Utrechtseweg 232,6862 AZ Oosterbeek,the Netherlands
Representative in Great BritiancMr.F.Young, 6,Kildown Gardens,Cliftonville,Kent CT9 3EG
NEWSLETTER No 36 Editor:Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil
OCTOBER 1989 Translation:Mrs.A.Meeuwsen

From the Editor.
This year again thousands of people,among whom were hundreds of veterans,attended the commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem.The service of remembrance in the Airborne Cemetery at Oosterbeek,was,as always,the most impressive and moving high point of the week.
Although the programme was more or less similar to that of other years,there were also some special meetings,like the one at Driel where the monument to the Royal Engineers and the Royal Canadian Engineers was unveiled.
In order to give those members who could not be impression of the various events.we have decided,like we did in 1984,to include with this News- letter a photo coverage of the various meetings.Because of the special character of this’45th commemoration,and also on the occasion of the forthcoming lOth anniversary of our Society,the photo’s will this time be in colour. All photo’s were taken by our own photographer, Reus.
Our series of Mini-stories will be continued in our next Newsletter.

Special-Subject Afternoon on Saturday,November 25th.
A special-subject afternoon will again be held for our members on Saturday, November 25th,1989.We will meet in the ELEKTRUM at Arnhem,where we will be welcome guests for the fifth year.
The programme will be as follows:
13.30- 14.00 hrs : arrival of the members
14.00-15.00 hrs : Lecture by Mr.G.H.Maassen from Oosterbeek on the röle played by the First Independent Polish Parachutist Brigade during the Battle of Arnhem. Mr.Maassen,who is the archivist of Renkum Municipality,has for many years made a special study of this subject.His lecture will be illustrated by colour – slides,most of which have not been shown before.
This lecture coincides with the forthcoming publication of the book “De Polen van Driel” by the American author George Cholwczynsky,which describes the experiences of the Polish parachutists at Driel.Mr.Maassen will give more Information about this book.
15.00-15.30 hrs : tea-break.
15.30- 16.00 hrs : continuation of lecture by Mr.Maassen.
16.00-16.45 hrs : showing of the new video-documentary “Forever in our Memory” (More Information about this film further on in this Newsletter).This film will be for sale during the tea-break and af ter tha showing.
The ELEKTRUM is situated at the Klingelbeekseweg in Arnhem,a small distance West of the road junction Onderlangs/Bovenover. Telephone number 085-568020.

Mrs.Pamela Urquharc donates the personal pennanc belonging co her late husband to the chairroan of the Board of Trustees of the Airborne Museum, Drs.J.W.A.M.Ver 1 inden (photo: Reus).

Donation to the Museum of General Urquhart’s personal pennant.
During a special meeting in the Museum on September 15th, Mrs.Pamela Urquhart handed over to the Museum the personal pennant belonging to her late husband, General R.E.Urquhart. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Airborne Museum,Drs.J.W.A.M.Verlinden.accepted the pennant on behalf of the Museum.
This pennant,fastened to a lance.stood for a large period of the duration of the Battle at the back of the then Divisional Headquarters.Hartenstein House. One of the most published photographs of General Urquhart of that time shows him at the back of Hartenstein House,the pennant beside him. ,
Just before the Division’s evacuation across the Rhine,General Urquhart s batman, Corporal Hancock, hid the pennant inside his battle blouse.After his arrival at NijmegenjCorporal Hancock returned the pennant to General Urquhart,who was very pleased and surprised as he thought that it had been left behind.
Afterwards,this maroon pennant with the blue Pegasus,was framed behind glass and hung on the wall in the Urquhart family home in Scotland.Now.after 45 has returned to Hartenstein,where it will be given a place of honour.

Two new life-members.
Two more persons have applied for a life-membership: Mr.Izak de Vries from Haifa, Israël, and Mr.Eric Seal from England.

Important gifts.
During the past commemoration week, our Society has received several important gifts of money.
Mr.James Swanston donated ƒ 1100,-,on behalf of the 7th (Galloway) Battalion, The King’s Own Scottish Borderers. This Battalion also donated a chair to the Museum.
Mr.J.R.Roberts donated F 350,- on behalf of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical— Engineers (REME).
The Thanet Branch ircn England donated £ 25. for the schools project,and a member of the Thanet Branch donated the same sum for this project.
The Society is very grateful to these givers for their great generosity.

New souvenirs for sale.
During the past month,several new articles have been purchased.Mr.Ch.van Roekel, who is responsible for the buying and selling of souvenirs,together with Mrs.M. de Langen and Ruyter.has compiled a special information leaflet which you will find with this Newsletter.
Memorial Booklet.
During the reception on September 22nd on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Airborne Museum and the Society for Geography and History of Renkum Municipality, a memorial booklet was presented, called “In Heerlijckheit en Hoofd¬kwartier 1949-1989”. (For more information about this booklet,see Newsletters No 33 and No 35.)
This booklet,which is only in the Dutch language.was written by Messrs Dr H J Leloux and W.J.M.Duyts.It contains about 45 photographs,most of which daté from the period that the Airborne Museum was still housed in a wooden shed and afterwards in part of the stables of Doorwerth Castle.
This booklet can be bought at the Museum and costs F. 10,-.
Polish Badges of Honour.
Among those who received the Polish Badge of Honour from this year’s leader of the Polish Pilgrims.Mr.Gasowski.were two members of the staff of the Museum- the director.Mr.C.Wilhelm and the Reus.
The Polish Government conferred a high Polish order on our member Mrs. C. Baltussen

Mrs.Pamela Urquharc donates the personal pennanc belonging co her late husband to the chairroan of the Board of Trustees of the Airborne Museum, Drs.J.W.A.M.Ver 1 inden (photo: Reus).

