Evert van de Weerd (2022)

Op maandag 18 september sprong even na 15.00 uur de 4e Para Brigade boven de Ginkelse hei. De beveiliger van de heide, het Kings Own Scottish Borderes Bataljon (KOSB) was toen in gevecht met een SS Lees meer

Evert van de Weerd (2022)

Inleiding: De Duitsers reageerden snel en efficiënt op de eerste berichten van Britse landingen om 13.30 uur. De 9e SS Panzerdivision (sterkte 3000 man) kreeg 90 minuten later het bevel om Arnhem met het Britse doel, de Rijnbrug, Lees meer

Vrienden van het Airborne Museum
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS OF THE AIRBORNE MUSEUM OOS TERBEEK Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ Oosterbeek,Netherlands Representative in Gr.Britain:Mr.A.Maynard,M.B.E.
49,Glenfargroad,Catford,London SE6 LXN
Tel.: Ol.698.8969
NEWSLETTER No,10. may 1982

Dear Friends,
Many members of our society from nearly all parts of the country attended the third A.G.M, on 12 March.Our British representative,Mr J.Maynard came over from London for the occasion.
The committee is pleased with the interest shown and with the increase in membership. The society can thus continue and even expand its activities.
As you may know,Mrs.J.Smit-Duchateau took leave as a committee member during the A.G.M. Enthousiastic,always ready to help and tireless,she has been a valuable collegue.
We owe her our gratitude and we thank her again.

Mr.C. van Roekel has been nominated as her successor.Together with Mr.Voskuil he will take care of the Newsletter.
Two afternoons devoted to special subjects are in preparation.During the Open Days at Deelen Airfield on 9,10 and 11 June our society will sell articles from the Museumshop and we shall do the same during the Airborne March on 3 September.
In this way we try to focus attention on the Museum and give our support.

From the editor.
This is the tenth issue of our Newsletter,an anniversary’number which appears shortly after the first lustrum of the Airbomemuseum at the Hartenstein.The Museum was reop¬ened in its present location on May 11,1978.Since then there has been no reason to complain about a lack of visitors.Much is being done to improve the Museum and to add to the collections.Many visitors therefor return regularly to see what is new.
The credit for these activities goes to trustees and staff.Many of the former have spent a great part of their spare time to shape the Museum into its present form. Our Society also benefits from the increasing interest in the events of September 1944.The membership is continually growing.
Through the Newsletter we aim to keep the members informed about the developments with¬in the Museum.
Starting with this issue we are introducing a new feature;short articles about aspects of the battle which have hardly or never been written about and about which questions have arisen.From now on you will therefore find a supplement to the newsletters edited by our new committee member,Mr C.van Roekel.
We hope that our members will contribute articles and that the experiment will prove succesful.
R.P.G. A. Voskuil.

In memoriam Mr. Robert Reinier Schuring.

The excursion costs 25 guilders per person,including lunch.There is place for 45 partici pants,but if a considerably greater number express interest,the excursion may be repeated.
Some points from the A.G.M. held on 12 March 1983,
In addition to the points mentioned above in the presidents letter the following should also be noted:
– 78 members were present.
– The General Report and the Treasurer’s Report for 1982 and the budget for 1983 were approved.
– Election to the committee.Mr Eykelhoff and Mrs.Smit-Duchateau were due to retire. Mrs Smit-Duchateau indicated that she did not seek re-election.In absence of other candidates.Mr.C.van Roekel,proposed by the committee,was elected and Mr Eykelhoff was re-elected.
The committee now comprises Mr.J.Smits – President.
Financial Committee.Mr Kardol resigned after being a member of the financial Commit¬tee for 2 years.Messrs v.Soest and Bekkers were willing to serve for T
Mr.O.Luursema offered to act as reserve member and will take BIACP another year.

Tex Banwell presents his battledress to director Wilhelm.(fotograph B.de Reus.)
Tex Banwell donates his battledress.
Mr Keith(Tex) Banwell has donated his battledress,which he wore during the battle of Arnhem and has since carefully kept,to the Airborne Museum.Tex Banwell served in the 10th Parachute Battalion which was dropped over Ginkelse Heath on 18 September 1944. Mr.Banwell frequently took part in the annual commemorative parachute drops over the Ginkel Heath.

Director Wilhelm – behind the scenes.
Work in the Airborne Museum is carried out by a team of full-time and part-time staff. Since 1 November 1979 this team is led by Colonel Wilhelm,the director.Col.Wilhelm has had a long military career. From the beginning of the war he was active in the Dutch resistance.After being arrested by the German Secret Police (S.D.) in 1942 he was in¬terned at Arnhem for some time. In November 1944 he managed to escape to England where he joined the S.O.E. and was trained for special operations,He received parachute training at Ringway.
In May 1945 he left for Ceylon where the S.O.E. operated under the name “Force 136”. In August 1945 he was dropped over Sumatra together with three other parachutists of the “Anglo Dutch Countersection” of Force llb.The four carried out reconnaissance tasks and assisted prisoners of war and civilian detainees.
In April 1946 he was transferred to Batavia,the present day Jakarta,where he served with the Military Intelligence Service.Half a year later he was posted to the Parachute Traini% School at Hollandia in the then Dutch New Guinea.
In 1948 he returned to the Netherlands but after two years he left again, this time to Korea where he was wounded in action. ,
On his return to the Netherlands he serves in a number of capacities including the staff of the Command Tactical Airforces and the Directorate Personnel of the Royal Dutch Air Force Later he was commander of the 3rd Group Guided Missiles and the Royal Air-
Force Academy.
In 1965 he was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel and three years later to Colonel. Colonel Wilhelm wears the para-wing with golden wreath for operational jumps. Colonel Wilhelm has been decorated on many occasions both in the Netherlands and abroad.

Open Days at Deelen Airfield.
The Society will have a stand at the Open Days at Deelen Airfield on 9,10 and 11 June. The Open Days are to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Royal Dutch Airforce.A new sticker,a commemorative envelope and a poster will be introduced on this occasion.
The sticker shows a number of Dakotas on a light blue background and costs one guilder each.
The commemorative enveloppe shows an aerial photograph of the bombed airbase at Deelen taken on 6 September 1944,eleven days before “Market Garden”.The envelope will have a field postmark which has never been used before.100 envelopes will be reserved for mem¬bers at a reduced price of four guilders including postage in the Netherlands.(one envelope per member.)
The subject of the poster is the start of Operation Market and shows a colour picture of a number of Dakotas ready to leave for the Netherlands.The cost for members is five guilders each,including postage in the Netherlands.
Mrs.J.M.de Langen,Secretary.

New items in the Museum Shop.
Recently introduced items are a new car sticker (light blue Pegasus on a maroon back¬ground, T-shirts, sweatheirs, scarves (special design) and a wall tile with a picture of Hartenstein.
Postal facilities in the Museum.
By popular demand a postage stamp machine and a post box have been installated in the Museum cafetaria.

Audio-Visual introduction to Market-Garden.
The installation of audio-visual equipment to explain Operation Market-Garden is almost complete.Computer controlled,the equipment gives an excellent introduction to those visiting the museum by means of slides and lamps on the model,accompanied by commentary in Dutch,English,German or French.The Dutch commentary has already been used many times;the other languages will be introduced as soon as various faults have been ironed out.
Reprinting of an interesting book.

The book “Kroniek van Ede” by the late Th.A.Boeree has been re-issued by Gijsbers & van Loon.The book provides a wealth of information about the Dutch partisans on the Veluwe and about the unsuccesful parachute landings and the fate of the parachutists.The cost in the Netherlands is 29,50 guilders.The book has not been translated.
Newsletter no 11,
The next newsletter will appear at the beginning of September.


Download nieuwsbrief

Vrienden van het Airborne Museum
Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ Oosterbeek, Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr.A.Maynard, M.B.E.
Glenfarg Road, Catford, London SE 6 1XN
Tel.: Ol.698.8969
NEWS-LETTER No. 9- February I983
Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil Dutch-English translation: S.G.Beek-Hobart

Dear Friends,
As we approach the Annual General Meeting, which is to take place in March, this would seem to be an appropriate moment to clarify the relationship between the Airborne Museum and our Society. It is apparent from various conversations and questions, that many are not adequately aware of the difference between the “Stichting Airborne Museum” (Airborne Museum Foundation) and the “Vereniging Vrienden van het Airborne Museum” (Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum Oosterbeek).
The Foundation came into being in order to help keep up the Airborne Museum. The Foundation’s Committee manages the Museum and determines the way in which the internal and external matters and activities are to be run.
The Society’s activities are particularly directed towards encouraging interest in the Airborne Museum and the giving of assistance and support to the Airborne Museum Founda¬tion, when possible and desirable, It must be emphasised that the Society is not involved in the management or organisation of the Airborne Museum.

Through our Adviser, Major W.J.M.Duyts, who is also Secretary of the Foundation’s Committee, contact is maintained with both of the Committees.
Between the Committees of the Foundation and the Society there is a bond of friendship, but nevertheless each one functions independently and has its own responsibility. As a friend, our Society may give advice, make suggestions and, if necessary, offer material or personal help. As a friend, the Foundation’s Committee can either accept or reject our suggestions, offers etc. in part or in their entirety. The reverse of course also applies. I hope that this clarifies all doubts on the subject. I look forward to meeting you all at the

Annual General Meeting. Drs.J.Smits, Chairman.
The Third. Annual General Meeting of Members which will take place on the 12th March, 1983.
We have pleasure in inviting you to the Third Annual General Meeting of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum, which will take place on Saturday, 12th March, at 2 p.m. in the Concert Hall opposite the Old Church on the Benedendorpsweg in Oosterbeek.
The Agenda for the afternoon is as follows:
1. Opening of the Meeting
2. Minutes of the 2nd Annual General Meeting of 20th March, 1982
3. Annual Report 1982
4. Financial Report 1982 and Budget for 1983
5. Election of new Committee members
6. Appointment of members of the Cash Committee
7. Any further business
8. Members retiring from the Committee
9. Closing of the Meeting.

