VVAM Airborne Magazine vol.1 nr.3 2014

3. From the Editors
5.Sophie Lambrechtsen-ter Horst receives Royal decoration – Robert Voskuil
6.Jan Hovers leaves as Director of the Airborne Museum – Tessa Jansen
7. Many thanks SFAM! – Jan Hovers
7.-8. Air Despatch Monument rebuilt – Robert Voskuil
8. Harold Padfield’s book presented – Robert Voskuil
9.-10. Pilgrimage to the crash-site of Stirling L J-939 – Robert Voskuil
10. Exhibition about the Battle of Arnhem in the Eusebius Church tower – Tessa Jansen
11.-12. Air Force Bombs deactivated in Wolfheze – Robert Voskuil
12. SFAM makes a gift of ‘Arnhem Number’ of the German magazine ‘Signal’ to the Museum – Wybo Boersma
13. Chaplain Selwyn Thorne 100 years old – Chris van Roekel
13.-14. ‘A Street in Arnhem’ – Wybo Boersma
14. Tree for Sir James Cleminson – Robert Voskuil
15. Program of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum, 2015.

21 September 2014. During the Memorial service at the Airborne Cemetery in Oosterbeek, Col. (Retd) John Waddy, read a short scnpture-text from the Bible. (Photo: Berry de Reus)


In this 3rd edition of the Airborne Magazine, we look back at the past months and especially at the various aspects of the Airborne Commemoration in Sep­tember 2014. Because this time it was about the 70th Commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem, the Editors planned this edition to be all in colour. Due to the number of photos used, this issue does not include a Ministory.


Until the and of 2015, in the Hall of Fame at the Airborne Museum ‘Hartenstein’, a special presentation is to be seen, about the Polish Major-General Stanislaw Sosabowski and his important role during the Battle of Arn­ hem in September 1944. Major-General Sosabowski was founder and commander of the 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade who, on 21st September 1944, dropped near Oriel to strengthen the British Airborne Division at Oosterbeek. After the failure of the Battle of Arnhem, he received criticism from various sources, about his conduct during the operation, but eventually, he was totally vindicated. In 2006, he was posthumously awarded the Dutch ‘Bronze Lion· medal.
At the beginning of September 2014, the Airborne Museum received on loan, the uniform that Major-General Sosabowski had worn during the Battle of Arnhem. This involves the so-called ‘Battledress·. The uniform comes from the collection of the ‘Muzeum Wojska Polskiego·, the Polish Military Museum in Warsaw. (Robert Voskuil)

On 19 September 2014, Mike Sosabowski. grandson of the Polish Major-General Stanislaw Sosabowski, visited the Airborne Museum to borrow the Dutch Bronze Lwn· medal of his grandfather Mike wished to wear the medal during the Commemoration for the Polish Brigade, that took place on Saturday 20 September in Oriel. (Photo: Arthur van Beveren)

20 September 2014. King Willem Alexander of The Netherlands lays a wreath m One/, at the monument for the l’t Independent Polish Parachute Brigade. This commemoration was also attended by, amongst others, the Polish President Komorowski and the Dutch Prime Minister Rutte. (Photo: Berry de Reus}


On Friday 19 September 2014, our member Sophie Lambrechtsen-ter Horst was appointed as ‘Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau·. This took place during the 9th conference ‘Bridge to the Future· in Arnhem. The Mayor of Renkum, Jean Paul Gebben, pinned on her ribbon. Sophie began in 2006, the organisation of peace conferences. Thanks to her contribution in the last nine years, many international well-known spea­ kers came to these conferences. This year, it was Kim Phuc, the world-renowned person, due to the photo in which, she and other children run away from a napalm bombardment during the war in Vietnam. Sophie received the award for all her work for the commemorations of the Battle of Arnhem

In September 1944, Sophie was 5 years old and lived with her family in the Pastory next to the Old Church in Oosterbeek. When the British entered Oosterbeek,
her Mother immediately opened her house, to serve as a simple first aid post to receive a couple of wounded. But within a couple of days, that number was more than 300 They lay in all the rooms and in the corridors. The soldiers, who died from their wounds, were buried in a mass grave in the garden. In total there were 57. Sophie’s mother, Kate ter Horst, in those days, did what she could for the wounded. That earned her the honorary title of ‘Angel of Arnhem·.

