New book: Otto Paetsch, From Wiking to Frundsberg

In 1944, part of a journal is left behind in a castle in ‘s Heerenberg in the Netherlands. The diary is that of Obersturmbannführer Otto Paetsch, commander of Panzer Regiment 10 of the Frundsberg Division. His entries begins in January 1944 and ends in September of that year.

Bob Gerritsen has elaborated these notes and added to where missing. Paetsch is involved with Wiking Division in the fighting in Ukraine and with the Frundsberg Division in Normandy and Arnhem. Extensive use has additionally been made of Otto Paetsch’s personal file. The book contains 80 pages, 60 photos, documents and 3 maps.

ISBN/EAN 978-90-9038901-1

Price in the Euro zone € 21,99 (+p&p) –  UK/RoW £ 19.50 (+ p&p)


For those living in the Euro zone please contact

For the UK/RoW please contact Niall Cherry at

Bob Gerritsen will be present at Meijer & Siegers bookshop in Oosterbeek from 15.30 hrs until 18.00 hrs to sign copies of his new book on Friday 20th September 2024. At the same time Peter Gijbels will sign his 3rd print of ‘Leading the Way to Arnhem’.

Of course, our usual seller, Bookshop Meijer & Siegers (026-3341047), Utrechtseweg 208, 6862 AX Oosterbeek / will stock both books.

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