynard the bank particulars for the payment of contributions, and these are as follows:

National Jestminster Bank Ltd., Catford Branch, 159 Rushey Green, Catford, London S.E.6 4 BJ Account no. 14643464

Payable to tile “Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum Dosterbeek”

We would also especially like to thank the members and donators who have put such trust in us.

In spite of the distance between our two co ntries, we hope that you as members of the Society, feel involv d and interested in our forthcoming committee elections, though be it impossible for any of you to actually place a vote. We shall keep

you informed as to further developments.

Once again, our very best wishes,


H. van Krieken Chairman.

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