Although the fact is that Sophie was only a child during the Battle of Arnhem, the events of September 1944 made great impact on her. In her later life, themes such as War and Peace, have always remained capti­ vating for her.

After the War, Kate always kept her house open as a place of pilgrimage for veterans and their families. Also this tradition of her Mother, has even today, re­ mained and held in honour by Sophie. [Robert Voskuil)

19 September 2014. During the conference Bridge to the Future·. Sophie Lambrechtsen-ter Horst received from the Mayor of Renkum, Jean Paul Gebben. the award of ‘Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau· (Photo: Berry de Reus}


On 1st January 2015, Jan Hovers will left the Airborne Museum where, exactly 4 years earlier, he joined to serve as Director. From this date he will start as new Director of the Zaans Museum in Zaandam.

Under his leadership, the organisation of the Museum was further professionalized. The Museum broadened his aims and target areas, amongst others, the history of the citizens after the Battle of Arnhem has been gi­ ven a central aim. This has happened, amongst others, by the development of the citizens participation project ‘Airborne Memories·, on which the current successful exhibition Van Huis en Haard -Airborne Memories·, about the evacuation of all citizens from Arnhem and surroundings in 1944/45 is based.

At the beginning of 2014, the Museum joined in a co-operation agreement with the Arnhem Eusebius Church, in the framework of the development of a ’tou­ rist attraction chain Battle of Arnhem·. On 17 Septem­ ber 2014, the exhibition ‘Battle of Arnhem – 70 years of unfinished history· was opened in the Eusebius church tower.

Also, a closer partnership was arranged with the Arnhem City Council. Recently, the Council announced that, in cooperation with the Museum, a new Infor­ mation Centre will be opened next to the John Frost Bridge in the first half of 2015.

In October 2014 the Museum reached a new milestone when, for the first time in 65 years of its existence, more than 100,000 visitors were welcomed. An impor­ tant reason for this, was the ‘dynamic events calendar·

“Recently, the Arnhem Council has announced that, together with the Airborne Museum, a new Information Centre next to the John Frost Bridge will opened”

of the Museum and the especially for families orga­ nised search tours and [holiday) activities. Events such as the ‘People tell children about their Wartime experiences· and the ·weekend of the War Book’ are currently permanent sections of the varying program­ ming. Also the educational programs, for schools/col­leges have been renewed.

Jan Hovers said of his departure: “I feel myself strongly connected with the Airborne Museum and
I have worked here with much passion. I have much attraction to a new challenge; a chance now offered by my joining the Zaans Museum”
Jan Hovers has worked until the end of 2014 to roun­ ding off his role and work in progress at the Museum. The Management of the Museum has already begun the selection of a new Director. [Tessa Jansen)

During the remembrance week in September 2014. TV Gelderland transmitted a senes of programmes about Operatwn Market Garden, under the title Route to the Liberation·. Each programme was filmed on a location that played an important role in September 1944. On 20 September. the TV cameras stood behind the Old Church 1n Oosterbeek. Hester Ketel (in centre/. Head of Education at the Airborne Museum, was one of those people who was interviewed for the programme. (Photo: Robert Voskuil)


At the beginning of November, I advised the manage­ ment of the Airborne Museum that, with effect from 1 January 2015, I would be leaving the Museum. For the last four years, I have worked at the Airborne Museum with much pleasure and satisfaction. In that period, I found the working co-operation with the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum, not only extremely valuable, but I have also felt myself a strong supporting feeling by the way in which the members of the SFAM are bonded to the Museum and, in concrete terms, have offered me personally and the Museum a strong helping hand. During the past four years much has been achieved working together. The bond between the SFAM and the Museum has become much closer which, amongst others, has resulted in the bringing together under one umbrella, the two websites and the development of the renewed ‘Airborne Magazine·. Not only has the SFAM suppor­ ted various projects financially, but also made them possible. I have also always been able to call on your knowledge and support. Especially I would offer my thanks to those always available and prepared to jump into action in responding to various enquiries from
the international media, about complicated historical questions or the gathering of important acquisitions for the Museum collection. With pleasure, I offer the management and membership of the SFAM, all good wishes for the future.