With respect to No. 5: According to the Resignation Roster, Mrs.J.Smit-Duchateau and Mr.J.A.Eykelhoff are to resign their positions; Mrs.J.Smit-Duchateau is not available for re-election.
The Committee presents the following candidates:
a. Mr.J.A.Eykelhoff
b. Mr.C.van Roekel, Benedendorpsweg 119, Oosterbeek. numbers and
According to Article 8 of the Statutes, candidates can be presen e y writing,
Committee. Candidates presented by the members should follow this p o .
at least 10 days before the Meeting, delivered to the afore-mentione r , , 0
Secretary of the Society. This should be accompanied by the signatures o a members. The candidates must themselves be members of the Society, they mus and they must also supply a written agreement with respect to their candi acy. Half-an-hour before the Meeting commences, the report of the Cash Committee will be available for perusal.

The film entitled “Airdrop at Arnhem” will be shown after the Annual General Meeting on the 12th March.
The commentary of this American documentary film, which takes about half-an-hour, is given by the well-known American C.B.S. reporter, Walter Cronkite. As a young war¬correspondent in September 1944, Cronkite covered the landings of the 101st American Airborne Division near Eindhoven.

Annual Report for 1982.
The number of members of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum Oosterbeek greatly increased in 1982. On the 31st December, I982, the Society had 483 members both at home and abroad (374 last year).
The Second Annual General Meeting on the 20th March 1982 was attended by 99 members, including Mr.A.Maynard, M.B.E., who is our representative in Great Britain. For an ex¬tensive report of this Meeting, please see Newsletter No. 6, June 1982.
Four News-Letters were sent to the members in 1982 in both Dutch and English. The English translations were done by Mrs.S.G.Beek-Hobart (3 issues) and Mr.A.Groeneweg (1 issue).
Two Special Afternoons were organised on the 26th June and the 20th November respectively. On the 26th June, Messrs. Groeneweg, Van Roekel and Voskuil organised a walk through Oosterbeek, giving special attention to some of the places where heavy fighting took place during September, 1944, On the 20th November, Mr.W.Boersma gave a talk about the radio communications during the Battle of Arnhem, followed by two films.
Both afternoons were very well-attended with 120 and 160 members respectively.

The death of Mr.P. Ch.Schi jf.
We have been informed of the death of Mr.P.Ch.Schijf of Arnhem. Mr.Schijf was a member of our Society.

A new photo-book about the war-battered villages of the Southern Veluwe.
In August 1980, a photo-book was published entitled, “Oosterbeek Verwoest, 1944-1945” (“Oosterbeek Destroyed”) compiled by G.H.Maassen. One can see from the photographs how enormous the devastation was in Oosterbeek, where the major part of the Battle of Arnhem took place. But also the other nearby villages suffered heavily, and there are also photographs in existence showing this. Some of these photos have been bundled together and now form a new book, compiled by G.H.Maassen, entitled “Vier geschonden dorpen, Doorwerth/Heveadorp, Heelsum, Renkum, Wolfheze in 1945” (Four Devastated Villages in 1945 – Doorwerth/Heveadorp, Heelsum, Renkum, Wolfheze)(freely translated (S.B.-H.) and not yet in English).
The damage to these villages and neighbouring countryside was mainly a result of the Allied bombardments of the German line of defence situated on the Southern Veluwe The looting and senseless destruction of houses and buildings also contributed towards the cheerless scene in 1945- The photographs ate described with great care, and not onlv are the locations given with as much exactitude as possible, but other points of when relevant, are also mentioned. F 1 lnreresib
“Vier Geschonden Dorpen” is published by “Hoog en Laag B.V.”, Oosterbeek And f 17.-. The book is also available at the Airborne Museum.

ASSETS BALANCE as of 3ist December, 1982 (DOWNLOAD letter)
f 16.199,67 f 16.199,67

f 8.900,—

A new edition of Frost’s book. “A Drop Too Many”.
In 1980 John Frost’s book, “A Drop Too Many” was published, describing his experiences during the Second World War. Now a second and supplementary edition has been published. When war broke out Frost was in Iraq. When he returned to England, he became a para¬trooper. He became’widely known in February 19^2 when he successfully led a parachute attack on a radar station near Bruneval situated on the French coast.
In September 19^2 Frost as Commander of the 2nd Battalion of Paratroopers, took part in the first major airborne operation in Northern Africa. Afterwards, Frost’s 2nd
Battalion ‘became part of the airborne troops who landed on the Italian island of Sicily in July 1943. A period of training then followed in England.
On the 17th September, 1944, together with his Second Battalion, Frost parachuted down onto the fields nearby Wolfheze. On that same evening, he and his men arrived at the traffic-bridge in Arnhem. On the next day, he led the defence of the small bridge-head around the northern ramp against the German attacks. And there was no relief from either the Second Army or the remainder of the First British Airborne Division.
Frost was wounded on Wednesday, 20th September, and was taken a prisoner-of-war. He returned to England after the Liberation, and this is where the first edition of his book finishes.
In the second edition, Frost has added a few chapters about the post-war period, the annual Commemorations in Arnhem and the filming of Ryan’s book, “A Bridge Too Far”, in which he acted as adviser.
In the final chapter, which he calls “Last Thoughts”, Frost considers some of the mis¬takes which to his idea were part and parcel of the failure of the Battle of Arnhem. Although Frost’s book is of course primarily his personal story, it can nevertheless be also considered as an historical version of the 2nd Battalion Paratroopers during the war years. This second edition, published in 1982 by Buchan & Enright, London, costs f 48.- in the Netherlands,

Hartenstein’s safe opened after forty years.
On Saturday, 30th October of last year, in the cellars of Hartenstein, the steel door of the safe was finally opened after an operation which took over twelve hours.
The door had not been opened for about forty years because the key was lost at the beginning of the war.
During the war, the Germans had tried to open the steel door with explosives, but this had failed, only leaving the door and the steel rabbet out of alignment. They then hacked a hole in the side wall of the safe, after which the steel inner plate could be removed. This space allowed them to rifle the safe.
In October of last year, this same space was again used in order to get into the safe. Wim van der Hoogen, a lock-specialist from Arnhem, had to saw – standing in the safe itself – the fire-proof inner door open in order to reach the lock mechanism. But even when this mechanism had been released, the door still refused to budge because it was completely jammed in the rabbet.
Wim van der Hoogen, Martijn Toebosch of the firm Van Amerongen in Arnhem and Berry de Reus spent many hours using high-pressure apparatus trying to get the door open, which eventually gave way after a great deal of labour.
The safe-door will novi be repaired and given a new lock. The safe has been completely cleaned up and will in future be used for keeping the archives.

Colonel Geoffrey Powell’s book about “Operation Market Garden” which is in preparation.
Colonel Geoffrey Powell (Retired) is busy collecting material for a new book about “Operation Market Garden”, Powell has already visited the Airborne Museum in Oosterbeek and gone through various reports and photographs. He has also visited Nijmegen and Eindhoven.
In September, 1944, Powell was Company-Commander of the “C” Company of the 156th Para¬troopers Battalion, who parachuted onto the Ginkel Heath on the 18th September, 1944, and consequently took part in the fighting in Oosterbeek.
Using the pseudonym of “Tom Angus”, he published “Men at Arnhem” in 1976. The Dutch translation appeared in 1979, entitled, “De Helden van Arnhem”, which was published together with the book written by Lipmann Kessel and John St.John entitled “Een Chirurg valt uit de lucht”; these two books were bound as one, entitled “Van de Kernel in de Hel” and published by Omega Boek, Amsterdam.
Powell’s new book about “Market Garden” will be published in 1984.
News-letter No. 10.
The next News-letter will appear in May or June, 1983.
R.P.G.A. Voskuil,


Vrienden van het Airborne Museum
Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ Oosterbeek, Netherlands
Representative in Gr.Britain: Mr.A.Maynard, M.B.E.
49, Glenfarg Road, Catford, London SE6 1XN
Tel.: Ol.698.8969

NEWS-LETTER No. 8. October 1982
Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil Dutch-English translation: S.G.Beek-Hobart

Dear Friends,
As in past years, the month of September was very much marked by the Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem. There is still a great amount of interest shown in this Commemoration, and in-between the many well-known faces, countless new faces were to be seen during the most moving and so-familiar service. More than thirty veterans returned here for the first time in thirty-eight years, and for many of them it was difficult to recognise the areas in which they had fought in 1944. The passing of time has almost healed the wounds in the landscape. But the memories remain, and though they may become somewhat faded, they will never be forgotten. As new generations grow up who have not gone through this most difficult period, it is important that they too realise that our freedom was fought for with great sacrifices. Not only the Airborne Cemetery and the various monuments, but also the Airborne Museum can contribute towards this.
It is imperative that this remain so, lest we should forget.
Drs.J.Smits, Chairman.

An Afternoon with a Special Theme on the 20th November, including a talk and the showing of films.
On Saturday, 20th November, an Afternoon with a Special Theme will be held in the Concert- Hall at Oosterbeek. The programme will be as follows: 14.00 hrs.: A talk which will be given by Mr.W.Boersma (committee member of the Airborne Museum Foundation) concerning the radio-communications during the Battle of Arnhem. Mr.Boersma will give an overall picture of not only the organisation of the Signal Service of the First British Airborne Division but also of the transmitter-receivers used and the reasons for the failure of the communications. The talk will be illustrated by the use of slides.
15.00 hrs.: An interval of about twenty minutes.
15.20 hrs.: The presentation of an original news-film about the Battle of Arnhem which was shown in the British cinemas in October, 1944.
15.4-0 hrs. : Presentation of a scientifically-based film which was made in 1967 By the Film & Science Foundation in Utrecht. Not only are original shots from 1944 to be seen, but also maps which have been integrated into the film material, showing moving arrows which help to give an impression of the progress of the various battalions during the Battle of Arnhem.
16.30 hrs.: Meeting closes.

News from the Treasurer and the Membership Administration.
You will find an accept-giro card included in this Newsletter for your contribution for I983 (for members in the Netherlands only). We would be most obliged if you could pay this contribution as promptly as possible, which most certainly helps to simplify our work. Immediately after payment, your Membership/Family Card for 1983 will be sent to you. Members planning to attend the Special Afternoon on the 20th November can of course pay
their contribution at the same time and receive their Membership Card. This saves your time and the Society postage costs! Our grateful. thanks for sue , + hp’lst December-
Should you wish to terminate your membership, this should be one needs a healthv
but do think twice about terminating your support for the Museum, which needs ah althy and increasing membership more than ever. You know of course that ha o a tributions go directly to the Museum!