Donation of set of medals.
While visiting Oosterbeek on the occasion of the commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem,Mr.Eric Seal from England has donated his medals to the Airborne Museum. During the Battle,Mr.Seal belonged to the First Para Battalion.
This set will also be given a place in the special show-case in the Museum.
Unveiling of the Engineers Monument.
This unveiling took place in the afternoon of Friday.September 15th. The monument is dedicated to the Royal Engineers and the Royal Canadian Engineers. The 260 and 553 Field Company RE and the 20 and 23 Field Company RCE were responsible for the evacuation across the river Rhine of the survivors of the First British Airborne Division.This evacuation,which took place in the night of September 25th/26th,1944,was executed under heavy German artillery-fire.
The idea to erect this monument was born after a lecture on the subject by Mr.H.Duinhoven in November 1988. (Information about the ensuing activities can be found in Newsletter No. 34.)
The monument was designed by our member.Mr.H.van de Brand. It was unvelled by Colonel a young corporal of the King’s Own Scottish Borderers, was himself evacuated across the Rhine by the Engineers in September 1944.
New Commemoration envelope.
In the series of commemoration envelopes,the twelfth was issued by the Museum last September. This time it shows an enlarged picture of the commemoration medal which was presented to all veterans during their visit to Arnhem and 0os~ terbeek. The envelopes are numbered and provided with a special postmark,dated September 17th,1989. The price is ƒ 5,-.

“Forever in our Memory”, a gripping documentary.
On September 7th of this year.the first showing took place of the video film “Blijvend in Herinnering”. This documentary aims to give an answer to the question why we keep on remembering the Battle of Arnhem till to day.
The village of Oosterbeek,the place where the British troops kept on fighting till the last minute.plays the central part in this story.
In the first part of the film we hear the stories of a number of veterans and civilians about their experiences during the Battle. One of them is sergeant Gordon Walker,a camera man who filmed the actions of the British air landing troops.He tells his story with the help of fragments of his own films.
Other participants are General Urquhart, Father Dijken,who worked in the Tafel¬berg field hospital,and Mr.Bal,who watched at close range the landings of the gliders and the parachutists. Their stories are also illustrated by unique professional and amateur film fragments.
The second part of the film describes the origin of the commemorations directly after the war. The then acting burgomaster of Renkum Municipality,Mr. J.ter Horst,took the initiative,together with General Urquhart,to organize a remembrance service in the Airborne Cemetery at Oosterbeek. We are shown pictures of that first service and of the laying of the foundation stone for the Airborne Monument.
Inhabitants of Oosterbeek who,as a schoolchild,were the first to lay flowers on the graves during the commemoration service,teil their story:Mrs. Jongh- Langevoort and Messrs. H.Kardol and J.Hartgers.
The film ends with pictures of subsequent commemorations.
The duration of this film is 40 minutes,there is also an English version,titled: “Forever in our Memory”. It can be obtained from the Museum and from Bal Video Produktie,Rozensteeg 1, 6862 DH,Oosterbeek, tel. 085-340719.
The price is ƒ 55,-. Apart from the VHS-system ,there are also other systems in supply.
Second photo book about”Arnhem in 1945 “.
In April 1985,a book was published called “Arnhem voorjaar 1945,Wandelen door een verlaten stad” (“Arnhem^pring 1945,walking through a deserted city”.) This book,illustrated with photo’s by the Arnhem photographer Nico Kramer,gives an impression of Arnhem as it looked in 1945.The interest in this book was so large that the compilers,Wim Verhoef and Paul Vroemen,decided that a second book was called for. The first book contained about 200 photo’s, but Nico Kramer had taken more than 800 pictures in 1945. It was therefore not difficult to make a choice for a second book.
This second book has now appeared.One cannot but be impressed by the way Kramer managed to picture so sharply and clearly the enormous devastation and scenes of desolation which made up Arnhem in that time.
Kramer systematically photographed streets and houses in every part of the town. Much of what he photographed can no longer be recognized as buildings have taken the place of the ruined ones.Many other houses,however,could be restored.and are still recognisable.
The compilers have given each photo a short note and indication of its place, so it is very well possible to walk through the town with the book as one’s guide and see for oneself how the town has risen again from its ruins.
The book also contains a Street plan.
Part of Nico Kramer’s diary has been incorporated with the text which is both in Dutch and in English.The same applies to the notes with the photo’s.
The book costs ƒ 49,50 and is obtainable from booksellers in Arnhem and from Kramer’s photoshop,Looyerstraat,also in Arnhem

Bijiage bij Nieuwsbrief No. 36.
Appendix to Newsletter No. 36.
1944 – 1989

Zondag 17 september. Als speciale gasten waren dit jaar op de Airborne Begraafplaats aanwezig HKH Prinses Margriet en haar echtgenoot de heer Pieter van Vollenhoven. Rechts: Generaal Frost, leider van de Pilgrimage.
Sunday 17 September. Special guests at the Airborne Cemetery this year were HRH Princess Margriet and her husband Mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven.
On the right: Major-General Frost, the leader of the Pilgrimage.

Schoolkinderen leggen tijdens de herdenkingsdienst bloemen op de graven van de gesneuvelden.
Schoolchildren laying flowers on the graves.


The Reverend E.L. Philips tijdens zijn preek voor de duizenden aanwezigen op de Airborne Begraafplaats. Links Pastor A. Wissink en dominee H.J. Ponsteen.
The Reverend E.L. Philips during his sermon to the thousands present at the Airborne Cemetery. On the left Pastor A. Wissink and the Reverend H.J. Ponsteen.

Donderdag 14 september. Veteraan Ray Duke (in rolstoel) en mevrouw Hanny Berendsen van de stichting “Lest We Forget” leggen bloemen bij de plaquette in de muur van de Koning Willem III kazerne in Apeldoorn, waar na de Slag om Arnhem veel Britse en Poolse gewonden werden verpleegd. Thursday 14 September. Veteran Ray Duke (in wheelchair) and Mrs. Hanny Berendsen of the Lest We Forget Foundation laying flowers at the plaquette on the Wall of the Koning Willem III barracks where many British and Polish wounded were nursed after the battle.