[Jan Hovers – Until January 1st, 2015, Director Airborne Museum ‘Hartenstein’]

The Air Despatch Monument in Oosterbeek is rebuilt. The men who were responsible for it, pose proudly with the result. (From left to right – Karel Riksen, Cees Wichhart, Joop van Ralen and Gerrit Eimers. (Photo: Robert Voskuil)


In the previous edition of the Airborne Magazine, we reported that the Air Despatch Monument in Oosterbeek, had been totally dismantled. Last June, workers from the Renkum Council and a number of volunteers worked to restore the monument to its original condition. The foundation and the core stone were restored, so that the chance of future splitting or cracking is small. At the Commemoration on 21 September 2014, every­ one will have noticed how splendid the monument is once again.
One of the volunteers who was involved in this project, was Cees Wichhart from Oosterbeek. During the Battle of Arnhem, Cees lived close to the Arnhem- Utrecht railway line. After the British re-sup­ply planes had dropped large numbers of containers and panniers in the area north of the railway line [out­ side the British lines). Mr Wichhart [senior] and his son Cees, decided to go and have a look. They climbed via the deep railway cutting [locally called the ‘Talud’] to the other side. There Germans were everywhere. But they were so busy opening and searching the dropped to containers and panniers, that they paid no attention to the two civilians. Father and son Wichhart, grabbed a parachute and raced back home. The parachute was later put to good use, making clothing.
[Robert Voskuil]


Harold Padfield hands over the first copy of his book ‘Twelve Mules and a Pegasus· to Marieke Helsen. Curator of the Airborne Museum.
{Photo: Arthur van Beveren]

On 17 September 2014 at the Airborne Museum amidst great interest, the official presentation of the book Twelve Mules and a Pegasus, Memoirs of an Arnhem Veteran· took place. After his speech, the 93 year old author, Harold Padfield, presented the first copy of his book to Marieke Helsen, the Airborne Mu­ seum Curator.
‘Twelve Mules and a Pegasus·, is the story of Lance­ Sergeant Harold Padfield, who, during WW2, served with the Royal Engineers. It gives a very good picture of the military life experience of someone, who, from the early age of 14, was drawn to the British forces and subsequently gave his utmost power and devotion in serving with them.
During the Battle of Arnhem the 23 year old Lance­ Sergeant Harold Padfield was part of B Troop, 1st Parachute Squadron RE. After the end of the fighting at the Rhine Bridge in Arnhem, he was taken priso­ ner. A photographer from the German Propaganda Kompanie [PK] photographed Harold Padfield and a number of his comrades in the Johan van Oldenbarne­ veldtstraat in Arnhem. These photos have since been published in various books and it is interesting to read
the story from one of the men, shown in the photos.

Harold has always maintained a strong connection with Arnhem. He tried nearly every year to return. His Dutch friends mean so very much to him. His book is a valuable acquisition, in the ever growing series of books about the Battle of Arnhem.
It is published by the Graffiti Press in Oxford [ISBN 978-0-9566333-3-0) In England it costs £12 and in the Netherlands €15.
Nearly three months after the presentation of his book, Harold Padfield passed away at the age of 93 on December 13th , 2014. He will be missed by everybody who new him. [Robert Voskuil)

This photo was taken on Wednesday 20 September 7944, by a German PK photographer in the Johan van Oldebarneveldtstraat, east of the Rhine Bridge in Arnhem. British POWs, who had fought at the Bridge, are moved away Left/front is Lance Sergeant Harold Padfield and to the right, Corporal G. Roberts. 7 6′” Parachute Field Ambulance RAMC The wounded man on the stretcher is Sergeant Geoffrey Lawson of the Glider Pilot Regiment. {Photo: Airborne Museum Oosterbeeek collection]


