Index van legeronderdelen / army units in nieuwsbrieven en magazines

Index van legeronderdelen

Deze index bevat een overzicht van geallieerde en Duitse legeronderdelen die vermeld zijn in de Nieuwsbrieven 1 tot en 132 (in de index als getal opgenomen), de Airborne Magazines (AM) 1 tot en 16 en de Ministories (MS) 1 tot en met 125. De verwijzingen naar de Ministories zijn volledig in Arabische nummering opgenomen (de eerste 37 uitgaven van de Ministories zijn origineel voorzien van Romeinse nummering).


Deze index is mede tot stand gekomen met de hulp van Alexander Heusschen. Alexander, redactielid van het Airborne Magazine, heeft een grote bijdrage geleverd met de beoordeling van de gebruikte benamingen van de geallieerde en Duitse legeronderdelen in deze index. In deze index zijn verwijzingen opgenomen naar de geallieerde en Duitse legeronderdelen, zoals deze opgenomen zijn in de teksten van de nieuwsbrieven van de Vereniging Vrienden van het Airborne Museum, de hierbij uitgegeven ministories en de Airborne Magazines. Deze verwijzingen zijn zoveel mogelijk in de volledige benaming in de oorspronkelijke taal opgenomen. Het opnemen van alle in de publicaties feitelijk opgenomen benamingen van legeronderdelen, waarmee het electronisch terugzoeken van verwijzingen mogelijk zou zijn, is als gevolg van de diversiteit van de over de jaren heen gebruikt benamingen, is niet effectief. Het gebruik van het woord ‘Bataljon’, Battalion, Bataillon of Batt. is op diverse plekken verschillend gebruikt, zo ook is de verwijzing naar Panzer Division, Panzer division, Panzer-Division, Pz Div, PzDiv, Pz.Div. zeer divers gebruikt. Gemeend is dat het opnemen van de meest gangbare benaming van de legeronderdelen, in de oorspronkelijk taal, de gebruiker van deze index het best ondersteund. De teksten in de nieuwsbrief, de ministories en de Airborne Magazines zijn van een dusdanig (beperkte) omvang dat verwijzing eenvoudig teruggevonden zouden moeten kunnen worden.

Index of army units

This index contains an overview of the allied and German army units as included in the Newsletters 1 to 132 (shown as numbers), the Airborne Magazines (AM) 1 to 16 and the Ministories (MS) 1 to 125. The references to the Ministories are shown with Arabic numberal (the first 37 editions of the Ministories are originally numbered with a Roman numeral).



This index was co-created with the help of Alexander Heusschen. Alexander, editor of the Airborne Magazine, has made a major contribution with the assessment of the Allied and German names of the army units included in this index.

This index contains references to the Allied and German army units, as included in the text of the newsletters of the Friends of the Airborne Museum, the mini-stories and the Airborne Magazines. These references are incorporated as much as possible in the full name in the original language. The inclusion of all references actually included in the publications, that would allow electronic retrieval of these references, is not effective, due to the diversity of names used over the years. Use of the word “Battalion”, Battalion, Bataillon or Batt. has been used differently in various places, also is the reference to Panzer Division, Panzer division, Panzer-Division, Pz Div, PzDiv, Pz.Div. is widely used. It is believed that the inclusion of the most common names of the army units, in the original language, best supports the user of this index. The text in the newsletter, the mini-stories and the Airborne Magazines are of such a (limited) size that references should be easy to find.



Geallieerde legeronderdelen / Allied army units


1st Allied Airborne Army (AM 11), AM 12)

1st Allied) Airborne Corps (15), (26), (99), (104), (119), (120), (AM 16), (MS 49), (MS 61), (MS 113)

1st Airborne Division Provost Company, Corps of Military Police (117), (MS 123)

1st Airborne Divisional Signals Regiment (15), (29)

1st Airborne Divisional Workshop, REME (65), (76)

1st Airborne Ordnance Field Company (79)

1st Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron (18), (24), (28), (29), (31), (39), (42), (43), (53), (64), (67), (68), (78), (80), (82), (91), (92), (94), (132), (AM 7), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 50), (MS 67), (MS 68), (MS 69), (MS 73), (MS 80), (MS 89), (MS 90), (MS 97), (MS 98), (MS 106), (MS 111), (MS 123)

1st (British) Airborne Division (40), (41), (42), (43), (45), (47), (49), (50), (69), (100), (102), (127), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 6), (MS 6a), (MS 7), (MS 8), (MS 12), (MS 16), (MS 17), (MS 24), (MS 27), (MS 29), (MS 30), (MS 34), (MS 36), (MS 37), (MS 40), (MS 44), (MS 46) (MS 47), (MS 49), (MS 50), (MS 52), (MS 56), (MS 63), (MS 65), (MS 68)

1st (British) Airborne Division Phantom (127)

1st Airlanding Anti-Tank Battery, RA (43), (47), (55), (57), (61), (75), (76), (90), (92), (100), (AM 12), (AM 14), (MS 49), (MS 69), (MS 78), (MS 106)