The death of Mr.P.A.Hyatt.
We have just been informed of the death of Mr.P.A.Hyatt of South Coogee, Australia, a member of our Society and Arnhem veteran.

The Society’s sale of souvenirs a great success.
During the Airborne Walk, which took place on 4th September last, the Society of Friends sold souvenirs to a value of more than f 2000.-. A stall was set up in Oosterbeek at the crossroads near to Schoonoord, and Mrs.De Langen, Mrs.Smit, Messrs Hendriks, Smits, De Ruyter and Erik de Ruyter were in attendance. An amount of f 1698.85 was attributable to the sale of Airborne Museum souvenirs. A “sticker” especially designed for the Society by Mr.De Ruyter which was on sale, produced an amount of f 411.15. Over and above this, 13 new members were registered. All in all, a great success.

The gift of a diary.
One of our members, Mr.C. van het Kaar, M.B.E., who was a liaison officer attached to the 43rd Wessex Division, has given his diary to our Society. This diary covers the period from the 14th September 1944 to the 3rd December 1944.
Polish decoration presented at the Airborne Museum.
A short ceremony took place in the Airborne Museum on the 18th September, during which Captain Z.Gasowski, representing the former First Independent Polish Parachute Brigade, presented Polish decorations to four Dutch inhabitants and to four Polish people residing in the Netherlands. A Polish para-badge of gold was presented to the Burgomaster, Jhr.Mr. H.G. van Holthe tot Echten. Silver para-badges were presented to Mrs.A.W.Winkler-Koert, of the “Lest We Forget” Foundation, Mr.W.Boersma of the Airborne Museum Foundation and Mr.A.Baltussen of the Driel-Poland Committee. These special decorations were presented in recognition of the great effort made by the afore-mentioned in the organisation of the annual Airborne Commemoration.

Dr.Lipmann Kessel donates his medals to the Airborne Museum.
Dr.Lipmann Kessel, an English doctor, was one of the many veterans who came to Arnhem this year for the Commemoration. On 19th September, he made a short visit to the Airborne Museum, whereupon he donated his medal-set. In September 1944, Dr.Lipmann Kessel was assigned as a doctor to the 16th Parachute Field Ambulance, and during the Battle of Arnhem he worked in the hospital, St.Elisabeth’s Gasthuis, in Arnhem. After the fighting, he was taken prisoner-of-war and transported to Apeldoom. He managed to escape and was brought to safety by people in the Dutch Resistance. Under his pseudonym “Daniel Paul”, together with John St.John, he published the book entitled, “Surgeon at Arms” in 1958, which appeared in the Netherlands under the title “Een chirurg valt uit de lucht”. Later editions which were reprinted, appeared under his own name.

A unique instrument has been added to the Museum’s collection.
The Airborne Museum has recently come into possession of an extremely special instrument described as a “Horsa 1, C.G. and Weight Determinator” (“C.G.” signifies “Centre of Gra¬vity”). This instrument was used to accurately ascertain the way in which the cargo of a Horsa.glider should be distributed. The instrument itself consists of an aluminium plate in the shape of a longitudinal section of the Horsa, and this plate can be attached to a weighing mechanism. A great number of holes have been drilled into the plate into which metal discs of varying weight can be attached. These weighted discs can be distributed in such a way that a balance is attained. By proportionately distributing the same weight on the cargo in the real Horsa, the glider maintained a good balance during flight Tn fact though, the loading of the Horsa was often done much more simply withort tSfLSuS’
being used. Then the section of the Horsa glider behind the wings was first loaded until the front wheel left the.ground, and consequently the front section was loaded.
This type.o instrument is very rare, and as far as known, the only other example is to be found in the Museum of Army Flying in Middle Wallop in England.

A film about the British Medical Service during the Battle of Arnhem.
During the first.week of October a film-team from “Services Sound & Vision Corporation” of the British Ministry of Defence made film shots for a film about the Medical Service during the Battle of Arnhem. The film-team was assisted and advised by the English doctor Stuart Mawson, who wrote “Arnhem Doctor” (see News-letter No. 6). The film is mostly based on his experiences and accentuates the difficult and frequently chaotic circum¬stances under which the British doctors had to work in Arnhem and Oosterbeek in September 19^4. Most of the hospitals and first-aid posts were on the frontline. More than often there was neither water nor electricity and a shortage of bandages and medicine. The doctors often had to carry out operations with the most primitive resources and continual improvisation. For such young and inexperienced doctors such as Mawson, inadequately prepared to such difficult conditions, this was an extremely heavy mission. The film which is now being made is, indeed, meant to show British doctors who are being trained at the Royal Army Medical School in Aidershot this aspect of their work. The Head of the R.A.M.S., Colonel C.Ticehurst, is acting advisor to this film. Most of the shooting of the film is being done in Hartenstein, near Schoonoord and the Old Church in Oosterbeek, and in St.Elisabeth’s Gasthuis as well as the Hulkesteinseweg in Arnhem.
We hope to be able to show this film in one of our future Special Afternoons.

he film-team in action, with Hartenstein in the background.
from  left to right • C Wilson (producer), Colonel C.Ticehurst (Head of Training Institute for British Army Doctors), P.Hopkinson (film director), Dr.Stuart Mawson, P.Fumey soundman), T/Paynter (cameraman) and J.Randall (lighting). (Photo: B. de Reus)

Mr E Gerritsen retired on the 1st October as gardener of Hartenstein Park. As far back  Egbert Gerritsen assisted in the restoration of the war-damaged park and since g6l was SSmSent gardener. When the Airborne Museum was established in Hartenstein House in 1978, the visitors increased extensively. The great care taken by Egbert Gerritsen in upkeeping the gardens has enabled countless visitors to enjoy this lovely park which is so characteristic of Oosterbeek. We are extremely grateful to him.
Plans for a new “Airborne Museum” in Nijmegen.
In May of this year a foundation came into being called “Stichting Bevrijdingsmuseum 1944” (Foundation of the Museum of Liberation 1944) and its objective is “to establish and maintain an historic museum concerning the liberation in September 1944 of the City of Nijmegen & its surroundings”. This initiative has been taken by a group of veterans of the 82nd Airborne Division, whose unexpected arrival on the 17th September, 1944, started the liberation of this area. A delegation attached to this Association arrived in the Netherlands in September, 1981, to discuss their plans. Organisations relating to the former U.S.Troop Carrier Command announced their support. The Foundation would like to see its objectives attained in the Netherlands, in cooperation with the Airborne Museum in Oosterbeek and the Society of Airborne Friends in Eindhoven. They hope for extensive support both in Nijmegen and elsewhere in order to realise this new Museum.

New publication of the book entitled, “Arnhem September 1944”.
In 1969 the book entitled, “Arnhem September 1944” was published, compiled by Drs.P.R.A. van Iddekinge, who is attached as historian to the Archive Dept, of the Municipality of Arnhem. The book has been sold-out for many years but has now been reprinted. It contains many photographs, and a concise text (both in Dutch and in English) gives a picture of the events which took place in Arnhem and Oosterbeek in September 1944. The book’s main theme is the attempt – which failed – on the 19th September to reach the bridge with a few battalions via Onderlangs and Bovenover. The battle in this area was covered by two German army photographers, who made an extensive series of photographs which came to light in I967 at the “Bundes-Archiv” in Koblenz. These photographs enabled a good picture to be constructed of the actual events of that Tueday in Arnhem. The book has been reprinted by Gysbers & Van Loon in Arnhem and costs f 24.75. The book is also obtainable at the Airborne Museum in Oosterbeek
A new book about the events which took place in the Over-Betuwe, September ’44 – June ’45.

The area between Nijmegen and Arnhem suffered enormous war-damage – very many lives were lost and there was great devastation. The book entitled, “Het Manneneiland” (“Men’s Island”) written by Hen Bollen and Herman Jansen, describes this period.
The book tackles first of all the attempts made by the Allied troops to reach the First British Airborne Division in Arnhem. The fighting which took place at the Waal Bridge is the central theme of the first part of the book, as well as the crossing of the Waal River by the American Parachutists on the 20th September, the account of the first British tanks which managed to cross the Waal Bridge and the baffling reasons why the Waal Bridge failed to be blown-up. When the advance via Elst becomes impossible, the 43rd Wessex Division, after a great deal of difficulties, manages to reach by way of Valburg the Polish parachutists who had landed at Driel on the 21st September. The Polish and troops from the Dorsetshire Regiment then try to strengthen the British, who have become entrapped in Oosterbeek. These attempts have very little success. On the night of the 25th September, the remainder of the British Airborne Division retreats across the Rhine. From that moment onwards, the Germans try to capture the small Allied bridge¬head in the Betuwe. They also make various attempts to destroy the Waal Bridge at Nij¬megen, even using especially trained frogmen and one-man-submarines. However, the vulnerable bridge-head remains in Allied hands.
Life for the civilians becomes untenable, especially when the Germans inundate the Betuwe at the beginning of December. The Allies order that the population be evacuated, and finally only a thousand men remain. Their adventures, life and work in this grim and inundated area is the subject of the rest of the book. “Het Manneneiland” is a publication of “TERRA” in Zutphen, and costs f 39-

News-letter No. 9.
The next News-letter will appear in January, 1983.

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September 1983.
English translation:Susana G.Beek-Hobart.