Zaterdag 16 september. Drie veteranen salueren nadat zij een krans hebben gelegd bij het monument bij de Rijnbrug in Arnhem. Saturday 16 September. Three veterans saluting after having laid a wreath at the monument at the John Frost Bridge at Arnhem.

Zaterdag 16 september. Generaal Frost legt een krans bij het monument voor de Eerste Onafhankelijke Poolse Parachutisten Brigade in Driel. Saturday 16 September. Major General Frost laying a wreath at the monument for the First Independent Polish Parachute Brigade at Driel.

Vrijdag 15 september. Onthulling van het monument voor de Royal Engineers en de Royal Canadian Engineers op de Rijndijk in Driel. Friday 15 September. Unveiling of the monument for the Royal Engineers and the Royal Canadian Engineers on the Rhine dyke at Driel.

Zondag 17 september. Oude legervoertuigen van de vereniging “Keep Them Rolling” rijden in een lange kolonne Oosterbeek binnen. Sunday 17 September. Old army vehicles of the “Keep Them Rolling” club entering Oosterbeek in a long column. Foto’s/Photographs: B. de Reus, Airborne Museum, Oosterbeek.


Foto’s/Photographs: B. de Reus, Airborne Museum, Oosterbeek.

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Utrechtseweg 232,6862 AZ OOSTERBEEK, The Netherlands
Representative in Great Brtitain:Mr.F.Young, 6,Kildown Gardens, Cliftonville, Kent CT9 3EG
NEUSLETTER No 35 Editor:Drs.R.P.G.A.Voskuil
JULY 1989 . Translation.’Mrs.A.Meeuwsen

With this newsletter you will find,as usual, the programme for the yearly commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem in September. This year’s programme shows some changes,especially on Saturday.September 16th.
Major-General J.D.Frost MC,DSO,will be the leader of this year’s Pilgrimage.He was Commander of the 2nd Parachute Battalion in September 1944.
This year marks the 45th anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem.Because of this, an extra large number of pilgrims is expected.Added to this.there will be a large number of veterans who will be returning to Arnhem and Oosterbeek for the first time since 1944.
We are happy to be able to announce that the Health Insurance Company “Het Zilveren Kruis”,after consultation with our member Mr.C.van Roekel.has again offered to fund the travel expenses for ten disabled veterans to come and attend the commemoration.
Second excursion to the Betuwe.
After Consulting the two leaders of the excursion,Messrs.Margry and Maassen, the date for this second excursion has been fixed for Saturday,September 30th. As there were more than one hundred applicants for the first excursion,this second excursion is already fully booked and no new applicants can be accepted. The programme for this second excursion will be the same as for the first one, see Newsletter No.34.
At the request of a number of our members.application for further excursions will also be possible by payment via a bank.instead of only by giro. We also plan to inform applicants by letter whether they have been booked for a first, or for a second excursion.
Two 40th Anniversaries.
This year sees the 40th anniversary of both the Airborne Museum and the Society for Geography and History of Renkum Municipality.The boards of trustees of the two institutions will hold a joint reception on September 22nd, 1989, in the “De Zalmen” tea-room of Doorwerth Castle.
At the same time a joint booklet will be published which describes both the growth of the Society and the start and development of the Airborne Museum. The booklet contains about 45 photographs and will be published in a limited edition. It will cost ƒ 10,-.
Exhibition “The Netherlands Resistance and the Battle of Arnhem.”
On Friday,April 25th,this exhibition was officially opened by Mr.Piet Nieuw- straten. Mr.Nieuwstraten is an ex – resistance fighter and is now chairman

Mr.Nieuwstraten opens the exhibition about the Resistance by means of pressing the button of an old radio transmitter-receiver. ( Reus.)

of the Committee which handles the Information about the work of the Resistance,especially with an eye to the young Dutch people.
Among those present were the mayors of Arnhem and Renkum,the Polish miliary attaché,It-colonel Bohdan Sienkiewicz.and several representatives of the local resistance-groups of the war-years.
In his speech,Mr.Nieuwstraten called the Airborne Museum a window to history. At this moment there are still eye-witnesses among us who can teil the story of those terrible times, but the time will come that they are no longer here to do so and that is why the Museum plays an important part to keep the story alive.
The Resistance Movement has done much valuable and also dangerous work.Many members did pay for it with their lives. Their efforts and their offers must never be forgotten.
The exhibition has attracted many visitors.
In memoriam Lieutenant-Colonel S.C.A.N.Bishop QBE.
Lt-Colonel Bishop died quite unexpectedly in his home in Camberley on June 8th. He was 68. For 13 years he was Controller of the Airborne Forces Security Fund at Aldershot.and as such he was responsible for the organisation of the yearly remembrance service in the Airborne Cemetery at Oosterbeek He was assisted in this task by Mr. J.Rudolphie.
In 1941 Lt-Colonel Bishop fought with the East Surrey Regiment in the Peninsula against the Japanese After the fall of Singapore,he became a prisoner-of-war and was transported to Thailand ,where he had to work on the infamous