1st Airlanding Brigade (13), (16), (28), (60), (61), (68), (80), (85), (132), (AM 14), (AM 16), (MS 14), (MS 65), (MS 71), (MS 86), (MS 97), (MS 99), (MS 108), (MS 122)

1st Airlanding Light Regiment, Royal Artillery (20), (31), (46), (51), (54), (65), (73), (75), (76), (86), (88), (89), (104), (107), (116), (120), (AM 3), (AM 6), (AM 7), (AM 9), (AM 11), (AM 12), (MS 15), (MS 37), (MS 76), (MS 80), (MS 83), (MS 98), (MS 125)

1st Army (MS 118)

1st Battalion, The Border Regiment (13), (16), (28), (43), (49), (51), (52), (64), (67), (68), (72), (76), (79), (83), (84), (86), (89), (94), (96), (98), (103), (107), (110), (111), (116), (123), (132), (AM 6), (AM 8), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 7), (MS 17), (MS 26), (MS 31), (MS 38), (MS 39), (MS 55), (MS 71), (MS 83), (MS 88), (MS 89), (MS 97), (MS 110), (MS 118)

1st Canadian Army (MS 70), (MS 92)

1st Canadian Infantry Brigade (MS 92)

1 Forward Observation Unit, RA (17), (75), (120), (MS 4), (MS 122)

1st French Army (MS 70)

1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade (8), (11), (27), (29), (32), (34), (36), (FB 36), (37), (38), (39), (40), (41), (43), (45), (50), (52), (54), (56), (58), (59), (68), (87), (90), (93), (96), (97), (98), (99), (100), (101), (103), (104), (108), (111), (118), (123), (127), (132), (AM 3), (MS 8), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 13), (MS 36), (MS 37), (MS 44), (MS 46), (MS 52), (MS 56), (MS 58), (MS 61), (MS 67), (MS 73), (MS 84), (MS 85), (MS 103), (MS 116)

No 1 Mobile Photographic Enlargement Section (Airborne) (79)

1st Parachute Battalion (26), (28), (32), (36), (42), (50), (61), (86), (88), (94), (97), (103), (104), (109), (123), (124), (129), (AM 6), (AM 7), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 5), (MS 6a), (MS 7), (MS 9), (MS 27), (MS 29), (MS 37), (MS 41), (MS 44), (MS 57), (MS 58), (MS 67), (MS 80), (MS 97), (MS 101), (MS 104), (MS 107), (MS 108), (MS 117)

1st Parachute Brigade (76), (80), (97), (99), (100), (118), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 38), (MS 49), (MS 58), (MS 59), (MS 80), (MS 86), (MS 95), (MS 101), (MS 111), (MS 114), (MS 118), (MS 119)

1st Parachute Squadron RE (63), (88), (104), (109), (117), (118), (AM 3), (AM 14), (MS 30), (MS 80), (MS 83), (MS 123)

No. 1 Parachute Training School, RAF Ringway (62), (131)

1st Polish Armoured Division (AM 11)

1st SAS Regiment (MS 118)

2nd (British) Army (47), (98), (119), (AM 16), (MS 37), (MS 38), (MS 41), (MS 55), (MS 64), (MS 68), (MS 70), (MS 77), (MS 83)

2nd Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment (13), (16), (26), (28), (35), (63), (64), (68), (70), (76), (80), (92), (95), (97), (102), (104), (120), (123), (126), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 2), (MS 6a), (MS 8), (MS 9), (MS 31), MS 41), (MS 44), (MS 56), (MS 58), (MS 63), (MS 80), (MS 86), (MS 97), (MS 104), (MS 117), (MS 118), (MS 121)

2nd Canadian Infantry Division (129)

2nd Commando (SAS) (MS 27), (MS 29)

2nd (Oban) Airlanding Anti-Tank Battery, RA (55), (61), (75), (71), (90), (120), (MS 10), (MS 51), (MS 58), (MS 71)

2nd Parachute Battalion (9), (19), (28), (30), (35), (45), (50), (51), (56), (57), (67), (68), (72), (80), (83), (90), (92), (97), (98), (99), (100), (103), (110), (112), (123), (AM 6), (AM 8), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 14), (MS 22), (MS 23), (MS 29), (MS 30), (MS 46), (MS 59), (MS 67), (MS 69), (MS 74), (MS 80), (MS 90), (MS 95), (MS 97), (MS 107), (MS 108), (MS 111), (MS 123)

2nd Tactical Airforce, RAF (MS 28)

No. 2 Wing, Glider Pilot Regiment (MS 122)

3rd (UK) Division (65)

3rd (US) Army (MS 46)

3rd (US) Infantry Division (MS 74)

3rd Airlanding Light Battery, Royal Artillery (87), (95), (MS 3), (MS 49)

3rd Parachute Battalion (29), (53), (88), (92), (97), (99), (104), (109), (117), (120), (AM 3), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 5), (MS 7), (MS 9), (MS 41), (MS 58), (MS 67), (MS 80), (MS 97), (MS 100), (MS 104), (MS 115), (MS 123)