A few days before the 70th Com memoration of the Battle of Arnhem began, I received from a Dutch acquaintance, the request if, during the com memoration weekend, I could take a British married couple, Mr John and Mrs Vivian Gilliard, to the site, where, during the Batt le of Arnhem, Stirling LJ -939 crashed . The pilot of this aircraft was Squadron Leader J. P. Gilliard, father of John.
With help from the books The Royal Air Force at Arn­hem· and ‘Green on, the information about the aircraft and crewmen were quickly found . On 19th September 1944, 17 Stirlings from 190 Squadron RAF performed a re-supply f light above the 1st British Airborne Division near Arnhem . After the aircraft of Squadron Leader Gilliard was hit by German Ack-Ack fi re, it came down near Oosterbeek . As a result, Squadron Leader J. P. Gilliard, F lying Officer N. 5. McEwen and the two air
despatchers, Driver D. Breading and Driver F. Taylor all died.

John and Vivian Gilliard examine the small parts from the Stirling in which John ’s father died on 19 September 1944, when the aircraft was shot down by German ack-ack. The Stirling crashed in the Bilderberg woods near Oosterbeek. (Photo: Robert Voskuil}

It was known that the aircraft crashed somewhere in the wooded area, north of the Bilderberg Hotel, but in neither book did a map appear of the exact crash loca­ tion. Also, air photos taken after the Battle of Arnhem did not give a definite answer. Geert Maassen, one of the authors of the book ‘The RAF at Arnhem· offered to join me to go and look in the wooded area, and, after an extensive search, we found the likely location. This was confirmed by the finding of small pieces of metal and plexiglass .

On Saturday afternoon, 20 September, I had arranged to meet Mr John Gilliard and his wife, Vivian, at the Bilderberg Hotel. They told me that John was just four months old when his father, aged just 24, died at Oosterbeek. Thus John had never known his father but he had well inherited his father’s love of airc raft and flying, because he became a pilot and for a large part of his working life, flew for British Airways. In the passing years, Vivian had researched the Gilliard family history and had written a book about them .

We walked to the crash site, now a forest with tall t rees. Nothing pointed to the fact that on this site, a heavy 4 engined bom ber aircraft had crashed, except perhaps the uneven pattern of the terrain . But quickly, under the m oss mat that covered the soil, John and Vivian found loads of aluminium pieces that were rem­ nants of the aircraft . These were all carefully placed
in a plastic bag in preparation for returning them to England. I tried to imag ine how John must feel now that, final ly, for the first time in his life, he stood on the site where exactly 70 years [+ 1 day] ago his father had passed away.

By chance there rang out the noise of aircraft engi­ nes ! A number of Hercules transport aircraft flew low over the forest. They were those who had just dropped paratroops on the Ginkel Heath. That morning the drop was cancel led due to the bad weather. Standing on the crash site, made the aircraft engines drone give the moment an extra emotion. So must the noise have been in September 1944 !

Meanwhile, the weather worsened and, in the dis­ tance, thunder was heard. We walked, without saying much, back to the Bi lderberg Hotel where we had a dr ink. John and Vivian could not thank me enough, but I felt that I should thank them for bei ng allowed to be a witness to a very special moment in their lives.

The book by Vivian Gilliard is titled ‘Flight H ome·. The story takes place in the period from the late 1 9th cen­ tury unti l the end of WW2. The story about John Phi lip Gregory, is based on the life of John Gi lliard, who, as an RAF Squadron Leader, took part in operations in Afr ica, on O-Day and during the Battle of Arnhem. In parallel, the story covers Emi ly Hale who experienced the Blitz in London, when she worked for the BBC. Later, Emi ly served with the Women’s Royal Naval Service where she was taken onto the development of Radar in Defford in Worcestershire. There she meets John Phi lip Gregory.