Dear Friends,
We consider our first “Day with a Special Theme” to have been a real success. There was a great amount of interest shown by the participants.The various pre-parations undertaken by Messrs.van Roekel and Voskuil,the chosen route,as well as the photo material and the accompanying explanations were excellent.lt is more than certain that we shall now continue on this footing.
The Society of Friends’presence at the Open Day of the Klu at the Deelen Air Base was for the purpose of propaganda and sales for the benefit of the Museum and the Society.Our presence also during the special days organised for the handicapped in Arnhem’s Eusebius Church,as well as the Open Day at the LETS in Schaarsbergen were for the same purpose.Under the inspired guidance of Mrs.de Langen,these activities can be described as succesful:a number of new members, a respectable financial result and the stimulation of many visitors to visit the Museum.From some of the conversations,it was apparent that many did not even know that the Museum in “Hartenstein” had already celebrated its fifth anniver¬sary!
During the Airborne Walk,which will take place on the forthcoming 3rd September, we propose to set up a propaganda/sales stand along the Utrechtseweg in Ooster¬beek. The profits of the Walk,which is organised by the Renkum’s Police Sport Association,are mainly for the benefit of the Foundation “Lest We Forget”,which in its turn gives financial support to the Arnhem Veterans and relatives who are unable to finance a pilgrimage to Oosterbeek/Arnhem.

Brigadier G.Chatterton to lead the 39th Arnhem Pilgrimage.
This September,Brigadier George Chatterton will be the leader of the English pilgrims during the 39th Arnhem Commemoration.During the war,Chatterton conduc¬ted the building up and the organisation of the Glider Pilo’t Regiment.When,on the 17th September 1944,the British Airborne Corps were flewn over in twenty¬eight gliders to Nijmegen,Chatterton flew General Browning’s Horsa.The Brigadier is the author of “The Wings of Pegasus:the Story of the Glider Pilot Regiment”.

The programme for the 39th Commemoration of. the Battle of Arnhem.
The following programme was made available to us by the Foundation “Lest We Forget:”
Thursday,15th September; approx.20.00 hrs.Arrival of the British and Polish pil- grims at the Town Hall (rear entrance) in Oosterbeek.
Friday,15th September; 18.00 hrs.Annual General Meeting of the Arnhem Veterans Club,to take place in the Concert Hall in Oosterbeek’s Benedendorp.
20.00 hrs.The Arnhem Veterans’Reunion,which will take place in the same area.Only memhers of the Arnhem Veterans Club are admissible to the Annual Mee ing a Saturday,l?th September: 9-00 hrs.Those wishing to participate in ‘the wreath laying ceremony at the Rhine Bridge,to take place at 9-30 a.m.,are to assemble a .. Town Hall at 9 o’clock.There are parking facilities on the Market.Square,oppo 1 e Town Hall .It would be most appreciated if the children of the families ac ing as os s of the guests,were to lay a bouquet of flowers at the Berenkuil Monument.
10.00 hrs.The official reception given by the Arnhem Municipality at the own .
12,00 hrs.The dropping of parachutists on the Ginkel Heath.After the dropping,a ne comme:moration ceremony will take place at the Ginkel Heath Monument.
15.00 hrs.Wreath-laying ceremony at the Polish Monument in Driel.
19.45 hrs,Tattoo’ on the Market Square in front of the Town Hall in Oosterbeek.
21.00 hrs.A Social Evening,with dancing included,for all the British guests and their hosts,in Oosterbeek’s Concert Hall.
Sunday,18th September: 8.30 hrs.Holy Communion Service in the Dutch Reformed Church of Oosterbeek’s Benedendorp.
9.3O hrs.Mass in the Roman Catholic Church on the Utrechtseweg in Oosterbeek.
11.00 hrs.Commemoration Service under the auspices of the Airborne Forces Security Fund,at the Airborne Cemetery in Oosterbeek.On behalf of the Arnhem Veterans Association, we would kindly request all present to refrain from smoking and to keep conversation only in low tones during this Commemoration.
14,00 hrs.Boot trip on the Rhine for the pilgrims and invited guests.
Monday,19th September: Departure of the British and Polish guests.

Museum guide in English again available.
The English version of the Museum guide,which had been sold out for some time,has been reprinted,At the same time,a new Dutch edition has also been effected.A few additions to the texts in both guidebooks have been made.Moreover,the booklets now have an im¬proved printletter on art paper,resulting in a better photo reproduction. The price remains the same:f 1,-.

A gift from Switzerland.
The Airborne Museum received recently a parcel from Switzerland containing two empty tins in which English “Capstan” cigarettes had been.The accompanying letter explained that the tins originated from supplies dropped in September 1944,which had fallen into German hands …!

Sosabowski’s book reprinted.
In i960,the book entitled “Freely I served”.written by the Polish Major-General Stanis¬laus Sosabowski,C.B.E.,was published, in EnglandJn that same year,a Dutch translation also appeared,entitled “Ik vocht voor de Vrijheid”.This book tells about Sosabowski’s life,the major part of which was dedicated to the achievement of an independent Polish nation.His first military experiences were during the First Wofl.d War.Later,in 1939 when the Germans invaded Poland,he entered the battle at the rank of colonel.After’the defeat of Poland,his activities were concentrated on the resistance movementDuring a secret visit to Hungary,he received orders to go to France to assist in the rebuilding of the Polish army.He formed in 1941 an “Independent Polish Parachute Brigade”which was to be put in action on the liberation o’ Poland.Finally,however,the Polish Brigade worked together with the First English Airborne Division.On the 21st September 1944 during the Battle of Arnhem,the Brigade was dropped in Driel in order to help the ’ English,who were completely closed-in to the north of the Rhine.Alas,only about two hundred Polish parachutists were able to reach the English bridge-head in Oosterbeek The remainder of the Brigade continued fighting in Driel until the end of the Battle” of Amhem.Sosabowski’s book finishes with a critical look at the failure of the Battle Sosabowski died in 196?,in London,where he had been living since the war beina- unable to return to Poland. ’
The reprint of “Freely I served”is from “The Battery Press”,Nashville Tenessee USA In the Netherlands,this book is available in the bookshops of”Gi isbers k
Arnhem,and “de Weerd” in Ape loom.It costs f 48,-. postn incl.

The stand of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum at the Air-Base Deelen, during the Open Day of the Royal Air Force.
In the foreground,Mrs de Langen is to be seen to the left.Messis,Berry de Reus,de Ruyter and Jan Smits,our chairman’s son,are to be seen behind the counter.

A set of medals received.
The Airborne Museum has received the set of medals belonging to Sergeant Sidney Goulding. Sergeant Goulding served in the Royal Army Medical Corps from 1938 to 19^7 and in the 10th Battalion The Parachute Regiment from 19^7 to i960. The set is made up of the fol¬lowing medals:Africa Star with bar,Italy Star,France and Germany Star,Defence Medal, War Medal, Coronation Medal and TA Efficiency Medal with bar.

The Polish badge is once again available.
The small badge,depicting the Polish eagle with garland,is once again available in the Museum shop.The Polish eagle with garland was the emblem of the Polish parachutists during the war.This badge costs f.l3,-.A part of these profits is to go to the Polish Veteran Association.

A Polish uniform-coat received.
The Airborne Museum recently came into possession of a uniform-coat belonging to the Polish General Sikorski.During the Second World War,General Sikorski was the founder of the Free Polish Armed Forces,of which the First Polish Parachute Brigade was also a part.He died on the 4th July 19^3,in a ‘plane accident.

The Airborne Museum is well guarded.
In the setting-up of the Airborne Museum in 1978,more than 65,000 guilders were spent on an electronically-guarded installation.This installation safeguards the building against burglary and fire.Moreover,all the showcases and the dioramas are separately guarded against theft.The installation is in direct contact with the police-station and the fire-brigade.

An original Dakota for the Airborne Museum in Normandy.
The Airborne Museum in Sainte Mere Eglise(Normandy) is now in possession of an extremely special attraction.lt is an original American Douglas 0-4? Troup Carrier,which is exhibited in an especially constructed covered area.This example,which belonged to the 439th Troop Carrier Group,is one of the approximately 1000 Dakota’s from which the 82nd and the 101st American Airborne Division made their night jumps over Normandy.This initiative for the “Dakota Museum” originates from Mr.Yves Tariel,chairman of the French “Ligue d’Amitie Parachutists”.Mr Tariel has spend some years on the preparations and organisation of this project,for which he was given..help .from, .a, number, of: insti¬tutions both at home and abroad.Mr Tariel also made a few visits to the Airborne Mu-, seum in Oosterbeek in the course of his investigations into the history of the exhibited Dakota,as well as to the operations in which this machine participated.The Dakota shown in Sainte Mere Eglise in fact also took part in “Operation Market” in September 1944, when the machine transported parachutists from the 82nd American Airborne Division to the dropping-zones near Nijmegen.The moneys which were necessary for the Dakota Museum were mainly collected from veteran parachutists from the 82nd and 101st American Air¬borne Divisions.The opening of the Museum on the 6th June of this year,was attended by a few of the original crew of the machine,who were flown over from America especial¬ly for the occasion.

A new book about the English gliders during the Second World War,
The writer,Alan Lloyd,has just written a new book about English gliders,in which he gi¬ves a general view of the glider’s development and the operations in which gliders have been used.For this purpose,Lloyd has interviewed a great number of veteran glider pilots; their stories form the basis of this book.The role-of the Glider Pilot Regiment has been discussed in a number of books,and yet Lloyd still manages to describe some less known occurences,for example the flying over of thirty Horsa’s to North Africa in pre¬paration for the landing on Sicily.These landings,and particularly the chaotic cir¬cumstances under which they took place,are extensively handled.The glider landings in Normandy,which took place both at night and during the day,were succlsful thanks to the experience gained in Sicily.
Almost a third of the book is about the Battle of Arnhem,in which more than 1200 glider pilots took part.The many eye-witness accounts give a good impression of the landings and the days which followed,during which the glider pilots took on the role of combat troops.The glider pilots were not only committed to defend certain sectors,but they performed,at the same time,the duties of guarding German prisoners-of-war and as guides during the retreat on the 25th and 26th of September 1944.More than half of the glider pilots never returned from the Battle of Arnhem,and the Glider Pilot Regiment had to rapidly replenish its forces in order to prepare for the Rhine crossing in March of 1945. Although it can be said that the glider landings in this operation were generally succ4sful,the losses were nevertheless considerable.lt was the last major airborne operation in which gliders were used.
“The Gliders” by Alan Lloyd,is published by Leo Cooper,London,and costs f.45.45.