3rd Polish Parachute Battalion (31), (MS 52)

  1. Kadrowa Brygada Strzelcow / 4. KBS (MS 36)

4th /7th  Royal Dragoon Guards (MS 46)

4th Battalion, The Dorsetshire Regiment (34), (56), (84), (AM 13), (MS 46), (MS 61)

4th Battalion, The Lincolnshire Regiment (MS 56)

4th Battalion, The Somerset Light Infantry (AM 14), (MS 116)

4th Battalion, The Wiltshires Regiment (118), (123), (128), (MS 116)

4th Parachute Brigade (4), (24), (40), (42), (57), (68), (69), (70), (71), (73), (74), (76), (80), (89), (90), (91), (94), (100), (109), (111), (123), (125), (128), (129), (130), (AM 7), (AM 9), (AM 12), (AM 14), (MS 10), (MS 11), (MS 17), (MS 37), (MS 41), (MS 43), (MS 51), (MS 58), (MS 65), (MS 67), (MS 80), (MS 82), (MS 83), (MS 86), (MS 89), (MS 95), (MS 105), (MS 107), (MS 108), (MS 109), (MS 118), (MS 119)

4th Parachute Squadron RE (56), (102), (MS 58), (MS 86), (MS 108)

No. 4 Reconnaissance Squadron, RAF (96)

5th Battalion, The Dorsetshire Regiment (56), (MS 46), (MS 61)

5th Battalion, The Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry (126), (AM 13), (MS 46), (MS 116)

5th Battalion, The Rifles (128), (AM 8), (MS 116)

5th Battalion, The Wiltshires Regiment “The Moonrakers” (118), 123), (128), (MS 116)

5th Canadian Armoured Division (MS 19)

5th Field Company, RCE (MS 92)

5th Guards Armoured Brigade (MS 46)

5th Territorial Battalion KOSB (96)

  1. Attack and Assault Brigade (103)

6th (British) Airborne Division (45), (90), (110), (112), (AM 14) (MS 51), (MS 83),

  1. Pomorska Brygada Desantowo-Szturmova (MS 36)

7th (Galloway) Kings Own Scottish Borderers (1), (13), (16), (17), (18), (19), (28), (29), (36), (37), (48), (50), (56), (64), (68), (76), (80), (86), (89), (91), (96), (97), (100), (111), (113), (123), (124), (AM 7), (AM 8), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 11), (MS 31), (MS 39), (MS 58), (MS 67), (MS 71), (MS 73), (MS 76), (MS 86), (MS 95), (MS 108), (MS 109), (MS 122), (MS 124)

7th Armoured Brigade (MS 59)

7th Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry (34)

7th Battalion, The Wiltshires Regiment (MS 116)

7th Battalion, Hampshire Regiment (34), (121)

7th British Armoured Division (MS 58)

7th Parachute Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery (6)

VII (7th) (US) Group Reconnaissance (129)

VIII (8th) (US) Air Force (129)

8th Armoured Brigade (MS 46)

VIII (8th) Army Corps (MS 46)

  1. PAL (Light Artillery Regiment) (MS 36)

IX (9th) (US) Air Force (129), (MS 81)

9e Genie Bataljon (MS 111)

9th (Airborne) Field Company, Royal Engineers (80), (82), (83), (84), (131), (MS 44), (MS 45), (MS 83)

9th Heavy Battery (MS 46)

9th Troop Carrier Command (80)

10th Army Group, Royal Engineers (MS 92)

10th (Canadian) Infantry Division (114)

No. 10 (Interallied) Commando (32), (45), (48), (49), (51), (67), (78), (126), (MS 56), (MS 68)

No. 10 (Interallied) Commando – No. 2 Dutch Troop (45), (48), (49), (51), (67), (86), (126), (130), (AM 9), (AM 10), (MS 56), (MS 68), (MS 99)

10th Field Park Company, RCE (MS 92)

10 Group, Fighter Command, RAF (MS 44)

10th Parachute Battalion (10), (28), (31), (35), (40), (56), (60), (61), (64), (70), (72), (76), (78), (86), (91), (92), (99), (104), (116),  (122), (126), (130), (AM 7), (AM 8), (AM 9), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 47), (MS 58), (MS 67), (MS 86), (MS 90), (MS 97), (MS 100), (MS 105), (MS 106), (MS 110)

11th Armoured Division (MS 77)

No. 11 Group Fighter Command (42)

11th Parachute Battalion (1), (6), (31), (50), (72), (81), (84), (86), (104), (106), (125), (126), (128), (131), (AM 7), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 17), (MS 23), (MS 41), (MS 43), (MS 58), (MS 86), (MS 97), (MS 104), (MS 106), (MS 108)

11th Royal Tank Regiment (MS 56)

11th Special Air Service (86), (MS 27), (MS 29)

12th Corps (MS 46)

14 Flight (MS 122)

15th (Scottish) Infantry Division (AM 14)

15th Troop Carrier Squadron (118), (MS 108)