Vivian has written her story about the two lives based on letters wr itten at the time, which were carefully saved. The well-written book is illustrated with photos and is published by Aspect Design in Malver n. The price in the UK is £12-50. In the N ether lands , it is avai­ lable at the Airborne Museum for €15. 95. [Robert Vos kuil)


‘Battle of Arnhem – 70 years of unfinished history’ . So reads the title of the new temporary exhibition about the Battle of Arnhem that, since 18 September 2014, is open to the public in the Eusebius Church tower in Arnhem. The exhibition has been developed by the Airborne Museum and has come about through col laboration by the Euseb ius Church, the Arnhem Council and the Airborne Museum. It offers vis itors, through photos and eyewitness accounts an overview of the experiences of the citi zens of Arnhem, after the Battle and the rebuilding of the city and the Eusebius church after the War. With this presentation, an emotional chapter from the Arnhem wartime history, seen through the eyes of military personnel and civilians, is shown. Very special in the exhibi­ tion , is the di splay of a computer animation, wherein the pre-war buildings in the area of the Arnhem Bridge are  reconstructed’ and shown in 3-D. You stroll, as it were, through the area where, from 17- 21 September 1944, the fighting took place. A fascinating experience ! Afterwards, you can take the lift to the top of the 93 metre
high tower of the Eusebius Church, where you have a magnificent view over the whole area around the John Frost bridge.
The exhibition ‘Battle of Arnhem – 70 Years of Unfinished History· is to be seen unti l 31 August 2015. Address : Ker kplei n 1, Arnhem. Entry costs €6.- [i ncluding lift to the top of the tower]. [Tessa Jansen]

A spectacular theatre musical, Thank you Mr Veteran · on Sunday afternoon 21 Sep­tember 2014 in Oosterbeek, marked the end of the 70’h Commemoration of the Battie of Arnhem The musical show, on the grass lawn in front of the Airborne Museum, was attended by about 30 Bntish and about 10 Polish veterans. Oosterbeek schoolchildren handed out sunflowers to the veterans . (Photo: Berry de Reus]


Air photo of the area south of the railway crossing at the Buunderkamp, taken in the afternoon of J 7 September J 944, a few hours after the bombing of Wolfheze and surroundings. The two Horse gliders and a few parachutes visible on the photo landed between the bomb craters. The wide light strip at the top of the photo is the railway line Utrecht-Arnhem. Parallel to this runs the Parallelweg. In the left top corner of the photo, this takes a sharp bend to the south and from that point, 1s called the Telefoonweg. A little to the north of the sharp bend, stands the house of the Kelderman family Individual bomb craters can be seen, especially on a darker background. The bomb found in October 20 J4 lay a little south of the Parallelweg, in the light coloured area of the photo. (Photo: 13 Squadron, US 7PH Group)

During recent months, sho rtly after each other, two heavy, unexploded air force bombs were found in Wolf­ heze and defused. Both were, in all probability, used in the bombing attack on 17 September 1944, carried out by 17 and 391 Squadrons of the 34th Bomb Group [3rd Division) of the USAF. This was one of the raids carried out in the Netherlands as part of the preparation for the Allied air landings, that a few hours later would begin.
On 16 Octobe r 2014, the first bomb was deactivated by personnel from the Dutch Explosive Clearance Unit [EOD). Some time before, the bomb had been located by Mr Henk Kelderman [78) who witnessed the bombing as a youngster. His whole life, he has lived close by in the sa me house, next to the railway crossing at the Buunderkamp. He and his family survived the bombing by nothing short of a miracle [see “Between Bombs and Gliders· by Robert Voskuil – Ministory No.26 – Newsletter 38 – May 1990) .

On Wednesday 19 November 2014, the EOD was again in Wolfheze, this time to deactivate a ve ry heavy bomb that lay 4 metres deep and was found on the building site Wolfsheide, north of the station. In view of the fact that this time, it involved a ve ry heavy bomb 500lb they had to put extensive sa fety precautions in place, before men could begin to safely explode the bomb. First the bomb was moved into a 5 metre deep hole and then covered with a 7 metre thick sand pile. Also, a number of dwellings immediately adjacent to the site, ha d to be eva cuated and, in a wide circle a round the location, all residents had to stay indoors. At 10.56a m a member of the EO D tea m exploded the bomb. With a thunderous explosion, a bright burst of fla me and a huge smoke cloud, the sand pile was blown apart. Through the explosive power of the bom b, a meters deep crater was created and in the area, lay loads of splinter-sharp bomb fragments. Half an hour later, the residents were allowed to return home.