MINI-STORY III.Damaged train at the railway bridge in Oosterbeek.
In 1945,there was a passenger train on the railway embankment between the station of Lower Oosterbeek and the railway bridge.
WHO – knows anything about this?
WHAT- had happened?
WHY – had it happened?
WHEN- did it happen?
Would you kindly send your reactions either to Mr.C.van Roekel,Benedendorpsweg 119, Oosterbeek,telephone 085-333261,or directly to the Museum.

Newsletter No,12,
The next Newsletter will appear in November.


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October 1983
Editor: Drs. R.p;G.A.Voskuil
English translation: Susana G.Beek-Hobart

Dear Friends,
The annual Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem this September was once again attended by a great number of people. It seems as if there is an annual increase in those wanting to be present; even the steadily falling rain did not seem to prevent people from making their way to the Airborne Cemetery on 18th September. The events of the Battle of Arnhem, which took place over thirty-nine years ago, still seem to occupy the thoughts of many. And this is evidenced in not only the rapid membership increase of the Society of Friends, but also in the many reactions to our Newsletter and the Mini-Stories. The dramatic days of September 19^ have still not been forgotten.
From England, as well, there is ever-increasing interest, and we consider our¬selves fortunate in having Susana Beek-Hobart (our former committee member) who is still prepared to do the translation of the Newsletter completely free of any financial or other obligations. Our representative in Great Britain, Mr. A. Maynard M.B.E. looks after the dispatch of the Newsletters to our English members.
We hope that the Newsletters contribute, in whatever small way, to strengthening the ties which have developed with our English friends during the course of the past years.
R.P.G.A. Voskuil, Editor.

A Special Afternoon, to be held on the forthcoming 26th November.
This will include a Talk and the presentation of some film material.
A Special Afternoon has been organised on Saturday, 26th November, to be held in the Restaurant “De Westerbouwing” near to Oosterbeek.
The programme is as follows:
1^.00 hrs. Drs.W.H. Tiemens will give a Talk entitled, “Arnhem, Diogenes and the ’Teerosen””..The Talk will be about the German Air Force’s activities during the Battle of Arnhem and the role of the German radar-bunker “Diogenes” near to Schaarsbergen, as well as the radio-bearings stations the “Teerosen” in the area of Terlet.
15-00 hrs. An interval of about 30 minutes.
15.30 hrs. Presentation of the new video-film about the British Medical Service during the Battle of Arnhem. The shooting of this film took place last October, and Dr. Stuart Mawson’s experiences occupy a central role in it (see Newsletter No. 8).
16.00 hrs. Presentation of the BBC video-film about the English cameraman, Mike Lewis, Lewis was one of the three cameramen attached to the Army Film and Photo¬graphic Unit, who accompanied the First English Airborne Division in September 19W-, with the objective of recording the landings and the fighting which took place in and around Arnhem.
16.30 hrs. Close cf the afternoon.
( The Restaurant “De Westerbouwing” is situated on the Old Oosterbeek Road (Oude Oosterbeekseweg) approximately one kilometre to the west.of the Old.Churc in Oosterbeek’s Benedendorp. Bus No.6 from Arnhem Station will also bring you o “De Westerbouwing”.).

Information from the Treasurer.
For the members residing in the Netherlands:
You will find an accept-giro card for the payment of your contribution included with this Newsletter. Would you be kind enough to pay your contribution per giro as soon as possible. You will then immediately be sent your membership card., or family card, as the case may..be. Should you be planning to attend the “Special Afternoon” on the 26th November, there will also be an opportunity to pay your contribution and to receive your membership card simultaneously.
Unfortunately it is not possible anymore to pay your contribution at the ticket¬office of the Airborne Museum.

Brigadier Chatterton pays visit to Airborne Museum.
Brigadier George Chatterton O.B.E., D.S.O. (Ret’d), who commanded the Glider Pilot Regiment during the war, was the leader of the Pilgrimage this September. The Army Air Corps had made a “Beaver” ‘plane available to fly Chatterton to the Netherlands; the route passed over the terrain near to Groesbeek where Chatterton landed with his Horsa glider on the 17th September 1944,
On arrival at Teuge Airfield (near Apeldoom), Chatterton was greeted by Mr. van ■ Roekel who, at the request of the Airborne Forces Security Fund, acted as a guide and escort during the Brigadier’s visit to the Netherlands. Chatterton was accom¬panied by the former glider pilot, Mr. Peter Clarke, who landed on the 17th Septem¬ber 1944 with his glider on the farming fields near to the “Rijerscamp” to the north of the railway-line in Wolfheze.
Chatterton and Clarke visited the Airborne Museum on Saturday, 17th September; the Museum’s Director, Wilhelm, was present to show them around. Before leaving, an interview took place with Brigadier Chatterton which has been video-recorded.

Mr, Jebbitt donates his red beret to Airborne Museum.
Mr. D.O. Jebbitt, who was assigned to the 181st Airlanding Field Ambulance during the Battle of Arnhem, has donated his red beret with badge to the Airborne Museum. On the 17th September, 1944, Private Jebbitt and his Unit left Brize Norton in a Horsa glider with Arnhem as their destination. After landing, a temporary First-Aid Post was set up in Wolfheze. The next day, Monday 18th September, the 181st Airlanding Field Ambulance reached Oosterbeek, whereupon Schoonoord Hotel was adapted to meet hospital needs.
Jebbitt’s duties within the Unit were in actual fact that of “orderly room clerk” but as the stream of wounded continued to increase, even the various administrative staff were needed to give direct medical aid. As the Battle of Arnhem went on Jebbitt continued to help as a medical-orderly in caring for the wounded, the giving of first-aid and sometimes assisting in minor operations. He continued likewise in the hospital in Apeldoom, as well as a prisoner-of-war in Germany.
After the war, Jebbitt reached the rank of colonel. Although he has retired from the army, he still occupies a civilian post within the Royal Army Medical Corns at Aidershot.

Publication of an article written by Drs.W.H. Tiemens entiteld,”Escape over the River Rhine”
In the monthly magazine (issued in September) by Victoria-Vesta Insurance Companv a story was included of the experiences of Brigadier General G.W.Lathburv and  John Hogg, after the Battle of Arnhem, Both of them were amongst the few hundred soldiers who, being unable to retreat over the Rhine after the Battle were oblLl to go into hiding in the area between Arnhem and Ede.With the help of’ the Resistance
in the woods to the “De Lange Hut”, which was then situated being lived in bv Miss restaurant “West End”. This house, which was evacuees from Arnhem her elder mother’ was ful1 offor some time. Finally kept Lathbury and Hogg hidden in the house and escaped the rhine.

Brigadier Chatterton (centre) and Mr. Clarke (left) together with the Museum’s Director,-Mr. Wilhelm, looking at the model of three Horsa gliders. The model was made by Messrs. Belonje and Van Pelt (photo: B. de Reus)

New commemorative envelope available.
On the occasion of the 39th Airborne Commemoration, the Airborne Museum has had a special envelope printed, showing the Army Air Corps’ emblem and three Horsa gliders. Each envelope has its own number and only 4-75 have been printed.
The envelopes cost 5 Dutch Guilders each.

Telescope belonging to English sniper-rifle given to. Museum.
Evert van Roekel, the son of our Committee member Chris van Roekel, has donated to the Airborne Museum an English telescope, which he found himself, belonging to a sniper’s rifle. The telescope was found quite a time ago in the ditch behind the Old Church in Oosterbeek’s Benedendorp, whilst some digging operations were being carried out. The telescope more than likely landed in the ditch on the night of the 25th/26th September 19^, when the remainder of the First English Airborne Division retreated over the outermarches and finally over the Rhine.

How to obtain previously printed Newsletters.
There are regular requests as to whether it is possible to order copies of old Newsletters Old newsletters can be ordered (as long as there is still a supply) bv remitting a cheque to the value of 40 pence per old Newsletter, payable to Mr. Maynard, Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum. The price of 40 pence includes postage fees.

An explanatory text at the Airborne Monument in Oosterbeek.
On the 9th September last, a.pillar was placed at the Airborne Monument in Oosterb k In four languages, a summary is given of the Battle of Arnhem toge er W1 cription of the monument. The original text compiled by the Airborne ommi •’ was formerly contained in two glass-covered display cases, has been trans e the new pillar in its entirety.

“The Wings of Pegasus” reprinted.
“The Wings of Pegasus”, written by Brigadier George Chatterton O.B.E.,D.S,0. (Ret d) has recently been reprinted. The first edition of this book appeaxedin 19o2, and it describes the history of the Glider Pilot Regiment. The volunteers, who came from many different English regiments, were trained as glider pilots; moreover, pn the initiative of Chatterton, the glider pilots were given heavily military training so that they were able to fully participate in the fighting after having landed.
The first operation in which gliders were used on a major scale was during the landing on Sicily in June, 1943. However, due to inadequate time for all the neces¬sary preparations, together with the lack of experience, extremely heavy losses of life were suffered.Nevertheless, the landings in Normandy on the 6th June, 1944, and in Southern France on 11th August, 1944, went almost entirely according to plan. Then followed in September 1944, the landings in Eindhoven, Nijmegen and Arnhem. Chatterton himself landed at Nijmegen together with the officers of Headquarters of the Airborne Corps. The failure of the Battle of Arnhem was an eno urinous blow to the Glider Pilot Regiment; over half of the glider-pilots who landed never re¬turned home. In an effort to re-supply the enormous losses, 1500 RAF pilots who had just finished their training, were retrained as glider pilots.
The Rhine Crossing in March of 1945 was the last major airborne operation to take place during the war.
After the war, the Glider Pilot Regiment was radically reduced in number, and in 1951 the era of the military gliders came to an end. The remaining pilots were transferred to the Air Observation Post Flights of the RAF. On the 31st August, 1957, the Glider Pilot Regiment was officially dissolved, whereupon the new Army Air Corps immediately came into existence on the 1st September, which Corps still has its home-base in Middle Wallop.
In compiling his book, Chatterton used his own diary notes as well as eye-witness accounts of glider pilots. This new edition is from the “Battery Press” and costs 57 Dutch Guilders.