16th Parachute Field Ambulance RAMC (23), (27), (58), (128), (AM 3), (AM 13), (AM 14), (MS 23), (MS 32), (MS 97), (MS 107), (MS 123)

No. 16 Tank Transporter Squadron (MS 59)

17th (US) Airborne Division (91), (112)

17 Squadron, 34th US Bomb Group (AM 3)

20th Field Company, RCE (36), (66), (84), (89), (MS 92)

20e Mobiele Brigade (MS 111)

20th British Armoured Brigade (MS 58)

21st Army Group (AM 11), (MS 46), (MS 53), (MS 74), (MS 111)

21st Independent Parachute Company (Pathfinders) (3), (4), (21), (24), (42), (49), (54), (56), (64), (65), (100), (110), (112), (121), (AM 4), (AM 5), (AM 6), (AM 7), (AM 14), (MS 52), (MS 67), (MS 73), (MS 90), (MS 98), (MS 106), (MS 119), (MS 124)

21 Infantry Regiment ‘Dzieci Warszawy’ (De Kinderen van Warschau) (MS 36)

22 Armoured Brigade Group (121)

23 Field Company, RCE (36), (66), (84), (89), (111), (114), (MS 92)

30 (XXX) British Army Corps (22), (23), (26), (55), (56), (74), (75), (79), (90), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 6), (MS 37), (MS 41), (MS 46), (MS 61), (MS 74), (MS 77), (MS 78), (MS 92), (MS 97), (MS 107), (MS 111), (MS 113), (MS 116), (MS 122), (MS 123)

31th (Independent) Infantry Brigade (AM 16)

34 Bomb Group (AM 3)

34th Cumberland Regiment of Foot (AM 12)

34th Field Company (MS 92)

No. 38 Group RAF (80), (101), (AM 14) (MS 11), (MS 44), (MS 45)

43rd Troop Carrier Squadron (60)

43rd Wessex Infantry Division (Wessex Wyvern) (8), (34), (65), (66), (74), (87), (88), (95), (99), (118), (119), (126), (128), (AM 8), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 6), (MS 7), (MS 32), (MS 37), (MS 46), (MS 61), (MS 77), (MS 92), (MS 113), (MS 116)

46 Group RAF Transport Command (80), (98), (101), (MS 11), (MS 44)

48 Squadron, RAF (MS 31)

49th British Infantry Division (MS 56)

49th Lower Edmonton Regiment (MS 22)

50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division (121)

50th Infantry Division (MS 7), (MS 46)

50th (Indian) Parachute Brigade (AM 14)

51st (Highland) Infantry Division (MS 41)

52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division (35), (51)

52nd Bedfordshire Yeomanry Heavy Regiment, RA (MS 77)

52 Troop Carrier Wing (USAAF) (80)

53 Squadron (MS 108)

53 Troop Carrier Wing (USAAF) (AM 14)

55th Westmorland Regiment (AM 12)

59 Army Group Royal Artillery (MS 46)

61st Troop Carrier Group (USAAF) (118), (MS 108)

Air Despatcher, 63 Composite Company, RASC (82), 84)

64th Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery (24), (87), (AM 12), (AM 16), (MS 4), (MS 6), (MS 6a), (MS 46), (MS 77)

No. 64 Primary Training Wing (MS 116)

69th Infantry Brigade (UK) (MS 46)

74 Squadron, RAF (33)

78th Infantry Division (110)

79th Armoured Division (MS 56)

82 (US) Airborne Division (11), (26), (40), (72), (79), (83), (84), (87), (89), (103), (119), (AM 11), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 29), (MS 46), (MS 49), (MS 67), (MS 68), (MS 74)

83rd Group, RAF (MS 28)

84th Medium Regiment Artillery (MS 7)

89th Parachute Security Section, Intelligence Corps (78), (95), (MS 69)

93 (Airborne) Composite Company, RASC (MS 37)

101 (US) Airborne Division (11), (14), (22), (23), (40), (55), (79), (88), (89), (92), (93), (103), (118), (119), (AM 11), (MS 29), (MS 46), (MS 49), (MS 67), (MS 68), (MS 74), (MS 113)

112th (Wessex) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery (65), (71), (97), (106), (MS 46), (MS 77)

124th Wing, RAF (MS 28)

129th Brigade (118), (AM 8), (AM 14), (MS 46), (MS 116)

129 Field Ambulance (MS 116)

130th Infantry Brigade (AM 13), (MS 61), (MS 113)

133 Parachute Field Ambulance (48), (92), (AM 14)), (MS 23), (MS 32), (MS 53), (MS 57), (MS 58), (MS 86), (MS 107), (MS 108), (MS 113)

147th (Essex Yeomanry) SP Field Regiment (MS 46)

151st (British) Parachute Battalion (AM 14)

152nd (Gurkha) Parachute Battalion (AM 14)

153nd (Gurkha) Parachute Battalion (AM 14)

