Gelderland Herdenkt – 75 jaar vrijheid – Programma

Precies 75 jaar geleden lag Gelderland in de frontlinie van 17 september 1944 tot en met 5 mei 1945. Met een programma boordevol tentoonstellingen, shows en luchtlandingen, bevrijdingsfestivals, herdenkingen en andere evenementen staat ‘Gelderland Herdenkt’ stil bij de oorlog en vieren we in Gelderland samen dat we 75 jaar in vrijheid leven.
Bekijk hier het activiteitenprogramma! LINK naar PROGRAMMA

1 antwoord
  1. WimvanZanten
    WimvanZanten zegt:

    Dilip Sarkar mailde mij op 5 mei jl. o.m.:
    Also the opening of my exhibition at the Airborne At The Bridge Museum on the morning of Friday 20 September (10.00 – 12.30). That morning around 122 of the families involved with the book will join us at the Bridge for a group photograph holding portraits of their ancestors killed at Arnhem. Given your close relationship with Joe Simpson’s family, as Diana is sadly deceased, I think it entirely appropriate that you hold Joe’s portrait photo in this group. The idea is that as a collective all are strangers, but bound by the invisible bond of having lost a loved one at Arnhem. It would please us greatly if you would honour us by doing this.
    My answer:
    I can assure you that I will be very honoured to hold Joe’s portrait. Thank you for asking me.


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