“Railway of Death”.
After the Second World War he joined the Parachute Regiment till he left the active service an began to work for the Airborne Forces Security Fund. Three years ago he handed over the post of Controller,but he remained a trustee of the Fund.
Lieutenant-Colonel Bischop was known an an incorruptible.extremely hard working, but above all an- unpretentious is typical of his character that he wanted to be cremated privately and that he wanted people not to send flowers but to donate their money to the Airborne Forces Security that others can be helped.
Author comes to sign new book in September.
Some weeks ago a book appeared in England called “Ready for Anything,The Parachute Regiment at War 1940-1982”, by Julian Thompson.
In this book the author describes the “birth” of this Regiment in 1940 and the most important military operations in which the Regiment was involved,such as Bruneval,Northern Africa.Sicily.Normandy,Arnhem,the Ardennes.Germany (“the Rhine-crossing”),Java,Palestine,Egypt,Cyprus,Suez,Southern Arabia,Borneo, Northern Ireland and,finally,the Falklands.
About two thirds of the book is occupied by the Second World War,the chapter about the Battle of Arnhem is the longest in the book.
Julian Thompson,who served in the Falklands conflict,describes the course of the various operations in a very readable style,he analyses situations and decisions in a very clear way.He has made use of nonpublished reports and he has also interviewed many veterans.
Julian Thompson will come to Holland in September in order to attend the commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem.On Friday.September 15th and on Saturday, September 16th, he will be present in the Airborne Museum for a couple of hours to sign copies of his book which will then be for sale.
“Ready for Anything.The Parachute Regiment at War 1940-1982”, runs to 365 pages and has been illustrated by maps and photographs.The book has been published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson in London. The price in England is £ 14.95, the price in Holland is not yet known.
Request from the treasurer.
In order to prevent misunderstandings and delays,you are requested to address your questions and remarks about financial matters solely to the treasurer, Mr. R.Fennema, Benedendorpsweg 150,6862 WP.Oosterbeek. tel. 085-333406.
Re-burial of soldiers in the Airborne Cemetery.
On April 12th of this year a service took place in the Airborne Cemetery,during which four soldiers were re—buried whose bodies had been discovered in the one-time battlefield during the last two years.
One of the bodies,which could not be identified.was that of a soldier who was killed near Bergen in Limburg in February,1945.He belonged to the 52nd (Lowland) Infantry DiVision.
The other three were killed during the Battle of Arnhem One of them could not be identifiedjit is known that he belonged to the Royal Engineers.His body was found West of the Old Church in Oosterbeek.
In that same place the body was discovered of Alfred E.Johnson of the 2nd Battalion,the South Staffordshire Regiment. He had been missing since September
The body of the fourth man was found near Ginkel Heath.He was identified as William J.Allan.10th Battalion,the Parachute Regiment.He had been missing since September 18th,1944. Relatives of both soldiers Johnson and Allan had been able to come to Oosterbeek to attend the moving service wich was led by the Reverend F.Preston MBE,
a former chaplain.The tombstones will presumably be placed on the graves in the spring or summer of 1990.

Member for life from America.
We received an application to become a member for life from Mr.T.G.Terrell from Woodbridge,Virginia,USA.
Exhibition in Pieter Reijenga School.
In 1982 our member Hans van der Velden from Renkum held his first exhibition of material he had found on the former battlefields around Arnhem with the help of a metal-detector.
This year he will repeat this exhibition in the Pieter Reijenga School on Satur- day.September 16th,between 10.00 and 17.00 hrs.
The “Society of Friends of the Museum of Army Flying” in Middle Wallop.
The military Airfield of Middle Wallop lies about one hundred kilometres SW of London.on the edge of Salisbury Plain.During the Second World War it was a well known British nightfighter base. In 1957 it became the Headquarters of the new “Army Air Corps”,caused by the joining together of the Glider Pilot Regiment and the Air Observation Post Squadrons.
Now we find there the magnificent “Museum of Army Flying”. Much room and attention has been given to the history of the Glider Pilot Regiment. The exhibition contains.among other things.the fuselage of a HORSA glider,a complete WACO/HADRIAN glider and work is being done to restore part of the fuselage of an enormous HAMILCAR glider.
Since about two years there is now a “Society of Friends of the Museum of Army Flying”,which supports the Museum in various ways.
People outside Great Britain who are interested in this Museum,now also can become members of the Society.They will receive Information about the museum as well as the Society’s Newsletters. The subscription is £ 5 a year. Information can be obtained from the Membership Secretary,Mrs. V Somerton- Rayner.Thatchways, Quarley nr. Andover, Hants SP11 8QB,England. tel.: 0264-88331.
Foundation “Sympatia Poland-Holland” seeks support.
In September 1985,two members of the Committee Driel-Poland.attended the unveiling of a plaque in remembrance of the First Polish Independent Parachute Brigade.
This ceremony took place in Czestochowa in Poland. They were struck by the fact that there were many young people present.especially many members of various Polish Scouting groups.
That manifestation gave rise to the idea to promote an exchange between young Poles and young people from the Arnhem region.This resulted in the “Foundation Sympatia Poland-Holland”,the aim of which is”to continue and further the bonds of friendship between those Polish and Dutch people who feel bound together as a result of the events during the Battle of Arnhem in 1944.”
The Foundation tries to reach this aim by means of:l) bringing together representa— tives of the young people of both countries by means of mutual visits; 2)by enlarging the knowledge of each other’s country and culture; and 3) by keeping alive the interest in the history of the Battle of Arnhem and especially in the part played by the Polish troops.
However.the Foundation is still young and does not yet possess the means necessary to give the right continuity to its is true that various institutions have been asked for help.but the Foundation hopes that help will also come from many members of the public. Supporters of the Foundation will receive the News- sheet “Gazetka”,which will appear twice yearly.
If you want to help the Foundation and are prepared to donate the yearly sum of at least ƒ 15,-,please contact one of the persons listed hereunder:
Mr. A.J.M.Baltussen.Chairman.Bennekomseweg 90,
Mrs. M.E.Scholten.Secretary-treasurer, Prins Bernhardlaan 74, Bennekóm tel. 08389-19354.