156th  Parachute Battalion (9), (17), (24), (28), (29), (42), (50), (54), (56), (63), (71), (74), (84), (97), (109), (110), (116), (121), (122), (123), (125), (126), (AM 13), (AM 14), (MS 7), (MS 47), (MS 56), (MS 58), (MS 65), (MS 67), (MS 73), (MS 86), (MS 95), (MS 97), (MS 98), (MS 100), (MS 105), (MS 108), (MS 109), (MS 122)

163 Field Ambulance (MS 113)

175 Squadron, RAF Volunteer Reserve (AM 14)

181 Airlanding Field Ambulance (12), (32), (66), (94), (118), (122), (MS 32), (MS 105), (MS 107)

181 Squadron, RAF (MS 28)

190 Squadron, RAF (30), (100), (AM 3), (MS 47), (MS 76)

196 Squadron, RAF (92), (96), (MS 11), (MS 45), (MS 47), (MS 76)

200 Field Ambulance (MS 113)

211 Battery (MS 77)

212 Battery (MS 77)

214th (UK) Infantry Brigade (MS 46)

220th Field Battery, Royal Artillery (MS 46)

231 (Malta) Brigade (MS 113)

233 Squadron, RAF (MS 71)

250 (Airborne) Light Composite Company, RASC (87), (114), (120), (MS 37), (MS 65), (MS 95)

253 (Airborne) Divisional Composite Company, RASC (31), (MS 76), (MS 95)

260 Field Company, RE (36), (66), (MS 92)

261 Field Park Company, RE (76)

271 Squadron, RAF (56), (69), (98), (104), (MS 76)

295 Squadron, RAF (MS 47), (MS 57), (MS 76)

296 Squadron, RAF (MS 11)

297 Squadron, RAF (MS 11)

298 Squadron, RAF (MS 11)

299 Squadron, RAF (MS 11), (MS 45), (MS 47)

306 Fighter Control Squadron (MS 121)

306 Fighter Control Station (MS 44)

307 Geniebataljon (AM 11)

312 (Czechoslovak) Squadron, RAF (55)

314 Troup Carrier Group (USAAF) (90)

315 Troup Carrier Group (USAAF) (90)

320 (Netherlands) Squadron, RAF (102), (108)

325th Airborne Glider Infantry Regiment (AM 11)

376th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion (AM 11)

391 Squadron, 34th US Bomb Group (AM 3)

419 Battery (MS 77)

437 Squadron, RCAF (MS 56)

437 Transport Squadron (MS 71)

439 Troop Carrier Group (11)

456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion (AM 15)

501 Parachute Infantry Regiment (79), (AM 1)

504 Parachute Infantry Regiment (26), (83), (87), (89), (AM 11), (MS 74)

505 Parachute Infantry Regiment (26), (AM 11)

506 Parachute Infantry Regiment (88), (92), (103), (MS 74)

506th US Regiment (MS 46)

508 Parachute Infantry Regiment (26), (83), (AM 11), (AM 15)

512 Squadron, RAF (88), (104)

541 Squadron, RAF (6)

553 Field Company, RE (36), (66), (84), (MS 92)

570 Squadron, RAF (1), (27), (31), (72), (73), (85), (MS 44), (MS 47), (MS 57), (MS 81)

591 Parachute Squadron, RE (MS 83)

620 Squadron, RAF (85), (100), (MS 47)

644 Squadron, RAF (MS 11)

664 Squadron, RAF (AM 8)

878th (US) Aviation Engineering Battalion (MS 121)

Airborne Forward Delivery Airfield Group,  AFDAG (80)

Army Air Corps, AAC (12), (17), (21), (35), (106), (111), (116), (127), (MS 56)

Army Bureau of Current Affairs (113)

Army Catering Corps, ACC (64), (73), (80), (MS 42)

Army Dental Corps, ADC (MS 42)

Army Film and Photographic Unit, AFPU (12), (16), (22), (25), (30), (32), (38), (39), (45), (47), 54), (62), (73), (79), (94), (123), (126), (AM 12), (MS 39), (96), (MS 40), (MS 47), (MS 63), (MS 65), (MS 68), (MS 99), (MS 107), (MS 119), (MS 123), (MS 125)

Army Physical Training Corps,  APTC (114)

Corps of Military Police (MS 42), (MS 50)

Corps of Royal Engineers – zie Royal Engineers

Dorsetshire Regiment (The Dorsets) (8), (MS 7), (MS 46)

Dragoons Guards (AM 13)

Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry (AM 13)

GHQ Liaison Regiment (119), (127), (MS 109)

Glider Pilot Regiment (11), (12), (13), (17), (21), (29), (35), (40), (43), (44), (47), (53), (56), (58), (62), (63), (65) , (66), (72), (78), (80), (96), (97), (107), (112), (116), (125), (127), (129), (AM 3), (AM 5), (AM 11), (AM 12), (AM 14), (MS 31), (MS 39), (MS 43), (MS 44), (MS 56), (MS 68), (MS 73), (MS 76), (MS 83), (MS 98), (MS 106), (MS 122), (MS 124)

Grenadier Guards (89), (97), (121), (AM 11)

Guards Armoured Division (99), (AM 11), (MS 46), (MS 57), (MS 113)