Anyone who wishes to read a detailed report of the actual bombing raid, should read Cor Ja nse·s book ‘Blik Omhoog· [only available in Dutch) . In Book 2 of this 3-part publication, Cor Janse, who experienced the raid himself, details in all aspects, this dra matic beginning to the Battle of Arnhem, as a result of which a large number of Dutch civilians died.
[ Robert Voskuill


During WW2, there appeared in more tha n 20 coun­ tries, a German propaganda magazine, called ‘SIG­ NA L’.. It was a publication of the Wehrmacht [the Germa n Army) . The magazine had a circulation of
2.5 million copies and appeared over all Europe in mo re than 25 languages [The Dutch issue was called
‘ Signaall Until Decem ber 1941, it appeared in English for the American ma rket. It was published eve ry two weeks, but in 1944, only 19 editions were published.
The first issue of Signal was issued in April 1940 and the last in March 1945. Each issue had at least 4 colour pa ges and sometimes more. The last issues also had a coloured cover. The magazine was renowned for its good photo quality. Today, we see in many books about WW2, photos that ha ve been taken from this publica ­ tion.
For the Airbor ne Museum collection, one issue is especially interesting, nam ely number 19 of the year 1944. In this issue, ma de in October 1944, are several pa ges about the Battle of Arnhem. Until now, it was never possible to obtain a copy of issue 19 from 1944, for the Museum, largely because after September 1944, only in the still occupied parts of the Nether­lands, North of the rivers, were Dutch editions cir­ culated. But recently, the SFAM ma naged to obtain a copy of number 19, but in the Italia n la nguage. That it was issued in Italia n la nguage is also noteworthy, because in 1944, only the most northerly part of Italy was still in German ha n ds. Italy had otherwise sided with the Allies. During the theme-based afternoon on 15 November, this special issue was presented to Ja n Hovers, Director of the Airborne Museum. From the Italian text, a copy of a German translation was at­ tached. Now the search continues for a Dutch example of Number 19 from 1944.

There are also various examples of the English langu­age editions of Signal, in smaller and shorter form, which were shot over England in V1 rockets. There are a number of this latter issue found in the Netherlands, possibly from a V1 which had crashed in Holland. In April 2000, the Airborne Museum managed to acquire one copy of this small edition. Copies of this smaller version are very rare indeed.
[Wybo Boersma)

Wybo Boersma presents the Italian version of the German propaganda magazine Signal’ from October 1 944, including therein a report about the Battle of Arnhem, to Jan Hovers, Director of the Airborne Museum.
{Photo: Arjan Vrieze}


On 1st March 2014, for mer Chaplain Selwyn Thorne, celebrated his 100 th birthday in Fosse House in Strat­ton on the Fosse in England. In September 1944, Thorne was one of the 15 British clergymen who went to Arnhem with the 1’1 British Airborne Division. During the Battle of Arnhem, together with Doctor Martin and Bombardier [Medical Orderly) Scan Bolden, he manned the dressing station of the 1st Airlanding Light Regiment, Royal Artillery, in the Pastory of the old Church in Lower Oosterbeek. When the fighti ng around Oosterbeek was over, Thorne was taken prisoner. He ended up in the German POW camp STALAG 11b, Fallingbostel. In 1945, he joi ned the Roman Catholic Church as Dom Columba Thorne. Selwyn Thor ne and the 102 years old Rev. Bill Phillips [who in 1944 was attached to the 3rd Parachute Battalion) are the sole remaining living priests who took part in the Battle of Arnhem. [Chris van Roekel)

