Please see below a joint statement issued by the Trustees of the Arnhem 1944 Fellowship and the Board of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum.

The representatives of the Society of Friends of the Airborne Museum and the Arnhem 1944 Fellowship have agreed to build a closer working relationship for the future to further our overlapping purposes of ensuring Lees meer

Op zaterdag 27 augustus organiseert de Vereniging Vrienden van het Airborne Museum een Battlefieldtour met als thema ’30 Corps breakout’. Voor Lees meer

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Jaarverslag 2021



Dear Members,

I regret to inform you of the passing of Lieutenant Kazimierz Szmid of the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade on 28th May 2022, aged 97.

Kazimierz fought at Arnhem with the 1st Battalion of the Brigade.

Thank you to his son Andrzej for keeping us informed.

In the early hours of this morning my lovely, caring father Lieutenant Kazimierz Szmid passed away aged 97. He was arrested as a 15 year old along with his family and deported to a forced labour camp in Siberia in 1940. After Germany attacked the USSR the Poles were freed and started to form their own army. He lied about his age and joined the 5th Polish Division with whom he left Russia for Persia. In 1943 he was transferred to the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade in Scotland. With them he took part in the Battle of Arnhem. After spending two years on Occupation Duties in Germany, he joined the Polish Resettlement Corps. Due to the Soviet Union annexing the area of his birth he chose to stay in the U.K. and worked all his life in Manchester. He passed away in a care home in Huddersfield, where he made his final jump!

We will have a full obituary in our next newsletter.

Our thoughts are with his family.

May he Rest In Peace.

(Arnhem Fellowship)


Bericht uit de Gelderlander uit 2021 :

Op de ALV van 23 april 2022 zijn nieuwe statuten voor de VVAM voorgesteld en besproken met de daar aanwezige leden. Lees meer

De tweede serie UK Newsletters van 1980 tot en met 1988 is online gepubliceerd. Dhr v.d. Hoef heeft de volgende serie van nummer 31 t/m 80 gedigitaliseerd. Lees meer

Zaterdag 23 april vindt de 44ste Algemene Ledenvergadering van de VVAM plaats in het Airborne Museum vanaf 10.30, met daarna een lezing in de middag. Hieronder een paar mededelingen van praktische en formele aard. Lees meer

Gen Sir Brian Horrocks died in 1985 but, for reasons unknown, his ashes remained with the undertaker in Chichester.  Lees meer

De perimeter is nu een idyllische wandelroute rondom Oosterbeek, maar tijdens de Slag om Arnhem was het een zwaarbevochten verdedigingslinie. Lees meer

De Battle Marker is terug

Op 13 mei opent het Museum Arnhem haar deuren voor publiek. De Battle Marker is dan ook weer toegankelijk Lees meer