Heavy Glider Conversion Unit (HGCU) (MS 76)

Household Cavalry (AM 11) (AM 13)

Intelligence Corps (MS 42)

Intelligence School 9 (IS 9) (AM 8), (MS 74)

Irish Guards (23), (34), (AM 11), (MS 46)

King’s Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster) (MS 118)

King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (MS 106)

Light Warning Set Units No. 6080 (AM 4), (MS 44)

Light Warning Set Units No. 6341 (AM 4)

Military Provost Staff Corps (MS 42)

Ordnance Field Park (MS 95)

Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (132), (MS 98)

Pioneer Corps (80), (86), (MS 42)

Polish Carparthian Lancers (MS 106)

Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders (7)

Queen’s Royal Regiment (MS 59)

Reconnaissance (MS 42)

Royal Air Force, RAF (71), (74), (90), (92), (96), (100), (101), (121), (129), (AM 12), (MS 7), (MS 44), (MS 45), (MS 46), (MS 47), (MS 51), (MS 53), (MS 57), (MS 65), (MS 67), (MS 76), (MS 79), (MS 81), (MS 88), (MS 93), (MS 105), (MS 106), (MS 113), (MS 126)

Royal Air Force ‘Air Liaison Group’ (AM 4)

Royal Air Force Association (105)

Royal Air Force Light Warning Units (80)

Royal Army Chaplains Department, RACh.D (82), (MS 42)

Royal Army Medical Corps, RAMC (8), (12), (14), (32), (44), (46), (76), (78), (79), (80), (87), (89), (92), (94), (103), (105), (106), (117), (122), (AM 4), (AM 8), (MS 23), (MS 32), (MS 42), (MS 53), (MS 59), (MS 64), (MS 65), (MS 79), (MS 80), (MS 83), (MS 98), (MS 105), (MS 107), (MS 113)

Royal Army Ordnance Corps, RAOC (73), (79), (80), (92), (103), (MS 42)

Royal Army Service Corps, RASC (56), (71), (73), (74), (78), (80), (85), (87), (90), (122), (MS 37), (MS 42), (MS 58), (MS 65), (MS 67), (MS 71), (MS 76), (MS 81)

Royal Artillery, RA (20), (47), (49), (76), (80), (90), (91), (103), (123), (AM 11), (AM 12), (MS 33), (MS 37), (MS 42), (MS 46), (MS 51), (MS 58), (MS 77), (MS 80), (MS 98), (MS 106), (MS 125)

Royal Australian Air Force, RAAF (MS 76)

Royal Berkshire Regiment (MS 108), (MS 116)

Royal Canadian 8th Princess Louise Hussars (MS 19)

Royal Canadian Air Force, RCAF (AM 11), (MS 71)

Royal Canadian British Columbia Dragoons (MS 19)

Royal Canadian Engineers, RCE (34), (36), (FB 36), (41), (114), (AM 11), (MS 51), (MS 92)

Royal Canadian Infantry Corps (AM 11)

Royal Corps of Signals (15), (29), (32), (41), (42), (50), (77), (80), (103), (MS 15), (MS 33), (MS 42), (MS 50), (MS 55), (MS 76), (MS 101)

Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers, REME (36), (65), (76), (100), (123), (131), (AM 4), (MS 42), (MS 95)

Royal Engineers, RE (34), (35), (FB 36), (41), (53), (54), (79), (82), (84), (92), (103), (MS 40), (MS 42), (MS 44), (MS 45), (MS 58), (MS 97), (MS 98), (MS 124)

Royal Inniskilling Fuseliers (MS 106)

Royal Irish Rifles (MS 106)

Royal Logistic Corps (74)

Royal Navy (MS 57)

Royal Postal Section (80)

Royal Regiment of Artillery (103), (AM 4), (MS 4)

Royal School of Artillery (24)

Royal Sussex Regiment (91), (AM 7)

Royal Ulster Rifles (89), (MS 71), (MS 106)

Royal West Kent Regiment (MS 41)

Screaming Eagles – zie 101 (US) Airborne Division

SHAEF (MS 36), (MS 74)

Somerset Light Infantry (109), (MS 105)

Special Air Service, SAS (51), (96), (107), (MS 27), (MS 29), (MS 45), (MS 53), (MS 57), (MS 58), (MS 74), (MS 118)

Special Operations Executive, SOE (10), (121), (MS 45), (MS 49)

The Panthers – zie 505 PIR

The Red Devils – zie 508 PIR

US Air Support Signal Teams (80), (97), (127)

US Army Air Force – USAAF (MS 67), (MS 74)

US Navy (47)

Wiltshire Regiment (AM 8), (MS 116)

Duitse legeronderdelen / German army units


  1. Battaillon Panzer Grenadier Regiment 21 (AM 15)
  2. Flottenstamm-Regiment (MS 67)
  3. / Jagdgeschwader 76 [I. / JG76] (MS 30)
  4. Jagdkorps (MS 30)
  5. Batallion Panzer Grenadier Regiment 21 (AM 11)
  6. Fallschirmjäger-Korps (AM 11)
  7. Schiffstamm-Regiment (2.S.St.R.) (MS 67)
  8. SS-Panzerarmee-Korps [II. SS-Panzer-Korps] (91), (AM 11), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 60), (MS 67), (MS 78), (MS 103), (MS 111), (MS 123)