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Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ OOSTERBEEK, The Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr.F.M.Young, 6,Kildown Gardens, Cliftonville, Kent CT 9 3EG
NEWSLETTER No 34 Editor:Drs. R.P.G.A.Voskuil
MAY 1989 Translation:Mrs.A.Meeuwsen

You are invited to join our yearly excursion on SATURDAY.MAY 27th. This time it will take us through the region of the Betuwe.This is the third and last excursion from the series which started with the “Brabant Corridor” in 1986 and the “Market Garden in the Rijk van Nijmegen” in 1987.
This time we will pay special attention to the breakout by the British troops from the bridge-head North of the Waal bridge at Nijmegen, their advance through the Betuwe,the air-landings of the First Polish Independent Parachutists Brigade near Driel on September 21st,1944, en the subsequent actions in this area.
The excursion will be led by Karei Margry and Geert Maassen;the organisation is in the hands of Robert Voskuil.
The provisional programme is as follows:
9.00-9.30 hrs: Assemble in the Airborne Museum:coffee will be ready!
9.30 hrs: Depart for Nijmegen by coach.From Nijmegen the following points will be visited successively:
– Old road between Nijmegen and Arnhem (Griftdijk), where the breakout of the Irish Guards did not succeed.
– Oosterhout,the actions by the 7th Somersets.
– Crossing “de Hoog” near Elst,where the 43rd Wessex Division encoun- tered the German “Kampfgruppe Knaust”,while on their way to the Poles at Driel.
– Monument 7th Hampshire Regiment on the river-dike near Driel.
12.30 – 13.30 : LUNCH at Beteren.
After lunch the programme continues with visits to:
– The landing-areas of the Polish Brigade near Driel.Attention will also be paid to the advance routes of the Poles and to the German lines behind the railway embankment.
– Place of the German counter-attack on the Poles at Driel,on September 22nd.
– Site of the Roman Catholic boys’school which was used as a hospital for the Polish Brigade during the actions.
– Headquarters of the commander of the Polish Brigade,General Sosabowski.
– Places where the Poles crossed the Rhine on September 22/23 and 23/24,in order to reinforce the British troops at Oosterbeek.
– Site where the 4th Battalion Dorsets crossed the Rhine in the night of September 24/25.
– The church hall at Driel,which was used as a hospital for the wounded civilians.
– The cemetery where the Polish soldiers were buried. their bodies were conveyed to the Airborne Cemetery
– The monument for the Polish Brigade at Driel.
16.30 hrs: Depart for Oosterbeek. 16.45 hrs: Arrival at Oosterbeek.
Members who want to take part in this excursion are requested to „
per person on giro account 4403641 /’Vereniging Vrienden Airborne Museum , mention “Excursion”. The closing date is MAY don t wait too long before you send your money!

In Memoriam Mr. Schager.
Our member Mr. Simon Dirk Schager from Zaandam, died on March 20th,1989.
In spite of his physical handicap,Mr.Schager was a faithful and interested visitor of the yearly commemoration days and of the activities of our Society. Towards the end of his life his health did not always allow him to travel to Oosterbeek,but he remained interested in our activities.
May he rest in peace.

One of the photo’s in our last ministory does not show Jan Penseel,as stated, but Klaas Schuttinga,who is also mentioned in the story.

The recently aquired flame-thrower has been given a place in one of the diorama’s in the basement of the Museum.

Exhibition:The role of the Netherlands Resistance in the Battle of Arnhem.
Preparations for this exhibition are now in full swing. The opening will take place on April 28th at 14.00 hrs in the Airborne Museum,and can be visited till May 15th.
The exhibition is divided into three parts:
1. The Resistance gets ready to render help in the liberation of the Netherlands.
One of the most important activities was carried out for instance by the “Albrecht” group.Documents have been saved which show that Information was given about German units near Arnhem.In order to supply the Resistance with weapons.there were regular droppings on the Veluwe.Material relating to these droppings is shown,together with the apparatus to keep contact with England.
Attention is also given to the question of how to maintain the Communications between the members of the Resistance. This was for instance done via special telephone lines of the Provincial Guelders Electricity Board. There is also Information about the sabotage actions undertaken by members of the Resistance.
2. Liberation drops unexpectedly from the skies.
The Resistance had not been prepared for this event.After the airlandings,the Resistance did its utmost to give aid to the troops.Members acted as guides and as orderlies. Although the British had been more or less prepared for co-operating with the Resistance,they hardly used the help offered to them.
The role played by the “Orange Battalion” is one of the aspects shown to illustrate this.
3. Help to British soldiers after the Battle of Arnhem.
British soldiers were taken to addresses where they could stay hidden.As food was very scarce.the people hiding them were given extra rations. Escapes were planned and executed. Operation “Pegasus I” was succesful.Operation “Pegasus II” did not succeed.
The exhibition will make use of the new large glass showcase which was donated to the Museum by the Society for use in the “Resistance-room”. Another donation the new video installation.will also be used.

Continuation of School-projeet.
It has been decided that this very successful project will be continued.A great number of schools in the Arnhem region has been informed and the first applications have already been received.The information-file and the photo-sheet have been re-printed.
Exhibition by Christien de Haan.
The drawings by Christien de Haan of eleven commanders of the Battle of Arnhem are now on show in the Museum.Two years ago.five of these drawings were reproduced as picture postcards.They can still be bought at the Museum,price:ƒ 5,- .
In order to step up the security of the Museum,two new television camera’s have been installed.They will guard the back of the building on a 24 hour basis. Furthermore,in order to improve the control at night,special lamps have been fitted to the outside of the building.
Lions Club book fair.
This year the Renkum Lions Club again organizes a book will take place in the hall of the Pieter Reijenga Secondary School,on June 9th and June lOth.
The proceeds will again be donated to the fund of the Foundation “Lest we Forget.” This Foundation helps to take care of travelling expenses for veterans and their relatives.
Many books are needed for this book fair, and all kinds of books are welcome.
If you want to donate books and live in the Renkum region,somebody will come and fetch them.Please ring the following telephone numbers (between 18.00 and 20.00 hrs):
J.R. Straatenmeier, 085-334136 ; G.Kalverla, 085-341255.