Autographed copies of “The Wings of Pegasus”.
During Brigadier Chatterton’s visit to the Airborne Museum, he offered to auto¬graph a few copies of his book, “The Wings of Pegasus”[these copies would then be sent to the Airborne Museum and be offered for sale. Should there be members inte¬rested in gaining an autographed copy of the book in question, they should send a postcard as soon as possible to: The Curator, Airborne Museum, Utrechtseweg 232 6862 AZ Oosterbeek. Only a limited number of books will be available (50) and the requests will be handled in consecutive order. There will be an extra charge of the postage expenses.

What Mini-story IV will be about.
“Black Thursday” was the name given by many of the English soldiers to Thursday 21st September, 19^44. On this day, heavy German motorised artillery was positioned right in front of the eastern lines held by the Lonsdale Force. It seemed that there would be a break-through. Until suddenly the German forces around’the peri¬meter underwent heavy shelling. This shelling came from the guns of the Second Army at Nijmegen. How did the encircled airborne troops and the Second Army manage to get into contact? This story will be published in Newsletter No. 13.

Newsletter No. 13.
Newsletter No. 13 will appear in January, 1984.

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February 1984
Editor: Drs R.P.G.A. Voskuil
English translation: Susana G. Beek-Hobart

Dear Friends,
Fourth General Membership Meeting to be held on the 24th March, 198U
We have pleasure in inviting you to the 4th General Membership Meeting, which is likewise the Annual Meeting, of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum, to be held on Saturday, 24th March at 14.00 hrs, in the Concert Hall, Benedendorpsweg, opposite the Old Church in Oosterbeek (telephone number 085-332046).
The agenda will be as follows:-
1. Opening of the meeting;
2. Minutes of the 3rd General Membership Meeting, which took place on the 12th March, 1983;
3. General Report for 1983;
4. Financial Report and Budget for 1984;
5. Election of Committee members;
6. Appointment of member of the Cash Committee;
7. Any further business;
8. Closing of the meeting.
Additional information regarding No.5: Messrs J. Smits and
R.P.G.A. Voskuil are both up for renomination. With regard to the previous resignation of Mr. H. Hendriks, the Committee would like to suggest the appointment of Mr. W. de Ruyter, who has already been acting as advisor in the absence of Mr. Hendriks.
According to Article 8 of the Statutes, members can propose candidates themselves. Any recommendations must be presented in written form to the Secretary, at least ten days before the meeting, signed by a minimum of 10 members and accompanied by a notice from the candidate declaring his willingness to participate. Any such candidate must also be a member of the Society and be of age.
The Report of the Cash Committee, as well as other financial matters of interest, will be availableforthe members^ perusal half an hour before the meeting opens.

A new book about the Civilians and the Resistance Movement of the Municipality of Renkum during the Second World War
A book is in preparation about the citizens of the Municipality of Renkum and the Resistance Movement during the Second World War, with particular reference to the Battle of Arnhem. Anyone who might be able to supply infor¬mation which could be of interest is kindly requested to get in touch with Mr. G.A. Versteegh, Steynweg 7/h in Oosterbeek, telephone no. 085-341054. Photographs with regard hereto are also extremely welcome. This book will be studied more closely in a following Newsletter.

The bronze parachutist statuette attracts much attention.
An enormous amount of interest has been shown in the bronze parachutist statuette which was designed for our Society. Over a un re . have already “been ordered in the Netherlands, and the very irs e already been dispatched.Closingdate for ordering April 30th.

A special “Book Service” for our Society.
Many members of our Society are interested in collecting books about the Battle of Arnhem. However, many of the books published on the subject over the last forty years have become very rare and are often out o^ P^ln Our Committee therefore would like to start a special Book Service i… there is enough interest from the members’ side. The projected plan is as follows: members of our Society can let us know in writing which book they are looking for about the Battle of Arnhem. We can then try to get hold of a specific book second-hand either in the Netherlands or abroad. If.and when such a book is found, the applicant will be informed of the price and postage costs. A special giro-account will be opened for remittances, and on receipt of such, the book requested will be sent to the applicant.
In order to get an idea of whether there is enough interest in this plan, we would like to ask each member who wishes to make use of this Service, to send a list of book titles as soon as possible to “The Curator”, Airborne Museum, Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ Oosterbeek. If there are enough members interested, then the “Book Service” will become a reality.

Autographed copies of “The Wings of Pegasus” have arrived.
Autographed copies of Brigadier Chatterton’s book, “The Wings of Pegasus, the Story of the Glider Pilot Regiment” have arrived at the Airborne Museum in Oosterbeek.
Those who have ordered a copy of the book can collect it at the Museum (the price is f 57SOO). Should you wish to have the book sent to you, we would be obliged if you could remit the amount of f 62,25 to the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum under giro-number U1»O36U1, with the additional mention of “Book Chatterton”, whereupon the book will be sent to you.
There are a few copies of this book which have not yet been reserved and aE’iiis limited number is on sale at the Museum; a copy can also be bought by ordering it via a giro payment.

An educative pupil-project about the Battle of Arnhem
Mr. C. van Roekel, who is a member of our Committee, has taken the initiative of starting an educative project for pupils attending secondary schools. The project is based on: “The Facts and Background of the Battle of Arnhem”.
With the help of this project, Mr. Van Roekel would like to try and give school pupils more insight into the events and the background of this period which had such a radical effect on the history of Europe. Such insight could be achieved by: 1) a visit to the Museum with special explanation 2) the showing of a film 3) the preparation of a special written paper. For the purpose of the latter, a sheet with photographs for cutting out “and an attached stencil, would be made available to the school pupils ’
The sponsors of this project are SHELL-BILLITON and the nubl,ichi™ of LINDERS-ADREMO from Oosterbeek. P B • . F°^ a-Lf^th®r inf0™a^°n concerning this pupil-project, one can get in touch with Mr. C. van Roekel, Airborne Museum, Oosterbeek
Over three thousand school pupils have already been registered for this project

Audio-visual presentation officially put into use
Plus a button by Mr. Mark Chapman, acting on behalf of the . m assy.ln the Netherlands, the new audio-visual presentation was officially put into use on the 9th December.
. With the help of this computer-guided slide-presentation, in combination A a sP°^en text and indicating lights on a renovated maquette, the Battle of Arnhem is explained in twenty minutes.
On behalf of the Committee of the Airborne Museum Foundation, Major W. Duyts would like to thank the “Stichting Comite Zomerpostzegels”, the Anjerfonds Gelderland” and the “National Tourist Office” for their subsidies on this project. The purchase and installation of this apparatus cost about f 50.000,- and the actual work started in 1982. The computer was supplied by a firm in Ede, SISAS, as well as the input and output devices and the programme. The technical installation and the renovation of the maquette were carried out by Messrs. B. de Reus and E. Vellinga, who are respectively Curator and Assistant-Curator of the Museum. Both of these gentlemen spent many of their spare evenings, for no extra remuneration,in getting the maquette ready on time. One time-consuming activity was having to bore about five hundred holes in the maquette in order to place the small lights necessary. The Airborne Museum in Oosterbeek is the only museum in the Netherlands which has such an audio-visual presentation.
It might be interesting to note that twenty years ago the Airborne Museum was also extremely progressive in its “phonoguide” installation. This initiative was taken in 19&3 by a former Committee member, Ir. J. Voskuil. By the use of a loudspeaker near to the maquette, the story of the Battle of Arnhem could be heard in four languages (Dutch, English, French and German). In addition, there were a few four-channel receivers which could be held in the hand. The text was spoken by fellow-workers of the Netherlands World Broadcasting Corporation in Hilversum. At that time, it was impossible to supply the maquette with indicating lights, wich meant that plastic cards showing the names and places had to be used.

By the push of a button, Mr. Mark Chapman puts the audio-visual presentation into use.(Photo: B. de Reus)

An exhibition of paintings and drawings about the Battle of
The Airborne Museum hopes to organise this coming spring exhibition of paintings and drawings related to the Battle ^Arnhem. One of the plans is to try and get from England the or^8 Dav”
done by David Shepherd, entitled “The Bridge, Arnhem, e could
and “Oosterbeek Cross Roads, 22nd September 19IA, so a Roest-Van Limburg be exhibited during the exhibition. The drawings done y ; . . , been
showing Oosterbeek in ruins will also be displayed. This e 1 tentatively arranged from the 23rd March to the oth May.

Unique scrap-book given to Museum
Mr. F.J.N. Engel from Haarlem handed over to the Airborne Museum on the 26th November last, a unique scrap-book about the Battle of.Arnhem. This 00k was compiled by an English girl who was friends with an officer of the 7th KOSB Battalion which took part in the fighting at Arnhem. The scrap-book contains cuttings from English newspapers during the period from September 19^4 to September 19**5- This extremely interesting scrap-book will probably be exhibited in the new showcase of the Airlanding Brigade.

Mrs. Bertha Breman-Peters from Oosterbeek receives decoration
On the 1st December 1983, the Israeli Ambassador to the Netherlands, Mr. Jaacov Nechushtar, presented Mrs. Bertha Breman-Peters, and Mr Breman post¬humously, with the “Yad Vashem” decoration.
During a certain period of the war, Mr. and Mrs. Breman had managed to keep Mr. Izak de Vries, of Jewish nationality, concealed in their home. This same house on the Benedendorpsweg in Oosterbeek was full of British parachutists during the Battle of Arnhem. When, on the 25th and 26th September, these soldiers crossed the Rhine, Mr. de Vries joined them and was thus able to escape to freedom.
Mrs. Breman, who is an enthusiastic member of our Society, was sincerely congratulated by the Committee on this distinction.

Our Society donates new showcase to Airborne Museum
In the various rooms of the Airborne Museum, a great deal of space is dedicated to the parachutists, the glider-pilots, the artillery, liaison, the medical service etc. However, the 1st Airlanding Brigade, made up of the 1st Battalion The Border Regiment, the 7th Battalion Kings Own Scottish Borderers and the 2nd Battalion The South Staffordshire Regiment, is not tackled separately.
On the initiative of two of our members, Messrs. Ronald Klein Tank and Robert.Sigmond, our Society will donate to the Museum a showcase which will be entirely dedicated to documents, photographs and any other material relating to these three Battalions of the 1st Airlanding Brigade. Our Society has made an amount of 1800 Dutch guilders available for this purpose. The showcase will contain special articles and material’from the personal collections of Messrs. Klein Tank and Sigmond.
Robert Klein Tank, from Ede, has always been extremely interested in the history of the 1st Battalion The Border Regiment during the Battle of Arnhem and he regularly corresponds with veterans of this Battalion
Robert Sigmond is the owner of “Het Wolvenbosch” Restaurant in Wolfheze This Restaurant, the interior of wich is in the colours of the Bri+nch Airborne Troops (dark-red and light-blue) houses a small nart of M = collection about the Battle of Arnhem. He is especially
the fortunes of the 7th KOSB Battalion and has an extensive^ollecti on He also corresponds with a number of veterans of the + +
. We hope that the showcase can be officially handed oier°to the6”’ Airborne Museum this coming spring. uue

Newsletter No, 11
The following Newsletter will appear in May.