III. Fallschirmjäger-Division (AM 11)

III. Jagddivision (AM 13), (MS 30), (MS 39)

III. / Jagdgeschwader 4 [III. / JG4] (AM 14)

  1. / Jagdgeschwader 54 [IV. / JG54] (MS 30)
  2. SS-Panzerdivision “Hohenstaufen” [Harzer] (20), (56), (68), (78), (93), (118), (123), (AM 11), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 2), (MS 14), (MS 60), (MS 62), (MS 67), (MS 70), (MS 73), (MS 78), (MS 84), (MS 103), (MS 104), (MS 111), (MS 118)
  3. SS-Panzerdivision “Frundsberg” [Harmel] (56), (64), (75), (80), (AM 10), (AM 12), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 14), (MS 46), (MS 60), (MS 78), (MS 84), (MS 103), (MS 111)
  4. Schiffstamm-Abteilung (10.S.St.A.) (110), (119), (AM 12), (AM 13), (MS 62), (MS 67), (MS 84), (MS 110)
  5. SS-Panzerdivision (AM 11)
  6. Schiffstamm-Abteilung (14.S.St.A.) (110), (MS 62), (MS 67), (MS 84), (MS 103)
  7. Armee [Leger] (MS 67), (MS 70)
  8. Panzergrenadier-Division (MS 103)
  9. Schiffstamm-Abteilung (16.S.St.A.) (MS 62), (MS 67)
  10. Panzergrenadier-Regiment  (MS 111)
  11. Schiffstamm-Abteilung (20.S.St.A.) (MS 62), (MS 67)
  12. Schiffstamm-Abteilung (26.S.St.A.) (MS 62), (MS 67)

LXIV. Armeekorps (MS 70)

  1. Infanterie-Division (MS 111)

LXXXVIII Armeekorps (MS 67)

  1. Panzerdivision ″Windhund″ (118), (MS 103), (MS 116)
  2. Artillerie-Regiment (AM 12)
  3. Infanterie-Division (MS 111)
  4. Infanterie-Division (MS 111)
  5. Volksgrenadier-Division (88), (103), (MS 74)
  6. Landesschütz-Division (AM 11)
  7. Infanterie-Division (MS 111)

Bataillon ″Wossowsky″ [″Wossowski″] (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 14) (MS 84)

Bergungskommando (72)

Fallschirm Aufklärungsabteilung 12 (AM 11)

Fallschirm-Panzer-Ersatz- und Ausbildungs-Regiment, ″Hermann Göring″ (AM 12), (AM 13), (MS 84), (MS 110)

Fallschirm ″Lehr″ Stab (AM 11)

Feldkommandantur 642 [FK 642] (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 123)

Feldwirtschaftskommando 10 (72)

Festung-Maschinengewehr Bataillon 37 [37e Duitse Zware Mitrailleur bataljon]  (MS 3)

Fliegerhorst Batallion 2 (AM 12)

Frundsberg Divisie – zie 10. SS-Panzerdivision “Frundsberg”

Grenadier-Regiment 1 ″Landstorm Nederland″ (AM 15)

Grenadier-Regiment (motorisiert) 60 (MS 103)

Grenadier-Bataillon 476 (MS 110)

Grüne Polizei (MS 63)

Heeresgruppe B [Legergroep B] (AM 16), (MS 111)

Hohenstaufen Divisie – zie 9. SS-Panzerdivision “Hohenstaufen”

Infanterie-Nachrichten-Regiment 510 (MS 72)

Kampfgruppe (MS 2)

Kampfgruppe ″Becker″ (AM 11)

Kampfgruppe ″Brinkmann″ (AM 13)

Kampfgruppe ″Euler″ (AM 11), (AM 13)

Kampfgruppe ″Greschick″ (AM 11)

Kampfgruppe ″Gropp″ (AM 15)

Kampfgruppe ″Harder″ (AM 15)

Kampfgruppe ″Harzer″ (AM 16), (MS 116)

Kampfgruppe ″Hermann″ (AM 11)

Kampfgruppe ″Knaust″ (118), (AM 12), (MS 123)

Kampfgruppe ″Krafft″ (80), (82), (85), (131), (MS 111), (MS 72), (MS 109)

Kampfgruppe ″Mielke″ – zie Panzer-Kompanie ″Mielke″

Kampfgruppe ″Möller″ (AM 15)

Kampfgruppe ″Peiper″ (92), (AM 11)

Kampfgruppe ″Sonnestuhl″ (AM 15)

Kampfgruppe ″Spindler″ (93), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 73), (MS 111)

Kampfgruppe ″Von Allwörden″ (AM 14), (AM 15)

Kampfgruppe ″Von Tettau″ (78), (94), (AM 12), (AM 13), (MS 67), (MS 68), (MS 84), (MS 103)