Monument for the Royal Engineers and the Royal Canadian Engineers.
After the lecture on “Operation Berlin” on November 26th of last year,the suggestion was raised to erect a monument to the memory of the British and Canadian Engineers. It was they who transported those many hundreds of Airborne troops across the river Rhine in the night of September 25/26,1944,thus
enabling about 2400 British and Polish soldiers to reach their own lines.
In most of the better known books and reports we find only a couple of lines about this operation:” we were ordered to go down to the Rhine in small groups … a rainy night … much enemy fire … sometimes narrowly missing German positions … at last we reached the boats .. . fortunately we reached the other side.”
Thanks to an investigation conducted by two of our members,we now know much more about the extensive preparation for this operation and we know a lot about the courage and perseverance it took to bring it to a good end. That is why many people have now decided that there should be a monument as a lasting remembrance of the courage and self-sacrifice of those British and Canadian engineers.

A Committee has now been formed,called the “Committee R.E.&R.C.E.Monument.” lts members are Messrs.J,H.Boon,H.v.d.Brand,H.A.Duinhoven and E.Wijnhoud.The address of the secretariat is:Steynweg 27,6862 DE Oosterbeek. The committee will try and obtain enough money to build the monument.Although official consent has not yet been received,we have received so many unofficial favourable reactions that we believe permission will be granted.
The site for the monument would be on the South bank of the river Rhine,along the Drielse Dijk. That’s where the operation began and where freedom was waiting. If everything goes as planned.the monument can be unveiled on September 15th,1989. As far as the financial side is concerned:we can teil you that the first gifts of money have already come in.In the near future we plan to contact the Branches of the Arnhem veterans in England.
A special giro-account has been opened for your contributions: 5937926 in the name of “Committee R.E.&R.C.E.monument,Mr .E.Wijnhoud” at Arnhem.
We do hope that you share our conviction that these men deserve a monument,and that you will help us to realize it.

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Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ OOSTERBEEK, The Netherlands
Representative in Great Britain: Mr. F.M.Young, 6,
Kildown Gardens, Cliftonville.Kent CT 9 3EG
Editor: Drs. R.P.G.A.Voskuil Translation:Mrs.A.Meeuwsen

IN MEMORIAM General R.E.Urquhart C.B..D.S.O. We were saddened by the news of the death of General R.E.Urquhart.C.B..D.S.O. on December 13th,1988.He died at the age of 87, in Port of Menteith.Scotland. In accordance with his last will he was buried privately on Saturday.December 17th. At the same time a short remembrance service was held in the Airborne Cemetery at Oosterbeek.On behalf of our Society a wreath was laid by the.chair- man.Mr.J.Smits,together with Mr.C.van Roekel. General Urquhart last visited Arnhem and Oosterbeek in September 1987.During that stay he visited the house at Zwarteweg 14,Arnhem, the place where he had to hide from the enemy for several hours. (Photo Reus)

9th General Annual Meeting.

You are invited to attend the 9th General Annual Meeting of the Society,on SATURDAY.MARCH llth,1989,in the Concerthall.Benedendorpsweg at Oosterbeek (oppo site the Old Church), telephone 085-332046). TIME : 14.00 hrs.
The AGENDA of the meeting is as follows.:

Mr.R.Fennema (treasurer) is due to retire from the committee.He is elegible for re-election.According to article 8 of the regulations,members can propose other candidates. Proposals should be sent in writing to the secretary of the Society, ten days before the day of the meeting.They must be signed by at least ten members and be accompanied by a written agreement of the proposed members,who must be of age and members of the Society.
Thirty minutes before the start of the meeting, the financial papers and the report of the Auditing Committee will be available for inspection by the members. The Financial Report 1988 and the budget 1989 will be sent to our members with the next Newsletter.
After the Annual Meeting two short video-films will be shown.The first is an impression of the walking-excursion which took place on June 18th of last year and was made by our member,Mr.Feenstra of Hilversum. The second film was made in September 1984 for the TV “Van Gewest tot Gewest” on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem.
Special-subject afternoon very well attended!
No less than 225 members of our Society attended the special-subject afternoon on Saturday.November 26th,1988,in the ELEKTRUM at Arnhem. They listened attenti- vely to Mr. Duinhoven’s lecture about “Operation Berlin” and after the interval watched the scientific documentary about the Battle of Arnhem.
Duririg the interval a surprise event took place:the presentation of a book “Oosterbeek-September 1944”.written by Mr. J.Lammerts and published by our Society. The books had arrived from the printer somewhat sooner than this was a nice opportunity for Mr.Lammerts to present his book in person at the Saturday afternoon. A large number of the members present took the opportunity to buy a copy and to have it signed by the author. About half of the edition of 50 books were sold that afternoon and some weeks af ter the books were sold out.
The second edition has now arrived,most books of this edition will be put apart for those members who have not yet been able to obtain it.A short description of the book can be found on page 3.
Flame-thrower obtained for the Museum.
For many years people have been trying to find an original flame-thrower as used by the British Airborne troops in September 1944. Thanks to efforts of Mr.C.van Roekel, the Museum now possesses a flame-thrower which is still in perfect con- dition. It will be shown in one of the diorama’s in the basement of the Museum and is a welcome addition to the Museum’s collection.
Request from the treasurer:Members who have not yet paid their subscription for 1989,are kindly requested to do so as soon as possible!

Mr. Lammercs signs the first copies of his book “Oosterbeek September 1944”.
( Reus)

“Oosterbeek-September 1944.”
In this book,which was presented during the special-subject afternoon in Novem¬ber, Mr.Lammerts describes the events he experienced in September 1944,when he was 23. He wrote it during the first months of 1945,when his memory was still fresh, in a couple of exercise-books. Now,forty~four years later, it has been printed and published by the Society. In order not to detract from the authen- ticity of the story,the original text has for the larger part been left un- changed.
The book describes the events in and around Mr.Lammerts’s home on the Paasberg in Oosterbeek, in the British Tafelberg Hotel hospital and in the Paasberg school which was used as a dressing-station.
The book gives a very detailed and penetrating description of the atmosphere of those dramatic days.In order to make things even clearer.a number of maps have been added.
The book contains 116 pages and also some photographs. It costs ƒ 15,- .
If you want to receive it by post,the costs are ƒ 20,-.It can be ordered from the Society,giro no. 4403641, mention “book Oosterbeek”.
Annual Report 1988.
In spite of the fact that 24 members had to be expelled from the Society because of non-payment of their subscription,the number of members of the Society did increase to 937.compared to 866 at the end of 1987.
Sadly.five members died in 1988:our Honorary Member General R.E.Urquhart and our members J.H.Cobussen.E.J.A.Geurs,J.Fox and J.Holcombe.

