151/156 Parachute Battalion Association Newsletter 2 | Jan 2021

De Newsletter van de 151/156 Parachute Battalion Association:

Dear members,
2020 will long live in our minds with Coronavirus affecting all of us and it continues to be the biggest crisis since World War II. We did, however, manage to hold a successful 79th Reunion Commemoration at Saltby Airfield and at St. Mary’s Church in Melton Mowbray last October, albeit with reduced numbers. We can now look forward to the 80th anniversary of the 151/156 Parachute Battalion this autumn which we are already in the planning stages of and, thanks to our members, already have new material that we will be able to share with you.

We have sadly lost our last veteran, Captain Michael Wenner, who passed away on Tuesday, 21st November 2020. He was a brilliant scholar, paratrooper, commando and diplomat but, above all things, he was a compassionate human being. Although a little deaf as many veterans of the 156 were, his gentle nature and warm smile endeared him to all.

The following is Michael’s life story which we have been able to put together with the kind help of Raven and Martin Wenner. I think it is such a shame that we have to lose someone before we learn of all their wonderful deeds. Some men excel in one field, some in another, but Michael was one of those rare people who was brilliant in many areas; he was a very special man. Enjoy this Newsletter and keep safe everyone!



2 antwoorden
  1. Jasper Dade
    Jasper Dade zegt:

    My grandfather was at Arnhem. 156 Parachute Battalion , A Company 4th Platoon . I have all his army playbooks , medals and some uniform . He collected flowers and leaf from his 6 years overseas service . I believe I have a piece of heather from Arnhem. Do you know if the jump zone was covered in heather ?

  2. Jasper Dade
    Jasper Dade zegt:

    Hello my Grandfather was A.E.DADE , Cpl . A company, 4th Platoon . Can I become a member of your association please ? I would like to visit Arnhem and Oosterbeek , I believe there may still be Dutch families that remember my grandfather . Please help me .


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