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Editor: Drs.R.P.G.A. Voskuil

“Special Subject”-day, Saturday,July 7th.
On Saturday July 7th a “special Subject”-day will be organised for our members. During this day special attention will be given to the actions which took place in the South- West sector of the Perimeter, in September 1944. The programme is as follows:
09-30 hrs: We meet at the “Westerbouwing” restaurant at the Oude Oosterbeekseweg in Oosterbeek.(From Arnhem station the restaurant can be reached by a Nr.6 bus)
09.50 hrs: Preliminary talk about the morning-excursion.
10.30 hrs: Walk along the former German and British positions in the area West and North
of the “Westerbouwing”.
12.30 hrs: Lunch at the “Westerbouwing” restaurant.
13-30 hrs: Preliminary talk about the afternoon-excursion.
14.00 hrs: Walk through the area between the “Westerbouwing” and the Old Church in Oosterbeek. We will visit the Driel Ferry, the place of the crossing of the Dorsets and the Poles, the retreat-route of September 25th, 26th,1944, positions of the guns of the Royal Artillery Light Regiment, Old Church. The Old Church will be open this afternoon especially for participants of the walk.
16.30 hrs: Return at the “Westerbouwing” restaurant.
The cost for this day will be f 17,50 per person and will include: coffee, lunch and the excursion-guide. Closing-date: June 22nd.
The two walks of this day will together have a length of about 6 kilometres. Stout walking¬shoes are advised as the walks will cover a considerable woodland area. In case of rain the walks will still take place! Mr. van Roekel and Mr. Voskuil will organise this day.

Host-families wanted for British and Polish pilgrims during the September commemoration.
If you are willing to act as hosts for veterans and/or their families, will you please contact Mrs. A.W. Winkler-Koert, van Borsselenweg 13, 6862 BG, at Oosterbeek?

Blue Delft ware commemorative plate.
On the envelope in wich you receive this Newsletter, you will notice a small picture of a blue Delft ware plate that has been designed to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem. This plate has a diameter of about 25 cm. It can be bought at the Airborne Museum, it costs f 69, —.

Signpost at the Airborne Cemetery.
A signpost has been placed near the Airborne Cemetery at Oosterbeek which gives a schematic indication how to reach the Airborne Museum.

The new book about the war years in the municipality of Renkum. . ,  , and. civilians before ,
Preparations for the new book about the lives of resistance-fighters during and after the Battle of Arnhem, are making a steady progress, n orm have been gathered by Mr.G.A. Versteegh. Mr. H. Erkens, a former journals , See the diaries, reports and other information into a book which hopefully wi ^pea tember and will be published by the publishing firm of LINDERS-ADREMO at os overwhelming amount of information has already been received and will be type y
Truus Oosterhaar.

“Facets of the Battle of Arnhem”
On April 25th, at Schaarsbergen near Arnhem, a new book was presented: Facets of the Battle of Arnhem” by W.H. Tiemens.
After a short intoduction about “Operation Market Garden”, the author gives a survey of the air defence organisation built by the Germans during the occupation of the Netherlands. In this organisation a central role was played by the radio- and navigation stations “Teerose” I and II near Terlet and the Rozendaalse veld, and by the underground command bunker “Diogenes” at Schaarsbergen. An important source for this part of the book is the diary of a German NCO who worked with this organisation.
The chapter about the “mysterious B-17” tells about the flight of a B-17 bomber and the connecting large fighter-activity on September 16th, 1944. According to the author this flight can have been an indication to the Germans of some special Allied activity that was shortly to happen.
Other chapters deal with the role of the German fighters of the Third Fighter-Division during the Battle of Arnhem and the escape of Brigadier-General Gerald Lathbury and Private John Hogg after the actions at Arnhem.
The most remarkable part of the book deals with the traitor Lindemans (“KING-KONG”) and with the mysterious disappearance of this notorious character.
The book is illustrated with pictures and maps and published by the Gooise Uitgeverij . It costs f 24,90.

“Operation Market-Garden” in photo’s.
In June a book will be published called “SEPTEMBER 191*4”. By means of a large number of photo’s one gets an impression about the landings and actions in the Eindhoven, Nijmegen and Arnhem area’s, about the activities of the Second Army, the air activities during the actions and of the fate of the civilian population. The texts will be bilingual: English and Dutch. The book will be compiled by: A. Korthals Aites, G.J.C.D. Thuring, K.G.J. Margry and R.P.G.A. Voskuil. It will be published by UNIEBOOK at Weesp.

Reprint of “The liberation of Eindhoven”.
This book, written by our member Mr. Karel Margry, has now reached its 5th edition.
Mr. Margry, who studied history at Utrecht University, in this book deals with the landings of the 101st American Airborne Division North of Eindhoven, the actions of the advancing British Second Army and the efforts of the Germans to cut off the “corridor”. He also gives an extensive description of the role of the resistance movement and of the fate of the Brabant civilian population during the dramatic weeks of September 1944. The book contains more than 180 photo’s and a number of excellent maps. It is published by Drukkerii Uitgeversbedrijf LECTURIS BV at Eindhoven and it costs f 19,50. d

Summons by Dr. Melsom of Ede.
In September 1944, many people were involved in the treatment and care, under verv aifW i + circumstances, of the many wounded. Plans are now being made to hold a meoti ■ medical aspects of the Battle of Arnhem will play a central role. If von ln? ln w^lc^ please contact Dr. M.A. Melsom (ex R.A.M.C.), or Dr. H.H.J. Wegdam eithJ^ 1“’t®fested> telephone. The address: c/o Juliana Ziekenhuis, 6711 PV Ede Telenhono. letter or by
The meeting will take place round September 1984. ‘ 380-19107,ext.119

The exhibition “The Battle of Arnhem in paintings and drawings” was opened officially by Mr. Charles L.J.F. Douw van der Krap. (photo de Reus)

Exhibition of paintings and drawings: very successful.
On Friday, March 23rd, the exhibition “The Battle of Arnhem in paintings and drawings” was officially opened by Mr. Charles L.J.F. Douw van der Krap. During the Battle of Arnhem Mr. Douw van der Krap commanded the so-called Orange Battalion which consisted of Dutch resistance fighters. The most important paintings at the exhibition were: “Arnhem Bridge, 5 pm, the Second Day” and “Oosterbeek Crossroads” by David Sheppard, and “Baskeyfield’s VC” by Terence Cuneo. These three pictures were flown from England especial¬ly for this exhibition.
Furthermore there were paintings and drawings by the ex-glider pilot Alan Richards, by Bryan de Grineau, Elisabeth Roest van Limburg en Mr. G.E.M. Smulders, one of our members. There was also a number of photo’s showing the places depicted by the paintings as they were before, during and after the Battle.
The exhibition has drawn very many visitors.

“Arnhem Evacuation. September 22nd, 1944
On September 22nd, 1984, it will be 40 years ago that the Arnhem population was ordered by the German commander to leave, the town within three days. Thus began a dismal, massive, exodus of beggarly people who had to walk all the way to Apeldoorn, as there was no trans¬port apart from some bicycles, push-carts and ancient flat waggons.
It is remarkable that relatively little has been written about this evacuation. This is a notable gap in the histeriography of the occupation of the Netherlands. However, there are now plans to try and publish a book about these events next year. Everybody who can tell a story or who still possesses material about this exodus is asked to contact Mr. W.P.J. Looijs, Warmelolaan 29, 6825 BN Arnhem.
Furthermore, there are also plans to organise an “evacuation walk” from Arnhem to Apeldoorn. It is hoped that many young people will also take part. Older people who will not be able to walk the distance, can obtain a seat on the well-remembered flat waggons. This evacua¬tion walk may also appeal to the many other Dutch people who were evacuated during the war: thev are all very welcome. The only definite information about this walk we have at this moment is the dX: Saturday September 22nd, 1984. Local newspapers will give more details in the months to come. Information can also be obtained from Mr. Looijs, at the address mentioned above. The costs will be f 3,— and can be sent to Mr. Looijs, giro nr 52661+31. Please state “Wandeltocht Arnhem-Apeldoorn”.

Introduction to MINI-story V.
Every time we publish a mini-story, we are bombarded with questions! One of the most frequent questions is: “What is the origin of such a story? Are they really true stories?
Yes, dear readers, these are true stories. Some facts may become accentuated in a different way, as everybody puts a different interpretation on the things they experience, but the compilers are honest enough to admit this.
“Mini-story — Maxi Truth!” That is the device of the compilers.
Why this intoduction? Because of the fact that this mini-story, apart from being a good story, also gives a very good idea of the method we use to put them together.

Map of the Benedendorp at Oosterbeek. The shaded parts are buildings which were destroyed or heavely damaged during or after the Battle.
1. The German tank “Konigstiger” in the Beneden Weverstraat. 2. The Old School.
3. Van Hofwegen Laundry. l(. Battery of 75mm howitzers. 5. Van Dolderen Laundry.

The next newsletter will appear in July.