Four Newsletters were published in 1988. The special-subject days were very well attended. The sale of articles and souvenirs went very well.both in the Museum shop and during outside occasions.A considerable sum could be handed over to BLESMA.
The English translation appeared of “The Tommies are Coming , and Mr.Lammerts s book “Oosterbeek-September 1944” was published in December.
The “Chair-project” was rounded off very succesfully in 1988.
Furthermore,our Society organized the renovation of the SHERMAN—tank and assisted in obtaining a complete set of the “PEGASUS JOURNAL”.
The Society also offered assistance regarding the visit of ten handicapped veterans, by courtesy of the “Zilveren Kruis ” Health Insurance Company.

Donations to the Museum consisted,among other things,of a modern typewriter and a projector for the audiovisual presentation. (M. de Langen)
Donation of set of RAF medals.
In September 1944,Flying Officer Douglas H.Over was an RAF pilot with No.74 Squadron. During the Battle of Arnhem he was engaged in several missions over the battlefield. After the Battle he continued to fly “fighter sweeps” in the area.
On December llth,1944,his Spitfire was shot down West of the Apeldoornseweg. Douglas Over did not survive the crash.
On December llth,1988,exactly 44 years later,his sister and brother visited Oosterbeek and the Museum in order to donate their brother’s set of medals to the Museum. The set contains the 39-45 Star,the France and Germany Star,the Defence Medal and the War Medal 39-45.Flying Officer Douglas Over was also “Mentioned in Despatches.” His is the first set of medals belonging to an RAF pilot which the Museum has received.
Exhibition about the Resistance Movement.
The Board of the Museum is planning to organize an exhibition about the role played by the Netherlands Resistance Movement during the Battle of Arnhem.Plans are for this exhibition to take place in May of this year.
As the Museum does not possess much Information about this subject,it asks the assistance of those who possess material about the role of the Resistance Move¬ment in September 1944. So,if you still have articles,photographs,maps,etc. relating to this subject,please contact the Museum. General information about this period is also very welcome.
Memorial booklet 40th Anniversary Museum.
This year sees the 40th anniversary of both the Airborne Museum and the Society for Geography and History of Renkum Municipality. Till 1978, the Airborne Museum was part of the latter Society,but when the Museum moved to Hartenstein House, it got its own Board of Trustees.
There are plans to celebrate these anniversaries by publishing a joint booklet. Still needed are old photographs and press-cuttings,especially about the first Airborne Museum which was situated in a small wooden hut in the inner court-yard of Doorwerth Castle.
When you do possess this kind of material and are willing to lend it for a short time to the compilers of the booklet,please contact Mr.G.H.Maassen.archivist of Renkum Municipality,tel. 085-348111 (daytime) or 085-337515 (evening).You can also contact the Museum.
New texts for the photo’s in the Museum.
During the winter months a large part of the captions with the photo’s in the Museum will be renewed. All additions and corrections which have been received over the last years,will be incorporated.

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Utrechtseweg 232, 6862 AZ Oosterbeek, the Netherlands.
Representative in Great Britain: Mr. F.M.Young,
9,Buckhurst Drive, Ciiftonville,Kent CT9 3HT

Special-subject afternoon on Saturday,November 26th,1988
There will be another special-subject afternoon for our members on Saturday, November 26th.We will meet at the ELEKTRUM in Arnhem,where we will be welcome guests for the fourth year.
The programme will be as follows:
13.30 – 14.00 hrs : arrival of the members.
14.00 – 15.00 hrs : Lecture by Mr.Duinhoven of Oosterbeek.

Attentive listeners during the commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem in Driel. From left to right: Major-General A.J.Deane-Drummond,leader of the Pilgrimage, and Messrs. R.Gasowski and J. Lorys.representatives of the Polish Airborne Forces Association. ( Reus.)

The subject of Mr.Duinhoven’s lecture will be “Operation Berlin” , the retreat of the remainder of the First British Airborne Division across the Rhine in the night of September 25th~26th,1944. Together with Mr.R.Gerritsen of Duiven,Mr.Duinho¬ven has for some time now been gathering information about this retreat.
Much attention will be paid to the role of the British and Canadian engineering units which,with the help of their boats.managed to evavuate almost 2400 men of the Division to the other side of the river.
The lecture is illustrated by colour-slides.

15.00 – 15.30 hrs.:tea-break.The book-service will be present with a large selection of books.
15.30 – 16.00 hrs.continuation of lecture by Mr.Duinhoven,who will be happy to answer any questions.
16.00 – 16.30 hrs.:Showing of a film about the Battle of Arnhem.This film.which was made in 1967 by the Association for Film and Science,Utrecht, tries to give a picture of the aim and the course of the operation.The makers have used original films together with supplementary material and maps showing the movements of the troops.
16.30 hrs: end of afternoon.

The ELEKTRUM is situated at Klingelbeekseweg in Arnhem,a small distance West of the road junction Onderlangs/Bovenover.Telephone number: 085-568020.

Information from the treasurer (for Dutch members only).
Enclosed with this Newsletter you will find the giro-cheque for your subscription for 1989. The amount is ƒ 20,- for a normal membership,/ 30,- for a family. Members whose subscription will have reached the treasurer before November 26th, and who attend the special-subject afternoon,can receive their membershipcard during that afternoon.

