Nieuw boek: A glider pilot at the bridge

Born and raised in Birkenhead, Edwin “Ted” Healey joined the 5th Battalion, The King’s Liverpool Regiment on 17th January, 1940. After serving for over 3½ years with “The King’s”, he volunteered to become a glider pilot in September 1943 and qualified as first pilot on 1st November, 1943.

Sunday, 17th September, 1944, Staff Sergeant Edwin “Ted” Healey and his co-pilot Sergeant Arthur Rigby took off on the 1st lift with Horsa CN-343 and landed on LZ “X” near Wolfheze and joined the men of the 2nd Parachute Battalion.

Ted, together with 15 other glider pilots, made it to the Arnhem Bridge. He was captured after 4 days of heavy fighting and spent the rest of the war as a POW.

During his time as a POW, he began writing his memoirs about the battle and life as a POW in two small notebooks hoping to get it published one day.

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