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Editor: Drs R.P.G.A. Voskuil
Translation: A.G. Meeuwsen

Dear Friends,
Although many articles have already teen published concerning the Battle of Arnhem, the fact rentains that about certain events there still exist diverse conflicting versions, while hardly any attention has been paid to certain other events and happe¬nings. We also still need more detailed information about yet other situations. It sometimes happens that we have to review our visions on certain events because of new information received. By way of our mini-stories, together with the reactions on these stories from our members, we try to obtain and record the most accurate information, to throw more light on unknown or obscure situations, and to complete our documentation. The Museum possesses a valuable collection. It is, however, not yet a complete col¬lection. Many helpful attributes are still wanting and it is still not always possible to display the articles we do possess in the most effective way. We try to support the Museum in this aspect. For instance, we hope shortly to present the Museum with a new show-case in which special attention will be paid to the Airlanding Brigade.
All these activities are meant to record the events of September 1944 in word and image. We want to enlarge the knowledge and insight about these events, by way of stimulating the visits to the Museum during various special events, by issuing route¬descriptions and by trying to reach as many schools as possible in order to interest the youth in what we are doing.
The Battle of Arnhem was part of the battle fought to liberate our country and our people from Kazi-dictatorship, from a totalitarian regime. Many young men from friendly nations gave their lives, together with many civilians. Others survived, but were wounded or maimed, both in body and in mind. History is not a matter of the past. We still have the duty to keep it alive. The Airborne Cemetery, the Airborne Museum and the yearly Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem all remind us of the obligation not to squander the freedom and peace which was so dramatically obtained, but to honour it with caution, determination and gratitude.
J. Smits, Chairman.

Publications of walking-,cycling- and driving guide-booklets.
Our Association has published three guides for the area of the Battle of Arnhem. The walking booklet covers part of the “perimeter”, the horse-shoe shaped area in the Western part of Oosterbeek which the British occupied between September 19th and 25th. The cycling- and drivings guides both contain a route through Oosterbeek, Arnhem, Driel, Heelsum and Wolfheze.
Apart from the military history the booklets also contain information about nature and landscape of the region. They were edited by Mr. C.Schimmel and Mr.C.van Roekel. The signposting was attended to by Mr. Risseeuw and Mr. Wichart. The costs are f 0,30 for the walking guide and f 1,— for the cycling- and driving guides. The walking guide has been translated into English, translation of the driving guide will follow.

Large gift for our Association.
One of our members who wants to remain anonymous, has donated a gift of f 500,— for our work. We do appreciate this gesture very much indeed.

Programme of the 40th Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem
Wednesday ,September 19th: 20.00 hrs. Arrival of British and Polish pilgrims at
Town Hall in Oosterbeek. oration
Thursday, September 20th: 14.00 hrs. Official opening ceremony of the commem
weekend at the Eusebius Church in Arnhem. ,
Friday, September 21th : 18.00 hrs. Annual general meeting of Arnhem Veterans
at “de Rijnkom” in Renkum. 18.00hrs. Open air Holy Mass for Polish pilgrims in r , at 19.00 hrs followed by reunion Polish Veterans at “Cafe Bulte’ in Driel.
20.00 hrs. Reunion Arnhem Veterans Club (members only) at the “Rijnkom in en um. Saturday,September 22nd: 08.30 hrs. Assemble at the Arnhem Town Hall for procession
to the Arnhem Airborne-monument near the Arnhem (“John Frost”) Bridge. Placing o wrea s.
10.00 hrs. Reception at the Provincial Government House, Arnhem. The Veterans wi present a gift.
12.00 hrs. Dropping of parachutists of the 10th Battalion of the Parachute Regiment on the former droppingzones at the Ginkel Heath near Ede. After the dropping there will be a short commemoration-service at the monument at the Ginkel Heath.
15.00 hrs. Open air Holy Mass, followed by placing of wreaths at the Polish monument in Driel.
18.30 hrs. Holy Mass at the Roman-Catholic Church in Oosterbeek (Utrechtseweg 129).
In September 1944 Mr. E. Collinge, in his distress, took with him a crucifix from this church. During this service he will personally return it. The crucifix will be given a special place in the church.
20.00 hrs. The traditional tattoo on the square in front of the Oosterbeek Town Hall.
21.00 hrs. Social Evening for pilgrims, Arnhem veterans and their Dutch friends in the “Rijnhal” at Arnhem.
Sunday, September 23rd: 09.00 hrs. Divine Service at the Dutch Reformed Church
(Airborne Church) in Oosterbeek, led by Rev. L.E. Phillips and Ds. Ponsteen.
11.00 hrs. Commemoration Service at the Airborne Cemetery Oosterbeek, organised by the Airborne Forces Security Fund.
14.00 hrs. Boattrip on the river Rhine for pilgrims and guests.
20.00 hrs. Open air concert with Vera Lynn at the Airborne Museum, Oosterbeek,
Monday, September 24th: Departure of British and Polish guests.

Special Postmark.
On the occasion of the 4oth commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem, we have had a special postmark made by the Postal Service. All mail passing the district post office at Arnhem between August 25th and September 27th, will be provided with this postmark.
All members of our Association will receive free a special commemorative envelope with this special postmark. A limited number of these envelopes will be for sale for other interested persons. Costs: f5,—.

“Airborne Memorial Award” for radio-transmitting amateurs.
In Sept. 1979 some licenced radio-transmitting amateurs living in the municipality of Renkum, instituted a special “Airborne Memorial Award” certificate. This certificate can be obtained for a small sum by amateurs outside the municipality after they have made a certain number of contacts with members of the group.
The “Award” shows a map of the municipality on which can be found the landingzones, the Hartenstein Hotel, the Old Church and the Airborne Cemetery. The map is surrounded by photographs concerning the various situations. The.proceeds go to the Airborne Forces Security Fund. Secretary of the group is Mr. P. Poot, Benedendorpsweg 79, Oosterbeek.

Holt’s “Battlefield Guide Market-Garden”.
Mr. and Mrs. Holt, who already did compile illustrated guides for the Ypres battlefields in W-Flanders (1st World War) and Normandy, now have also compiled an illustrated guide concerning the Market Garden battlefields. This new guide contains three routes which can be followed by car.
The first route covers the entire former battlefields near Arnhem. The central theme in the second guide has been dedicated to the battle in the Betuwe area (Driel,Heteren) and near and in Nijmegen and Groesbeek. The third route has been dedicated to the actions in the areas of Grave and Eindhoven and of the road between Eindhoven and the Maas-Schelde Canal. The guide gives a short and clear description of all special and important points along the routes. Furthermore it contains a short historic survey of the events of September stay in the Market Garden Areas as lnformation which can te of use during one’s published by the firm of Leo Cooper and costs £ 2.95.

Brian Urquhart at the Airborne Museum (Photo: B. de Reus)

Brian Urquhart visits the Airborne Museum.
On Sunday, June 21+th, Mr. Brian E. Urquhart visited the Airborne Museum. In 19^ the then 25-year-old Brian Urquhart was Chief Intelligence Officer at the First Allied Airborne Corps Headquarters. He warned that the German resistance in the Arnhem area was much stronger than was thought. But in spite of the fact that air-reconnaissance confirmed his suspicions, his advice was disregarded.
After the war Urquhart joined the United Nations. Since 197^ he is Under Secretary- General for special political affairs.

“Special Subject-day” a great succes.
Blessed by the very nice weather, our special subject-day was a great succes. About 100 members took part and the work of the organizers was very much appreciated. As various members could not take part (it was the holiday-season, after all), we have been asked to repeat this event in the autumn. Provided that at least 25 members will take part, this day will be repeated on October 13th, 198lt. The programme will be unaltered, the costs will also be the same. See Newsletter no.lh.

New Museum-ties.
The Airborne Museum has new ties for sale. These ties, with the Pegasus emblems and the coat of arms of the municipality of Remkum, can be obtained in the colours brown, blue and green. They cost f 19,50.

Bronze commemoration medal.
On the occasion of the l*0th commemoration a limited number of numbered bronze commemoration medals has been cast in England. A small amount of these medals is now for sale at the Museum. They cost f 39,-.

One of the many initiatives that have been developed in connection with the 40th commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem, is the introduction of bottles of “Airborne-wine” with a special commemoration label. The Ede wine buyers Rijsemus and De Frei introduce this Rhone-wine. The label shows symbols of the various participating units, in origi¬nal colours.
Part of the proceeds will be donated to the Association of Friends of the Airborne Museum.

Reprint of “Die dag in September” (“That Day in September).
That day in September, Sunday,September 17th,19^, to be precise, teacher Hendrika van der Vlist suddenly found herself in the middle of acts of war. Her parental home, the “Schoonoord Hotel” in Oosterbeek, first was the scene of heavy fighting and afterwards became a field-hospital in which hundreds of British and German wounded soldiers were nursed. Hendrika stayed there till the end of the battle and assisted untiringly with the nursing, together with other dedicated civilian helpers.
During these turbulent days she made short notices in the diary. Afterwards, during the evacuation period in the’last months of the war, she turned these notes into a story. In 1975 the manuscript was printed and the book published. Now, in 198b, a reprint has appeared. This moving story still possesses its original authenticity as nothing was added to it or changed after the war.
The book is published by the Gooise Uitgeverij in Weesp. It costs f 19,50.

New book: “Echoes from Arnhem”.
One of the most important reasons for the failure of the Battle of Arnhem seem to have been the faulty radio-communications. At least, that is what people say. However, the author of the newly issued book “Echoes from Arnhem”, Lewis Golden, considers this standpoint heavily exagerated.
Lewis Golden, who was an adjutant with the 1st Airborne Signals in 19HU, in the first part of his book describes the structure and organisation of the Airborne Communication troops, from the moment that they were founded in 19^2. Much attention is paid to the role they played during the operations in North-Africa, Sicily and Italy. Many of the faults of the system were then already diagnosed, but this did hot always result in the introduction of improvements. The signals troops suffered from the extra handicap that their apparatus, like themselves, had to be dropped from the air, with the result that more often than not their apparatus was spread all over the field. There was also the risk of it being damaged or lost. Golden analyses how these problems did influence the progress of the battle. Several radiocommunications failed and he tries to trace the reason why this happenend. Yet he comes to the conclusion that these communications turned out to be more effective than has mostly believed. In his observations about Arnhem, Golden does not confine himself to the role of the signals troops, he also gives a critical analysis of the entire operation and its previous history.
“Echoes from Arnhem” is published by William Kimber in London and costs £ 10.50.

The three 17-pounder guns near the Museum.
The history of the three 17-pounder guns which have been placed around the museum will be the subjects of a future ministory. Information, about these guns will be gladly received by Mr. C. van Roekel, care of the Museum.

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