Gifts for BLESMA.
In 1985 we started an action to collect money for BLESMA,the organisation which helps handicapped veterans.From the beginning this action has been a succes and we still receive gifts which are regularly sent to BLESMA in England by our treasurer.
On behalf of BLESMA,the Society wants to thank everyone who has till now taken part in this action.Gifts will continue to be very welcome!
Commemorative envelope 1988.

On the occasion of the commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem,the Trustees of the Museum have again issued a commemorative envelope.This year it is dedicated to the role played by the “Royal Corps of Signals” during the Battle of Arnhem. This choice was made because of the fact that the Pilgrimage this year was lead by Major-General A.J.Deane-Drummond,C.B.,D.S.0.,M.C.,who,in September 1944 was second-in-command,Ist Airborne Divisional Signals.
All envelopes have been numbered and provided with a special postmark dated September 17th,1988. The envelope is sold by the Museum and costs ƒ 5^- Donation of newspapers.
One of our members,Mr.F.Vleeshouwer of Arnhem,has donated to the Museum a series ofresistance pamphlets and newspapers dating from 1944 and 1945 These oaners will be given a place in the archives of the Museum. ‘ P

The “Chair-Project.” All chairs have now been donated.Gifts are still welcome for the table More Information will be given in the next Newsletter.

Ex AFPU camera-man Gordon Walker talks about his experiences during the Battle of Arnhem in front of the video-camera of Bal Video Productions.
( Reus.)

Film maker “Jock” Walker returned to Oosterbeek.
On September 19th, Mr.Gordon Walker,the 72-year-old veteran,returned to Ooster¬beek as a guest of the Airborne had been planned that he would be present to attend the festivities around the tenth anniversary of the Arborne Museum in Hartenstein House on May llth.Because of the strike of the British Ferries,he sadly had to cancel that visit.
In September 1944, “Jock” Walker was one of the three camera-men of the Army Film and Photo Unit (AFPU),who recorded the landings and subsequent battle on films and in pictures.The films he then took with his heavy Bell & Howell camera he delivered to the Ministry of Information as soon as he returned to England. Afterwards he never had the opportunity to see the results himself.
Now.after 44 years, Mr.Walker did see those films in the Museum.Then followed a tour through the former battle-fields,visiting several places where he had been filming all those years ago,and recounting his own personal experiences.
All this was taken on video-film by Joop Bal of”Bal Video Productions”, to be incorporated in a documentary about the Battle of Arnhem.

Special gift.
During the last Airborne Commemoration,Mr.T.J.Phillips from Aberdare donated to the Museum an original military watch (still in working order!),a small box containing a morphine syringe, and two name-tapes of the RAMC.the Royal Army Medical Corps. In September 1944 Mr.Phillips served with the 181 Airlanding Field Ambulance in the Schoonoord and Tafelberg Hotels,which had been converted into fieldhospitals.

Museum receives two sets of medals.
The Airborne Museum has received two sets of medals,belonging to Mr.George Reynold and Mr. Eric Allport. Both served with the Ist Parachute Regiment in 1944. Mr.Eric Allport’s set was donated to the Museum by his widow and handed over by Mr.Piet Kort,who for many years acted as host to Mr. and Mrs.Allport during the Commemorations.
Both sets will be displayed in the special show-case in the Museum,together with the photographs of the bearers.
Mr.Izak de Vries donates his medal to the Museum.
Ministory XVII (Newsletter no.28) relates the story of Izak (Piet) de Vries,the only Dutchman who took part in ” Operation Berlin” in the night of September 25th- 26th,1944. In 1948, Vries received the British “King’s Medal for Courage in the Cause of Freedom”,for his help to the British troops in 1944.
Now ,40 years later, Mr. de Vries has donated this special medal to the Museum, where it will be displayed in the medals show-case.

“Airborne Pilgrimage Guide”.
The first copy of the new Airborne Pilgrimage Guide was presented to the Bruijne,the Queen’s Commissioner for the Province of Gelderland, in the Airborne Museum on September 5th,1988.
This guide has been compiled for Arnhem veterans and their host-families. It offers a well-ordered survey of all commemoration activities in the months of September and is a loose-leaf system, containing separate leaves for each part of the programme,giving Information in Dutch and English,together with a detailed map and a photograph.Apart from this,the guide gives general Information. During the last Pilgrimage,the Guide was presented to the veterans.Other people could buy the guide. So many people were interested in it that there is only a small number left of the 1.000 guides which were printed. These can be bought for ƒ 2,50 at the Museum.

New book about Operation Market Garden.
A new book appeared in the beginning of September, called “Corridor naar de Rijn” (Corridor to the Rhine), written by the journalist Hen Bollen. It contains a survey of the entire operation but the author also takes up several aspects of the battle which have been less worked out in former books.Amongst other things he uses German reports which have not been produced before,together with inter- vieuws with civilians who lived through the battle in the corridor.
The book contains 260 pages and has been illustrated by many photographs and maps. It is published by TERRA in Zutphen and costs ” 37,50. There is only a Dutch edition available.

Polish Para Brigade.
We can now inform you that the book about the Ist Polish Parachute Brigade will appear in September 1989.Last September,the author again visited England and Holland in order to gather Information and to interview veterans.
It is still not known whether there will be a Dutch edition of the book, the Publisher still needs more Information about potential Dutch buyers.If you are interested,please contact Mr.G.H.Maassen Jr.,tel. 085-337515.

Revolver of Netherlands Commando.
Sergeant Luitwieler was one of the Dutch commando’s belonging to No.10 Inter- allied Commando,which took part in Operation Market Garden.He never’reached the battle-zone.however,as his glider crashed in Zeeland.Via Lt-Colonel Frankevyle the Museum has now received the Smith & Wesson revolver which belonged to Sergeant Luitwieler.

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