Kriegslazarett (117), (AM 15)

Kriegslazarett 1/686 (MS 84), (MS 110)

Kriegslazarett 4/686 (MS 84)

Kriegslazarettabteilung 613 (MS 84)

Kriegsmarine (93), (110), (MS 63), (MS 84), (MS 103), (MS 110)

Landesschützen-Bataillon 631 (MS 41)

Landstorm (AM 15)

Luftnachrichtendienst (AM 13)

Luftnachrichten-Regiment 201 (AM 13)

Luftwaffe (117), (132), (AM 12), (AM 13), (MS 30), (MS 39), (MS 46), (MS 59), (MS 63), (MS 84), (MS 86), (MS 92), (MS 103), (MS 104), (MS 105), (MS 110), (MS 111), (MS 117), (MS 118), (MS 123)

Marine-Auffanglager Zwolle (80), (MS 84)

Marine-Kampfgruppe 642 – zie Marine-Schützen Bataillon 250

Marine-Schützen Bataillon 250 (80), (MS 67), (MS 84)

Minier-Pionier Bataillon 346 (MS 40)

Minier-Pionier Bataillon 752 (MS 40)

Nachtjagdgeschwader I. (MS 110)

Organisation Todt (AM 16)

Ortskommandantur (AM 11), (AM 16)

Panzer-Kompanie 223 (AM 6)

Panzer-Kompanie 224 (68), (117), (AM 12), (AM 13), (MS 84)

Panzer-Kompanie ″Mielke″ (AM 12), (AM 14)

Panzer-Lehr Division (121)

Panzer-Ersatz- und Ausbildungs-Abteilung 11 (118)

Panzergrenadier-Regiment 156 (MS 116)

Panzerkorps ″Großdeutschland″ (MS 70)

Panzer-Regiment 22 (MS 60)

Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon 26 (MS 84)

Pionier-Bataillon ″Arnheim″ (MS 84)

Pionier-Bataillon ″Glogau″ (MS 84)

Pionier Horchzug 16 (MS 84)

Propaganda-Ersatz-Kompanie ″Potsdam″ (MS 72)

Propagandakompanie (PK) (22), (38), (85), (AM 15), (MS 63), (MS 72)

Propagandakompanie Marine (PK/M) (93)

RAD 212/6 (64)

Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) (64), (MS 78), (MS 103)

Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft (RRG) (100)

Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 506 [Lange] (MS 70)

Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (121)

Sicherheitsdienst (100), (AM 8), (MS 100), (MS 117)

Sperrlinie ″Spindler″ – zie Kampfgruppe ″Spindler″

Sperrverband ″Harzer″ – zie Kampfgruppe ″Harzer″

SS-Bataillon ″Eberwein″ (AM 13,) (MS 110)

SS-Bataillon ″Schulz″ (AM 12), (AM 13)

SS-Junkerschule [Junior Leiders School] (MS 111)

SS-Landstorm Regiment Langemark (MS 111)

SS-Landstorm Regiment Nederland (MS 111)

SS-Panzer Artillerie-Regiment 9 (AM 15)

SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 9 [Graebner] (93), (AM 11), (AM 14), (MS 78), (MS 101)

SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 10 (MS 60), (MS 78)

SS-Panzergrenadier-Ausbildungs- und Ersatz-Bataillon 12 (53)

SS-Panzergrenadier-Ausbildungs- und Ersatz-Bataillon 16 (53), (131), (AM 14), (AM 15), (AM 16), (MS 39), (MS 52), (MS 80), (MS 103), (MS 123)

SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 20 (MS 111)

SS-Panzerjäger-Ausbildungs-Abteilung 2 (MS 68)

SS-Kriegsberichter-Abteilung 5 – zie Propagandakompanie

SS-Panzerjäger-Abteilung 9 [Von Allworden] (AM 11), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 111)

SS-Panzer-Regiment 9 (AM 11), (AM 15)

SS-Panzer-Regiment 10 (AM 12)

SS-Unteroffiziersschule ″Arnheim″ (AM 12)

SS-Unterführerschule ″Arnheim″ (AM 12), (AM 13), (AM 14), (AM 15)

SS-Wachbataillon 3 (AM 12), (AM 14), (AM 15)

Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 280 (MS 70)

Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 280 [Kühme] (129), (AM 14), (AM 15), (MS 2), (MS 70)

Truppenübungsplatz ″Harskamp″[1] (AM 16)

Waffen-SS (131), (AM 11), (AM 13), (AM 15), (MS 63), (MS 84), (MS 103), (MS 113), (MS 118)

Wehrkreis IV (AM 11)

Wehrmacht (AM 15)

Westgruppe[2] – zie Kampfgruppe ″Von Tettau″


1e editie / edition, maart / March 2020

Samengesteld door / compiled by R.H.J. de Kwant, Zaandam

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© Copyright R.H.J. de Kwant


[1] Waldlager Harskamp

[2] In Newsletter (78) reference is made to ‘Division  Von Tettau’. This is incorrect and should be Kampfgruppe “Von Tettau” or Westgruppe

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