Together with Chaplain General the Reverend Jonathan Woodhouse and Assistant Chaplain General the Reverend Colonel Ian A. Evans, the Abt of Downside Abbey, Chaplain Aidan Bellenger, congratulate Chaplain Selwyn Thorne on his 100th birth day They presented him with the emblem of the Roya l Army Chaplains. (Photo via Chris van Roekel)


Last August a new book on the Battle of Arnhem, called ‘A Street in Arn­ hem: The Agony of Occupation and Liberation’ was published in the United Kingdom. The author is Robert Kershaw, who is also well known for his earli er book on Arnhem, ‘It never snows in September’ from 1991.
In this new book, Kershaw records the fighting in Oosterbeek and Arn­ hem in September 1944, concentrating on the Utrechtseweg, the road which runs from Heelsum, via Oosterbeek to Arnhem. In a short introduction in Chapter 1, the author covers the events of May 1940 and in Chapter 10, he writes about the return of the population in 1945, after the evacuation. For the sake of clar ity, the author sometimes takes the freedom to now and then extend the text a little further than only the Utrechtseweg. What is striking is that, not only are the British and German sides of the battle recorded, but also that Kershaw gives voice to the citizens.
He follows thus the current trend, whereby steadily more thought is spent on the fortunes of citizens during the War. A number of people have bee n interviewed by the author himself. For the other stories, he sometimes makes use of some earlier publications. For the Dutch reader, some stories will thus also be well known. The style of the author is sometimes similar to Martin Middlebrook. It reads quickly with an eye for detail, wit­hout getting bogged down. As an ex-paratrooper, Kershaw knows what he

“Kershaw hereby follows the current trend, whereby steadily more thought is spent on the for­ tunes of citizens during the War”

is talking about when writing about the military actions. The English edition is bound and printed on good quality paper. The Dutch edition, which ap peared in September 2014, is a simple paperback and sadly does not include the coloured maps ofOosterbeek, the perimeter, the Lombok area and the sur­ roundings of the Rhine Bridge, which are in the English edition. It would have been worth having, even at a higher price.
There are a couple of small errors in the text, for exam ple Major-General Urquhart was not called Brian Urquhart and the bakers van Rieken in Ooster­ bee k were cake bakers, but these mistakes do not spoil the whole book. Do not expect a book about the whole Battle of Arnhem, there are already enough, but a book that gives the perspectives and experiences from the various sides in a particular area. ·A Street in Arnhem· is a recommendation and perhaps for the British reader, even an eye-opener,
especially where it illustrates how the Dutch people had experienced the Battle of Arnhem.
The English edition of ‘A Street in Arnhem· by Robert Kershaw was published by Ian Allan Publishing. [Wybo Boersma]


On 19 September 2014 , during a special meeting in Park Hartenstein, a tree was planted in memory of Sir James Cleminson, who died on 14 September 2010. The initiative for the planting of this tree, came from the ‘Arnhem 1944 Fellowship’, an organisation of which Sir James was a great ·supporter·.
In September 1944, the then 23 year- old James Cle minson, was CO of the 5th Platoon of B Company of the 3 rd Parachute Battalion. After the landing on 17 September, his battalion moved along the Utrechtse­weg towards Arnhem. Fro m that moment on, Clemin­ son became involved in a variety of events, which later would be recorded in many history bo oks. So it was his platoon that ambushed the German General Kussin on 17 September 1944, when Kussin wanted to drive out of the Wolfhezerweg o nto the Utrechtseweg, in his Citroen staff car. Shortly after, Cleminson and his pla­ to on reached Hotel Hartenstein. That was shortly after the German officers of Field Marshall Model’s staff had left in great haste. Their food still stood on table and Cleminson·s men q uickly made use of what was left, until Co mpany Commander Maj or Peter Waddy gave them the order to leave I In the morning of 18th September 1944, Cleminson and his men advanced to ­ wards Arnhem-West. There they met the chaotic street fighting in the district to the West of the St Elisabeth Hospital, where Maj.Gen. Urquhart, Brigadier Lathbury and Captain Taylor, shoulder to shoulder were on reconnaissance. Cleminson joined them. Lathbury was wounded and Urquhart, Taylor and Cleminson tried to rejoin their own tro o ps, but this was impossible as the Germans appeared to occupy the wh ole district. Eventually, the three officers had to spend more than half a day in hiding, in the loft of the house at Zwarte Weg 14, a story that, amongst others, appeared in the film ‘A Bridge too Far’. Finally, Cleminson got back to Oosterbeek, where he and his men formed part of the fi ghting around the Old Church in the Benedendorp. For his brave actions in those days, he was later no ­ minated for the Military Cross. At the end of the battle he was wounded and was taken to the Regimental Aid Post in the home of Kate ter Horst. There he was taken prisoner. James Cleminson was for many years active in the Airborne Forces Security Fund and in the Arnhem Veterans Club. Also he regularly joined the battlefield tours organised by the British Staff College.
[ Robert Voskuil)

