
Nieuw boek: The Last Para

Pre-order the final firsthand account of the battle at Arnhem Bridge from former paratrooper John Humphreys, and bestselling author Stuart Tootal

‘The last of the legends. A gripping, visceral and immensely moving read. Courage beyond measure, coupled with humility to act as a lesson to us all. No more fitting tribute – we remember them.’ DAMIEN LEWIS
A powerful and authentic account of one soldier’s war from Tobruk to Arnhem and all points in between.

John Humphreys was just a boy soldier in the Royal Engineers when war was declared in 1939. By the war’s end he had jumped into Arnhem with the Parachute Regiment to spearhead the attack on the bridge. For days Humphreys and the rest of his squad held on, outnumbered and outgunned by the German army fighting to the last bullet, and refusing to surrender.

But the Bridge Too Far is only the climax of Humphreys’ remarkable war. Twice captured as a prisoner of war, he twice escaped from the enemy to make his way back to Allied lines in order to rejoin the fight.

Aged 101, Humphreys began to pen his extraordinary story, with the help of bestselling author and former paratrooper Stuart Tootal. The Last Para is Humphrey’s parting gift, and the final time we will read an account from soldier of our Greatest Generation bearing witness to the heroism and sacrifice of this legendary action – told with incredible honesty and irrepressible spirit.




  • Imprint: Michael Joseph
  • Published: 29/08/2024
  • ISBN: 9780241686324
  • Length: 400 pages
  • Price: £20.00
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