On 19 September 2014, on the Hartenstein Park, behind the Airborne Museum, a tree was planted in the memory of Sir James Cleminson KBE. MC /1921-2010/. The unveiling of the attached monument, was performed by his son, Mr Stacey Cleminson. On the plaque by the tree stands the following text written by Col. John Waddy:

On 17 September 1944, Lieutenant Cleminson with his platoon of J•d Parachute Battalion, captured the Hartenstein Hotel, then part of the German Headquarters in Holland. His soldiers then started to eat the lunch laid out for the enemy staff officers until they were ordered to continue their march to Arnhem · {Photo: Robert Voskuil]


Friday 20 February: Social evening in the Air borne Museum. Arrival 19. 00hr. The programme wi ll be found on the WAM website .
Saturday afternoon 21 March: Battlefield Tour. Day tour, walk, liberation northern part of the City of Groningen with inc luded a visit to the Gronings War Museum . Cost: €27 .50. The tour is in conjunction with ‘Battlefield Tours, Groningen· and ‘ Documentation Group 40-45′.
13 – 17 May: Battlefield Tour Normandy.
Saturday afternoon 30 May: Walking tour over a section of the batt lefield Oosterbeek/Arnhem.
30 and 31 May: Weekend of the War Book· around and in the Airborne Museum Hartenstein in Oosterbeek. Saturday 30 May: Book sale of second-hand books, involving WW2.
Location: the Airborne Museum, Hartenstein. Opening: 09 .30hr.
Sunday 31 May: Activities in the Museum around the theme War book’.
26 – 28 June: ‘British Weekend’ in Ooster beek for UK members of the SFAM
Saturday 12 September: Battlefield Tour ‘Traces of the Battle of Arnhem· . D ay tour with a bus over the battlefield at Arnhem/Oosterbeek and surroundings.
1- 4 October: Battlefield tour ‘Battle in the Ardennes·
Saturday 14 November: Lecture in the Concert Hall in Oosterbeek- Laag – Subject content will be released later.
Further details and supplements to the programme will be released as soon as possible via the website or via the Airborne Magazine.
See: www.vriendenairbornemuseum.nl


The Airborne Magazine is a publication of the  Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum Oosterbeek [SFAM) and appears three times per year. The objective is to promote the Uniform of General Sosabowski Airborne Museum, the SFAM and the history in the Airborne Museum – Robert Voskuil

Editors: Drs. Robert P.G.A. Voskuil, Wybo Boersma MBE, Tessa Janssen (Marketing Sales Airborne Museum),Marieke Helsen, Curator of the Airborne Museum.
Archiving and distribution of back numbers of the magazine: Wybo Boersma, Ede, w.boersma@wxs.nl
Translation: Peter Burton, London, UK
Design: Michal Kuscielek Artefakt Design, Nuenen
Print: Wedding Proson, Harderwijk
E-mail address SFAM: info@vriendenairbornemuseum.nl, Telephone: 0318 639633
Postal address: SFAM, lvar Goedings,
P.O. Box. 8047, 6710 AA, Ede,
The Netherlands
Especially for members of the SFAM: A maroon coloured T-shirt with the logo of the Airborne Museum for only €10!


Download the magazine in pdf format

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